dimanche 3 septembre 2017

This Powerful Sticker Project Reminds You That Help Is Just a Text Away

Bathrooms are some of the most intimate spaces we visit every day, and there isn't really any way to avoid them. That's exactly why Speck and Crisis Text Line have partnered up to get a sticker up in every bathroom across the US that shows how to reach the Crisis Text Line. Dubbed "The Sticker Project," the campaign officially starts on Sept. 1, the first day of National Suicide Prevention Month.

Crisis Text Line (CTL) is a 24-hour, seven-days-a-week free anonymous texting hotline that offers support and help to anyone who is in a "crisis." To reach a crisis counselor, just text 741741 in the US. However, not everyone knows what number to text - or even that such a service exists. Enter The Sticker Project; a free sticker reveals exactly what CTL does and the number at which to reach crisis counselors. Getting the information up in bathrooms across the country makes it even easier for people to know help is always available.

With The Sticker Project, CTL founder Nancy Lublin wants people everywhere to know help is just a text away. "We want everyone to know that there is free, fast, and anonymous help available if they are in crisis," Lublin said in a press release.

Speck, the tech product case company, joined the cause to help people in need. "We want to get the word out about Crisis Text Line so more people know there is fast, free, and anonymous crisis support available to them any time," Speck CEO Irene Baran told POPSUGAR.

To get a set of stickers to put in the bathrooms you frequent most, you can fill out a request form here. Speck will then send 10 stickers and a poster for free. If you're a guidance counselor or work with a much larger community and need more stickers, Speck will work with you to send a bigger batch of stickers. It's incredibly easy to fill out the form and start spreading the word about CTL - and it could help save someone's life.

If you or a loved one are in need of any help, the National Suicide Prevention organization has several resources and a 24/7 lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.


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