samedi 9 septembre 2017

"This Is a Sad Day For Our Country": Mark Zuckerberg Writes Moving Post on DACA's End

Days before the Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program was rescinded by Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Sept. 5, numerous government officials and tech leaders pleaded with President Donald Trump to keep the program. And they're not giving up. Tech leaders - including the CEOs of Facebook, Google, Apple, and Uber - are speaking out in defense of DACA and its recipients, known as Dreamers. Despite the announcement, they're vowing to keep fighting for young immigrants who benefited from the program.

Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, tweeted his statement. He wrote: "#Dreamers contribute to our companies and our communities just as much as you and I. Apple will fight for them to be treated as equals."

Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google, shared a similar sentiment: "Dreamers are our neighbors, our friends and our co-workers. This is their home. Congress needs to act now to #DefendDACA. #WithDreamers."

Dara Khosrowshahi, an Iranian immigrant who came to the US as a 9-year-old and is now the CEO of Uber, wrote, "It's against our values to turn our backs on #DREAMers. Everyone deserves a chance to work, study, and contribute - the #AmericanDream!"

Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter and Square, tweeted, "Completely unnecessary and cruel. Ending #DACA is a crushing blow to those who want to contribute to our future."

The cofounders of Lyft, John Zimmer and Logan Green, both tweeted their defense of DACA and Dreamers as well. "We stand with Dreamers and support inclusivity for all. Ending DACA is wrong," wrote Green. "Dreamers add to our communities and economy. Ending DACA is wrong - we now must work together to ask Congress to act," Zimmer wrote.

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, who previously wrote a letter on Aug. 31 about DACA, tweeted, "Dreamers make our country and communities stronger. We stand for diversity and economic opportunity for everyone."

Along with Nadella's statement, Microsoft's president and chief legal officer, Brad Smith, wrote his own lengthy response to the end of DACA. In it, he pledges that Microsoft will protect its 39 Dreamer employees. "If Congress fails to act, our company will exercise its legal rights properly to help protect our employees," Smith wrote. "If the government seeks to deport any one of them, we will provide and pay for their legal counsel. We will also file an amicus brief and explore whether we can directly intervene in any such case. In short, if Dreamers who are our employees are in court, we will be by their side."

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who previously wrote a Facebook post on why DACA was necessary, wrote another statement calling the end of DACA "a sad day for our country." He continued by reminding us that Dreamers are all around us. "The young people covered by DACA are our friends and neighbors. They contribute to our communities and to the economy." Zuckerberg then calls on both Congress and US citizens to "do the right thing. We have always been a nation of immigrants, and immigrants have always made our nation stronger." You can read his full post ahead.

This is a sad day for our country. The decision to end DACA is not just wrong. It is particularly cruel to offer young...

Posted by Mark Zuckerberg on Tuesday, September 5, 2017

These tech leaders join the growing number of congresspeople willing to defend the Dreamers, a move former President Barack Obama is ready for as well.


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