Healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is one which helps to keep and improve people's health and well-being.Many governments and non-governmental organizations have made big efforts in healthy lifestyle and health promotion.

Mental Health

Mental health can be considered a very important factor of physical health for the effects it produces on bodily functions. This type of health concerns emotional and cognitive well-being or an absence of mental disorder.

Public health

Public health can be defined in a variety of ways. It can be presented as "the study of the physical, psychosocial and socio-cultural determinants of population health and actions to improve the health of the population.

Reproductive Health

For the UN, reproductive health is a right, like other human rights. This recent concept evokes the good transmission of the genetic heritage from one generation to the next.


Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

vendredi 1 juin 2018

This Beachbody Trainer Explains How Many Sets and Reps You Need to Do For Weight Loss

By now, you probably know that strength training is a necessity if you're trying to lose weight. Just in case you needed one more reason to believe it, Autumn Calabrese, Beachbody Super Trainer and creator of 80-Day Obsession, confirms this to be true.

"Muscle requires more fuel to function than fat does, so you want lean muscle," Autumn told POPSUGAR. "In order to build lean muscle, you have to lift weights a little bit. You need to not be afraid to lift."

OK, noted. But how do you know what the right number of reps is? If your goal is to lose weight and tone your body, Autumn recommends shifting back and forth between 2x15 and 3x10 (that's two sets of 15 reps and three sets of 10 reps). "The 2x15 is the more cardio, strength-training zone where your heart rate is going to stay up, your muscles are going to burn, and you're using a little bit lighter weight," she explained. "But I like alternating that with a 3x10 because we can't be afraid to build a little bit of lean muscle."

Autumn says alternating between these two formulas will give you the body you're hoping for - sculpted, toned, and strong. That's why she switches back and forth between these two in her 80-Day Obsession program. The goal is to simultaneously build lean muscle and burn fat.

You might see or hear some women working with very low weights and a really high rep range between 20 and 30. This is said to prevent you from "bulking" up, but Autumn doesn't really agree with that philosophy. "I don't particularly care for that," she said. "I think it leaves a lot of room for injury. When you do anything for 30 reps, the fatigue is going to set in and it's easier to let your form go."

Check out Autumn in action! Here's a 10-minute flat-belly video workout featuring some of her favorite core moves.

When to Eat Your Largest Meal During the Day If You're Trying to Lose Weight

When you're on a mission to lose weight, what you choose to eat needs to line up with your goals. However, according to Break the Weight founder and health coach Ricki Friedman, how and when you eat is just as crucial. If you tend to eat light all day and chow down on a large dinner, you might be standing in the way of your success.

According to Ricki, your largest meal of the day should fall between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. After a large midday meal, you have an opportunity to go for a walk, work out, or move in some capacity that will support your digestion, but after a large late dinner, people tend to sit down to relax and go to bed on a full stomach - not a good idea if you want to wake up full of energy with healthy digestion, said Ricki.

This plan may sound easy enough, but Ricki explained, "It's often more of an emotional challenge than a physical challenge for people to make dinner light. Most of us use dinner as an activity for us to do when we get home out of loneliness or boredom, so you'll need some structure or alternative activities to fall back on!" Ricki's number-one activity she suggests to clients? Take a 20-minute walk every night after dinner. An evening walk supports healthy digestion, takes your focus off of food, and gives you an opportunity to check in with your emotional state.

If you're not sure what constitutes a light dinner, Ricki's only hard-and-fast rule is to make it less than 400 calories. Here are four options she recommends to her clients:

  1. Four ounces of salmon with grilled veggies and half a sweet potato
  2. Vegetable or lentil soup
  3. Half a cup of quinoa with lots and lots of veggies
  4. Half a veggie or beef burger with grilled vegetables

"If you want something like pizza, only have one piece or two, and then take your nighttime walk. It's not about taking all the things you love away from yourself; it's about learning how to have them, so you can go to bed feeling good, light, and satisfied," said Ricki.

Doctors Weigh In on Why Sex Can Be Painful, and How to Work Through It

Although not all of us experience mind-blowing orgasms, sex is generally considered to be a pleasurable activity for both parties. It may surprise you that approximately 75 percent of women report experiencing pain during intercourse at some point in their lives. Like everything else, the pain level ranges from mild to severe and, for some women, it's a quick phase rather than a long-term problem.

But many women consistently experience moderate to intense pain during sex and can't pinpoint the reason why. Furthermore, the problem can be a source of embarrassment that prevents women from talking to their doctors and confiding in their partners. It's easy to chalk up the problem to, "there's something inherently wrong with me," when in reality, there are myriad reasons sex can be painful.

Experts weighed in and explained why sex can be painful. Once you get to the root of the problem, it's time to chat with your doctor about possible solutions, because they certainly exist.

6 Reasons Behind Unintended Weight Loss, According to a Doctor

Many people would jump up and down in excitement if they saw the scale taking a drop. But weight loss isn't always a good thing, especially if you're not taking the steps to actually make it happen. Health conditions and related factors can cause weight loss at a rapid pace. Everyone's body is different, but losing five percent of your body weight after six months is generally a cause for concern in medical reviews. However, if you notice that you're losing weight much quicker than indicated in your weight-loss plan, talk with a clinician.

Keep in mind that there are many reasons someone could be losing pounds, but these are just a couple of the more familiar ones. Brian Secemsky, MD, an internal medicine physician at OneMedical, filled us in on some of the reasons you could be experiencing unintended weight loss.

Stress and Mental Health Conditions

"Some people are stress eaters, but some people are the exact opposite," Secemsky said. "They will eat less and avoid foods that give them pleasure because they feel they need to hold off on it until they're happy." People who get stressed - from work, family, etc. - may drink a lot of caffeine, which is an appetite reducer.

However, it can go beyond stress. People with depression, anxiety, and mental health conditions may experience loss of appetite. Many of these people lose interest in things they love, and that can include food.

Thyroid Issues

An underactive thyroid is linked with making it extremely difficult to lose weight. On the other hand, an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) can cause just the opposite reaction. Each condition also causes other issues, so you'll want to talk to your doctor about any major weight problems.

One of the best things you can do is keep a symptom journal, Secemsky said. If you notice unintended weight loss, keep track of other changes, even if you don't think they're related. Telling your doctor about your fever, hair loss, changes in urination, and even a cough can have bigger implications than you realize. For example, sensations of cold or heat could be linked to thyroid issues.

Celiac Disease

People with celiac disease can't eat gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley (basically your favorite carbs). When they do eat gluten, the body sends a response that attacks the small intestine. "You can't digest certain foods and you also have this chronic inflammation going on," Secemsky said. This can defer eating and cause other stomach issues, leading to weight loss. Consider gluten-free desserts your new best friends!


"Medications, recreational and prescribed, can also cause unintended weight loss for various reasons," Secemsky explained. Some cause nausea or dry mouth, and others directly cause unintended weight loss. So look at what medications you're taking, as well as your medication history, if you've noticed a drastic weight change.

Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes (specifically when it's undiagnosed) can cause rapid weight loss. The glucose in the bloodstream doesn't get into the cells of someone with the condition. Therefore, their body isn't getting those nutrients. That extra glucose can also cause a patient to urinate more and become dehydrated, Secemsky explained. All of this can cause a lower number on the scale.

Substance Abuse

"Particularly, if patients are using stimulant medications like cocaine, unprescribed use of ADHD medications, and even caffeine, they can be appetite inhibitors," Secemsky said. For some recreational drug use, the addiction is so strong that people forgo eating, whether it be financial reasoning or they just use the time to do more drugs. Researchers from the University of Cambridge even found that cocaine may reduce the body's ability to store fat.

Many of us could say that we would love to lose a couple of pounds; however, only you truly know your body's "normal." So if it seems off, always reach out to your doctor. And, yes, that includes when you think you're losing weight a little too quickly!

These 33 Meal-Prep Ideas Are Healthy, Simple, and Delicious

To prevent consuming every food in sight, a little preparation goes a long way. From breakfasts to snacks to lunch and dinner, if you're new to meal prepping or you're getting bored with the same old combinations, find inspiration in these simple and delicious meal-prep ideas.

10 Signs Your Good Workout Habits Are Going a Little Too Far

As a trainer and a Pilates instructor, I am always encouraging my clients to get more active. Taken to the extreme, though, too much exercise will have negative consequences on the mind and body. We asked some experts in fitness, nutrition, and psychology to help identify symptoms of overexercising - keep reading to find out what they said.

  1. You're sore every day. Some level of soreness is expected after a hard workout, but your muscles should improve as you adjust into a new program. DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) usually occurs one to three days postexercise and will continue to get better over time. If you're in daily pain without any relief, you might be causing more muscle damage than you intended.
  2. Injuries keep cropping up. Physical therapist Christine Gorsek says, "Continuing to struggle with the same injury causing tendinitis may be a sign of overexercise. Try to add some variety to your routine - such as bodyweight-only exercises, water aerobics, yoga to challenge your body in a new way - and prevent repetitive overuse that will cause you pain." If you are a new mom, paying attention to your body and activity is especially important to keep your long-term-injury risk down.
  3. Rapid weight loss. "Although weight loss may be your goal, losing weight too quickly can be unhealthy," says nutritionist and dietitian Stefanie Mendez. "It's not just body fat that is being lost; your body will also break down muscle when the demands are too high on your body. Healthy weight loss is recommended at one to two pounds per week. If you're losing weight more rapidly than that, consider decreasing the amount of cardio exercise being done and increasing the amount of food being consumed." Make sure that you're getting adequate amounts of food and fluid and not burning off excessive amounts of calories.
  4. Loss of appetite. It should be noted that exercise may lead to nausea post-workout, but if you find your appetite is not returning, it's time to take action - especially since you need calories to fuel your workouts effectively! Don't be afraid to cut your workout times down, take a rest day, or have a fitness professional create the best program for you.
  5. Ravenous appetite. Working out crazy amounts may contribute to consuming more calories than you burn. I tell my clients to start with 30 minutes of daily exercise and see how their appetite changes. If they are able to avoid late-night snacking, they can attempt to up the workout duration but should stay in tune with hunger changes.
  6. Insomnia. High-intensity exercise triggers higher stress levels and hormonal changes in your body, most of which are positive. The real damage comes in when you don't allow your body time to recover, throwing your body out of whack. When your hormones are all over the place, your brain struggles to tell your body it's time to sleep. According to Mattress Firm's Daily Doze blog, "While it might seem a bit counterintuitive, studies now suggest that people who sleep less are likely to weigh more." Not a side effect you want if you're trying to get in shape! If you've already cut out caffeine and you're still finding it hard to fall asleep or stay asleep, you may be exercising too much.
  7. Hair loss. Julie Shapiro, certified personal trainer and yoga instructor, notes, "While exercise in and of itself does not cause hair loss, excessive exercise can lead to hair loss because it places excess stress on the body. This chronic stress causes hair follicles to go into a resting state, causing it to shed. According to the American Hair Loss Association, this is a condition known as TE, or telogen effluvium."
  8. Brittle nails. If you're not getting the right vitamins and minerals, your nails may change in color, develop white spots, or become very brittle. Lack of eating caused by overexertion can lead to deficiencies and poor nail health, and your nails will break off or chip easily.
  9. Longer recovery for colds/illness. While most exercise helps to boost your immune system, long-endurance exercise may open the door for increased stress and inflammation, causing you to stay sick longer than you'd like. Make sure to vary your workouts and allow proper recovery time in between long-endurance bouts.
  10. Exhaustion. When it comes to exhaustion, Dr. Amber Parker with the Cedar Psychological Center says, "Exercise can be a wonderful tool for managing stress, anxiety, and depression. However, for someone who is chronically stressed or anxious, too much exercise can keep the body in a state of physiological arousal. The body cannot maintain that state indefinitely and will eventually become depleted. Signs of this depletion are exhaustion and fatigue that we have difficulty overcoming. It is important to balance exercise with other activities that help relax us to restore our physical bodies."

8 Trader Joe's Foods I Always Keep in My Freezer (and the Recipes I Make With Them)

Trader Joe's is like my therapist, my happy place. As soon as I walk in, all my troubles melt away as I feast my eyes on all of TJ's amazing food. I can pick up basics like raw almonds and cashews, dried baby bananas (my new obsession), almond butter, and a bag of baby avocados and never walk away feeling like I got ripped off - I actually feel like I got deals! I love that just about everything I choose has minimal ingredients, and Trader Joe's has so many unique packaged foods that make dinners come together in minutes. If you take a peek in my freezer, you'll always find these staples for making quick, healthy, satisfying meals. Here are my eight favorite healthy frozen foods and how I cook with them.

A Doctor Lays Out the Perfect 12-Week Diet Plan to Lose Weight and Feel Amazing

For pretty much anyone on the planet, the hardest part about losing weight is changing your diet. There are so many different paths to cleaning up what you eat, and there's no one-size-fits-all rule. To help you navigate the weight-loss waters, we spoke to Dr. Luiza Petre, a weight-loss and weight-management specialist and board-certified cardiologist, and she laid out the ultimate 12-week diet plan to help you lose weight and feel your very best.

There are three cycles to this plan, and each of them are laid out ahead. Let's get started!

I Actually Gained Weight From Eating a Salad Every Day - All Because of This Mistake

I thought eating a big-ass salad made for the healthiest lunch ever. So I'd meal-prep five salads for the week, pile the veggies into a bowl, add a few more nutritious toppings, and chow down. Salads are supposed to be low in calories - perfect for weight loss. The only problem was, I was actually gaining weight.

How do you gain weight eating veggies, you ask? Well, I thought variety was the key to health, so my bowl mas made up of at least 12 different ingredients, none of which were measured. But when I got a food scale, measured out each ingredient, and plugged everything into MyFitnessPal, I almost dropped my salad bowl in disbelief. This was the nutritional breakdown:

Ingredient Calories Fat Carbs Protein
50 grams massaged kale (about 1 cup) 25 5 0 2
50 grams cucumber (about 1/4 cup) 8 2 0 .5
50 grams carrots (about 4 baby) 20 5 0 0
50 grams red bell peppers (about 1/4 cup) 16 3 0 0
50 grams yellow bell peppers (about 1/4 cup) 14 3 0 1
50 grams celery (about 1 large stalk) 8 2 0 1
6 cherry tomatoes 14 0 3 0
6 grapes 21 0 6 0
50 grams red cabbage 16 0 4 1
Trader Joe's marinated tofu (1 piece) 160 9 4 16
100 grams diced roasted sweet potato (about 3/4 cup) 90 .2 20.8 2
1/2 cup cooked quinoa 111 2 20 4
1/4 cup chickpeas 65 1 11 4
1/2 avocado 117 11 6 1
1 tbsp salted sunflower seeds 99 9 4 3
2 tbsp Goddess Dressing 120 12 2 2
Total: 904 64.2 80.8 37.5

I couldn't believe it. 904 calories? And that's not even counting the oil I used to roast the diced sweet potatoes. Or the handful of sunflower seeds I crunched on while measuring a tablespoon for my salad. No wonder I was gaining weight! I was practically eating two meals in one sitting.

I know all the hacks to make a salad healthy, but I was making the mistake of simply putting too much into my bowl. This just proves that eyeballing isn't the best tactic, even if you're eating healthy foods. My lunch was definitely packed with nutritious ingredients, but it was way too packed.

The Fix

Knowing is half the battle, so now that I knew why I was gaining weight, I could do something about it. I continued to use MyFitnessPal and my food scale, and I just cut some of the ingredients down. In fact, I cut a few out completely. I skipped the quinoa and red pepper, used 1/4 of an avocado, one tablespoon of a lower-calorie dressing, and half the amount of sweet potatoes. I was able to get my salad bowl to just under 500 calories. Since I do intermittent fasting and only eat from noon until 7 p.m. each day, I was happy with this amount.

Learn from my mistake and take this into consideration when meal prepping all your meals and snacks. Measure out your ingredients so you know exactly how much your daily food is adding up to. If you're struggling to lose weight, this could be the one simple thing that pushes the needle!

Harley Pasternak Shares His 3 Most Useful Tips to Fight Food Temptation

When you're trying to lose weight, it's hard to know what to do with all the temptation that's in front of you. There are cupcakes at the office, endless wine at happy hour, and all-you-can-eat ice cream at your friend's birthday party. Harley Pasternak, celebrity trainer and wellness expert who will appear at the Propel Co:Labs Fitness Festival this year, knows how hard this can be when you're trying to be healthy. We asked him to give us some tips on how to deal with these moments of temptation.

"I think planning your food in advance is very helpful," Harley told POPSUGAR. And he really thinks ahead, "In a typical work day, I'll actually plan out what I'm going to eat the next day so that I'm never stuck starving and trying to think, 'Oh gosh, I better get something soon for lunch or I'm just going to grab the hot dog at the corner.' I think that's something really important."

Another tip Harley gives is "having healthy snacks around you." For example, he usually has "little packets of prepackaged cashews," apples, and "these little protein drinks" around so he always has a healthy option in front of him.

"Last but not least - I have talked about this before - I stay hydrated," Harley shared. "Because when you are dehydrated, you can mistake that with hunger." He also emphasized that it's important to start a workout well hydrated, too.

To recap, Harley suggests you plan ahead, always have healthy snacks on hand, and stay hydrated. Follow these rules and you'll definitely keep your diet on track!

At Under 400 Calories, These Slow-Cooker Meals Equal Weight-Loss Success

Slow and steady wins the weight-loss race, but slow and steady also makes it happen when it comes to low-calorie meals. Dust off the ol' slow cooker and whip up these meals - full of flavor, fiber, and protein, and all under 400 calories.

Protein: You're Eating It All Wrong

If you're trying to lose weight, experts say to load up on protein. But certified dietitian Leslie Langevin, MS, RD, CD, of Whole Health Nutrition wants to make sure you avoid these five common mistakes when eating this valuable nutrient.

The Debilitating Anxiety Symptom No One Ever Talks About

Until only recently, I kept a big aspect of my anxiety hidden from the world because I was deathly afraid of the consequences I would suffer if I talked about it. I was already fearful of the judgment I may experience from opening up about my anxiety, but this was huge. What if people thought I was actually crazy? The anxiety of this backlash made me feel physically ill, and I felt like there was no one I could turn to who would understand.

I'm talking about intrusive thoughts, which the Anxiety and Stress Disorders Institute of Maryland says "become obsessive, provoke fear and shame, and often lead to doubts about sanity, control, motives, character and safety." They're common in those struggling with general anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, panic disorders, and obsessive compulsive disorder.

A majority of my life has been spent dealing with anxiety, so as long as I can remember, this symptom has always affected me. I never understood why frightening images and scenarios would pop into my head, leaving me anxious and scared. I didn't know I was experiencing intrusive thoughts or why they were disrupting my reality.

People who suffer from anxiety often experience these episodes, during which they see an alarming event playing out in their head. These intrusive thoughts are frightening scenarios we create, causing us to think of harmful things we might do to ourselves or people we love.

The thing is, though, we would never act on these thoughts, and we know that, but we feel the fear as if they are really happening, and they make us incredibly uncomfortable. These thoughts are an automatic reaction and completely out of our control. Our brains become a movie reel of thoughts and actions we play out in our mind, and we can't look away.

When I was a kid, these intrusive thoughts came in the form of monsters, like the ones you see in movies. Despite knowing monsters didn't exist, they came alive in my mind and gave me physical symptoms of fear. Sometimes it would get to be too much, and I would hide under my covers and cry at night. I knew in my mind nothing could hurt me because there was physically nothing there, but I couldn't understand why these images haunted me.

I just wanted to get to my destination, but these thoughts would keep running through my mind, and I couldn't stop them.

As I gained more life experiences, my intrusive thoughts developed into other fears. Now that I was older, these thoughts turned into new scenarios, ones that felt more real. For example, when I started driving, I'd see myself veering off the road, hitting a side rail, flying off a ledge, or running head-on into a semi. I didn't really want to do any of these things. I just wanted to get to my destination, but these thoughts would keep running through my mind, and I couldn't stop them.

I've learned that these intrusive thoughts are our brain's coping mechanism for fear. They distract us from the anxiety we are feeling in real life with a fictitious event we can focus on instead. This is your brain's way of trying to help you with the anxiety you're experiencing in real life. It's as if your brain is telling you, "Look, I know you're afraid, but it could be worse, so whatever is going on isn't that bad."

Believe it or not, my childhood monsters have followed me into adulthood, and I still see them when I get anxious. Because I've been experiencing them for so long, I've mostly become numb to their effects. However, I do pay attention when these intrusive thoughts surface, as it's an indication that my anxiety is off the charts and I need to stop and assess myself.

I've opened up about it to only a few of my closest friends; one has anxiety and confirmed that she herself experiences the same thing. She thought she was crazy, like me, and didn't dare tell a soul for fear of judgment and ridicule. It was relieving to both her and me that we were not alone.

I want those who don't experience intrusive thoughts to know this is not something to be alarmed about. We are in no way looking to hurt ourselves or anyone else; we are just trying to cope with our anxiety. If someone close to you experiences these intrusive thoughts, just love and support them. That understanding will help ease the anxiety we feel from even having these thoughts. Know, though, that this is not a problem you can solve; this is a process that we will go through regardless.

If you struggle with intrusive thoughts, share them. The more we share these experiences, the better we can understand ourselves and others and the more we can help one another. Know you are not alone and you are not crazy.

For resources and information about intrusive thoughts, please visit the Anxiety and Depression Association of America.

These Are the 10 Trader Joe's Products 1 Fitness Editor Can't Live Without

Getting the Trader Joe's logo tattooed on my wrist wouldn't seem like a crazy idea to me. That's how obsessed I am with this store! The closest one is just under 25 minutes from me, and it's completely worth it. Without fail, I hit it up once a week, and here are the staples I buy.

  1. Nuts and Seeds: Pecans, raw almonds and cashews, chia seeds, hemp hearts, flaxmeal, salted sunflower seeds - I use these for every single meal and for many of my recipes, including these vegan chocolate salted caramels. These are by far the cheapest I've found, aside from Costco, of course.
  2. Salted Crunchy Almond Butter: I definitely go through a jar of this per week! I use it for toast, paired with bananas or sliced apples, in oatmeal and granola bar recipes, and straight out of the jar.
  3. Organic Teriyaki Baked Tofu: This is firm and full of flavor; I cube it and add it to mason jar kale salads for the week, add it to Trader Joe's frozen Vegetable Fried Rice, or use it in burritos. One square offers 16 grams of quick protein.
  4. Vegan Kale, Cashew, and Basil Pesto: This was a recent find, and I literally shrieked in the store when I saw it. The woman next to me was not impressed. Made with cashews, it's great on pasta, spread on crackers, smeared on paninis, and added to roasted veggies used for pizza toppings. This is easily one of my top five favorite Trader Joe's products.
  5. Gluten-Free Rolled Oats: For overnight oats, baked oatmeal, granola bars, DIY oat flour, and date-sweetened cookies, these are so cheap for being gluten-free!
  6. Frozen Cooked Brown Rice and Quinoa: OK, so I know I could make my own frozen cooked grains, but these cost just a few bucks and they're already made! I love the organic brown rice, the quinoa, and the grains mixed with veggies. They're great to have on hand for quick meals.
  7. Pasta: You can't go wrong with pasta! I love that Trader Joe's offers interesting kinds like red lentil, black bean, and brown rice and quinoa and basics like no-bake lasagna noodles.
  8. Tomato Basil Marina: For tofu lasagna and maple cumin lentils, this sauce is basic but delicious.
  9. Frozen Fruit: For smoothies, oatmeal, and nice cream, I'm a huge fan of Trader Joe's frozen mango chunks, blueberries, raspberries, cherries, and strawberries and also its acai packets.
  10. Baking Ingredients: I bake at least twice a week, so I keep my pantry stocked with bakery essentials. Some of my favorite Trader Joe's products are Organic Coconut Oil, Almond Meal, Pure Bourbon Vanilla Extract, and Coconut Sugar.

The 10 Best Sneakers You Can Buy on Amazon - Starting at Just $30

There's no better feeling than slipping on a pair of new sneakers ahead of a grueling workout session. So this season if you need a little extra motivation to get you to the gym, treat yourself to a new pair. You don't have to drop a ton of cash either because it's easier than ever to find good quality brands at affordable price points. We searched on Amazon because the online retailer has so much to choose from. We found everything from Adidas to Nike and New Balance. Shop these top picks that start at just $30.

Watch Michelle Obama Embrace Her "Forever First Lady" Nickname

On May 2, Michelle Obama made an appearance at the 2018 College Signing Day at Temple University in front of 8,000 high school students, wooing the crowd by embracing a very popular nickname that was given to her after she and former President Barack Obama left the White House: the "forever first lady."

"I know you have everything it takes to succeed. I know that you are me. And if I can be standing here as your forever first lady," she said before pausing for the crowd to cheer, "then you can do anything you put your mind to."

The College Signing Day event first started under the Obama administration as part of the former first lady's Reach Higher program, which encourages students to get a college education. Watch the moment for yourselves in the video above, and we promise our forever first lady's rousing speech won't let you down.

Google Launched 3 New Photo Apps - and We're Obsessed

Google has always been at the forefront of innovation. It's no surprise, then, that as we start to hit that point when we think we've got it all, the massive company pops up with something new and exciting and just all-around awe-inspiring. The latest endeavor, released on Dec. 12, is being labeled as the first in a set of "photography appsperiments," all aimed at getting the most out of the incredibly futuristic capabilities in every mobile phone.

Ahead, check out the details on all three of the new apps - Storyboard (available on Android only), Selfissimo! (available on Android and iOS), and Scrubbies (available on iOS only). And be sure to swap phones with a friend if you can't access all three of them, because they are all worth playing around with.

Add These 7 Wellness Apps to Your Daily Self-Care Routine ASAP

Our busy schedules don't always allow us to drop into a much-needed yoga class, but that's no excuse to make your personal wellness any less of a priority. Luckily, there's an app for almost everything - including for yoga, meditation, mindfulness, and overall self-care. Ahead are some of our favorite tools to help you live a healthier and happier life.

5 Reasons Independent Women Make the Best Partners

Many find independent women to be incredibly attractive. What's not to love? They know what they want and don't take sh*t from anybody else. But just because they can thrive on their own doesn't mean they're incapable of love. In fact, this type of woman makes an especially amazing partner because she's choosing to be with you. If she's making the decision to commit to you when she's perfectly fine by herself, you know that she's in it for the right reasons. Here's why you should get yourself an independent woman.

1. She knows how to exist without you.

You won't have to worry about neediness with her because she has a life of her own. She also won't guilt you into spending time with her over your friends. She'll encourage you to do your own thing while still knowing how to be very present when you are together.

2. She'll push you to pursue your goals.

Independent women are typically driven and assertive. She's going after her passions, so she will want you to do the same. She'll be your biggest cheerleader and resource while she handles her own business. Also, nothing turns her off more than a lack of ambition.

3. She can take care of herself.

She's self-sufficient and doesn't need anybody but herself, meaning you won't be expected to be by her side at all times. Of course she'll appreciate your support along the way, but she's fine with falling and picking herself back up.

4. She lets you be you.

She will never try to change you or mold you to be someone she wants you to be. If she's with you, chances are that you fit the bill already. She values being her own person and wants the same for you.

5. She makes you feel wanted, not needed.

She doesn't need you, which makes your relationship even more meaningful. She's not just keeping you around just for the sake of avoiding loneliness; she wants to be with you because she loves you and values you. Remember, she won't commit to just anybody. Though you may even feel useless at times, just know that she cares deeply and will come to you when necessary.

This Star Wars Art Will Make You Wonder Why Disney Princesses Don't Carry Lightsabers

You're not over seeing amazing Disney/Star Wars mashup art yet, right? Good, because we found some new ones that have us senselessly fangirling all over again.

Illustrator Phill Berry recently shared his take on the Disney princesses as Star Wars characters, wherein they're rugged, lightsaber-wielding Jedi badasses.

Featuring Ariel, Jasmine, Rapunzel, and Belle - for now - the illustrations also include the princesses' respective sidekicks! For example, Ariel is shown with a hovering drone that is meant to resemble Flounder, and Belle is accompanied by her beau, the Beast - who in the Star Wars universe is most likely a Wookiee.

See the incredible illustrations that are kind of making us wish they cast Jasmine in Star Wars: The Last Jedi.


41 of the Most Glorious Photos the Internet Ever Saw

Imgur is a magical place, and just because you don't have time to browse the photo-sharing site all day doesn't mean you should miss out on Internet gold. Ahead, some of the platform's popular photos (plus the captions just as they were written), from the hilarious to the heartwarming.

Source: Reddit user Not_A_Greenhouse via Imgur

12 Flaky Texts We All Send to Get Out of Plans

We've all been there before - it's a regular Tuesday night and you just want to watch Netflix and stay in bed, though your friends want you try a new restaurant with them. So you do what everyone else does: come up with an excuse, a white lie, and stay warm in bed, deliriously happy not to be outside.

If you've run out of excuses or just need a handy list for the next time you need to flake, we've come up with the most popular and accepted texts we send. Sure, honesty is the best policy but sometimes you want to keep it to yourself that you're rewatching Gilmore Girls again.

How to Create a Wedding Hashtag No One Else Will Have

Image Source: Brooke Images

There are some brides who ask guests to unplug at their wedding, and some who ask guests to go all out with the photo snapping and sharing. If you're the second type of bride, you're probably already brainstorming your wedding hashtag - you know, the one phrase that guests will use on Instagram and Twitter to round up pictures of your big day. Instead of the more standard conventions you've probably seen all over the place, we bring you 21 unique, creative ideas you haven't thought of. Of course, replace them with your own names, initials, wedding locations, and such to make them special to your big day.

What's the best one you've seen? Let us know!

1. #HappilyEverHarrison

2. #RuizPartyof2

3. #ThatOneMalibuWedding

4. #Newlywedsontheblock

5. #SeanandCassGetHitched

6. #TomKat, #Bennifer, or any other celebrified combo

7. #MrandMrBaker

8. #TimandAnneinWonderland

9. #WeSaidIDoOnJune2

10. #KristenLovesJustin

Image Source: SMS Photography

11. #SmithNoMore*

12. #LauBeachBash

13. #ThisisOurWeddingHashtag

14. #StokedtobeaHorowitz*

15. #TwasaGoodKnight

16. #WeCameWeSawWeWed

17. #SamandNicoleKissandTell

18. #JessandTimTietheKnot

19. #KylieWedsCara

20. #AdventuresofJuanandCelina

21. #TandGForBestWeddingEver

*Maybe better for a bachelor/bachelorette party than a wedding?

See "World's Biggest Git" Percy Weasley in a WHOLE New Way

In the words of Ron Weasley, Percy Weasley is, in many ways, "the world's biggest git." Of the Weasley clan, the third oldest brother is always the butt of the family jokes. He is pompous, he's an overachiever, and he famously chooses his job at the Ministry of Magic over his family. Percy might be many things, but most of all, he is misunderstood. So let's talk about Percy, who is perhaps the least endearing Weasley sibling but certainly not without his strong suits.

A recent Reddit thread explored why Percy is the way he is and delved into his motivations behind both his good and his bad choices in the Harry Potter series. He doesn't always have it easy, but considering his circumstances, things aren't quite as black and white with the former head boy as they seem. And if you really think about it, he is pretty remarkable in his own way. Redditor booksblanketsandtea brought up some pretty interesting observations.

Can we talk about how an incredibly ambitious young man likely ended up in the worst possible House for him because he was terrified of disappointing his family? Can we talk about how he'd been told his entire life that to be ambitious (to be Slytherin) was a bad thing? Can we talk about how protective he was of Ron and Ginny when they came to Hogwarts? How proud he was of Ron, for besting McGonagall's chess set (because who do you think taught Ron how to play? It certainly wasn't the twins, and I doubt either Molly or Arthur had time).

Can we talk about how Percy felt more accepted and comfortable at the Ministry - where people couldn't even remember his name - than he did with his own family, who made him the butt of practically every joke, who either looked down on his goals, or couldn't be bothered to show an interest simply because it wasn't something they themselves were keen on? (And people wonder why he sided with the Ministry over his family, over Harry - who was a complete stranger and was more easily accepted than he ever was?)

Let's talk about how maybe Gryffindor was the right House for him - because even after all this, when he was proved wrong, he had the guts to come back, to apologise to his family that he loved (and who did, of course, love him - even if they didn't really understand him). Can we talk about how brave that was? "Perfect Percy" admitting he was wrong to his Father who [he] had once idolized, and then working as a spy for the Order? Keeping that distance between he and the rest of the family in place so he could feed them info about the Ministry? Before he turned up at the last minute to help fight at the Battle of Hogwarts? About how he lost his little brother, who - if Percy had been just a minute or two later down that passageway - would have died practically hating him? About how Percy likely went the rest of his life thinking that - if given the chance - his family would rather that he had died, instead of Fred? How he himself likely wished that that had been the case? Can we talk about how Percy Weasley was, in the end, perhaps the perfect amalgamation of Slytherin and Gryffindor? Just - can we talk about Percy?

Should we give Percy a little more mercy? Maybe if Percy had been in Slytherin instead of Gryffindor, he would have been able to foster his talents differently. Maybe if he'd been able to relate to his family more and if they'd been more open to who he was despite his undeniable prat-like qualities, he would have felt closer to them despite his job at the Ministry.

But let us not forget that when it really matters, Percy comes back for his family. He bursts into the Battle of Hogwarts ready to fight alongside the rest of the Weasleys, and he does something that many people - even the beloved heroes of Harry Potter - have a hard time doing: he admits he was wrong. He initiates a reconciliation and does what he can to start to repair his relationship with his family and begin again with them all. Brave, brilliant, calculating, ambitious, and loyal. Yep, sounds like the perfect combination of a Slytherin and Gryffindor to me, too.

10 Immigrant Women Who Changed the Course of US History

As the war on immigration rages all around, taking stock of our history may be our best hope for gaining the perspective necessary to move forward. After all, history is the story of everyday people and movements over time.

Consider America's original inhabitants, who crossed the Bering Strait tens of thousands of years ago, followed by the first wave of European settlers in 1500 and the violent, forced migration of African slaves starting in the 1600s. Later, in the 1890s, a new generation of people entered America, starting with Annie Moore, a young Irish woman who was the first of many immigrants processed at Ellis Island. Immigration is our shared history; moving to new lands that promise greater opportunity is human nature.

Here, we reflect on 10 immigrant women who helped shape America's history and culture. And once you've clicked through, take a moment to consider how different your life might be without Hedy Lamarr's inventions or Dr. Elizabeth Stern's research.

22 Stunning Space Tattoos That Go to Infinity and Beyond

Anyone who freaks out over the incredible things NASA does - like flying by Pluto - is most likely thinking of getting something a little more permanent to solidify their love of space. Since we understand that this love exists like no other, we've rounded up some stunning tattoos zeroing in on constellations, the solar system, and astronauts.

Enjoy the inspiration for your next permanent ink, and don't be afraid to combine your love of the outer limits with other passions, like science or Harry Potter.

Melania Trump Cracks Rare, Genuine Smile Thanks to None Other Than Barack Obama

On April 21, some of the most influential individuals in America gathered in Houston for the funeral of former First Lady Barbara Bush. In attendance were all of the living former presidents of the United States, but notably absent from the day's events was current President Donald Trump, who sent First Lady Melania Trump in his place so he could travel down to Mar-a-Lago to get in a few rounds of golf. While we were once again left pondering the priorities of POTUS, it was a pair of photos that emerged during the memorial that truly took our breath away.

First, the far more serious and somber of the two: a photo of all of our former leaders and their significant others, reminding us of all the things we miss about the world that existed before the 2016 election.

Second, and far more hilariously: a photo of Barack Obama somehow getting the elusive Trump to make what we can only describe as a sincere, earnest smile.

Obama and Trump were seated next to one another at the funeral, and while one might generally assume that a somber tone would prevail - and for the most part did, as visible in the photo at the top of this page - the first lady showing genuine warmth (even if it was toward her husband's predecessor) was truly a sight to behold.

The internet was quick to point out the irony of the moment occurring amid a funeral, and many jumped on the opportunity to suggest that the real Melania Trump can only be visible in the rare moments when she's separated from her husband. But we're opting for the more nuanced rationale, that Obama remains one of the most charismatic, caring individuals on the planet - and who wouldn't be smiling after talking to B.O.?

Suffice it to say, we miss you, Obama - and here's hoping it's not too long before we get to write about you doing the impossible once again.

Confused About Screenshots on iOS 11? Here's Every Single Tool, Explained

Every new iOS update has one thing guaranteed: an inevitable scramble to make space on your phone for it. And since iOS 11 is packing in more useful and fun things to do with screenshots, you might want to clear out even more space than usual. Along with introducing a new one-handed keyboard, a customizable control center, and other updates to your iPhone, iOS 11 now lets you do a whole bunch of new things to your screenshots including doodling on them, adding signatures to them, and cropping them before saving. Check out what you can do ahead, and don't hold yourself back from updating to the newest OS system today.

24 Dog Memes That Will Make Your Heart So Incredibly Happy

These days, it's hard not to wake up, scroll through Facebook or Twitter, and see political news everywhere. Whether you agree with it or not, it's definitely stressful to wonder every waking hour what Donald Trump will do next. Thankfully, the internet is trying to bring you happiness in the form of the wholesome dog meme.

The meme is simple: use adorable pictures of dogs and pair them with inspiring and encouraging words. Dogs aren't the only ones getting the wholesome treatment either; other memes like Kermit, Roll Safe, and more are also part of the movement.

Read some of the best wholesome dog memes ahead, and let them bring some happiness to your day.

The Best Video Games of 2018

If there's one thing we can say for sure, it's that there's never been a better time to be a gamer. With more platforms, more indie developers, and more ways to play than ever, well, there's something out there for everyone, no matter what they're looking for. But it also means that making the decision as to what to buy is harder than ever, so for 2018 we've decided to test some of the hottest new releases and pull out the very best of the best, just for you. Ahead, check out what's already sent our hearts aflutter the last few months, and be sure to check back here each month for our most highly-recommended titles as we make our way through the year.

Every Single Naked Dress Jennifer Lopez Has Worn Since 1997

You might think that Jennifer Lopez's streak of dresses with necklines down to her belly button and slits up to her thighs started with that famous Versace green dress she wore to the Grammys in the '90s, but let us tell you that after intense research, we've come to the conclusion the naked dress trend was started by J Lo much, much earlier.

The singer and actress was truly the pioneer of the barely there dress that has now invaded the red carpet, starting with no backs in 1997 and ending most recently with sheer gowns and jumpsuits that leave little to the imagination. Here, for your viewing pleasure, is every single naked dress (yes, every single one!) that J Lo has graced us with.

The Best Reggaeton Songs, Hands Down

When we're ready ready to get hype (and maybe drop it low a few times), we always turn to reggaeton to get us there. You must know that to have a great reggaeton playlist, you have to not only have names like Daddy Yankee and Don Omar but also new artists like Maluma and Nicky Jam. Keep scrolling to see some of the best reggaetons to come out, ever!

27 PDA-Filled Moments Between Salma Hayek and Her Husband, Francois-Henri Pinault

It has been nine years since Mexican-born actress Salma Hayek and her husband, French businessman Francois-Henri Pinault, married on Valentine's Day in Venice, Italy, with their daughter, Valentina, at their side. Since then, Salma and Francois-Henri have attended countless fashion shows and art exhibitions, generally looking adorable, in love, and happy to show a little PDA.

In honor of the power couple, we're rounding up their sweetest public moments from as far back as the beginning of their courtship in 2006.

16 Irresistible Empanada Recipes You Should Try Making at Home

We could write long, winded love letters to empanadas. We could wax poetic about their delicious dough, either fried or baked, and the delightfulness of taking that first bite only to find the yummiest filling - sometimes meaty, sometimes cheesy, sometimes neither. We could even tell you how we are not ashamed to admit that we eat them every single time we spot them on a menu.

But why should we limit ourselves to only having these delicious pastries when out for dinner? We're done with that. That's why we've decided to round up these 16 recipes that'll allow us to enjoy a good old empanada every time we freaking feel like it.

You Might Want to Sit Down Before Looking at Sofia Vergara's Sexiest Instagrams

The word sexy is probably the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Modern Family's Sofia Vergara, and that's because the Colombian actress is the pure definition of the term, so flirty and hot in every photo ever taken of her. Just by taking a peek at her Instagram feed, you can see what we mean.

Whether she's posing in one of her favorite formfitting dresses or in a monikini at the beach, the star looks stunning from head to toe. And if the photo also features her hunky husband, Magic Mike XXL's Joe Manganiello, forget about it! Camera lenses steam everywhere. See for yourself by looking ahead to a list of just a few of her hottest moments.

Related: Sofia Vergara's Hottest Looks Through the Years

Only J Lo Could Wear a Minidress That Resembles a Cupcake Liner and Look This Hot

Jennifer Lopez can basically rock any trend she pleases. Whether she's styling sparkly Gucci socks with heels or wearing a fuzzy vest to a basketball game, the singer can do no wrong. J Lo hit the red carpet wearing an ultrasexy ensemble to promote the second season of the NBC show World of Dance.

For the event, J Lo found the perfect minidress to show off her toned legs. She wore a strapless ruffled mini from Ester Abner's Resort 18 collection. She finished off her look with a pair of Jimmy Choo peep-toe heels and gold earrings from her Jennifer Lopez for Kohl's collection. Keep reading to have a look at her outfit, and buy similar versions of her dress ahead.

These Graduating Latinxs Are Honoring Their Heritage With Inspiring DIY Caps

Every year, we marvel at the creativity of graduates who customize their caps. We've seen DIY ideas that feature inspiring quotes and even ones that proclaim Disney princess obsessions. But lately, we've been completely blown away by how Latinxs are using their caps to honor their parents and roots.

Instagram accounts like latinarebels and xicanisma spotlight some of the best designs from Latinas. There are also hashtags like #latinxgradcaps and #immigrad that feature designs any Latinx would be proud to wear. Keep scrolling to see our favorite designs - but be prepared to get teary-eyed, because these are incredibly touching!

- Additional reporting by Celia Fernandez

Nikki Bella and John Cena Have an Awkward Reunion After Calling Off Their Wedding

Nikki Bella and John Cena surprised fans when they announced their breakup just a few weeks before their wedding. Now we're watching the whole thing unfold on season three of Total Bellas, including their first reunion since calling off their nuptials. In a sneak peek of Sunday's episode, the two run into each other at the taping of WWE's Raw in NYC, and it's a bit awkward - especially because Nikki's twin, Brie, is nearby watching the whole thing.

"John, I mean he's like a frickin' magnet to me and it's like my heart sinks so deep into my stomach," Nikki tells the camera. "Like I feel like I don't even know how to breathe as if my lungs are filled with fluid."

Since filming ended, John publicly poured his heart out to Nikki and revealed he wanted to start a family, which is reportedly one of the main reasons for their split. The former couple were even spotted hanging out but have not confirmed if they are back together. In the meantime, watch the two talk a bit about their breakup in the video above.

Jennifer Lopez's Shades of Blue Is Ending, and We Don't Know How to Handle It

We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to share some devastating news: Shades of Blue is ending! Yes, you read that right. The NBC series' third season will be its last. The show, which stars Jennifer Lopez as Detective Harlee Santos and Ray Liotta as Lieutenant Matt Wozniak, will air its final 10 episodes starting with the season three premiere on June 17.

"I have enjoyed producing and starring in this beautifully complicated world and playing such an empowering yet flawed character - a woman, a detective, but, first and foremost, a mother," Lopez told The Hollywood Reporter. "Now looking at it with a little distance, playing Harlee strengthened me and helped me grow into a more self-assured woman. It's crazy how some parts permeate your soul and change you forever and for that I am grateful. We crafted a poetic three-season arc on how her journey ends, which is true redemption. The way only Harlee could have done it - the hard way, the road less traveled. I thank NBC and all the talented actors, writers, crew and producers for going on this journey with us!"

The reason for the sudden ending of the hit show: Lopez's demanding schedule. The 48-year-old star is in NBC's upcoming live musical Bye Bye Birdie, filming two movies, and serving as a judge on World of Dance, and that's on top of her Las Vegas residency. The show might be ending, but we will cherish every moment until it's over.

From Her Engagement to 2018, This Is Queen Letizia of Spain's Style Evolution

There's a clear difference in Queen Letizia of Spain's style from the moment it was first announced that the TV reporter (then known as Letizia Ortiz) was engaged to Prince Felipe, back in 2003, to today. During her first years as princess of Spain, Letizia kept a conservative look, wearing pantsuits, high necklines, and demure gowns, much like she did during her journalist days. But in the past couple of years, the queen has taken more risks, giving her style a modern turn in body-hugging dresses, printed skirts and pants, and Disney-worthy gowns. See the royal's transformation ahead, then check out her best moments with the king.

- Additional reporting by Celia Fernandez

Related: 30 Styling Tricks We're Stealing From Queen Letizia and Never Giving Back

Get Ready to Get Inspired! These Latinx Celebrities Tattoos Might Spark Some Ideas

We'll admit it: we're kind of obsessed with body art. You, too? The good news: we're not alone. Our favorite celebrities aren't afraid to walk on the wild side, getting ink that ranges from of-the-moment to spiritual and original to straight-up interesting, giving you endless inspiration for your next tattoo - no matter what you're into. From Demi Lovato's lion tattoo to Nicole Richie's wings, the possibility of ideas are truly endless. Keep scrolling to see how these stars have made their mark and maybe your next (or first) ink design of your dreams.

- Additional reporting by Alessandra Foresto

Related: 25 Gorgeous Celebrity Tattoos You'll Want to Bring to an Ink Artist ASAP

Selena Gomez's 2018 Style Deserves All the Heart Eye Emoji

Selena Gomez made headlines earlier this year for getting back (then breaking up) with Justin Bieber. Aside from keeping an eye out for all their relationship details, our attention was also on her killer outfits.

The singer was spotted in everything from date-night ensembles to laid-back street style looks. Since taking a break from her love life, Selena has remained slightly more reclusive again. Perhaps this is to work on new music (she will perform at the Billboard Awards) or to take some much-needed R&R time. Regardless of what she's up to, know this: when Selena steps out again, all eyes will be on her outfit. Read on to see our favorite looks from her so far.

21 Headphones That Are Freaking Adorable

If you're going to rock headphones at the office or on your commute all the time, they might as well be cute! Think of a pair of headphones as an awesome accessory - a techy addition to your ensemble, if you will. We've rounded up the fiercest headphones we could find, so check them out!

- Additional Reporting by Macy Williams

The Best Video Games of 2018

If there's one thing we can say for sure, it's that there's never been a better time to be a gamer. With more platforms, more indie developers, and more ways to play than ever, well, there's something out there for everyone, no matter what they're looking for. But it also means that making the decision as to what to buy is harder than ever, so for 2018 we've decided to test some of the hottest new releases and pull out the very best of the best, just for you. Ahead, check out what's already sent our hearts aflutter the last few months, and be sure to check back here each month for our most highly-recommended titles as we make our way through the year.

jeudi 31 mai 2018

Our 3-Ingredient Homemade Take on Wendy's Frosty