Healthy lifestyle
A healthy lifestyle is one which helps to keep and improve people's health and well-being.Many governments and non-governmental organizations have made big efforts in healthy lifestyle and health promotion.
Mental Health
Mental health can be considered a very important factor of physical health for the effects it produces on bodily functions. This type of health concerns emotional and cognitive well-being or an absence of mental disorder.
Public health
Public health can be defined in a variety of ways. It can be presented as "the study of the physical, psychosocial and socio-cultural determinants of population health and actions to improve the health of the population.
Reproductive Health
For the UN, reproductive health is a right, like other human rights. This recent concept evokes the good transmission of the genetic heritage from one generation to the next.
Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
jeudi 6 septembre 2018
8 Office-Appropriate Tops That Will Make You Actually Want to Go to Work in the Morning
We can't deny that shopping for work clothes feels daunting, but we're going to make it much easier on you. We rounded up our favorite office-appropriate tops from Nordstrom. These picks are stylish, comfortable, and well-made - there's not much more you could ask for. Take a look at these cute designs and treat yourself to a few new options.
Your Street Style Field Guide From NYC to Paris
Location, location, location - with each Fashion Week destination comes a distinct look. After studying up on the street style of seasons past, we've come to our own conclusions about the fashion crowd's street style M.O. from NYC to London, Milan, and Paris.
Dressing the part in NYC might mean outfitting yourself with a downtown-cool vibe and this season's It bag. But that's not really the case in London. So, just what does the street style set wear when they head out of town? We're breaking down the vibe from city to city with a closer look at the best snaps of seasons past - just click on for our city guide to Fashion Week street style around the globe.
These Are the 18 Models You Need to Know by Name in 2018
Before Kaia, there was Kendall. Before Kendall, there was Cara. Before Cara were Karlie, Kate, and Cindy (Can you say full-circle moment?). These legendary beauties have already earned their places in fashion history, so looking into the new year, we have to ask: Who's next?
Thankfully, we don't have to consult a crystal ball to predict the future, because the 2018 runways and campaigns have already provided us with plenty of models to place our bets on. Who's the next beauty so rare, she need only go by one name? Read on to see our 18 picks.
These Instant Pot Meals Are Under 6 Weight Watchers SmartPoints Per Serving
Is there anything the Instant Pot can't do? Whether you simply want to eat healthier or hope to lose weight, this handy gadget has you covered. But what if you are on Weight Watchers and need to stay under a certain SmartPoint threshold per meal? For that, we've got you covered - here you'll find 16 Instant Pot meals that are six or fewer SmartPoints per serving. Whether you want something veggie-full or packed with meat, you'll find plenty of options to keep you on track with your Weight Watchers plan. Keep reading and get cooking.
How Many Calories Do I Need to Eat to Lose Weight? This Formula Breaks It Down
If you feel like you've done everything to lose weight - keto, intermittent fasting, Whole30, fitness plans, counting macros - and still aren't seeing the scale budge, it's understandably frustrating. After all, putting so much time and effort into meal prep and reading up on the latest diet trends can be exhausting, especially if you don't see any results.
In reality, losing weight boils down to a simple science: burning more calories than you take in. This calories-in, calories-out calculation may seem simplistic, but it does get a little more complicated when you realize that not everyone's bodies burn calories the same.
Calculating Basal Metabolic Rate and Total Energy Expenditure
To find out how many calories you burn a day, you need to know your total energy expenditure, or TDEE. It starts with finding your basal metabolic rate (BMR), which you can get measured with a machine like the InBody Test, which sends electrodes through your body and calculates your BMI, body fat percentage, and basal metabolic rate, among other stats.
You can also do a math equation to find your BMR using the Harris-Benedict formula based on your total body weight, height, age, and sex. It's a little more complicated, but it's more accurate than quick-and-dirty formulas found online. For a woman, the calculation is:
BMR = 655 + (1.8 x height in centimeters) + (9.6 x weight in kilograms) - (4.7 x age in years)
For a woman who is 30, 5'6" (167.6 centimeters), and 150 pounds (68 kilograms), her BMR would be: 655 + 301.7 + 653 - 141 = approximately 1,470 calories a day.
From there, you multiply your BMR by your activity level: 1.2 if you're sedentary, 1.375 if you do light exercise one to three days a week, 1.55 if you do moderate exercise six to seven days a week, 1.75 if you're very active (hard exercise every day or exercising twice a day), and 1.9 if you're extra active (hard exercise two or more times per day).
So for that 150-pound person who is moderately active, it would be: 1,470 x 1.55 = approximately 2,280. That's about how many calories your body burns on any given day. To lose weight, you would have to create a calorie deficit.
How to Find Out How Many Calories You Need to Lose Weight
"One pound is equal to 3,500 calories. Therefore, if someone was looking to lose one pound per week, they would need to cut their daily calories down by 500 calories per day," registered dietitian and personal trainer Jim White, ACSM, owner of Jim White Fitness and Nutrition Studios, told POPSUGAR.
If your TDEE is in fact 2,232, to lose one pound a week, you would have to eat 1,780 calories a day to eat in a healthy calorie deficit and see progress on the scale. Ultimately, this formula is just a guideline; you should consult with your doctor or dietitian to determine your exact calorie needs.
These Stylish Workout Sets Will Motivate You to Hit the Gym - All From Tory Sport
If you've been lacking motivation in the workout department, we feel it. Sometimes all you need for a little pick-me-up is a new workout set to get you excited. We turned to Tory Sport, the sport-inspired line from Tory Burch, because the brand features a great combination of stylish yet performance-geared finds ideal for any exercise. Need more convincing? We handpicked a selection of its cutest pieces, and some of them even come in matching sets. Keep scrolling to shop and plan your next sweat session.
Beginner Treadmill Plan: Here's How to Build Up to a 5K in 8 Weeks
If you're one of those people who can't run a single mile without huffing and puffing, you're not alone. Even the strongest runners had to start somewhere! Sure, some people are just born with natural athleticism, but most have to build up their endurance from the ground up. Good news for you: we teamed up with an expert to create the perfect beginner treadmill plan that will help you work up to a 5K (or just over three miles) in eight weeks. Totally doable!
Ahead is a full breakdown by Michael Olzinski, MSc, Equinox run coach and Lululemon run coach, that includes three training sessions per week.
5 Ways Dentists Keep Coffee From Staining Their Teeth
Coffee has some serious perks, beyond the obvious. Research shows that it may lower your risk for diabetes and heart disease and even help you live longer. But it can also be damaging to your teeth. "As a general rule of thumb, anything your mom would yell at you for spilling on a white tablecloth (things like coffee, tea, and red wine) will stain your teeth, too," Dr. Matthew Messina, DDS, a consumer advisor for the American Dental Association and assistant professor at The Ohio State University College of Dentistry, told POPSUGAR. That's because all of these staining substances contain tannins - compounds found in plants that more readily stick to surfaces, including your teeth.
The good news: your dentist doesn't expect you to stop drinking coffee - in fact, a lot of them drink it themselves - and if you practice good oral hygiene, staining should be a nonissue. Here, coffee-loving dentists share their tips on how to enjoy a cup without messing up those pearly whites.
What Exactly Is a Rep in Strength Training? A Personal Trainer Explains
In strength training and weightlifting, there's one word that gets mentioned over and over again: rep. It pops up when talking about performing an exercise, putting together a circuit, and completing sets of exercises. But what exactly is a rep?
Rep is short for repetition. "A rep or repetition is one complete motion of exercise," said ACSM-certified personal trainer Jim White, RDN, exercise physiologist and owner of Jim White Fitness and Nutrition Studios. "So if you shoot for eight to 12 reps per set, you are performing the exercise eight to 12 times during the set." For example, if you're doing a biceps curl with a dumbbell, the rep would be one movement of starting with your arm fully extended with your hand down by your leg, then bending your arm (with your elbows acting as a hinge) until your hand reaches up toward your shoulder, then slowly extending back down to the starting position: that's one rep.
A set is the number of reps performed in a row, usually with only a second or two in between. So if your workout calls for three sets of 10 reps, each set will involve 10 movements in a row, then usually a short break (between 45 seconds and two minutes) before starting the next set.
The number of reps and sets you do depends on your fitness level, but a good place to start is with a couple sets of between 10 and 20 reps. Eager to put your strength to the test? Try this 10-move arm workout to tone your upper body.
Curious to Try the Keto Diet? Here's Everything You Can and Cannot Eat
The keto diet has been one of the most talked-about health trends in the past year. The low-carb, high-fat diet induces a state of ketosis in your body, creating ketones that burn fat instead of the glucose converted from carbohydrates. In other words, the keto (short for ketogenic) diet forces your body to burn fat instead of sugar, which can lead to potential weight loss.
Just like any other diet, the keto diet has its pros and cons, and while it remains highly controversial among dietitians and nutritionists, some devotees have reported successful weight loss.
So which foods can you eat and which ones should you avoid? If you're curious about trying the keto diet, read through for a helpful guide on everything you can and can't eat.
This Is Exactly How Much Salt You Should Be Eating in a Day, According to Dietitians
If you don't pour the salt shaker on all your meals or down a package of instant ramen noodles every day, you're probably not concerned with how much sodium you're ingesting. But it can lurk in even the most innocent of packaged foods, and since the standard American diet relies a lot on processed food and takeout, you could be eating much more sodium than you realize.
We spoke to dietitians who broke down just how much sodium you should eat in a day, what happens if you eat too much, and how to eat the right amount for weight loss. Read on to find out if salt is a hidden culprit in your diet.
Confused What Sugar Alcohols Actually Are? This Dietitian Explains
Grabbing a sugar-free protein bar or sugar-free candy may seem like a healthier option; you'll save calories from the lack of sugar, won't experience blood sugar spikes, and it's (usually) safe for people who are keto or have diabetes. But what exactly are the sugar alcohols used instead? They're different from the traditional sweeteners we think of (stevia, sucralose, aspartame, etc.), but still add zero to minimal calories.
Sugar alcohols are naturally found in some fruits, vegetables, and mushrooms in small amounts explained Kristin Koskinen, RDN. But the most common ones are found in processed foods to add sweetness without the calories. Sugar alcohols are a carbohydrate with a unique chemical compound that's not quite sugar, but not quite alcohol.
"Different sugar alcohols include sorbitol, mannitol, maltitol, and lactitol; the '-ol' is what tells us it's an alcohol, though not to be confused with ethanol [grain or drinking alcohol]," Koskinen told POPSUGAR.
Although they typically have zero to a couple calories per serving, they are poorly digested, which can have a laxative effect, she explained. Since sugar alcohols aren't completely digested, they become a food source for your gut flora, which metabolize the sugar alcohols and produce short-chain fatty acids and gas. If eaten in excess, people may experience bloating, flatulence, or stomach discomfort - not necessarily pleasant.
And while the negative side effects make sugar alcohols not seem worth it, they are considered safe when eaten in moderation. Currently, there hasn't been a set recommendation for a daily intake, but if you're worried about digestive issues, it's best to eat them in moderation. Check the label for any of the "-ol" ingredients, and luckily, most packaged food now contains grams of sugar alcohols on the nutrition label.
10 Deadlift Variations You Need to Do ASAP If Booty Gains Is Your Goal
The deadlift, one of the most basic and effective moves, definitely works your butt (hello, booty gains!), but also targets your core, legs, back, and upper body. It's truly the definition of a total-body move. In short, if you aren't already doing deadlifts, you need to start! Whether this is your first deadlift or your 500th, here are 10 variations that will push you even further. We offer options with no equipment, dumbbells, kettlebells, and the hex bar so you can easily add one of these variations into your regular workouts.
Related: Here Are the 50 Best Dumbbell Moves For Fat Loss (Plus 30 Workout Videos Using Them!)
Cheese-Lovers, Here's All the Dairy You Can Eat on the Keto Diet
Over the last year, the keto diet has skyrocketed in popularity, probably for one very distinct reason: it encourages you to eat fatty foods. The only major caveat is that you have to keep your carb intake low. Offsetting this often-difficult task, however, is the keto diet's allowance of another beloved food group: dairy. Most cheeses are low in carbs, making them perfectly acceptable for the keto meal plan. The same goes for fatty dairy foods like butter and heavy cream, which almost seems too good to be true. A diet that gives you the thumbs-up when you eat butter? It's not hard to see how it caught on and spread like wildfire.
Although you won't be able to enjoy the glorious combination that is cheese and bread (bye-bye, buttered toast and bagels with cream cheese) if you've gone keto, you'll still be able to indulge in plenty of decadent recipes. Click through to see which dairy products you can eat on the keto diet, along with some keto-friendly recipe ideas.
Tired of Fast-Food? Try The 21-Day Clean Program to Reset Your Gut and Break Bad Habits
We'll admit it: detoxes and cleanses tend to have bad raps. They're known for being unhealthy, unsustainable, expensive, and typically being marketed to help people lose weight. Because of this, Alejandro Junger, MD (yes, Gwyenth Paltrow's favorite doctor and Goop contributor), created the Clean Program, his version of a detox done by what he refers to as "nutritional cleansing."
The program draws on research and knowledge of functional medicine that combines Western (more science based) and Eastern approaches (more holistic) approaches that "gets to the root of disease," Dr. Junger explained in his book Clean.
In his book, Dr. Junger wrote that the program is meant to "neutralize and eliminate" inner toxins (the by-products of our metabolism) and outer toxins that we eat, breathe, or absorb through our skin and intestines. He adds that following the Clean Program will help you break bad eating habits, identify foods that are causing irritations, and help you adopt healthy eating habits for the long-term.
If you're looking for a less drastic cleanse, or simply want to try something new, continue reading to learn the ins and outs of the Clean Program.
5 Biggest Mistakes You'll Want to Avoid on the Keto Diet
The buzzy ketogenic diet is making headlines all over the internet lately. Endorsed by social influencers and experts alike, it's fair to say going keto is the new Paleo. Like with most diet trends, though, if you're not properly aligning the nutritional guidelines with your overall fitness goals, chances are, you won't see the results you seek.
The purpose of a ketogenic diet is to "hack" your body to use fat (instead of carbohydrates) as its primary source of energy. Basically, you eat fat to burn fat. The benefits can include a boost in mental clarity, a leaner body, increased energy, and more.
We consulted with a few nutrition experts to break down some of the most common mistakes people make when going keto to set you up for a successful and manageable journey to ketosis.
Related: Curious to Try the Keto Diet? Here's Everything You Can and Cannot Eat
What It's Like to Be Married to Someone With Anxiety
"Can you deal with me?" It's been more than 14 years since my husband said those words to me when we first started dating. I now know he was talking about his anxiety. I fell in love with his warm, caring, funny, and joyful personality, but having anxiety can make him the complete opposite. Without any warning at all, he can go from happy and easygoing to irritable, cranky, and mean, complaining and nitpicking things I do or don't do, and can be quick to get annoyed or angry. It can be absolutely unbearable, and to be completely transparent, there were times when I didn't think our marriage would survive it.
Psychologist Amy Vigliotti, PhD, founder of SelfWorks, told POPSUGAR that "anxiety is a physical and emotional state of being on edge," and I'm learning what that means and how it affects his life, and, subsequently, the lives of my family and me. Just recently, he's opened up more about how he feels, how debilitating having anxiety can be mentally and physically, what triggers his symptoms, and how I can help prevent them.
Anxiety affects people differently, but for my husband, here's what I found helps. This is difficult to share and talk about, but I'm doing it in the hopes that it can ease someone else's worries and struggles in loving someone with anxiety.
Could Coconut Oil Be the Real Reason You're Breaking Out?
It pains me to admit when I'm wrong. It tastes like swishing around a spoonful of coconut oil in your mouth might: unpleasant, unnecessary, and, well, just plain wrong.
But I know too much now. I've learned too many things to keep quiet, and it needs to be said: coconut oil is horrible for your hair and skin.
Listen, I am not perfect; I jumped on the coco bandwagon. I reposted the memes. ("Bad hair day? Coconut oil. Dry skin? Coconut oil. Boyfriend acting up? Coconut oil.") I even produced a video several years ago discussing all the ways you can use it: on your hair, skin, and nails; in your daily life for things like getting rings off your finger. It was an instant hit, amassing seven million views on Facebook within a few days. And now it's been reported that cooking with coconut oil isn't that great for you, either. Seems like nothing is coming up coconuts lately.
But the truth is, coconut oil does soften your hair and removes makeup well. I've learned through more research (and personal horror stories), though, that it can also ruin your hair color and cause breakouts. One thing the aforementioned video made clear? That people are genuinely curious about coconut oil, and it's worth discussing what type is actually beneficial to use on your skin and hair. But first: the hard truths you need to learn, ahead.
The Halloween Scents to Wear If You’re Dressing Up As One of These Iconic Divas
What do Madonna, Shania Twain, and Diana Ross all have in common? Besides decades-long careers in music and a titular look that is uniquely theirs, not much - which is precisely why they make for perfect Halloween costume inspiration.
But if you're the type to plan your every wig, scrunchie, and leopard-print legging to the last detail, don't overlook the most important part: fragrance. A good, timeless scent tailored to your inner diva might be what takes your overall look from overdone to eau, yeah.
Below, we've rounded up the spritzes that leave a lasting - dare we say, legendary - impression.
John Krasinski Flew to London Every Weekend to See His Family While Filming Jack Ryan
John Krasinski may be an on-the-go actor with a demanding schedule, but there's one thing he's not going to sacrifice - his family. Even while he's been busy filming Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan, John still made time for three very important ladies in his life: his wife, Emily Blunt, and their two daughters, Hazel and Violet.
While John and Emily have had the opportunity to merge their schedules and work together in the past, the two highly in-demand actors more often find themselves involved in different projects, some of which can place miles of distance between them. Recently, the couple had to balance his filming schedule for Jack Ryan with her role in Mary Poppins, which included a lot of airtime for John.
"Family for me, it's a non-negotiable thing," John told People. "So if I'm honest, I was shooting 6,000 miles away from them, and I flew back every single weekend."
That mileage is no joke! John opted to travel from Montreal to London, where Emily was filming, and while the commute might've been "brutal," having a home base was important to the couple. "Emily was shooting a little indie movie called Mary Poppins," he said. "So they were with her, and we always set up a base, and I always want the base to be with their mom, and I'll do the flight time."
The travel time may be less than desirable but John admitted that he still feels so lucky to have his career and there's little he can complain about. "If there's one thing that's a bummer, it's that you spend time away from your kids," he shared. "But guess what, a lot of people spend time away from their kids. So for me, I think we're all living in a fantasy camp. So I'm not going to be the first one to complain."
Ahead, see a few photos of John and Emily's cutest moments. Putting family first isn't always easy, but as these two prove, its worth the sacrifice.
All of Your Disney Dreams Have Come True: We Have 12 Mickey and Minnie Halloween Costumes
There's something joyously familiar about seeing your little one dress up as their favorite Disney mice; Mickey and Minnie are rooted in many memories, either from your own childhood or from more current flashbacks of taking your kids to Disneyland. So whether you'd like your young toddler to dress up in the classic red pants and oversize white gloves or you, yourself, want to get in on the fun and dress in an adult version, we found 12 Mickey and Minnie costumes that are great for Halloween. And yes, we even included a pair of rose gold mouse ears.
The 24 Best Gift Ideas For 1-Year-Olds - Nothing Is Over $20!
There are so many milestones - both physically and developmentally - that happen within a baby's first year of life. From sitting upright on their own to paying attention to speech and even developing hand-eye coordination and motor skills, the curiousness with which they discover new aspects of life is worth rewarding. When it comes to gifting for a 1-year-old child, it can be challenging; you want to get them something that will bring them joy, but that's also in line with where they are cognitively and socially. If you're looking for ideas, we are highlighting our favorite gifts of the year for 1-year-olds, and they're all under $20.
5 Things I Do to Cope With My Child's Disability
My child was diagnosed with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) four years ago. Having a diagnosis that explains your child's behavior provides parents with an incredible sense of relief. However, having a child with a disability also provides parents with an enormous amount of stress and worry, more so than other parents.
There have been times when I stayed up all night worrying about my child and what her future holds. Sometimes, my stress levels are through the roof and my patience wears thin. This results in an emotional breakdown, followed by extreme guilt. My child doesn't deserve this type of behavior from me. What she needs is for me to be her rock and her calm in the storm. So in order to help me cope with my child's disability, and therefore help her, I do these five things.
OMG, These Baby Costumes From Pottery Barn Will Make This Halloween the Cutest Ever
I can hardly take how cute the Pottery Barn Kids costumes are. We're talking teeny-tiny puppies, unicorns, dragons, superheroes, mermaids, and more. Many of these costumes work for children from 0 to 24 months. Pottery Barn Kids is known for making high-quality costumes that will keep your little one cozy and comfortable. The retailer also designs them to be easy to get in and out of for diaper changes. But back to the cuteness: can you even handle it? Look through all of the options so you can see both the costumes and the lovable babies. If you're looking to buy one of these costumes, do it soon. These little gems are going to sell out fast . . . we know it.
6 Tips to Get Your Kids Excited About Doing Their Chores
As a parent, cleaning up after your kids can be the absolute worst, especially when you know they're old enough to know better and are more than capable of picking up after themselves. So it's a great feeling when your kids reach that age where chores are appropriate. You can start teaching them about responsibility by letting them help out around the house, and you get a little bit of a break. It's a win-win!
But while chores are great tools to help foster independence, work ethic, and an overall feeling that they're a valued and productive member of the family, sometimes getting kids to do them can be even more taxing than the tasks themselves. That's why we've put together a few helpful tips that will get your kids on board with their chores. Keep reading to see them all now, and don't be afraid to report back!
Sparkling, Seltzer, Soda: A Primer on Carbonated Water
Soda water, seltzer, club soda, sparkling water, mineral water: there are so many different fizzy waters out there. Are they all the same thing?
Carbonated water - water into which carbon dioxide has been dissolved - is a broad term that encompasses all fizzy waters; it's used interchangeably with sparkling water and soda water (a prewar term for the same thing). Within this category, there are several distinctions: seltzer, club soda, and mineral water.
Seltzer and club soda have both been artificially produced by passing pressurized carbon dioxide through water, but while seltzer contains no added ingredients or flavorings, club soda contains additives such as table salt, sodium bicarbonate, or potassium bicarbonate to add a slightly salty flavor.
In contrast, an effervescent mineral water such as Perrier or San Pellegrino is water that contains naturally occurring carbonation and minerals. Since it's bottled directly from a natural source, it tends to be pricier and has a more delicate effervescence than other carbonated waters. For these reasons, it's typically enjoyed alone, rather than used as a drink mixer.
Sparkling, Seltzer, Soda: A Primer on Carbonated Water
Soda water, seltzer, club soda, sparkling water, mineral water: there are so many different fizzy waters out there. Are they all the same thing?
Carbonated water - water into which carbon dioxide has been dissolved - is a broad term that encompasses all fizzy waters; it's used interchangeably with sparkling water and soda water (a prewar term for the same thing). Within this category, there are several distinctions: seltzer, club soda, and mineral water.
Seltzer and club soda have both been artificially produced by passing pressurized carbon dioxide through water, but while seltzer contains no added ingredients or flavorings, club soda contains additives such as table salt, sodium bicarbonate, or potassium bicarbonate to add a slightly salty flavor.
In contrast, an effervescent mineral water such as Perrier or San Pellegrino is water that contains naturally occurring carbonation and minerals. Since it's bottled directly from a natural source, it tends to be pricier and has a more delicate effervescence than other carbonated waters. For these reasons, it's typically enjoyed alone, rather than used as a drink mixer.
These Are the 18 Models You Need to Know by Name in 2018
Before Kaia, there was Kendall. Before Kendall, there was Cara. Before Cara were Karlie, Kate, and Cindy (Can you say full-circle moment?). These legendary beauties have already earned their places in fashion history, so looking into the new year, we have to ask: Who's next?
Thankfully, we don't have to consult a crystal ball to predict the future, because the 2018 runways and campaigns have already provided us with plenty of models to place our bets on. Who's the next beauty so rare, she need only go by one name? Read on to see our 18 picks.
14 Fall Flats That Will Upgrade Your Wardrobe For Less Than $50
There's one item every fashion girl should invest in this Fall: flats. These versatile shoes are easy to mix and match with dresses, jeans, trousers, and more. But investing in a pair doesn't mean you have to spend a fortune. To make sure you can still afford all your other seasonal must haves, we went on a mission to uncover the most stylish flats for less than $50. From loafers to slides, we have no doubt you'll fall in love with at least one. Keep scrolling to shop our tops picks.
I Wore Biker Shorts 3 Different Ways, and I Totally Get the Hype Now
I have to admit, when biker shorts first made an appearance on the runways at Off-White, I instantly fell in love with the idea but had no idea how to style them. Even when I saw some of my favorite bloggers and celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Kendall Jenner style them, the look still seemed unrealistic.
Yes, I could tell that they are super flattering (because they're stretchy and suck everything in), but how exactly was I supposed to wear them without (a) looking like a total fool and (b) looking like I was about to go for a 50-mile triathlon? Because let's be real - anyone who knows me knows I couldn't even possibly survive two miles.
After getting some inspiration off of Instagram, I decided to put this trend to the test and try three different outfits to see if biker shorts were actually easy to style. I got myself a pair of Good American Biker Shorts ($65) from Six:02 and embarked on my mission of becoming a Kardashian (I kid, I kid.) Read on to see three surprisingly easy ways I styled them.
Princess Diana's Staple Sunglasses Are Proof That Her Style Is Timeless
When it comes to shades, Princess Eugenie's preference is a sci-fi style while Meghan Markle loves her tortoiseshell sunglasses. Considering the number of British royals who own a pair of stylish sunglasses, you'd be forgiven for thinking they're part of some royal fashion rule. Unsurprisingly, the most fashionable style was reserved for Princess Diana, who had a penchant for oversize aviator sunglasses. Along with her endless collection of enviable handbags and blinding jewels, Diana often accessorized with this heavy masculine style, which, surprisingly, really suited her delicate features.
In fact, the contrast only reiterates what a risk-taker she was with her wardrobe. Keep reading to see all the times Diana styled this signature frame, then shop similar styles with a modern touch. You'll be neglecting your '90s tiny sunglasses in a heartbeat.
mercredi 5 septembre 2018
Everything You Need to Remember Before The Deuce Returns For Season 2
For many shows, the depiction of sex is sensual, romantic, and, well, sexy. On HBO's sleeper hit The Deuce, which details the lives of sex workers and the rise of pornography in the 1970s, the sex is something entirely different: gritty and raw, mostly devoid of emotion. For a show with sex at its epicenter, it's the characters who drive this superb drama.
There are sex workers and pimps, porn stars, police officers, and publicans, each one trying to make a living in a time in New York City where everything was made more difficult by violence, racism, and poverty. Before The Deuce enters its second season on Sept. 9 and continues to delve deep into the seedy business of sex, remind yourself how the action wraps up in the first season.
Schools in This State Just Voted to Start Class After 8:30 A.M. - Are You on Board?
Students in California can officially hit the snooze button a few more times. Lawmakers voted on Aug. 31 to ban middle and high schools from starting before 8:30 a.m. in a effort to improve students' graduation rates and overall health. The bill, which is referred to as SB328, just passed before the state legislature before its midnight deadline. Governor Jerry Brown is expected to sign off on the new law, meaning that schools will have three years to comply.
This is a pretty big deal for students in middle school and high school. According to research from Harvard Medical School, teens who don't get enough sleep "are at higher risk for depression and learning problems, and are more likely to get into car accidents and other accidents."
"The cost of sleep loss is astronomical. It's costing billions of dollars."
Experts agree that simply having students start later can make a world of difference: "That delayed school start time could have a big impact on middle school children and adolescents," sleep expert Dr. Carol Ash told CBS. "When they don't get the sleep they need, it can cause poor academic performance, drowsy driving depression, loneliness, social isolation, addictive behaviors and weight gain, obesity, and hypertension. So it has a significant health and mental impact on your children."
Kids get to bed later than ever due to a heightened use of technology - we're looking at you, cell phones and tablets! - as well as an increased amount of time spent at extracurricular activities. This information, combined with the fact that more than 80 percent of California schools start before 8:30 a.m., makes it a good guinea pig for a universal later start.
Another added bonus of a late start? Schools may actually save money in the long run.
"The cost of sleep loss is astronomical. It's costing billions of dollars," explained Dr. Ash. "Poor academic performance, absenteeism at school - and federally funded dollars are attached to the absenteeism rate. So if kids are not showing up in school, they're gonna get less dollars."
How Having a (Much) Younger Sibling Changed My Life
When we were kids, my little sister Madison and I were the M&Ms - my parents' duo of daughters. We were the only kids among friends and family since my parents got married and had the two of us before age 30. As sisters we received a lot of attention, and we liked it that way. So it was quite a surprise when my mom and dad sat us down to let us know that baby number three was on the way; I was 10 years old. To say the least, my sister and I were a little perplexed at the thought of some new baby coming to town and turning our world upside down. Little did I know that this new baby would change my life forever.
As soon as my brother Mac was born, he completely stole my heart. Even at almost 11 years old, I created a bond with this tiny little baby that most people don't get to experience until they are much older. It's been 15 years since Mac was born, so I've learned a few things from having a young brother. Here's my case for spread-out siblings:
- You learn about responsibility early on. Having an infant in your life means watching your parents endlessly change diapers, make bottles, and wipe spit-up. Every once in awhile, I was allowed to do those things (under parental supervision), and I learned just how important it was to take care of this little life before I even hit middle school. Needless to say, I was an excellent babysitter.
- You watch a child grow up. I remember the first time Mac crawled, walked, and said my name. I remember how excited my family was when we discovered how fast of a reader he was in kindergarten. I'll never forget telling him bedtime stories before he went to sleep at night, and I especially won't forget when he told me about his first "girlfriend" when he started middle school. I'm watching this kid grow up into a man - well, more like a pubescent teen - but you get the picture. It's cool to think about the entirety of his life and how far he has come. I have been able to experience that.
- You stay in the know. Most 20-somethings don't know what the heck Minecraft is. I didn't, either, until my hip, tech-savvy brother told me about the video game. And that's not the first thing he's told me about. I work in a trend-driven editorial environment, and my brother still manages to find out things before me. Good thing he has no problem telling me that I actually don't know about anything cool at all.
- You teach your sibling life lessons. From a young age, my brother watched my sister and me overcome personal challenges, go to high school, and, worst of all, get our hearts broken. Nothing makes Mac more upset than a mean guy who hurts a girl's feelings. We joke that Mac is going to be the best husband ever when he grows up, but he really will be. Watching his sisters go through life's tribulations has taught him how he should act when he gets older.
- You create an incredible bond. I have no shame in telling people that one of my best friends is a 15-year-old boy. Now that I don't live with my family anymore, I feel this incredible guilt if I go too long without seeing my siblings. When the three of us are together, it's pretty much the best time ever. Even though Mac and I are aged so far apart, we have this assurance of trust and understanding between us. He looks up to me and knows he can tell me everything; I look to him for comic relief and a really good hug when I arrive back home.
So if that doesn't convince you that siblings with big age gaps are a good thing, I don't know what will. All I can say is that my family wouldn't be the same without Mac. In fact, our family without him is unimaginable. So thanks, Mom and Dad, for turning the M&Ms into the Three Musketeers.
I Was a Disney on Ice Performer For the Day, and Here's What Happened
Many little girls dream of being a princess when they grow up, and recently I was able to make that a reality - at least for the day! We had the opportunity to hang out with the cast members who portray our favorite Disney princesses at Disney on Ice Mickey's Search Party and even get a feel for what it takes to skate in their "glass slippers." We learned that there's more to being a Disney on Ice performer than knowing how to ice skate and that there's even more that goes on behind the scenes that guests would never know about, from staying fit to learning new skills like hoverboarding! Read through to see what it's like to be a Disney on Ice performer for the day.
I Was a Disney on Ice Performer For the Day, and Here's What Happened
Many little girls dream of being a princess when they grow up, and recently I was able to make that a reality - at least for the day! We had the opportunity to hang out with the cast members who portray our favorite Disney princesses at Disney on Ice Mickey's Search Party and even get a feel for what it takes to skate in their "glass slippers." We learned that there's more to being a Disney on Ice performer than knowing how to ice skate and that there's even more that goes on behind the scenes that guests would never know about, from staying fit to learning new skills like hoverboarding! Read through to see what it's like to be a Disney on Ice performer for the day.
25 Funny Halloween Kid Costumes That Will Leave Everyone LOLing
Parents typically get tremendous joy from seeing their kids dress up for Halloween, especially after they've spent the early years forcing costumes on them as babies. The rewarding part comes when children become old enough to morph into passionate Halloweeners and develop their own sartorial tastes. If you have a young one in the family with a good sense of humor, this might be the year to suggest they try their hand at wearing a funny or goofy outfit. From a wearable Twister dress to a large poop emoji, we found 25 costumes that will bring joy to everyone who sees them.
Related: Pottery Barn Put Harry Potter Costumes on Sale, and We Can Already Hear the Wizards Cheering!
Wallet, Where You At? We Found the 12 Hottest Sneakers Released For Fall 2018
When we say, "You can never have enough sneakers," we mean it. Whether you're using your kicks to go to the gym, take a class, or just stroll around town, there's always room for more. That's why we created an ultimate guide to our favorite sneakers for Fall 2018. These shoes come in all sorts of colors, and every style you can think of too. Shop through these enticing options and score yourself a pair before they all disappear. Trust us, they'll be selling out soon.
This Is the Coat You're Going to Live In All Fall
One of the most exciting elements of Fall fashion is the addition of jackets and coats to our daily routine. This season, we're spotting a resurgence of the ultimate classic, the trench coat. It's no longer just a preppy staple; the silhouette is popping up in fresh colors and fabrics to add sophistication to any kind of look you can dream up. We can't wait to wear all these pretty finds; just keep reading to shop our picks!
These 6 Leggings Have 5-Star Reviews - See Why They're Perfection
Much like shoes, you can never have too many leggings. They're great for yoga, dance classes, running, gym sessions, and even just lounging around. If you need a new pair but don't know where to start, we rounded up the top-rated choices from Nordstrom. Shop through these customer favorites and try them out for yourself.
A Decade Later, We're Still Obsessed With These Beauty Looks From the 2008 Emmys
With this year's Emmy Awards nearly here, we decided to take a look at some of the best beauty moments from the past. Through extensive research, we found that while the Emmys leave us with a long list of drool-worthy hair and makeup looks that we want to try to replicate almost every year, the 2008 Emmy Awards may take the cake for the awards show with the most glamorous beauty moments ever. Not only did stars like Eva Longoria, Christina Hendricks, and Vanessa Williams all look stunning, but they also all used hair and makeup tricks and techniques that can easily be added to your own beauty routines. Click through to see all the best beauty looks from the 2008 Emmys red carpet.
Behold: The Most Comfortable Travel Pants You'll Ever Own - and They're Only $49!
Sitting on a plane in uncomfortable jeans. . . it's happened to the best of us. This season, give up all those skintight pairs you're sick of and opt for comfy trousers you'll never want to take off. We recently discovered these Gibson x Hi Sugarplum! Hanalei Soft Jogger Pants ($49) on Nordstrom and are totally obsessed.
Made by the brand Gibson, in collaboration with lifestyle blogger Cassie Freeman, these one-of-a-kind trousers are a total suitcase necessity. The lightweight joggers are made from a superbreathable material that is ideal for traveling, especially to warmer climates. If you're headed to the beach, simply throw your favorite bikini and go-to sandals. Or wear them on a night out with comfortable wedges and a sexy blouse. No matter how to choose to style these versatile joggers, you can easily pack them in your bag or stay cozy and rock them on while you're en-route.
Available in both a faded black and light blue wash, at only $49 you can get both pairs. You'll never want to travel without them again.
14 Flattering Wrap Dresses Every Woman Should Own For Fall
If you don't already own a wrap dress, now's the time. You can wear these flattering pieces with just about every shoe possible. Whether you dress it up with heels for an event, or go for a more casual look with sneakers, it's always great to have at least one on hand. Need more convincing? We shopped and rounded up 14 stylish picks that are perfect for work, date night, and beyond. Keep scrolling to shop our Fall favorites.
This Lesbian Couple Had the BEST Response to a Neighborhood Troll
Lisa Licata and Sherry Lau of Penn Hills, PA, have been dealing with a bigoted neighbor for about four years. Luckily, it seems like they've found a way to get the last word. On Aug. 25, Lau posted a picture on her Facebook account, in which she's painting the side of her house in rainbow colors. Local news station WTAE was on the scene shortly thereafter and interviewed the couple about the ordeal. "I don't want to be friends, I just want to be left alone," Lau said. "I just want it to stop."
According to WTAE, the couple have been living in their house for five years, and the trouble started when their neighbor made a bigoted remark. Once they became aware of the nature of their relationship, the neighbors, named Ron Makay and Iolanda Wieczorkowski, began to verbally harass them with slurs like "homos" and "dykes." Two years ago, the couple put up a fence with a rainbow flag on it. When their neighbor made a complaint about the fence, they decided to double down and paint their house as well.
In addition to the paint situation, Makay has also been charged by the Penn Hills police for animal cruelty and discharging an air rifle; he allegedly shot Lau and Licata's dog last month and is currently awaiting trial. Local news could not get a comment from Makay, but his attorney denies the gunshot allegations and says he looks forward to his day in court.
WTAE reports that the side of the house is just the beginning; Lau and Licata plan to paint the entire house in rainbow colors. "This is the 21st century," Licata told WTAE. "We live here, we're not moving. My family accepts us. Our friends accept us. If you don't like it, just live your life, leave us alone, and everything's cool.
This Lesbian Couple Had the BEST Response to a Neighborhood Troll
Lisa Licata and Sherry Lau of Penn Hills, PA, have been dealing with a bigoted neighbor for about four years. Luckily, it seems like they've found a way to get the last word. On Aug. 25, Lau posted a picture on her Facebook account, in which she's painting the side of her house in rainbow colors. Local news station WTAE was on the scene shortly thereafter, and interviewed the couple about the ordeal. "I don't want to be friends, I just want to be left alone," Lau said. "I just want it to stop."
According to WTAE, the couple has been living in their house for five years, and the trouble started when their neighbor made a bigoted remark. Once they became aware of the nature of their relationship, the neighbors, named Ron Makay and Iolanda Wieczorkowski, began to verbally harass them with slurs like "homos" and "dykes." Two years ago, the couple put up a fence with a rainbow flag on it. When their neighbor made a complaint about the fence, they decided to double down and paint their house as well.
In addition to the paint situation, Makay has also been charged by the Penn Hills police for animal cruelty and discharging an air rifle; he allegedly shot Lau and Licata's dog last month, and is currently awaiting trial. Local news could not get a comment from Makay, but his attorney denies the gunshot allegations and says he looks forward to his day in court.
WTAE reports that the side of the house is just the beginning; Lau and Licata plan to paint the entire house in rainbow colors. "This is the 21st century," Licata told WTAE. "We live here, we're not moving. My family accepts us. Our friends accept us. If you don't like it, just live your life, leave us alone, and everything's cool.
These Tasty Salad Dressings Are Easy to Make — and Keto-Friendly
Salads make a virtuous lunch or dinner, as long as you don't pile them high with unhealthy toppings and drown them in dressing. If you're on the keto diet, that last part is crucial: Many store-bought dressings are loaded with sugar, a cardinal sin for the low-carb plan. Fortunately, you don't need a dozen ingredients for a delicious, homemade dressing - the recipes here are surprisingly simple to pull together and perfectly keto-friendly. (Just stick to one serving!)
26 Legendary Musicians You Should Dress as For Halloween This Year
Choosing a Halloween costume is pretty much like choosing a new identity: it's one night to be whoever you want, and what's more fun than pretending you're a celebrity? Of course you could go more current and channel Beyoncé, Britney Spears, or Justin Bieber, but going back in time can be really exciting too - especially when it comes to paying homage to an iconic musician. Last year, Kim Kardashian and her sister Kourtney channeled Madonna and Michael Jackson with spot-on looks, and other stars have paid homage to legends like Selena Quintanilla, Amy Winehouse, Cher, and Prince. If you're thinking about taking a trip down memory lane, keep reading for our costume inspiration!
6 Facts You Should Know About Rising Tennis Star Aryna Sabalenka
One thing that's guaranteed when watching sports is that anything can happen. Ranks have weight, but at the end of the day, it's about who plays the best on the day of competition. Aryna Sabalenka knows this to be true.
She recently defeated the fifth seed, Petra Kvitová, at the US Open, and now tennis fans want to know more about the 20-year-old from Belarus. Continue reading to learn more about the rising tennis star.
Amal Clooney’s Favorite Lipstick Shade Is Getting Its Own Collection
It might take approximately $380,000 or a ticket to the Museum of Fine Arts Houston to get within arm's reach of Amal Clooney's custom Oscar de la Renta wedding dress, but there was one thing she wore that fateful day in 2014 that's far more accessible to the average human not marrying George Clooney: Charlotte Tilbury's Lip Cheat Liner in Pillow Talk ($22).
The makeup artist used the creamy, neutral hue from her eponymous cosmetics line on the star for her nuptials in Venice so many years ago, and now, the iconic lip shade is getting a much-deserved expansion. In addition to its existing liner and Matte Revolution lipstick, Charlotte Tilbury is introducing an equally dreamy eye shadow quad and blush-highlighter hybrid of the same rosy color palette. Give the full collection a browse below, but be forewarned: you're not gonna want to say "I do" to just one.
I Have Worn the Same $3 Liquid Eyeliner For 10 Years, and It Gets Me So Many Compliments
I'm a girl who likes to wear a sharp, inky-black cat eye on the regular. There's something about it that makes me feel both powerful and glamorous, so I have made it my go-to look since my teenage years. Time after time, friends, coworkers, and strangers have asked me the same question: "What eyeliner do you use?" There's nothing that brings me more joy than smugly telling them it's a $3 pick from the drugstore. Yes, I have been religiously swiping Wet n Wild MegaLiner Liquid Eyeliner on my lids for 10 years now, and I don't plan on stopping any time soon.
Before you become skeptical, know that I have tried my fair share of liquid liners. I am always curious to see if any high-end or drugstore brands can match the quality of my Wet n Wild pick, but they never do. MegaLiner Liquid Eyeliner comes in a small tube with a screw-top handle. The applicator, a flexible spongy brush, is easy to maneuver as I glide it across my skin. The harder you press, the thicker the line becomes, so you have a lot of control over the intensity of your look. The formula itself is smooth and matte. Its raven-black shade makes my blue eyes pop. All it takes is one coat to get a pleasing obsidian-dark effect.
For me, pen-tip applicators and pots with angle brushes don't give me the razor-sharp line I'm looking for. Only MegaLiner provides me with that smooth edge - I won't accept anything less. What can I say, a good cat eye has become a passion. It's time to set down your pricey choice and give my favorite a try. I can confidently promise you that it won't disappoint.
Let's be real, a $3 purchase is not a big risk to take. Even better - it's currently on sale for $2. I keep one in every purse I own. Read on to see close-ups of the liner itself and how it looks once it's applied.