samedi 1 décembre 2018

15+ Delicious Soups You Can Freeze and Reheat on a Whim

Picture it now: you just got back from a long day at work, your feet hurt, you're mentally exhausted, and the last thing you want to do is make dinner. You could always order takeout, but as much as that sounds good, it's expensive as hell. And then you remember! Your past self was smart and tucked away some delicious soup for a day such as this.

The soups we've rounded up here all freeze well since they're free of potatoes, seafood, eggs, and other ingredients that don't take kindly to long-term freezer action. Pro tip: if a soup is garnished with something like a dollop of Greek yogurt, add it just before serving. So go on - make a batch (or two) this weekend to help out your future self!


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