mercredi 10 février 2016

I'm a Fashion Blogger, and I Created a 3-Item Plan to Save My Sanity and My Wardrobe

The following post was originally featured on Yanira Garza and written by Yanira Garza, who is part of POPSUGAR Select Latina.

I know, everyone is in organization mode but this is something I've thought about for a while, but would like to implement this year. First things, first. I have taken out 100 items from my closet. Yes, you read that correctly. I have donated two boxes and one bag full of clothing and accessories. But the truth is, a few of these items were kept because of either sentimental value or because they were expensive (though I got a deal). I never wore them more than once or kept tossing them in the "maybe" pile; as in maybe one day I will wear them. Those 100 pieces were all "maybe" pieces.

As a stylist, I know better but sometimes you just cannot help yourself . . . I am human, too, you know. However, I have been pickier when I shop and at times have told my husband that I wasn't even in the mood to shop. Gasp! I don't know, maybe the tide is shifting and I need to love what I am wearing now to wear it. So, no more maybes. Here is the plan I'm sticking to after cleaning out my closet.

The Three Item Plan

At the beginning of every season, I will allow myself to purchase just three items. I am looking not to replace the 100 pieces I have tossed, but to invest in pieces that will get more wear. Do these have to be splurges? No. They could be a pair of $40 shoes as long as I wear them and wear them often. That is what I mean by quality. I have to see its worth in wearability. Being limited to only three items will be hard, but doable. There are only a few exceptions to the rule:

Undergarments: These need to be replaced often, so they will not be included in my three-item plan.

Beauty Products: Mascaras should be replaced every three months for hygienic reasons, and my skincare is non-negotiable. This applies to wardrobe pieces only.

Gifts: Anything that is gifted will not be included; however, if I get a gift card and use it to purchase an item, then it counts towards the three.

Brand Collaborations: Sometimes my job has a few nice perks. At times, I get offered these projects that involve gifted wardrobe items. This will not be included. However, I will be just as picky about these items, as I do not want to start creating another "maybe" pile.

Why the torture? Because I had 100 items in my closet that I barely wore. Will I save more money? Maybe or maybe not. I'm not limiting myself to an actual budget. If the item is worth the splurge and something I know I will wear regularly, then I will buy it. So maybe I will spend the same amount on 12 pieces that I did on that 100 or maybe not.

I will say this, this will be hard so I need a few of you to join me on this! Feel free to tag me on purchases using the hashtag #3ItemPlan. Who's in?

from : POPSUGAR Latina


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