Healthy lifestyle
A healthy lifestyle is one which helps to keep and improve people's health and well-being.Many governments and non-governmental organizations have made big efforts in healthy lifestyle and health promotion.
Mental Health
Mental health can be considered a very important factor of physical health for the effects it produces on bodily functions. This type of health concerns emotional and cognitive well-being or an absence of mental disorder.
Public health
Public health can be defined in a variety of ways. It can be presented as "the study of the physical, psychosocial and socio-cultural determinants of population health and actions to improve the health of the population.
Reproductive Health
For the UN, reproductive health is a right, like other human rights. This recent concept evokes the good transmission of the genetic heritage from one generation to the next.
Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
mercredi 12 septembre 2018
Why the Store Employee Refused to Pierce My 8-Year-Old Daughter's Ears

I decided long ago that I wouldn't pierce my daughter's ears without her consent. The way I felt about it was it's her body, so it should be her choice. For years, my 8-year-old has said she wasn't ready, which was perfectly fine with me. There's no rush. But after her little sister proudly announced she wanted to get her ears pierced for her sixth birthday, my 8-year-old said she wanted hers done, too.
The piercer looked at me and said my daughter wasn't mature enough to get her ears pierced. She told her she was not going to pierce her ears and to get off the chair.
I made an appointment at a well-established body piercing shop for my daughters. Although a bit scary to see a needle slowly piercing my little girls' tiny ears, I felt a lot more comfortable knowing a trained piercer would be taking care of them in a sterile and clean environment. I did a lot of research and found that it's much safer and more hygienic than having it done with a piercing gun at a mall. Before we arrived at the piercing shop, I gathered up fidget toys, lollipops, and even a calm down jar for my daughters to use in case they had jitters. I was much more worried about my 8-year-old, because she has anxiety. I knew she wanted to get her ears pierced very badly, but I also knew there was a high chance her anxiety would get the best of her - and boy, did it ever.
Although she watched her little sister get her ears pierced like a champ, my 8-year-old started crying once it was her turn. I tried my best to calm her down with the items I had packed, but it wasn't working. The piercer advised my daughter that she wouldn't pierce her ears unless she calmed down, but simply telling someone to calm down usually never works. I tried doing breathing techniques with my daughter, wrapping my arms around her, and letting her watch Tsum Tsum videos on my phone. None of it was working, and the piercer was getting more and more impatient.
The piercer looked at me and said my daughter wasn't ready or mature enough to get her ears pierced. She told her she was not going to pierce her ears and to get off the chair. This, of course, turned my daughter's tears into a full-blown emotional meltdown. My daughter has ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), and a part of ADHD is not only having heightened emotions, but emotional dysregulation. Through her tears, my daughter yelled at the piercer that she was ready and that she wanted to get her ears pierced, but she was just scared of the pain. Although my daughter could have used more of an inside voice when she said this, I was so proud of her for standing her ground. At this point, the piercer was fuming. I apologized and said we'd be back when my daughter was calmer.
We left the shop, and my heart broke for my daughter. What I had envisioned to be a special day in her life was turning into an absolute nightmare because of her anxiety. It was obvious that no fidget toy or lollipop was going to help her. What she needed was an honest reality check from her mom. As we stood outside the shop, I told her that piercing her ears will hurt, but just for a bit. I told her it's OK to feel nervous, but that she's completely safe. I would be with her every step of the way. She just needs to be brave for a few seconds, trying her best not to yell or cry. And after a few breathing exercises, she was finally calm. She looked me confidently in the eye and told me she was ready.
We walked back into the shop and I told the piercer my daughter was ready. She quickly shot me a look that said "Yeah right," but proceeded to get her materials ready. (We all could have done without that piercer's attitude and lack of compassion, but at this point, my determined daughter was on a mission and nothing was going to stop her.) My daughter quietly sat on the chair. I could tell she was directing all of her focus to breathing. I was so proud of her, because I knew how much strength and focus that took for her. I held her hand as the piercer pierced her ears. Yes! She did it! She proudly walked out of that piercing shop with the new earrings she'd so desperately wanted, and I wanted to shout it to the world. My daughter was - or should I say is - a rock star.
I'm certain that there will be plenty more instances when my daughter's anxiety will take over and wreak havoc. There will always be people doubting her, including herself, but there will also be opportunities for her to prove them all wrong. And I'll be there cheering her on every single time.
10 Tips For Keeping Your Kids Safe on Halloween Night

Halloween is known as a time for scary fun, but it doesn't have to be frightening for parents who worry about their kids' safety. Kids, especially tweens and teens who go trick-or-treating with their friends, should be especially careful and aware of their surroundings on a night that can also be potentially dangerous. In addition to pedestrian accidents and injuries, Halloween can also bring about potential "stranger danger," scary pranks, and more. In order to make sure your kids have a good time and stay safe, use the following 10 tips. You'll have peace of mind and they'll be able to have a night out with their friends. And if you still decide to dress up in a costume to spy on them for a few blocks around the neighborhood, just make sure they don't recognize you!
Bring On the Sugar - Walmart's Already Selling Halloween Candy, and It's En Route to Our Mouths

Prepping for Halloween requires serious focus. Not only do you have to decorate the house in only the best motifs and creepy cobwebs, but there's also the added pressure of outfitting the entire family in costumes that will excite and delight. To help you get ahead this season, we're doing a lot of the shopping work for you. So if you're already in the Halloween mood, check out the best candy you can order at Walmart. Stock up now before it's all gone and you're "that house" that passes out raisins.
These 6 Accessories Will Help You Avoid Getting Pickpocketed While Traveling

For all the incredible moments travel gives us - once-in-a-lifetime adventures, new friends, unforgettable meals - there are certain less-than-ideal realities that we all have to acknowledge can happen. Flights get delayed, hotels cancel, plans go awry, and pickpocketing happens. From tiny towns to a buzzing metropolis, theft can happen anywhere and will cast a serious dark cloud over the rest of your trip.
But we get it - it's hard to not get caught up when you're exploring somewhere new, and we're not about to bust out a 1980s fanny pack. So how can we protect the necessities while traveling? On your next trip, rather than put your valuables in a backpack or jeans pocket that can be easily reached by skilled pickpocketers, consider our list of six clever accessories that will help keep your things safe and sound.
These 16 Unique Gifts Will Have Everyone Saying, "Where'd You Find That?!"

Gift-giving is equal parts exciting and stressful. While it's fun to find that perfect present, the actual shopping can feel draining and discouraging - until now. We've scoured the internet to find the best unique gifts. You know, the ones they'll remember getting and actually want to use. This season, take the gift-giving crown with these cool finds.
6 Best Dog Breeds For Families With Small Kids

It's not unusual for families to adopt a dog around the same time as having their own children. But are some dog breeds better suited for families with small children? We were recently asked that, so we reached out to Dr. Eva Radke, DVM, of the East San Rafael Veterinary Clinic in California to see what we could come up with.
There are various things to consider, according to Radke, aside from a dog just being a family-friendly breed. She recommends taking your own daily life into account. "Are you an active family who spends a lot of time hiking, running, and camping?" she asks. "Or do you tend to stay home cooking and enjoying movies? You will want to choose a dog whose temperament, size, and energy level best matches your family."
At the end of the day, it's also important to remember that your dog is just that: a dog. "Even the gentlest-mannered dog is still an animal with her own set of instincts and ways to express herself," Radke said. She suggests you never leave your small children unattended with the dog, just in case, and always supervise them when they're together. Your pup may always tolerate the ear and tail tugs from your kid, but you don't want to run the risk of the dog snapping one day when you aren't paying attention.
Keep reading to find six dog breeds Radke said are best suited for families, based on each breed's typical personality traits.
The Best Way to Store Tomatoes

Although we typically recommend storing tomatoes at room temperature as it best preserves their flavor and texture, it's not quite as simple as that. Here are the best practices depending on how ripe your tomatoes are:
- Keep unripe green tomatoes, stem side down, in a paper bag or in a cardboard box in a single layer. Place in a cool area until they turn red in color.
- Perfectly ripe tomatoes should be kept at room temperature on the counter away from sunlight. Make sure they're in a single layer, not touching one another, and stem side up. Consume within a couple of days.
- Overripe tomatoes that are soft to touch with very red flesh are best kept in the fridge. The cold air will keep the tomatoes from ripening more, and they should last for another three days. Before eating refrigerated tomatoes, take them out of the fridge and let them come to room temperature. This will allow the fruit to develop some of the flavor it has lost due to refrigeration.
10 Secret Sauces That Will Change Your Life

Sauce simply makes foods more succulent. Though it's tempting to just crank open a can of tomato or butterscotch sauce, nothing beats homemade. These 10 recipes are ultrasimple, yet the flavor payoff is so worth it. Go ahead and put them on your cooking bucket list.
9 Unique Fall Festivals Around the World

Fall may be about harvests and pumpkin spice everything, but there's a whole lot more going on that is worth checking out. There are also festivals around the world that you should add to your bucket list. Some of them are in far-reaching corners of the globe, so they may just be an excuse to plan a trip!
The Scary Reason You Absolutely Must Close Your Interior Doors in a Hurricane

If you live in a hurricane zone, then you've no doubt read up on the best ways to protect your home from megastorms. While most hurricane preparations focus on fortifying the exterior of your home, there's actually something important you should be doing inside: closing all interior doors.
After conducting scientific wind tests, the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety concluded that when high wind enters the home during a storm (as it could through an open or broken window), it creates strong upward pressure on the roof. If this pressure grows strong enough, it can eventually cause the roof to blow apart, allowing rain to come in and leaving the home exposed to the elements. In short, causing catastrophic damage.
"Closing interior doors helps compartmentalize the pressure inside the home into smaller areas reducing the overall force on the roof structure, which gives the roof a better chance of staying intact," the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety explains on its website.
These 6 Accessories Will Help You Avoid Getting Pickpocketed While Traveling

For all the incredible moments travel gives us - once-in-a-lifetime adventures, new friends, unforgettable meals - there are certain less-than-ideal realities that we all have to acknowledge can happen. Flights get delayed, hotels cancel, plans go awry, and pickpocketing happens. From tiny towns to a buzzing metropolis, theft can happen anywhere and will cast a serious dark cloud over the rest of your trip.
But we get it - it's hard to not get caught up when you're exploring somewhere new, and we're not about to bust out a 1980s fanny pack. So how can we protect the necessities while traveling? On your next trip, rather than put your valuables in a backpack or jeans pocket that can be easily reached by skilled pickpocketers, consider our list of six clever accessories that will help keep your things safe and sound.
You've Probably Never Heard the Incredible Story of This Heroic 9/11 Female Fighter Pilot

When Heather Penney entered the cockpit of her F-16 fighter jet on Sept. 11, 2001, she knew it was unlikely she would ever survive. Her task? Take down the United Airlines Flight 93 that was unaccounted for after two planes struck the Twin Towers. She would have to do so in an unarmed fighter jet because equipping the plane with missiles would require too much time. Her plane would be the weapon; it was essentially a suicide mission. Penney never completed the job, though, because Flight 93 crashed as brave passengers wrestled control from the hijackers while it flew over Pennsylvania.
The Washington Post first shared Penney's story in 2011, but it's worth revisiting on the anniversary of the attacks. Her interview was the first time she had spoken to the press about that day. "We wouldn't be shooting it down. We'd be ramming the aircraft," she told The Post. "I would essentially be a kamikaze pilot."
Penney, whose nickname is coincidentally Lucky, was a 26-year-old rookie pilot at the Andrews Air Force Base at the time. Not only had she just completed air combat training, but she was also part of the first group of female combat pilots our country has ever had.
"I would essentially be a kamikaze pilot."
On Sept. 11, she was accompanied by Col. Marc Sasseville in the air. The plan was that Sasseville would aim for the cockpit and Penney would ram the tail. Sasseville told The Post he considered the possibility that he could eject from his jet just before making impact with the plane. Penney was hesitant to eject because she was worried about what would happen if her jet didn't hit. "If you eject and your jet soars through without impact . . . " she told The Post, insinuating she would rather die than eject and fail at her mission.
Penney's intrepidity doesn't end there, though. Her father was a former fighter pilot who inspired her to enter the Air Force; he had retired but was flying commercial at the time of her mission - for United Airlines, on the East Coast. Though Penney had "no way of knowing whether [her] father was airborne or not," she still had a mission to do.
Hours after takeoff, Penney and Sasseville were informed that the plane, United 93, had crashed. They were tasked with escorting the president and Air Force One through the threatening skies for the rest of the day. "The events of that day really brought to bear how solemn a responsibility and what a privilege it is to serve my nation," she said to ABC News in the video above. "And that there are more important things than me."
Despite her willingness to die for her country, Penney doesn't consider herself a hero. "The real heroes are the passengers on Flight 93 who were willing to sacrifice themselves. I was just an accidental witness to history," she told The Post.
Penney has since retired from the Air Force; she is a mother and works as the director of Lockheed Martin's air superiority systems program. Her list of accomplishments exceeds one instance of heroism: she served two tours in Iraq and remains a National Guard reserve pilot. Even if Penney doesn't perceive herself as a hero, her readiness to sacrifice her life for our country certainly deserves praise.
9 Unique Fall Festivals Around the World

Fall may be about harvests and pumpkin spice everything, but there's a whole lot more going on that is worth checking out. There are also festivals around the world that you should add to your bucket list. Some of them are in far-reaching corners of the globe, so they may just be an excuse to plan a trip!
101 Gifts Your Best Friend Will Obsess Over in 2018

Best friends are like soulmates. They are there for you when you laugh and cry, and they want to know if their outfit looks stupid. She will agree with you when your SO is a jerk and be your wingwoman when it's time to look for someone new. Basically, BFFs are your everything and you would be nonfunctional without them. That being said, anytime is the perfect time to show your girlfriends how much you love them. We have compiled an ultimate gift guide for giving the best present ever to your best friend - in order of price, from $4 to $1,350. She'll obsess over these cute surprises.
My English Name Was Inspired by My Favorite Childhood Actress, and I Don't Regret It One Bit

Picture this: It's 1995, and you're rocking out to your favorite album: Aerosmith's compilation Big Ones. You turn up the volume on your Walkman, throw on a pair of fake Ray-Bans from the mall, grab a mini bag of Cheetos, and head out the door for your first pool day of the Summer. Life is good. After listening to "Cryin'," "Amazing," and "Crazy" on repeat, punctuated by the soothing sounds of Cheeto crunch, you arrive at your local public pool. You plunk down $60 for a season pass, fill out a form, and wait for your Summer to officially begin. But then your perfect mood dissipates in a shrill flash. " . . . King Lu?"
My Chinese name is Qing. It's a Chinese word that has no direct English equivalent; it's an adjective that combines "green" and "fresh." You could describe grass as "qing," or use the phrase "qing nian (year)" to mean "youth." My full name, Qing Lu (Lu Qing in China), means something to the effect of "green, fresh road" (although I recently learned that the real reason my mom chose Qing was to pay homage to a college friend who had saved her life).
But the definition of my name is not the tricky part. It's the pronunciation that has evaded nearly every new friend, teacher, and customer support representative I've encountered.
Qing is pronounced "Ching." Understandably, that's not exactly intuitive for most of the American population, at least not in suburban Pittsburgh, where I grew up. Most people who meet me will take a wild stab at pronouncing my name. About 60 percent of the time, they'll guess "Queen," with another 30 percent going with "King," as if I were a deck of cards in a magic trick. Then there's the 10 percent who just don't even bother. In my entire life, I can only think of one instance where a person I met knew how a Chinese "q" is pronounced.
"Ching chang walla walla bing bang!" was a common jingle that followed me around as a kid. Cute, right? Nope. I hated having a name that a) nobody could pronounce and b) was easy to turn into mock-Chinese. So, by the time I was 11, I was ready for a change.
Culture is not a zero-sum game. The American influence and traits that I gained did not replace my Chinese heritage.
If you observe the naming practices of Chinese people living in the US, you might have noticed some head-scratchers, like Sweetie, Glory, or even iPhone. According to Lindsay Jernigan, who started to help Chinese people choose English names, that's because the naming culture in China is vastly different than in the States. Chinese names are often the same as regular words. Hence, the Victorys, Moneys, and Octopuses.
I, however, devised my own personal naming practice.
Growing up, the closest thing I had to adult supervision was MTV. My dad was pursuing a PhD in economics, which meant locking himself up and studying nonstop for 16 hours a day, every day. My mom worked as a housekeeper by day and waitressed at a local Chinese restaurant by night (she is now a VP and CEO of an American company, but her embodiment of the American Dream is meant for another story) just to put food on our table. That meant endless hours of unsupervised alone time for me. And like any good babysitter, MTV was my most constant companion, kept me out of trouble, and taught me aspects of the world that were perhaps a bit ahead of my time.
Take Aerosmith, for example.
The first time I saw Alicia Silverstone in the video for "Cryin'," something inside of me unlocked. Looking back, I'm pretty sure it was the very first layer of my womanhood prematurely peeking through, eager to see the world after observing this goddess exact revenge on her cheating boyfriend - how fine was Stephen Dorff back then, by the way? - and take down a thief with her badass kung-fu kick.
A few months later, the video for "Amazing" came out, and I was thrilled to see Silverstone back in action, this time riding through the desert on a motorcycle with yet another stud, Jason London (Aerosmith really had impeccable taste with its casting choices). Just like in the "Cryin'" video, Silverstone had that elusive seductive quality that made me eager to leave girlhood behind. With just the slightest curl of her lip, she could bring a grown man to his knees.
And just when I thought 1993 couldn't be topped in terms of music videos, Aerosmith released the third video of the Silverstone trio, "Crazy," the following year. "Crazy" costarred Steven Tyler's own daughter Liv Tyler as Silverstone's rebel friend. Together, the two break out of private school in a convertible and go on a rampage of shockingly deviant behavior that most definitely informed my developing moral compass at this very formative time in my life.
Watching these videos on repeat from ages 9 to 11 shaped the type of woman I wanted to grow into: a free-spirited, self-reliant nonconformist with a penchant for getting in trouble but the savvy to escape unscathed. Maybe I couldn't articulate it in such terms back then, but that was the general gist of what I aspired to be.
On July 19, 1995, the movie Clueless was released in theaters nationwide. Along with thousands of other preteen and teenage girls, I practically sprinted to my local AMC to watch my favorite actress on the big screen for the first time. In the movie, Silverstone plays a wealthy, popular high school student named Cher Horowitz who selflessly - if sometimes misguidedly - tries to help improve the lives of those around her. She's as known for her visionary fashion as she is for her witty catchphrases, many of which are now part of our current vernacular - we have Clueless to thank for "as if!," "I'm Audi," and the "whatever" hand gesture. Cher is at once endearingly naive (or "adorably clueless," as she would say) and cunningly shrewd (she's able to "argue her way" from a C+ to an A-). She's popular but kind. The only peers getting bullied on her watch are the bullies (I'm looking at you, Amber).
If Silverstone's Aerosmith persona pushed me toward a path of misbehavior, then Cher reined me back onto a course of good conduct.
As Cher, Silverstone created a timeless cultural icon, as beloved 20 years ago as she is today. It may not have won any Academy Awards, but in my opinion, Clueless deserves its own place in the film canon. At the very least, it has a permanent place in my life history.
Alicia Silverstone as Cher Horowitz in Clueless. Photo courtesy Everett Collection.
The Summer of '95 was my last Summer before entering middle school, an entirely new institution with entirely new faces. The vast majority of students wouldn't know me. I could start over. So I asked my parents if I could choose an American name for myself. They shrugged and said, "Sure, go ahead."
As if you couldn't see this coming for paragraphs now, I chose the name Alicia, still giddy from my Clueless high. But not wanting to be too much of a fangirl, I chose to pronounce my name A-lee-sha instead of A-lee-see-ah, à la Silverstone, lest I face a whole new chapter of mispronunciations (wouldn't that be ironic?). But my name choice was, without a doubt, an affectionate homage to my favorite actress.
But while race is intrinsic in shaping our life experiences, the qualities she embodied - kindness, independence, ingenuity - transcended hair color, culture, and even racial identity.
What I didn't grasp back then, however, was the danger of looking up to someone who did not represent me culturally or ethnically. While other girls could see a piece of themselves in actresses like Silverstone, I knew that I could never actually live the same life, every time I looked in the mirror. But while race is intrinsic in shaping our life experiences, the qualities she embodied - kindness, independence, ingenuity - transcended hair color, culture, and even racial identity. Silverstone represented far more to me than any sense of otherness stemming from her whiteness.
Whenever I tell people this story, the thing that surprises them the most is not who I named myself after but the fact that I renamed myself to begin with, a rightfully foreign concept for nonforeigners. Some have criticized me - also, rightfully - for abandoning my Chinese heritage. I've given this considerable thought, and this is what I've realized: when a child grows up in an environment that constantly reminds her that she's "other," she will naturally try to adapt to survive, and sometimes that means shedding aspects of her own identity or assuming aspects of another. This might sound tragic, but my childhood was anything but. Even if I sometimes felt forced to suppress my Chinese roots in order to fit in, I found immeasurable joy in the big, wide world that was American pop culture.
Here's the thing: culture is not a zero-sum game. The American influence and traits I gained did not replace my Chinese heritage.
Even though I spent the last 23 years of my life as Alicia, I feel closer to Qing now more than ever. For me, that closeness formed as I matured and gained a more comprehensive understanding of my cultural and ethnic identity. It's unfortunate, but I wasn't ready to appreciate or accept Qing when I was a kid. I wasn't self-assured enough to look the challenges in the eye and stand my ground. And by the time I was, I was already Alicia.
It's worth noting that I never changed my name legally, so I still put "Qing" down on all my legal forms, and I even use it informally as my middle name. These days I'm a lot less irritated when someone mispronounces it because now I understand that, hey, it's a tough name to pronounce! Hell, I may even empathize.
Once in a while I'll feel bittersweet about the decision I made so many years ago, but does that mean I regret it? Not at all. Sure, I'll never know what type of woman I could have become if I had been Qing my whole life, but I know the woman I did become, and she's not too far from the one my namesake portrayed and inspired me to be. I guess it must be an Alicia thing.
Kendall Jenner's Sexy, See-Through Gown Should Probably Come With a Glass of Ice Water

Can someone pass the ice water, please? *Gulp* Kendall Jenner stepped out in Paris on Sept. 11 wearing a sheer, detailed black dress. The 22-year-old model is certainly no stranger to a see-through outfit, and this latest look leaves very little to the imagination.
After leaving New York Fashion Week early, Kendall touched down in Paris to help celebrate Longchamp's 70th anniversary. She wore a floor-length Longchamp gown for the occasion, and although the dress features a plunging neckline, her look might be even sexier from the back. While the leggy model went see-through nearly everywhere else, she paired the sultry dress with opaque midcalf pointed boots. Keep reading to see more angles of her custom gown.
Kendall Jenner Might Need a Separate House to Store Her Handbag Collection

Kendall Jenner doesn't need an actual runway. The model regularly turns city sidewalks, celebrity hotspots, and even courtside seats at basketball games into her own personal fashion show. Accessorizing this quick-change artist's many looks? A seemingly endless collection of high-end handbags.
Yes, she rarely leaves the house without a fashion-forward designer bag in hand. Whether she's toting a micro minipurse, an oversize maxi clutch, or a classic Birkin, Kendall is always experimenting with her arm candy. While she's played favorites with a few particular pieces over the years, this bag lady definitely likes to mix it up - and we're here to keep tabs on all of it. Ahead, see her most haute handbag looks, and then shop some of that supermodel style for yourself.
Alice + Olivia’s New Collection Is a Colorful Trip Around the World

The inspiration behind Alice + Olivia's Spring 2019 collection? Women of the world. And in creative director Stacey Bendet's eyes, that means color - lots and lots of color. It came in the form of bold, often floral, patterns, matching sets, maxi dresses, neckties, and even beaded bags. Yet, at the heart of it all, the clothes continued to maintain that laid-back, boho vibe we've come to expect from the brand. Whether it sat in a Moroccan setting or a Paris-themed one, each look seemed to say, "I'm ready for my next adventure," and it was a message of connectivity that tied it all together.
Some things to look out for as you view each bright, beautiful piece: a blue dress with floral appliques, an eye-catching rose print, and multicolored tiers.
Try to Keep Up With Kourtney Kardashian's Massive Designer Bag Collection

Kourtney Kardashian's handbag collection is, in a word, extensive. The eldest of America's most famous sisters has no shortage of designer duds at her disposal - and the same clearly goes for her arm candy. Seemingly every time she steps out, Kourtney is toting a bag from high-end hitmakers like Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Chanel, and Fendi.
Kourtney's style is arguably the least over-the-top, compared to the rest of her siblings: she keeps it sexy but (mostly) wearable and carries handbags that veer on that same sleek and classic-meets-trendy side, often repeating her favorites. And aside from travel gear, she clearly prefers styles that are small to mini size. Whether a member of her entourage is carrying all her extra stuff or she manages to fit it all into her teeny purses, we may never know. What we do know: you're going to want to scroll through Kourtney's enviable assortment of bags ahead and shop some of her best investments for yourself.
12 Pairs of Stylish Jeans You'll Never Guess We Uncovered on Amazon

We're firm believers that no wardrobe is truly complete until you have at least one solid pair of jeans you can wear everywhere. If you're still on the hunt for your perfect ones, you've come to the right place. Whether you're a fan of skinnies, bootcut, or straight-leg choices, we found it all. We shopped on Amazon because the mega site has a surprisingly impressive denim collection filled with all your favorite brands, at every price point. Need more convincing? Ahead, you'll find 12 pairs worth owning. Take a look.
Selena Gomez's Dress Is the Perfect Mashup of Edgy and Romantic, Just Like Her

As a Coach ambassador and muse, Selena Gomez wasn't just going to wear any ol' outfit for the brand's Spring 2019 show. The 26-year-old star knew she had to dress to impress for Coach Creative Director Stuart Vevers's runway show at New York Fashion Week, and boy, did she deliver!
Selena wore a gold dress with so many intricate details, we nearly busted out our magnifying glasses to inspect them in all their glory. Her metallic minidress - a Coach number she designed herself for her collaborative collection with the brand - was not only covered in fringe and jeweled studs, but it also featured a sheer black collar, a bow, and long sleeves, all of which were adorned with a teeny-tiny floral print that you could only notice from up close. Her glimmering ensemble shone bright as she watched models strut down the runway from the front row.
Selena let her ornate dress speak for itself, simply styling it with a pair of maroon sandals with a golden buckle strap to match. Ahead, admire her front-row outfit at the Coach show, and keep reading to shop similar styles for yourself.
22 Cute Sweaters So Comfy, You'll Wear Them Over and Over Again This Fall

We're currently doing a closet overhaul because we will need plenty of space for all the sweaters we'll be buying this season. And oh my, are there so many to choose from. Whether you want something loose and comfy or tight and figure-flattering, there's an option out there that will speak to you. To be honest, it's going to be nearly impossible to choose. We created your ultimate guide to the very best sweaters out there in a variety of price points and styles. Let's shop.
Related: Your Ultimate Guide: 25+ Black Boots That Are Cute and Versatile
10 of Meghan Markle's Iconic Fashion Moments to Re-Create For Halloween

Let's face it, 2018 is the year of Meghan Markle. Not only did she marry a real-life prince, but she's also become a bona-fide fashion icon. So it makes sense that the Duchess of Sussex is set to be one of the most popular Halloween costumes of the year. To help you be the most stylish Meghan at your Halloween party, we've rounded up the items you need to give your costume a little "Markle Sparkle."
Of course we'll be breaking down her iconic wedding day look, but if you're afraid you'll get lost in a sea of bateau-neck white gowns and tiaras, we've got plenty of other Meghan-inspired costume ideas for you to choose from as well. The best part? All the items are so stylish, you'll want to wear them after Halloween is over too.
Whoever's Next to Anna Wintour at Fashion Week Has the Best Seat in the House

For celebrities, sitting front row at Fashion Week is pretty much a given - but what happens when you find out that you're sitting alongside the Anna Wintour? The Vogue editrix is famous for her self-assured, slightly intimidating, poker-faced Fashion Week presence, and earning a seat next to her could easily be a dream come true for most fashion-loving celebs. It also sets in motion a longtime industry superstition: does earning a coveted spot next to Anna also nab you a Vogue cover? Just in time for the start of Fashion Week, we're taking a look back at some of the stars who have been seated next to Anna during the shows.
- Additional reporting by Sarah Wasilak and Nikita Ramsinghani
30 Unexpected Ways of Styling Your Trench Coat This Fall

We all have that one outfit we gravitate toward for each season of the year. In the Summer, it's denim cutoffs and a white tee, and in the Winter, it's a chunky sweater with jeans and a puffer jacket. But, the one season that always has us in a tizzy is Fall. With some days being cooler than others, the fluctuating temperatures can cause us to stare at our closets for hours on end in utter confusion.
Enter: the trench coat. While this coat is a wardrobe staple for many, it is, in our opinion, the one Fall outfit that truly never dies. This season, we've seen so many new iterations of the coat along with so many unexpected ways of styling it. Read on to see what we're talking about, and shop some our favorite selections to make your collection feel fresh and updated.
7 Runway Looks We Saw That Are Just SO Kate Middleton

We bet Kate Middleton's stylist has her eye on the runways, ready to update the duchess's wardrobe just as soon as she finishes her maternity leave. We dug up some of Kate's old looks for inspiration and matched them up with the fresh Spring 2019 silhouettes we're spotting on the runways. From a couple of new, dreamy white dresses to a Carolina Herrera coatdress we can imagine Kate wearing proudly, read on to see which ensembles made us think, "Oh, yes! That's just so Kate!" as we admired them strutting down the catwalk. Then, check out Kate's best outfits of the year so far - in our opinion, anyway.
9 Party Dresses From Amazon So Stunning, You'll Do a Double Take

In need of a party dress? It might be surprising, but we found amazing choices from Amazon with affordable price tags. The huge online retailer offers a variety of dresses that fit different needs. So whether you want something sparkly and glam or black and simple, we've got you covered. Take a look at these hot picks.
Nordstrom's Coat Selection Is Out of This World - These Are the 17 We Love

By far Fall is our favorite season of the year to shop. From splurging on the newest boots to getting ready to cuddle up in cozy layers, we just can't get enough. As we hunt for the perfect coat we can wear again and again, we decided to turn to Nordstrom. The popular department store carries all our favorite brands at every price point. To save you time, we curated a list of this year's must-have choices, so all you have to do is shop. Take a look.
I Successfully Did Weight Watchers on a Road Trip - Here's What I Ate

It's taken a lot of traveling for me to realize that just because I'm on vacation, I can't eat whatever I want. I'm a fan of making that excuse, but now that I'm back on Weight Watchers - again - I've tried to get those tendencies under control. I recently put that to the test when I did a five-day road trip.
I planned well in advance for all aspects of my trip, down to selecting a rental car that I thought was best suited. My friend and I opted for a Buick Regal Tourx because it was roomy enough to haul our luggage along with food and drinks. It also had a handy GPS system in the dash that allowed us to search for food options for dinners each night.
I packed breakfasts, lunches, and snacks in two different coolers to stash in the trunk. All the perishables were in one cooler that I refilled with ice from every hotel and all the nonperishables were separate. I specifically kept everything in the trunk so I wouldn't be tempted to snack constantly while on the road, knowing I'd struggle not to if food was within reach.
I also packed some extra supplies that came in handy. I brought a case of water with Crystal Light packets to give me some variety in my drinks, my own dishes just in case, and my own measuring cups and spoons. I wanted to be as precise as possible with the food I bought for the trip, because that was where I had the most control. I knew my dinners out would be a gamble, so I needed to keep an accurate count of my SmartPoints at breakfast and lunch.
My daily SmartPoints base is 25, and while I went over each day, it wasn't usually by much, and it was actually right around where I usually hover. As someone who's not a fan of vegetables, I tend to not eat many of them and instead opt for the food with SmartPoints, keeping me right around 25 or a little more every day. That's what the weekly points are for!
My trip was five days down the West Coast, from Seattle to Los Angeles. I had a weigh-in right before I left and another one right after I got back, and lo and behold, being careful on the road trip paid off and I actually lost just over two pounds. It was probably the first time I lost weight on vacation, and it was exhilarating! But it didn't feel like hard work, because I still ate out every night; I just had to be smart about it. For some insight on what I ate every day, keep reading.
Time Restricted Eating vs. Intermittent Fasting: Which One Should You Do?

Intermittent fasting (IF) has become a wildly popular way to eat. Although people swear by IF to help them lose weight, it can also improve digestion, give you more energy, and curb sugar cravings. There are actually five different ways to do intermittent fasting, each of which promises similar results (weight loss, improved energy, etc.).
But what about time-restricted eating? Turns out, time-restricted eating is a form of intermittent fasting, with some notable differences from other forms of IF. Here, we break down what each one means and whether either of these eating methods is right for you.
I Haven't Eaten Dairy For 4 Years, and I've Experienced These 12 Massive Health Benefits

As a young animal lover, I stopped eating meat when I was 13 years old, and dairy was an absolute staple. I didn't think anything was wrong with it because it wasn't like the cows were being killed, right? Wrong. So wrong. It wasn't until four years ago, when I watched the documentary Vegucated, that I found out how inhumane the dairy industry is. I had no idea! Cows are artificially impregnated at an alarming rate, and after they gave birth, their babies are brutally taken away from them immediately and hooked up to a machine to give their milk to us. I was sobbing watching a farmer drag a newborn calf away from its mama while she screamed and tried to chase after it as they held her back.
I live in Vermont, where the joke is that there are more cows than people. I spoke to tons of small family farms to find out the truth. They all nodded. I was shocked that one very well-known organic farm explained, "The reason we separate the calf right away is so they don't bond. Already you can hear the moms and calves mooing to each other, and it'd be much worse if they stayed together." It made me sick. As a mother of two, my heart ached, and I felt compelled to give dairy up overnight.
Aside from feeling good about not supporting the cruel dairy industry, I had no idea how dramatically my life would improve over the past four years. Here are the amazing health benefits I experienced after going dairy-free.
The 5 Symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), According to an Ob-Gyn

Polycystic ovarian syndrome, or PCOS, is a complicated hormonal condition that affects an estimated one in 10 women of childbearing age (five to 12 percent, depending on the population that is sampled). However, these numbers may vary, as many women have PCOS but do not know it. Although PCOS can be diagnosed by a healthcare provider, symptoms often go ignored until a woman tries to get pregnant - 75 percent of women with PCOS struggle to conceive.
Women with PCOS produce more male hormones than usual, which causes enlarged ovaries with multiple small cysts due to the follicles not maturing into eggs. This leads to a host of physical symptoms, many of which go ignored. Ob-Gyn Nataki Douglas, MD, chair of the Modern Fertility Medical Advisory Board, told POPSUGAR five of the most common symptoms associated with PCOS. If you experience any of these symptoms, she suggests visiting a doctor, ideally someone who is a specialist and familiar with PCOS, hormones, or endocrine functionality who can check for PCOS and offer a proper diagnosis.
This 45-Minute Low-Impact, High-Intensity Workout Torches Serious Calories

Burn calories and tone your body with this 45-minute workout from LIT Method founders Justin and Taylor Norris. This workout proves that low impact doesn't mean low intensity. Get ready to squat, lunge, and punch in this sweat session (yes, you will be surprised just how sweaty you can get) designed to build you, not break you! In this workout we use booty bands, resistance bands, and foam rollers in the cooldown section. But don't worry, you will still be worked without them.
Click here for an exclusive two week LIT Method subscription where you can create your "perfect program" by customizing your very own video playlist from the library of LIT workouts.
Credits: On Anna: Onzie top, Avocado tights, and Athletic Propulsion Labs (APL) shoes. On Justin and Taylor: Puma. Manduka mats and Corkcicle water bottles.
Attention, Dieters: Portion Control Just Got So Much Easier

Portion control is one of the toughest parts of any weight-loss journey, second only to passing on the doughnuts in the office kitchen. Fortunately, there's a simple way to ensure you're getting the right balance of nutrients in every meal: the 50/25/25 rule, also known among dietitians as the Plate Method.
Here's how it works: you fill 50 percent of your plate with nonstarchy vegetables, 25 percent with lean protein (meat or plant-based), and the last 25 percent with grains or starchy veggies, like potatoes. So, imagine a line down the center of your plate - vegetables on one side, and protein and carbs splitting the other. (The American Diabetes Association offers a helpful visual here.)
"I personally encourage using the 50/25/25 rule because it helps put into perspective the recommended portions of food groups," Starla Garcia, M.Ed, RDN, LD, a registered dietitian in Houston, told POPSUGAR. She suggests adapting the method even for meals that aren't as straightforward. Let's say your dinner contains both rice and carb-laden corn: "It's encouraged that you fit the two foods in that 25 percent of the plate," Garcia said, noting that this translates to roughly a fist-sized portion of rice and corn combined.
You'll find that the Plate Method equates to a filling meal - but because this is all about balance, be careful that you're not giving yourself permission to eat hefty portions of unhealthy foods. "Keep in mind how the food is prepared," explained Shauna Sacco, MS, RDN, a certified personal trainer and registered dietitian in Houston. "For instance, is it fried, or drenched in oil? Is it covered with a heavy cream sauce?"
"Because portion size is key with this rule, sometimes it helps to eat off a smaller plate," she continued. And even the vegetable side of your plate can be optimized to be healthier. "The more color, the more health benefits," Sacco said - think carrots and spinach.
15 Gifts the Nike Fan in Your Life Will Obsess Over - All From Amazon

If you're stuck wondering what to gift your loved ones on their birthday or during the holidays, try giving them a brand they love. Anyone who is a fitness junkie or Nike fan would always appreciate some new workout gear to add to their collection. To make your life easier, we shopped and rounded up a list of Amazon's best Nike products. The best part: they're delivered right to your door within just a few days, in case you're in a rush. From pink running sneakers to comfy socks, you might end up wanting a few for yourself. Take a look.
Trying to Tone That Tummy? You'll Want to Nix These Carbs From Your Diet

Carbs: one of the most debatable food categories. There are tons of diets out there promoting an elimination or severe reduction of carbohydrates in our meals to help us lose weight. But are carbs good or bad for us? Can we eat them and still lose weight? Are they healthy? Do they contribute to belly fat?
There's a simple answer to all of these questions: not all carbs are created equal. Our bodies need carbohydrates and utilize them as a fuel source. However, while some carbs can help us reach our health goals, others should be avoided because they tend to be processed to the point where they serve little to no nutritional purpose in our diets and add unnecessary weight to our midsections. Most "bad" carbs are void of fiber, which isn't great for our weight-loss goals. Fiber helps us stay fuller longer, can reduce gut inflammation, and increases metabolism. As a certified holistic nutritionist, rather than telling my clients to eliminate carbs, I educate them on the ones that should be taken out of their diets to help them reach their health goals. There are five types of carbs I always recommend avoiding, especially for those who are trying to lose belly fat.
If Your Hamstrings Are Tight, You Need These 6 Stretches

If you run, bike, are desk-bound all day, or have been sitting in a car or plane traveling, your hamstrings could use some extra love and length. It not only feels good to stretch this commonly tight area, but hamstring flexibility is also important for the health of your back, hips, and knees. Here are six easy and essential stretches that target the backs of your legs. To avoid injury, it's best to do them at the end of a workout, when the muscles are warm.
These Keto Fat Bombs Will Make You Totally Forget You're on a Diet

When it comes to trying a new diet, you may go into it already dreading the things you assume you'll have to to give up. Luckily with the ketogenic diet, dessert is not one of them. Even though the keto diet is known for being low-carb, there are still plenty of options to help you get your sweet fix. One such option is "fat bombs," or low-carb treats that are high in fat. Although fat bombs are usually on the sweet side, they often also work as quick breakfasts, afternoon snacks, or pre- or post-workout fuel. Here are 12 options to keep in rotation that taste so indulgent, you'll feel like you're cheating.
A Dietitian Reveals the Top 5 Largest Sources of Sodium, and They're Probably in Your Kitchen

Sodium may not be something you actively think about in your food, but eating too much can impact not only your waistline, but also your overall health. Eating too much salt leaves you bloated and puffy, which means your jeans and rings may not fit quite like they used to. It can also put strain on your heart and kidneys; too much sodium can lead to high blood pressure, which is linked to heart disease.
The CDC recommends that people eat less than 2,300 milligrams of sodium a day. That may seem like a lot, but it's easy to bypass if you're eating a lot of the foods on this list. "The largest sources of sodium are not what we are adding in through a salt shaker, but actually with what is already in the foods we eat," Jim White, RDN, ACSM, exercise physiologist, owner of Jim White Fitness and Nutrition Studios, explained.
The best way to cut back on sodium intake is to eat mostly whole, unprocessed foods, and limit the following foods on this list.
Here's How Rapidly You Start to Lose Muscle Once You Stop Lifting Weights

My first gym session after a trip to Barcelona, where the only exercise I did was walking (and eating paella), was a struggle. The barbell I used to pick up with ease suddenly felt way heavier. (I actually triple checked to make sure I hadn't accidentally grabbed the wrong barbell - nope.) You may know the feeling. Returning to the gym after an extended break can be brutal.
"Unfortunately, exercise is truly 'use it or lose it.' If you stop strength training, you'll likely notice decreased strength (making it harder to perform daily activities), energy loss, impaired balance, and weight gain in as little as 3-4 weeks," Meghan Nagel, manager of fitness programming at Virtual Health Partners, told POPSUGAR. "Your muscles may also feel less firm and 'toned' when you stop lifting." (That sound you hear is me screaming "whyyyyy?" into the weight room abyss.)
To find out what happens to your body when you stop strength training, POPSUGAR spoke to Nagel and Dr. Jacqueline Schaffer, board-certified MD, bestselling author of Irresistible You, and founder of Schique Skincare. Here's what they had to say.
Hate It When Celebrities Act Like They Don't Diet? So Does Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence wants everyone to cut the crap. Though that seems to be her usual disposition, the 28-year-old actress was specifically referencing illusions about people's diets in a recent interview for the October 2018 issue of InStyle. "If you are 20 pounds underweight and talk about eating pizza and fried chicken all the time, that's not going to make people feel good about themselves," Jennifer said.
"I just like it when everyone's honest."
In addressing "unrealistic beauty standards," Jennifer said, "I just like it when everyone's honest." The notion applies to herself, too, and the need to be honest about both the time and effort that go into her oftentimes rigorous diet and fitness routine. "If I'm going to the Oscars or having a movie premiere - I won't lie - I'm probably eating differently from how I would in my regular life to fit into those dresses," she said. "I feel comfortable saying that."
Though Jennifer jokes that she pays "more for canceled workouts than actual ones," we know she can get into killer shape due to her previous work in Red Sparrow, the X-Men franchise, and of course The Hunger Games. In fact, she correlates feeling confident with working out. When asked about what makes her feel most beautiful, Jennifer said, "Honestly, when I'm at my most disciplined. Like, when I'm really making myself go to the gym." Adding, "When I'm there and running on the treadmill, that's when I feel most powerful."
11 Low-Carb Fruits to Get You Through the Keto Diet

If you're on the keto diet, then you know that it's all about high-fat and low-carb foods. Unfortunately, that limits your fruit consumption because fruits contain sugar and sugar contains carbohydrates. However, there's still a pretty wide range of fruits that are low enough in carbs for you to literally make a fruit salad - the only caveat is that you wouldn't be able to eat too much of it, but sharing is caring, right?
According to Dr. Jason Axe, the recommended daily intake of carbohydrates in order for your body to go and stay in ketosis is 30 to 50 grams. If you're a fruit-lover, we've compiled a list of fruits that contain well under 30 grams of carbohydrates per serving. So go ahead and treat yourself to a slice of watermelon, or throw a handful of blueberries in your full-fat yogurt. Read through to see what other fruits are low in carbs, along with some keto-friendly recipe ideas.
2018's Hottest Netflix Movie Made This Probiotic Drink Fly Off the Shelves

Image Source: HEB
If you feel like you keep hearing the word "Yakult" everywhere, you are not alone. Yakult, the probiotic smoothie beverage created by microbiologist Minoru Shirota in Japan in the 1930s, has been having a moment since it recently appeared in the Netflix movie To All the Boys I've Loved Before. If you have seen the movie, then you may remember the scene where the Yakult-like product is front and center. One of the love interests of Lara Jean, Peter Kavinsky, takes a swig of the drink and exclaims, "Oh, wow, that is really good!" afterward. And the rest is history.
Image Source: Netflix
Since its appearance in the hit movie that came out in August, Yakult has been flying off supermarket shelves, with its stock on Amazon sold out as well.
I've tasted the drink before, as I grew up in an area of New York City where Yakult was always stocked at the local grocery store, and can vouch that it does taste good. It has a creamy, sweet flavor with a hint of tang to it and is reminiscent of a watered-down fruit smoothie. Besides taste, the adorable packaging is also hard to resist because of its convenient design - it is only 2.7 ounces and can easily be thrown into a purse or backpack to enjoy later. But taste and aesthetics aside, is Yakult really that good for you?
For starters, Yakult does contain a good amount of probiotics - 6.5 billion per bottle (!) - and probiotics can help aid the body in everything from boosting your immune system to keeping your heart healthy. It's also vital for a balanced digestive system. Probiotics aside, though, the health benefits from Yakult may be lacking.
"The first thing that jumps out is that each bottle is only 50 calories, so this is very small, and for those 50 calories, it has 12 grams coming from carbohydrates, less than a gram of protein, and 11 grams of sugar!" says Bryan Baia, precision nutrition coach at Athlete Training Club, an app that allows people to accurately assess and compare their pound-for-pound fitness and athleticism. "Now Yakult boasts an exclusive probiotic strain, Lactobacillus casei, but if it was really that exclusive, would we be putting it in a drink full of sugar?"
Instead of drinking tons of Yakult, Baia recommends looking into other yogurt options. "My number one pick for yogurt is Siggi's," Baia says. "Siggi's is sent from the heavens. With Siggi's, you're going to get 110 calories, 15 grams of protein, and only nine grams of sugar. It's the perfect snack, not to mention it includes six active probiotic cultures to promote even better digestive health than Yakult."
So while it may be tasty for a snack on the go, it might not be your healthiest option. If you would like to try out Yakult yourself, check out its store locator to find a store that carries the product near you.
These 6 Accessories Will Help You Avoid Getting Pickpocketed While Traveling

For all the incredible moments travel gives us - once-in-a-lifetime adventures, new friends, unforgettable meals - there are certain less-than-ideal realities that we all have to acknowledge can happen. Flights get delayed, hotels cancel, plans go awry, and pickpocketing happens. From tiny towns to a buzzing metropolis, theft can happen anywhere and will cast a serious dark cloud over the rest of your trip.
But we get it - it's hard to not get caught up when you're exploring somewhere new, and we're not about to bust out a 1980s fanny pack. So how can we protect the necessities while traveling? On your next trip, rather than put your valuables in a backpack or jeans pocket that can be easily reached by skilled pickpocketers, consider our list of six clever accessories that will help keep your things safe and sound.
These 16 Unique Gifts Will Have Everyone Saying, "Where'd You Find That?!"

Gift-giving is equal parts exciting and stressful. While it's fun to find that perfect present, the actual shopping can feel draining and discouraging - until now. We've scoured the internet to find the best unique gifts. You know, the ones they'll remember getting and actually want to use. This season, take the gift-giving crown with these cool finds.
6 Best Dog Breeds For Families With Small Kids

It's not unusual for families to adopt a dog around the same time as having their own children. But are some dog breeds better suited for families with small children? We were recently asked that, so we reached out to Dr. Eva Radke, DVM, of the East San Rafael Veterinary Clinic in California to see what we could come up with.
There are various things to consider, according to Radke, aside from a dog just being a family-friendly breed. She recommends taking your own daily life into account. "Are you an active family who spends a lot of time hiking, running, and camping?" she asks. "Or do you tend to stay home cooking and enjoying movies? You will want to choose a dog whose temperament, size, and energy level best matches your family."
At the end of the day, it's also important to remember that your dog is just that: a dog. "Even the gentlest-mannered dog is still an animal with her own set of instincts and ways to express herself," Radke said. She suggests you never leave your small children unattended with the dog, just in case, and always supervise them when they're together. Your pup may always tolerate the ear and tail tugs from your kid, but you don't want to run the risk of the dog snapping one day when you aren't paying attention.
Keep reading to find six dog breeds Radke said are best suited for families, based on each breed's typical personality traits.
The Best Way to Store Tomatoes

Although we typically recommend storing tomatoes at room temperature as it best preserves their flavor and texture, it's not quite as simple as that. Here are the best practices depending on how ripe your tomatoes are:
- Keep unripe green tomatoes, stem side down, in a paper bag or in a cardboard box in a single layer. Place in a cool area until they turn red in color.
- Perfectly ripe tomatoes should be kept at room temperature on the counter away from sunlight. Make sure they're in a single layer, not touching one another, and stem side up. Consume within a couple of days.
- Overripe tomatoes that are soft to touch with very red flesh are best kept in the fridge. The cold air will keep the tomatoes from ripening more, and they should last for another three days. Before eating refrigerated tomatoes, take them out of the fridge and let them come to room temperature. This will allow the fruit to develop some of the flavor it has lost due to refrigeration.