mercredi 31 octobre 2018

New KKW Body Fragrances Are Coming, and the Campaign Is Beautiful

Last week, the Instagram for KKW Fragrance posted its first photo since May. It was of a body leaned to its side, posed in a way where you could see its folds, lines, and spots. This is how Kim Kardashian chose to unveil the launch of two fragrances: KKW Body Two and Three. She followed the initial post with eight more similar to it, of bodies of different shapes, sizes, and skin tones.

KKW Body Two and Three are launching this Friday. In Two, you'll find a blend of bergamot, mandarin, neroli, and coconut milk, while Three is expected to be woodier with notes of sandalwood and cedarwood. They are available in bottles that are light beige and gray in the same shape as the original.

With a campaign this beautiful, one can only imagine what they will actually smell like.


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