Healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is one which helps to keep and improve people's health and well-being.Many governments and non-governmental organizations have made big efforts in healthy lifestyle and health promotion.

Mental Health

Mental health can be considered a very important factor of physical health for the effects it produces on bodily functions. This type of health concerns emotional and cognitive well-being or an absence of mental disorder.

Public health

Public health can be defined in a variety of ways. It can be presented as "the study of the physical, psychosocial and socio-cultural determinants of population health and actions to improve the health of the population.

Reproductive Health

For the UN, reproductive health is a right, like other human rights. This recent concept evokes the good transmission of the genetic heritage from one generation to the next.


Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Affichage des articles dont le libellé est healthy weight loss recipes. Afficher tous les articles
Affichage des articles dont le libellé est healthy weight loss recipes. Afficher tous les articles

mardi 9 juin 2015

Sore Neck? Here's How to Feel Better Instantly

Whether you slept in a funky position or have been staring tensely at your computer for hours on end, a crick in the neck is not only annoying, it can cause headaches and upper back pain. After a long, hot shower to loosen the muscles, try a few of these stretches for a little relief.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

lundi 8 juin 2015

Reboot Your Backside by Mixing Cardio and Toning

Tone and lift your backside with this workout that'll strengthen your glutes, which is great for your back and knees, and help you rock your bikini bottoms. For day 25 of our Better-Body Challenge, we start with some fat-blasting intervals on the treadmill that play with both speed and incline, which will work your booty even more. We end the workout with 10 minutes of strength training that focuses on the glutes. If you're not a fan of running, here's an elliptical plan to use instead. Now get to it!

Treadmill Workout: 20 Minutes


Butt Workout Video: 10 Minutes

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

Why Speed Training Isn't Just For Fast Runners

If you don't consider yourself a fast runner, focusing on increasing your speed instead of just making it to the finish line can feel like a waste of time. And if you're new to running, it can be easy to ignore any workout plan where increasing your speed is the goal. But no matter if you set the treadmill at 6 or at a 10, getting speedier as a runner should be a goal of yours. After all, who doesn't want to beat their personal best? We spoke with Nike trainer Joe Holder to get the details on how to be speedier no matter how "slow" of a runner you feel you are.

Focus on your own pace, not anyone else's: You may not think of yourself as fast, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't work on your pace. "People have this finite vision of fast, but instead of it having it absolute, compare against your own speed," Joe advises. We all can't run five-minute miles, but just shaving a few seconds of your 10-minute one is a legitimate reason to pat yourself on the back.

Think about endurance: Drills and exercises that focus on your speed also will help you perform better during longer races, which is motivation enough if you've just signed up for a race. Why? Speed drills put your body in anaerobic mode, which is when your muscles work without oxygen, and can help increase your speed, endurance, and overall fitness, Joe says. Get started with one of these treadmill workouts that incorporate speed play.

Start simple: If you're new to running, the idea of speed drills around a track may seem too technical for your runs. Instead, take Joe's anyone-can-do-it advice: go out for a two-mile run - without a time limit - starting at a pace slightly harder than what you're used to. Then "pick arbitrary periods of time where you pick up your pace," he says. After running at that fast pace, "slow it down to that quick pace that you started at." Using the Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) scale, think of it as fluctuating between a 6 and an 8 for those two miles. "You're in that level of slightly being uncomfortable and getting used to working hard," Joe says. The result? You may be surprised at how easy your normal pace feels when you go back to it.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

DIY Vegan Greek Yogurt That Takes All of 2 Minutes to Make

Thick and offering over twice the amount of protein as regular yogurt, Greek yogurt has become one of the top breakfast and snack choices for people trying to lose weight. But if you're following a dairy-free diet, you'll feel like you're missing out because there are no dairy-free options offering that much protein. A six-ounce container of soy yogurt only offers seven grams of protein, and even though it's "Greek-style," cultured coconut milk yogurt only offers two grams. Almond milk yogurt is also low on the protein scale, offering just two grams.

Here's a little hack for making your own protein-packed Greek yogurt - no cooking or straining required. All you need is your favorite dairy-free yogurt and your favorite (great-tasting) plant-based protein powder (I use Vega Sport vanilla). Just add half a scoop of protein powder to your yogurt, give it a good mixing until smooth and creamy, and boom! Depending on what protein powder you choose, your cup of yogurt now has 10 to 15 more grams of protein. It's an easy way to thicken otherwise watery yogurt and a quick way to get some extra protein in your day.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

Is a Pooping Stool the Answer to Your Bloating Issues?

Recently at a good friend's dinner party, while using her bathroom I noticed a stool next to the toilet. Her kids were way past the small-kid stage of needing a step in order to clamber onto the potty seat, so I made a casual joke about her needing it after one too many glasses of wine. She pulled me aside, got a very serious look on her face, and said, "No. I use it. To poop."

And there you have it. My mind was blown right then and there. As she explained how she used the stool - thankfully sparing me any specific details - it made total sense. Get ready because I'm about to lay down some serious bathroom talk.

The issue with sitting while having a bowel movement is that it totally blocks the flow from your colon. We all have a Puborectalis muscle that squeezes around the place where the colon meets the rectum, helping to maintain continence (it prevents solid waste from falling out until you're ready). Sitting only allows that muscle to partially relax, which is why it can take people a long time sitting (and straining) for anything to happen. When your body can assume a squatting position with your knees above your hips, it relaxes the Puborectalis muscle fully and allows your colon to empty quickly and completely.

There are even slanted stools specifically designed for this purpose, like the Squatty Potty. This space-saver has a cutout in the middle so it fits around your toilet when you're not using it. You can also buy a regular step stool so no one knows what you're using it for; just make sure it's the right height, allowing a comfortable squatting position.

Beginner squatters can keep their bum resting on the seat, but for those more adventurous types, you can try putting all your weight on the stool and actually squatting (heck, you'll get in a great butt and thigh workout while you're at it!). And don't feel frustrated if things don't go as planned on your first go at it - this could take some time to figure out the right stool height and feet positioning. And you might be surprised how much more you can eliminate from the simple act of opening up your hips. If constipation is all too familiar, this may be the cure to your digestive woes.

If you've never heard of using a stool for your stool, your skepticism is understandable. But hey, if you made it this far reading all about squatting while pooping, there's some part of you that's intrigued and can't wait until the urge comes on so you can try it for yourself. One thing we can all agree on is that it's amazing what taking a proper poop first thing in the morning can do for the soul - it sets the tone for the entire day. You owe it to yourself, and those around you to have a happier morning by giving this a try. It could change the way you poop forever.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

This New Nike Video Will Inspire You to Adopt a #NoMaybes Attitude

Sometimes it's hard to push yourself to the limit without someone there to motivate you. You're strong on your own, but you're stronger in a group of likeminded women encouraging you and inspiring you to be even better. No one knows that more than the US women's national soccer team, which will kick off the FIFA Women's World Cup tonight against Australia. In celebration of the team, Nike has released a new video that showcases the team's "no maybes" attitude and the incredible motivation the players give to each other when anyone feels like stopping.

"You have to have a team mentality with the competitiveness of the individual," said Abby Wambach, US women's national team captain. "You want to make sure that everyone around you has the same mentality and then enmesh those individualities. We are masters of controlling ourselves and bringing out the best in each other."

Set appropriately to "American Woman," the video not only gets us hyped to see players like Alex Morgan and Megan Rapinoe kill it on the field, but it also inspires us to embody the #NoMaybes attitude in our own routine workouts, especially when working out with a friend. "Strong alone. Unstoppable together."

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

The Diet That Beyoncé Credits With Helping "Get the Weight Off Fast"

One look at Beyoncé's Met Gala appearance and it's clear - the singer's diet is working. Today, Beyoncé appeared on Good Morning America to discuss just how much she loves being a vegan (and to announce her new 22-day vegan meal delivery service as well). In a video on the morning show, Beyoncé admits that she "is not naturally the thinnest woman, and I have struggled since a young age with diets. And finding something that actually works for me and actually keeps the weight off has been difficult for me."

Beyoncé and husband Jay Z first tried the vegan diet in December 2013, when they completed a 22-day vegan challenge. They've done the challenge since then, and today Beyoncé credited it as the only way she's been able to drop pounds in a sustainable way. "[I] got the weight off fast, and the weight stayed off," she told the morning show. Other benefits? "I felt like my skin was really firm, a lot tight[er] than when I deprived myself of food," she said.

Beyoncé's new business venture with longtime trainer Max Borges is a vegan meal delivery service, but you don't have to drop $9 to $15 dollars per meal to reap the benefits of a vegan diet. Try one of our 22 vegan dinners to help you eat fresher, whole foods one dinner at a time.

Related: Beyoncé's Showstopping Secrets to Staying Fit and Fierce

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

What You Learn From 30 Days of No Booze, Sugar, Gluten, or Dairy

Blogger Grace Boyle of Small Hands, Big Ideas describes what it's like to go through a 30-day cleanse.

I embarked on a 30-day food challenge. It was pretty strict. At a high level, I couldn't have:

  • Gluten/Wheat
  • Dairy
  • Booze
  • Sugar

That eliminates a lot of things we enjoy in our daily consumption of food. But ensures for a lot of clean eating, and it also promoted points for sleeping eight hours, five days a week of working out (I didn't always get five, but always worked out like I do anyway), and 10 minutes a day of meditation or some sort of quiet time without technology.

Today is the last day of the challenge, and I'm happy to say I stuck to - I'm most happy about the no booze and no sugar.

The biggest win for me was about forming new habits. There are a lot of two-week cleanses or 10-day challenges, and for me, I knew I needed to do a full 30 days. I feel like anyone could do anything for 30 days, and I needed to commit to it - all or nothing. No point to skimp here or there - might as well do it all the way. Besides a few little hiccups, or not being able to control what my food was cooked in or when I ate out, I was as strict as could be.

What I learned:

  • Clean food can be good. I scoured Instagram, Pinterest, magazines, etc. to find delicious recipes that were clean eating/Paleo-inspired, and when I cooked for people, they all enjoyed it. It wasn't like I was limiting myself from all good food, because whole and healthy food is good too, banishing the misconception that you have to eat bland food to eat clean.
  • I cooked a lot more. I love cooking, so that was great to get back to. Especially in the Winter, I've gotten into habits being so tired after work or working out, so we would resort to takeout or throwaway meals, because it was easy (frozen pizza anyone)? Not only does it save money, but it's also good to cook together and find that balance of being creative in the kitchen.
  • I slept better. I don't sleep well even with a few drinks, so I slept really well the last 30 days.
  • I felt very clear. I think it's largely to do with gluten, but I generally didn't feel foggy. Your food and diet have such a big impact on this.
  • Self-control is an amazing thing. I felt powerful and loved knowing that I didn't "need" anything and that I'm not addicted to anything. It's a good feeling to be able to say no and put my foot down, and that's that.
  • Muscle weighs more than fat - go by how you feel. The point is to feel good. I don't own a scale, and with all the heavy lifting I do at CrossFit, my weight doesn't really reflect what I look like (or feel like). I did weigh myself near the end of the challenge at a doctor's appointment, and I was let down to realize I weighed the same as I remembered, perhaps even more. After talking myself off a ledge, I reminded myself that I feel good and fit into clothes far better than before. I also measured inches before and after, and lost a total of 7.5 inches (waist, bust, thighs), which is where it really matters for me. In my waist alone, I am down 3.5 inches.
  • This particular challenge eliminated not only sugar but also healthy ones like honey, for instance, so because this challenge is so strict, it isn't really that sustainable. I still want to have the flexibility to go out and enjoy with friends, but I think I've swung the pendulum back. I think, for most of the time, I will eat clean and, for a smaller percentage, eat when I feel good and right without being stressed. Now that I saw that I can do it and that I feel better overall, I'm apt to try it more often than not.
  • If you set your mind to it, you can do it. The biggest fear I had, was that I would fail and that I wasn't strong enough. That I'm just that fat kid who wants to eat a bag of cookies and can't restrain myself (parts of this may always be true because I truly love food). I held off on similar challenges at my own CrossFit gym because of the pressure and I felt too overwhelmed. Finally with other co-workers doing this with me and feeling stuffed from the holidays, I decided to take the leap. It's a huge resurgence for me to remember that my physical and mental toughness is strong. I did have a few freak-outs during the 30-day period, I'll admit that, and there were times where I had to forgo social outings. I missed certain foods a lot or watched everyone indulge in cheese and wine while I chugged soda water, but it was worth it. And I made it. Unscathed even!

Although today is the last day, I'm not rushing off to get a bottle of wine and I will keep cooking more and probably eating like I have for the last 30 days (with some windows for fun). For now, I'm going to give myself a hug and relax a little though. 'Cause, I did it!

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

How to Kill Your Sugar Addiction Before It Kills You

While excusing yourself from sugary celebrations is no fun, neither is dealing with a post-sugar-binge hangover. And on top of it, the more sugar you eat, the more you crave - it can take a few days to weeks to get over an addiction to refined sugar once you start. Not only that, but studies have shown that eating too much refined sugar can speed up your body's aging process. If you know you can't resist sweet temptations, read on to learn nutritionist-approved strategies that will keep you on the right track.

  1. Choose wisely: If you're going to indulge, go for seasonal sweets that you know you can't get when it's not the holidays. "You can have chocolate any time of the year," says registered dietitian, nutritionist, and Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics spokesperson Tamara Melton. Go for a seasonal dessert you crave all year, like a treat from an ice cream truck in the Summer or pumpkin pie in the Fall. Just remember that just because these treats are only available for a limited time doesn't mean you should go overboard. Practice portion control by having a plan, Tamara advises.
  2. Think positive: Set yourself up for success by telling yourself that you got this. "Words are powerful," says Kathie Dolgin, author of Sugar Savvy Solution: Kick Your Sugar Addiction for Life and Get Healthy. "If you think resisting sugar is going to be hard, it will be hard. Change that negative self-talk if you are going to take control of your diet and your health. Believe you can do this!"
  3. Not being hungry is key: Don't want to chow down on the entire candy bowl? Set yourself up for success by eating a balanced meal or snack every three to four hours, Tamara says. Simone Gloger, a registered nutritionist and Dukan Diet nutritionist, recommends three protein-rich meals and two protein-rich snacks every day to help you resist cravings. "I usually pack my lunch and snacks each day so I don't give into the temptation that is all around me," Simone says.
  4. Know that cravings might be something else: Before you reach for that peanut butter cup, think about what you really need. "People mistake thirst for hunger or cravings," Kathie says. "That dip in energy that sends you hunting for a snack is often just a sign of dehydration. So hydrate and hydrate and drink water, not juice or soda." Kathie recommends spa water - water infused with your favorite fruits - to hit sugar cravings the natural way. If you are craving a treat, opt for a small piece of dark chocolate or a single-serving yogurt that comes with sweet mix-ins like chocolate or granola, Tamara advises.
  5. Don't dwell: Tried your best, but couldn't resist the siren song of holiday treats? Don't beat yourself up about it. "Forgive yourself and get back on track," Kathie says. "Forgiving and being kind to others (as well as yourself!) boosts self-esteem and gratitude for what you have (thus combating the negative self-talk that can send you running for the cookie jar) and gives you the same endorphin rush as sugar." Afterward, make sure your next meal is only when you are hungry, Tamara says. "Resolve to eat healthier at your next meal, then load up on plenty of fiber-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains. Be sure to also include lean sources of protein, which help to keep you satisfied."

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

Tame Back Bulge With These 4 Moves

Yours might be more exposed when the weather is warm, but a strong, toned back is always in season. Spot-reducing fat doesn't work, but according to celebrity trainer Jennifer Cohen, working your back can make you look appear "10 to 15 pounds thinner" and, more importantly, fit and strong. Consistent fat-burning cardio is a must when it comes to fat loss, but adding the following upper- and lower-back exercises into your regular strength-training routine can make a huge difference. Put your back into it with these four effective moves!

Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Blake Smith

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

The Veggie Hack That Cuts Calories and Carbs From Comfort Food

As a child, I turned my nose up whenever cauliflower appeared on my plate, but my relationship with it has come a long way. This versatile cruciferous vegetable has revamped my favorite comfort foods (even mac and cheese and pizza!) into nutrient-dense, satisfying, and lower-in-carb meals. Let these four creative preparations help you change your tune about cauliflower, too.

Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Nicole Perry

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

dimanche 7 juin 2015

The Short and Sweet Yoga Sequence You Can Do Every Morning

Regardless of how I slept the night before or what's on my agenda for the day, I always feel more relaxed and focused after even a handful of minutes on my mat. Start your day out on a centered and strong note with this short yoga sequence that energizes your body and brain. Wake up five minutes earlier in the morning, and reap the benefits all day long.

Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Kat Borchart

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

10 Healthy Reasons to Start Squeezing Lemons

Saying that lemons are a superfood is an understatement. Not only do they add abundant flavor to a variety of dishes, but they also boast a ton of health benefits. The flavonoids within the juice are said to contain antioxidants, which is why lemons are useful in treating so many ailments and conditions. Here are 10 reasons to enjoy them ASAP.

  1. Prevent kidney stones: Drinking one half-cup of lemon juice every day raises citrate levels in the urine. Studies have shown that this could protect against calcium stones in the kidney.
  2. Soothe a sore throat: Mixing lemon juice with honey can help alleviate the discomfort that comes from a nasty sore throat.
  3. Support weight loss: Beyond the old notion that the Master Cleanse was the only way lemons could help you lose weight, new studies have shown the ways lemon juice supports your goals. Lemon juice contains pectin, a soluble fiber that has been shown to aid in weight-loss struggles.
  4. Start your day right: Leave caffeinated drinks behind, and start your day off with hot water and fresh lemon juice to stimulate your digestive track and add vitamin C.
  5. Stop an itch: When it comes to poison ivy or insect bites, rubbing lemon juice on the area can soothe the skin, since it has anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effects.
  6. Aids in digestion: Dr. Oz is a big believer in the power of lemon juice for weight loss. He suggests drinking a mixture of lemon juice and flaxseeds in order to eliminate waste more quickly from your body.
  7. Anticancer properties: Studies have supported the anticancer activity of citrus liminoids, compounds that protect your cells from damage that can lead to the formation of cancer cells.
  8. Potassium power: Bananas aren't the only way to get a big helping of potassium in your system. In addition to vitamin C, lemons offer 80 milligrams of this mineral that helps your body stay strong and nimble.
  9. Bring down a fever: Forget the days of starving a fever! When your temperature goes up, drinking a lemon juice mixture can help bring your fever down faster.
  10. Balance pH: While lemons may seem quite acidic, they're a surprisingly good source of an alkaline food that can help balance your body's pH.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

Stressed Out? This Breathing Trick Can Help to Instantly Relieve Anxiety

Plagued by anxiety night after night? Relying on over-the-counter meds? Just not getting the seven hours your body requires? If any of this sounds all too familiar, this breathing trick will help you get to bed sooner - no prescriptions required.

The exercise is called the 4-7-8 technique, and Dr. Andrew Weil calls it a "natural tranquilizer for the nervous system." Study after study has linked meditation to lowered stress levels, and this easy-to-follow exercise will help you reap some of the de-stressing benefits that come along with consistent meditation practice.

Beyond bedtime, Dr. Weil recommends performing this exercise whenever dealing with a stressful situation. The next time you can't curb sugar cravings, get into a fight with your partner, or can't hit the hay because you're overwhelmed, try it out for yourself. You'll start feeling more relaxed immediately. Here's how to do it:

  1. Place the tip of your tongue against the ridge of tissue just behind your upper front teeth, and keep it there through the entire exercise.
  2. Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound.
  3. Close your mouth and inhale quietly through your nose to a mental count of four.
  4. Hold your breath for a count of seven.
  5. Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound to a count of eight.
  6. This is one breath. Now inhale again and repeat three more times for a total of four cycles.

For more explanation, plus a video tutorial, check out this video:

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

How Sweet It Is: 10 Creative Recipes Using Protein Powder

Even if you regularly toss in protein powder to boost your smoothie's nutrition, sometimes you need a break from the blender. Skip that shake, and try one of these inventive recipes instead. Each has a sweet twist to help incorporate the powder and hit your daily recommended protein intake deliciously.

Single-Serve Pancake

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Lizzie Fuhr

The sky-high protein content in this quick single-serve vanilla pancake recipe comes from the combination of low-fat cottage cheese and protein powder. In under 10 minutes, you can have a satisfying, 350-calorie breakfast treat.

Total protein (per pancake): 38 grams

Breakfast Bars

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Jenny Sugar

These easy and quick gluten-free breakfast bars can be made the night before and enjoyed the following morning. Munch down two bars, and that's a 350-calorie breakfast full of protein.

Total protein (per two bars): 17 grams

Pre-Workout Bites

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Lizzie Fuhr

Skip all the prep, and opt for this quick pre-workout snack that reserves your energy for your workout. These peanut butter protein balls taste like chocolate chip cookie dough but offer the perfect blend of protein and carbs for a strength-training session.

Total protein (per two balls): 9 grams

Protein Cake

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Leta Shy

Celebrity trainer Holly Perkins created this molten lava cake that adds both a chocolate protein bar and a scoop of protein powder to the mix. This double dose is the secret to this recipe's sky-high protein content.

Total protein (per cake): 20 grams

Post-Workout Bar

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Jenny Sugar

These satisfyingly chewy protein bars are the perfect snack for after a workout. They taste so sweet and cookie-like that your taste buds will call them dessert, plus they're vegan, which keeps cholesterol levels down.

Total protein (per bar): 13 grams

Cherry Energy Chunks

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Jenny Sugar

Protein and carbs is the magic post-workout combo, and these cherry almond chunks offer what you need with a low calorie count. You'll love their soft center and satisfying crunch.

Total protein (per three chunks): 7 grams

PB and Banana Snack

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Jenny Sugar

For a pre- or post-workout snack, this banana and peanut butter snack couldn't be easier. The banana offers quick carbs, and the peanut butter offers a little protein. For a more refreshing treat, try freezing it.

Total protein: 14 grams

Almond Protein Pancakes

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Jenny Sugar

Looking for a stack of pancakes full of protein? You'll flip for almond protein pancakes; made with whole-wheat flour, they're topped off with a rich-tasting yet light banana cream sauce.

Total protein (per three pancakes with sauce): 30 grams

Brownie Bites

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Jenny Sugar

Bring a dose of protein powder to a classic dessert. These chewy and tasty brownie bites have the flavor and texture you're craving. You'll be glad to know these cholesterol-free treats are also vegan, so you can lick the spoon without worry.

Total protein (per two bites): 10 grams

Strawberry-Banana Recovery Popsicles

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Jenny Sugar

For a quick, cool, and low-cal post-workout treat, these strawberry protein-powder popsicles are the perfect treat. This will be your go-to post-workout snack all Summer long.

Total protein (per popsicle): 10 grams

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

7 Moves to Stronger Arms! Work It With a Circuit

When it comes to solo workouts, many women tend to focus on working their legs and core but forget all about their upper body. However, if you're going for that allover toned look (and well, aren't we all?), it's time to stop ignoring your arms! Expert trainer and KIND spokesperson Jennifer Cohen created a fun and effective arm workout using moves from her new book Strong Is the New Skinny to help you build strength and sculpt the defined arms you're pining after. Repeat this seven-move circuit three times for a complete arm workout.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

This Is Why You Wake Up Completely Exhausted

Do you constantly wake up feeling like you could sleep for another three hours? Not everyone's a morning person, but when you wake up so tired you have a pounding headache, pour orange juice into your cereal, or practically fall asleep while checking your morning emails, then something's not right. Keep reading to find out what might be preventing you from waking up energized.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness