samedi 30 juin 2018

This $10 Chocolate Donut Floatie Is Up 1 MILLION Percent (Yes, Really) on Amazon

If you're anything like us, you've been completely enamored with the giant unicorn pool floatie ever since you saw it online, and for good reason - not only is it practically made for Instagram, but it can fit the whole family, so it's, you know, very practical. Well if you're looking for a new water accessory to introduce to your flock of inflatable swans and unicorns, we just stumbled upon the perfect thing: this Intex Nutty Chocolate Donut Float ($10).

It just shot up to #1 on Amazon (we're not kidding - it's up 1,513,600 percent in sales), so don't be surprised if everyone is soaking up the sun in a little tube of donut deliciousness this holiday.


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