mardi 10 octobre 2017

Toddler's Pronunciation of "Casper" Will Have You Howling With Laughter

Although toddler-speak is typically indecipherable to anyone but the child's family and close friends, you can never put it past them to utter something so odd that even their own parent can't understand what the heck they're trying to say. When Mary Katherine Backstrom's toddler ran into the room with a blanket over his head screaming that he was "Ass Burn," it's safe to say this mama had absolutely zero idea what Benjamin was trying to say - until he started singing a very familiar tune.

In a post to her blog's Facebook page, Mom Babble, the mom posted a photo of her son in his blanket getup along with the candid exchange they had that caused her to nearly pee her pants:

Nugget: "OoooOoooo! I'm Ass Burn!"

Me: "Wait, what?"

Nugget: "I AM ASS BURN!"

Me, trying not to pee my pants: "Benjamin, I don't know who that is. Can you tell me more about, um . . . Assburn?"

Nugget: "Yah, mommy! Like ASSSburn the friendly ghost! The friendly ghost!"

Me: *falls over dead*

Well, there you have it, folks - the funniest thing the Halloween movie season has ever inspired in the history of mankind.


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