Healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is one which helps to keep and improve people's health and well-being.Many governments and non-governmental organizations have made big efforts in healthy lifestyle and health promotion.

Mental Health

Mental health can be considered a very important factor of physical health for the effects it produces on bodily functions. This type of health concerns emotional and cognitive well-being or an absence of mental disorder.

Public health

Public health can be defined in a variety of ways. It can be presented as "the study of the physical, psychosocial and socio-cultural determinants of population health and actions to improve the health of the population.

Reproductive Health

For the UN, reproductive health is a right, like other human rights. This recent concept evokes the good transmission of the genetic heritage from one generation to the next.


Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est POPSUGAR Fitness. Afficher tous les articles

mercredi 17 janvier 2018

This Millennial Pink Yoga Mat Keeps It Real For 2018 - and It's Only $29!

Every January, I (along with most people) make a list of resolutions to keep in the new year. One of mine this year is to work out more, but staying motivated is half the struggle. To make sure I don't lose interest, I treated myself to this I Did My Best Yoga Mat ($29, originally $39). Its pretty pink design and cute slogan caught my eye, and I couldn't wait to test it out.

After receiving it in the mail, I quickly booked my next session. Its PVC material was not only soft to the touch but also cushioned and comfortable. I was slightly worried about its light color getting dirty, but it has held up well; its smooth material is super easy to clean. I enjoy taking it to my local yoga class and it's also nice to set up at home when I feel like stretching but don't want to do on my hardwood floors - not to mention the mat's funny motto gives me a laugh whenever I don't feel excited about working out. Get one for yourself while it's on sale!

These Are the Most Common STIs and Exactly When You Should Get Screened For Them

You don't need another doctor telling you about the dangers of unprotected sex. If you're reading this, you've probably been primed: infections contracted through sex, if left untreated, can cause health problems ranging from infertility to chronic pain to cancer. But in many (if not most) circles, talking about sexually transmitted infections is still taboo, and so many women have no idea if, when, and how they should be screened.

First, let's straighten out some terminology. We're talking about infections - some asymptomatic, many curable, and virtually all treatable - so let's move away from the term "sexually transmitted diseases" and start calling them sexually transmitted infections, or STIs. Keep in mind, though, that the terms tend to be interchangeable and what you consider an STD may actually be an STI, so it's the more correct term we should actually be using.

Another clarification: I'm talking about screening, which by definition is a test performed in someone without evidence of disease. If you have any symptoms concerning a possible STI (things like changes in urination, bleeding, discharge, pelvic pain, or painful sex), then these rules don't apply to you - talk to your doctor right away. But if you're asymptomatic, the following is a rough guide for if and when you should get yourself checked for each major type of STI.

Chlamydia and Gonorrhea

Because these two are so common - over 1.5 million cases of chlamydia and half a million cases of gonorrhea were reported in the US last year - the CDC recommends that all women 25 and under get tested annually. If you're older than 25, how often you get tested will depend on your unique risk factors. Women at higher risk should also be tested every year. If you've recently had a new sexual partner, have multiple sexual partners, have a partner with a recently diagnosed STI, or have a partner with other concurrent partners, you fall into this high-risk category - especially if you don't use barrier protection consistently.


Everyone should be tested at least once for HIV during adolescence or adulthood. Although there are no formal guidelines on repeat screening for women, those who are higher risk based on the factors above should be tested more frequently. Some doctors will screen "highest-risk" women, including those who have multiple sexual partners who do not use barrier protection, every six months. Because it can take up to 12 weeks for the usual screening test for HIV to show as positive, if you're getting tested soon after having sex with a new partner, make sure to discuss alternative testing options or get retested after a few months.


Even though it's on the rise, unlike HIV, screening for syphilis is only recommended if you fall into a higher-risk category based on your sexual history. Because syphilis is often found in the setting of other sexually transmitted infections, if you do get diagnosed with an STI, your doctor should test you for syphilis as well.


Screening for HPV, or human papillomavirus, is done with your pap smear starting at age 30. HPV is prevalent in sexually active women in their 20s, but the vast majority of cases are asymptomatic and cleared spontaneously, so it's not worth checking until you're a bit older. Many of us grew up in a time when pap smears were performed annually, but according to new guidelines, you actually only need one every three years. If you test positive for certain strains of HPV - those known to be associated with cervical cancer - your doctor may recommend more frequent paps.


Doctors rarely screen for the herpes viruses HSV-1 and HSV-2 because they're so overwhelmingly common that it's probably not worth finding out if you have it unless you have symptoms. About half of women test positive for antibodies to HSV-1 or HSV-2 (indicating they've been exposed at some point), but unless you get hallmark breakouts of bothersome genital sores, there is no indication for treatment, so you're probably better off being blissfully ignorant.

Hepatitis B and C

All women born between 1945 and 1965 should have a one-time screening for Hepatitis C. Everyone else should be tested for Hepatitis B and C depending on risk factors. If you're at an elevated risk based on the factors mentioned above, you should be checked at least once and probably yearly for as long as you remain in a higher-risk category.

CBD Bulletproof Coffee Is Probably My Most Genius Invention Yet

I was adding drops of my Infinite CBD coconut oil to a small cup of black coffee one morning when it clicked: "This is just like my XCT oil . . . This is my new Bulletproof."

I've been loving my Bulletproof coffee at home, but I still am pretty caffeine-sensitive. In fact, a cup of cold brew can send me into a full-body, hour-long panic attack (it's not a chill scenario), so typically I do try to add a fat source to coffee when I drink it, whether it's a little cream or grass-fed butter and Bulletproof's XCT oil. But only recently did this new idea dawn on me - there's another great way to stave off the anxiety-inducing effects of caffeine besides some fat: CBD oil!

Here's how it works: you make your cup of coffee (if it's truly a Bulletproof blend, you'll use its beans - that's what I have in my home stash), add in some grass-fed butter (I like Kerrygold), spoon in a dash of XCT oil, and then add your desired amount of CBD. I like the Infinite CBD oil for this because it's plain coconut oil and doesn't alter the taste of what I'm already making. And like my fellow POPSUGAR Fitness teammate Michele, I like adding collagen to the blend to truly make this like a morning meal and add a hefty dose of protein. My favorite is the Vital Proteins vanilla coconut water peptides. And if I'm feeling real fancy, I add some cinnamon (it's anti-inflammatory, too!).

Carefully pour your hot coffee with all the extra ingredients into a high-powered blender, give it about 20 seconds on high, and bam: you've got a hot, frothy cup of brain-boosting, nourishing, jitter-free coffee. You can thank me later.

dimanche 31 mai 2015

Do These 7 Things on Sunday to Lose Weight All Week Long

You know you should be eating right and exercising all week to reach your weight-loss goals, but when you're so rushed between work and family responsibilities, it's tough to have time to make it happen. A little planning goes a long way, so here are some things you can do on Sunday to ensure you stay on a healthy path all week long.

Plan Your Workouts

Don't just think to yourself that you'll squeeze in a run here and a trip to the gym there - plan it out. Sit down with your weekly calendar and jot down every workout just as you would doctor's appointments and meetings. Use this time to call your fitness buddy or trainer to make dates, check out studio schedules to find classes you want to take, and check the week's weather to figure out which days will be best for outdoor workouts.

Hit the Hamper

Nothing puts a damper on a workout more than not being able to find a clean sports bra, so do a couple loads before Monday, making sure you have everything you need, from your running tights to yoga tops to the towel you use to wipe sweat from your brow. Lay out your outfits for each day's workout so you're not running around the house Tuesday morning trying to find your missing sock.

Gather Your Gear

Collect whatever you need to work out - a yoga mat, sneakers, or earbuds - and make sure everything is set so you can easily grab the items throughout the week. Pack your gym bag, and put it by the door or in your car so you won't forget it when you leave for the day. If you exercise at home, put your favorite fitness video in the DVD player and lay out your dumbbells and resistance band. Sunday is also a great time to make a couple new playlists to inspire your kick-ass workouts (if you don't have time, subscribe to our workout playlists on Spotify).

Plan Your Meals and Snacks

Sit down and write out a weekly eating plan including all meals and snacks for the week. If you need a little inspiration, check out these healthy recipes. After making out a grocery list to include everything you'll need to whip them up, hit the health food store and stock up for the week. Since produce is best enjoyed within a few days of purchasing, note what fruits and veggies you'll want to pick up halfway through the week.

Make things even easier by prepping in advance: wash, cut, and store veggies to be used in dinner recipes, cut up fruit for smoothies or snacks, and cook up some whole grains and store them in the fridge. Cook some of these make-ahead breakfasts in advance, or turn on the crockpot to make something you can eat a few nights that week, like these under-400-calorie meals.

Pack It Up

If you'll be away from home during the day, cut down on the temptation to go out to lunch or grab a cookie by packing lunches and snacks from home. Making five salads for the week is easy and healthy, or you can whip up a big pot of soup and freeze small portions in glass containers to grab for lunch. Also set aside 10 snacks for the week (two per day) such as Greek yogurt, cheese sticks, and containers of carrots and hummus, or measure out 100-calorie portions of trail mix, whole-grain crackers, or cereal. It'll probably take about an hour to get it all ready, but it'll end up saving you time during the rest of the week.

Hit the Hay

Once everything is all set, take a nice hot bath, slip on your PJs, and hop into bed early. Unwind with an evening yoga sequence or a calming book, and you're more likely to have a good night's sleep and wake up refreshed for the week ahead.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

How to Pack Salads on Sunday Night So They're Fresh All Week

Eating a big salad at least once a day is a great way to maintain healthy habits. Don't have time to cut up a salad every single night? Here's a way to make all the salads you need for your workweek at once. Follow these simple salad-making rules, and your meal will taste just as fresh on Friday as it does on Monday!

This is just a general guide with lots of room for creativity. Even though you're making all five salads at one time, you can still make them all a little different with the types of toppings and dressings you use for each one. It's a great way to save time and money and ensure you're getting a dose of daily veggies for health and weight loss.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

This Push-Up Challenge Will Make You Insanely Stronger in 30 Days

If being able to do 50 push-ups is on your fitness bucket list, it's time to make it happen. Just like the 30-Day Squat Challenge, here's a plan to build your upper body and core strength so that by the end of the 30 days, you'll be able to bust out 50 push-ups.

This challenge involves five push-up variations to not only prevent boredom and overuse injuries but to also help sculpt other areas of the body. Here are instructions for the five different variations, followed by a 30-day plan to get you all the way to 50.

Number 1: Basic Push-Up

  • Come into plank position with your arms and legs straight, shoulders above the wrists.
  • Take a breath in, and as you exhale, bend your elbows out to the sides and lower your chest toward the ground. Stop as soon as your shoulders are in line with your elbows. Inhale to straighten the arms. This counts as one rep.
  • If this is too difficult, do this exercise with your knees on the floor.

Number 2: One-Legged Push-Up (Left Leg)

  • Begin in plank position.
  • Extend your left leg straight behind you so it's parallel with the floor. Engage your abs, and try to keep your left heel in line with your hips.
  • With your left leg extended and your right toes on the floor, exhale to bend the elbows, lowering into a push-up. Inhale to straighten your arms.
  • This counts as one rep.
  • If this is too difficult, the photo above shows how to do this push-up variation with your right knee resting on the floor.

Number 3: One-Legged Push-Up (Right Leg)

  • Now switch sides. From plank position, extend your right leg straight behind you so it's parallel with the floor. Engage your abs, and try to keep your right heel in line with your hips.
  • With your right leg extended and your left toes on the floor, exhale to bend the elbows, lowering into a push-up. Inhale to straighten your arms.
  • This counts as one rep. As mentioned above, if this is too difficult, rest your left knee on the floor.

Number 4: T Push-Up

  • Begin in plank position.
  • Take a breath in, and then exhale to bend your elbows, lowering into a push-up.
  • Inhale to straighten your arms, and at the top of your push-up, lift your left arm straight up overhead, rotating your torso to stack your shoulders, and turn your heels to the right, making a T-shape with your body.
  • Exhale to place your left palm back on the ground and lower into a push-up.
  • Inhale to straighten your arms and lift your right arm up overhead, rotating your torso and turning heels to the left.
  • Exhale to place your right hand back on the ground.
  • Doing a T push-up on both sides counts as one rep.

Number 5: Diamond Push-Up

  • Begin in plank position. Place your hands together, directly under your sternum, with the tips of your index fingers and thumbs touching. Your fingers and thumbs should form a diamond or triangle shape.
  • After an inhale, exhale to bend your elbows, lowering your chest toward the floor.
  • Inhale to straighten the arms.
  • This counts as one rep.
  • If this is too difficult, try separating your hands a couple inches or widening your feet slightly. Still too hard? Then lower the knees to the ground.

The Plan

Instead of rolling out 50 regular push-ups in a row, you'll work up to doing 10 reps of each. This plan gives your upper body a day of rest every two days, but feel free to strength train other areas of the body on those rest days.

If you're new to the push-up scene, it's OK to perform these push-ups with your knees resting on the floor if straight legs is too difficult. But keep in mind that unless you practice doing push-ups on your toes with your legs straight, you'll never be able to do them. So do as many reps as you can with proper form with your knees lifted, and lower them when your arms start to fatigue. It's also OK to rest your arms if you need to (in ChIld's Pose or Seated Heart Opener), but as the plan progresses and you build strength and endurance, spend less time on your knees and resting, and more time rocking these push-up variations.

Day of Month Exercise Total Push-Ups
Day 1 1 rep of each 5
Day 2 1 rep of each, repeat 2x 10
Day 3 Rest 0
Day 4 2 reps of each 10
Day 5 1 rep of each, repeat 3x 15
Day 6 Rest 0
Day 7 2 reps of each, repeat 2x 20
Day 8 3 reps of each 15
Day 9 Rest 0
Day 10 2 reps of each, repeat 3x 30
Day 11 4 reps of each 20
Day 12 Rest 0
Day 13 3 reps of each, repeat 2x 30
Day 14 4 reps of each 20
Day 15 Rest 0
Day 16 5 reps of each 25
Day 17 6 reps of each 30
Day 18 Rest 0
Day 19 4 reps of each, repeat 2x 40
Day 20 6 reps of each 30
Day 21 Rest 0
Day 22 7 reps of each 35
Day 23 8 reps of each 40
Day 24 Rest 0
Day 25 8 reps of each 40
Day 26 9 reps of each 45
Day 27 Rest 0
Day 28 9 reps of each 45
Day 29 5 reps of each, repeat 2x 50
Day 30 10 reps of each 50

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

This Rule Could Be the Key to Losing Weight

The 80/20 principle is no diet - it's a lifestyle change that can lead to sustainable weight loss. Folks who have suffered on rigid, limiting diets in the past find that this new rule teaches them about balance and moderation, a concept that never exists in a fad diet. When you practice 80/20, you have the space to go out socially and enjoy a meal (or a cocktail!) with friends, but most importantly, it makes the whole clean-living thing feel doable for the long run.

The breakdown is simple: 80 percent of the time you focus on eating clean, good-for-you foods, and 20 percent of the time you have the freedom to indulge as you please. Don't be concerned about the math, but it's simple: if you eat three square meals a day, three of those meals every week are your 20 percent cheat meals; if you eat five small meals a day, then seven of those small meals are up for grabs.

If you're worried about loosening the reins, look to Hollywood for 80/20 success stories. When we spoke to Jessica Alba's trainer Yumi Lee, Yumi credited the 80/20 rule when it came to Jessica's ability to maintain her healthy weight. She explains, "You can't be 100 percent all of the time, but you can be 80 percent all of the time." Yumi recommends small, frequent meals throughout the day, aiming to make healthy choices 80 percent of the time.

Supermodel Miranda Kerr has also explained how the 80/20 rule has done wonders for her relationship with food. Without guilt or conditions placed on meal choices, Miranda says, "Food is my friend, and consistency is the key. I believe that everything in moderation is best." We could not agree more.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

At-Home Tabata Workout - 10 Minutes and Done

When it comes to burning a lot of calories in little time, try Tabata. It's a form of high-intensity interval training (aka HIIT) that alternates between 20 seconds of max training and 10-second rest periods for a total of eight rounds. These workouts are fast-paced and fun.

This workout is made of two Tabata sets, plus a short warmup and cooldown. No equipment is necessary, and we keep track of the timing. So what are you waiting for? Press play, and get your sweat on.

Looking for a longer workout? After completing this video, try another 10-minute Tabata workout for 20 minutes of fun!

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness