mercredi 11 février 2015

Weight loss pitfalls

Are you struggling to lose weight? Find out what could be tripping you up. Here are some of the most common weight loss traps and some quick fixes.

Weight loss pitfalls
 Skipping breakfast
Skipping breakfast can lead to unplanned and unhealthy mid-morning snacking or bingeing at lunchtime.
 Fix: go for breakfasts containing fibre, such as wholegrain bread or porridge.

 Skipping meals 
Skipping any meal is a bad idea. It may reduce your calorie intake for a brief period, but you’ll be much hungrier later on and more likely to overeat. 
Fix: eat regularly and don’t starve from one meal to the next. Have some healthier snacks handy just in case.

Losing track of your calories
A cafe latte, a handful of crisps, a piece of chocolate, a biscuit ... mindless munching can easily sabotage an otherwise well-planned diet.
 Fix: make a note of every bite to stay within your calorie allowance.

Unhealthy snacking
High-calorie snacks will do your waistline no favours, but healthier snacks can help you control hunger and keep your energy levels up.
Fix: choose snacks with fibre such as fruit, veg and wholegrain food.

 Lapping up low-fat ‘Low-fat’ or ‘fat-free’ doesn’t always mean low calorie.
Fix: always check food labels for fat, sugar and calorie content.

Drinking too many calories
Some fancy coffees, sweet fizzy drinks, smoothies and alcoholic drinks can pack a calorie punch.
 Fix: go for water (still or sparkling) with a slice of lemon, tea or coffee with reduced-fat milk, or herbal tea.

Weighing yourself too often Your weight can fluctuate from day to day, so weighing yourself daily may not give a true picture of your weight loss.
 Fix: weigh yourself once a week and use other goals to measure progress.

Setting unrealistic goals
Thinking you’ll lose half a stone (3kg) in your first week is probably setting yourself up for failure. A realistic goal is vital to successful dieting.
 Fix: smaller goals are the building blocks to weight loss success.

 Gaining weight from exercising
 Take care not to cancel out the calories you’ve burned during exercise by eating more afterwards or you might end up putting on weight.
Fix: for a low calorie post-workout snack, choose a 100kcal snack from Week 4.

Oversized portions
 This is a common reason why people struggle to lose weight.
 Fix: use smaller plates and stop eating before you feel full.

           Take the Week 6 
MoT test It’s time to take stock of your progress and highlight any problems. Are you: Carefully recording all calories? ¨ Weighing food when cooking? ¨ Watching your drinking? ¨ Reading food and drink labels? ¨ Exercising 150 minutes a week? ¨ Getting your 5 A Day? ¨ Having breakfast every day? ¨ If you didn't tick all the boxes then think about why and find a fix.
         Non-food rewards 
Tried and tested non-food rewards to help you celebrate your progress: • new music • new pair of jeans • new running shoes • trip to the movies • a DVD box set • a day at a health spa • a cooking class • a day off work For more ideas, read Non-food rewards for losing weight at


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