samedi 17 mars 2018

15 Foods Experts Say You Don't Have to Buy Organic If You're on a Tight Budget

With widespread knowledge about the benefits of shopping organic as well as the dangers of pesticides, it's hard not to feel guilty when reaching for nonorganic groceries to save money. Luckily, the following produce items - deemed the Clean 15 by the Environmental Working Group - are perfectly safe and healthy to eat when grown nonorganically.

Elizabeth Caton, brand and nutrition manager at Guiding Stars, points out that while the following foods have very little pesticide residue in their edible portions, they're still grown with pesticides. If you prefer to remain conscious of pesticide use in general, she suggests buying organic foods "to protect yourself, farmers/growers, the environment, or a combination of these." But if you're on a tight budget, these foods make it possible to eat well and save a few dollars.


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