samedi 7 octobre 2017

10 Elf on the Shelf Parodies That Are Even Better Than the Real Thing

If it feels like the holiday season seems to start earlier every year, here's more proof: it's September and people are already talking about Elf on the Shelf - but not in a way you'd ever imagine. Instead, people are creating the most bizarre and hilarious parodies about Elf on the Shelf and bringing the holiday cheer four months early.

If you love (or hate) Elf on the Shelf, it's easy to create your own parody like the rest of the internet. Just come up with two random objects that rhyme and you're set to go. We're not sure these parodies embody the Elf on the Shelf spirit of encouraging good behavior in kids, but hey, it might work. Check out some of our favorite parodies ahead.


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