mardi 10 octobre 2017

The Internet Is Obsessed With the Adorable New Creature in The Last Jedi Trailer

Now that Star Wars: The Last Jedi's official trailer has been released, you might assume that everyone is obsessing over the footage of Rey going through hardcore lightsaber training with Luke. Or maybe Kylo Ren's messed up face. Or that heartbreaking shot of General Leia Organa. Or even Supreme Leader Snoke's chilling voiceover and surprise close-up.

But you would be wrong. The real star of the latest trailer is . . . the Porg!

We got an adorable glimpse of the latest creature to be added to the Star Wars universe back in July, when the official Star Wars site detailed the origin of the instantly lovable species: "Porgs are native to Ahch-To, and can be found dwelling along the cliffs of the island where Luke and Rey are. In many ways, they're the Star Wars version of puffins. They build nests. They can fly. Their babies are called porglets."

Porglets, you guys. PORGLETS! We were blessed with another look at a Porg when it was revealed in toy form in August, but nothing prepared us for seeing it in all of its squawking glory in the trailer (where it seems to be riding shotgun with Chewie). Clearly we weren't alone.


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