samedi 7 octobre 2017

This Post Shows That No Matter How Hard You Try, Being a Mom Can Be Really F*cking Hard Sometimes

There's no question about it: motherhood is hard. You can try to have the absolute perfect day, but sometimes your plans are foiled by the tiny humans running around your household. Mom of two Toni Hammer had one of those days recently and explained exactly why motherhood doesn't ever seem to get easier in a Facebook post:

I was having such a good day until 3:37 p.m. That's when my daughter and I had to leave to get her brother from preschool. Before then I had a wonderful morning with her before sending her off to school. Then I did three loads of laundry, organized the bathroom closet, made cloud bread, made a chocolate treat, made a roast for dinner. I couldn't wait for my husband to come home to a clean house, yummy dinner, and happy children. Except that's not what he came home, too. Because ever since my daughter started school she's a back talking, breakdown having, crying from 4 to 7 p.m. stranger.

Although Hammer has been told by numerous other parents that starting full-day school is a big transition period in kids' lives, her patience has been wearing thin lately. "The transition to all day kindergarten is hard. She just needs to adjust. I just need to be patient. But I don't have patience. It's gone. It's shot."

What did the momma do? She had a moment of weakness and cried in her room while her husband and kids ate the dinner she slaved over all afternoon. She described the reason she hit her breaking point: "Every time I think I have a handle on it, everything changes and our world is flipped upside down and then I'm feeling overwhelmed and out of my depth all over again. And tonight I just couldn't take it."

It's true, the day certainly got the best of her, but she recognizes tomorrow is a new opportunity. "Tomorrow I'll try again. I'll work hard to listen to my kids, to meet them where they're at, to be patient and calm. I'll try again to keep the house clean, to have a home cooked meal and happy children waiting for my husband at the end of the day. But tonight I'm going to hide and cry. Because motherhood is hard."


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