mercredi 23 août 2017

The Best Diet For Weight Loss, According to Harvard Studies

A Mediterranean diet yields a number of health benefits, and it's been recently confirmed to be the best for weight loss. Based on five Harvard Medical studies, this diet is the most effective for shedding pounds in comparison to a low-fat diet, a low-carb diet, and the American Diabetes Association (ADA) diet. Heavy in fruits, vegetables, grains, olive oil, and beans, and low in meat, dairy, and eggs, the Mediterranean diet is also beneficial for your heart, eyes, and brain function.

During the study, 998 overweight trial participants who lived on the Mediterranean diet for a year lost between 9 and 22 pounds. Both the low-carb and ADA diet had similar results, while those on the low-fat diet lost between 6 and 11 pounds. Although the article doesn't determine a single diet that's ultimate for weight loss, it does conclude that the Mediterranean diet would be the closest option because of its heart-healthy benefits.

Whether or not these findings convince you to change your ways, try at least incorporating this diet for days you want to eat clean.


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