samedi 7 octobre 2017

Rex Tillerson May or May Not Have Called Trump a Moron, but Trump Once Tweeted It About Obama

President Donald Trump has always been adamant that his Twitter habit is essential to his style of governance, that those individuals who truly want to MAGA are the ones he's successfully reaching with his 140-character messages. Whether or not that's actually true is up for debate, but there is one thing that we can all be certain of: thanks to years upon years of Trump sharing his thoughts with his followers, he's made it so that there's an archive of his real-time feelings about basically everything. Unfortunately for the Trump administration and its attempts at policymaking, those documented opinions don't always match up with what he's now putting forth publicly as President of the United States.

As a result, "there's always a tweet" has become a common refrain among the denizens of Twitter, the weary political media, and anyone looking to put some sense behind a pattern of seemingly illogical actions. Take, for example, the latest White House drama: a series of strange events that kicked off after news that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was unhappy with the current administration, wanted to leave, and thought that the president was a "moron." Spoiler alert: yes, there's a tweet - but let's step back and review the situation first.

On Oct. 4, NBC News published the comprehensive reporting that documented Tillerson's increasing fury with the White House and his desire to make an exit - one that was purportedly only staved off by an intervention from Vice President Mike Pence. For most administrations, this would be a small thing to address in a calm, damage control-related way - but not this one. Instead, a solo press conference was announced, and Trump immediately took to Twitter to lash out at NBC (which, for the record, he's still pissed off at for not supporting him after he gave them "great ratings" with The Apprentice.)

During the 11 a.m. press conference, Tillerson refuted the implication that he had ever considered leaving the administration. Trump again took to Twitter a mere 18 minutes after his secretary of state approached the podium, ostensibly to ensure that everyone knew that the story was false and that Tillerson had confirmed that fact in a public setting.

But here's the thing. Semantics are everything when you use Twitter to communicate, and while Tillerson did in fact deny some parts of NBC News's reporting, he quite notably did not deny calling Trump a moron. And that fact wasn't lost on many who witnessed the whole thing as it unfolded throughout the morning - including California Sen. Ted Lieu.

At this point, it's pretty clear that Tillerson said something - but we'll probably never know his exact words. Instead, we'll likely be treated to several more days of attacks on NBC and the fake news media - and, of course, the knowledge that with regard to the Tillerson-NBC-Trump saga, we can now officially continue on the legacy of there always being a tweet.

Behold: the ultimate proof that what goes around, comes around. We hope you're out there laughing your ass off, Mr. Obama.


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