jeudi 19 janvier 2017

Every Single Person Can Relate to This Boy's Struggle Over Flushing His Dead Fish

BREAKING NEWS: The fish named "Cupid" is gone. He lasted nearly a month. Tonight, Pierce gives an emotional send off, down the drain, to his friend with fins. 🐟 😢😂#BetaFishCouldntHandleAlphaBoy

Posted by Dee Griffin on Saturday, January 14, 2017

Dee Griffin, like many a mom before her, had to break the news to her child that his dead pet fish would need to be flushed down the toilet to his afterlife. The hilarious mom videoed the fish funeral, and her savage commentary throughout the whole ordeal - while her son, Pierce, cries over his lost friend, Cupid - is going to make you cry laughing.

"So we're about to flush him - any last words?" she asks in the video. As Pierce bawls Cupid's name over and over and tries to deal with his emotions, he holds the cup with Cupid inside and says desperately, "I see him moving," only to be shot down immediately by Dee, who responds: "No, you don't. Just pour him in."

The heartbreaking yet hysterical video, which was posted after the emotional sendoff, has already gotten over 60,000 views in under a week. Although Cupid has met his maker, his short fish life - and Dee's response to his death - has given so many of us the gift of laughter, and for that we are truly grateful.

Goodbye, Cupid. You will be missed.


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