jeudi 19 mars 2020

Lance Bass and His Husband Michael Lost Their Baby Boy at 8 Weeks After 9 IVF Attempts

Lance Bass and his husband Michael Turchin are dealing with a heartbreaking loss after hoping to welcome a child via surrogacy. The former *NSYNC singer recently told Entertainment Tonight their baby boy (and ninth IVF attempt) did not make it past eight weeks.

Fortunately, he's found solace with families in similar positions. "I didn't even know that as we were going through this, but we've met so many great couples who have the same story. So, you do feel a lot of support knowing other people have gone through it."

Like many expecting parents, Bass admitted it's hard not to get your hopes up in the early stages of pregnancy. "You try to trick yourself into not getting excited because you know anything can happen at any time, especially in those first few weeks when there's a huge possibility that the [embryos] won't stick," Lance said. "You keep telling yourself that and trying not to get your hopes up, but you're always going to have those thoughts in the back of your brain where you're already planning out their lives. Especially once you know the sex - you can't help but fast-forward over their entire lives and imagine who they're going to be like, who they might marry and all kinds of stuff."

"That's the thing that sucks - you can't help yourself from thinking those thoughts and having this perfect world scenario in your mind," Lance continued. "Getting over that has been hard. It's like all these hopes and dreams I had won't be happening this time. But everything happens for a reason and when it needs to happen, it'll have to happen."

Despite this sad loss, Lance still has hope for a future family with Michael. "It's been a very long process, years in the making," he admitted. "There have been a lot of ups and downs . . . way more downs than ups."

"Nine did not work, so now we're onto 10 and hopefully the next time will work," he continued. "I'm trying not to worry about it. Of course, in a perfect world I would love to have my own kids. But if it's not meant in the cards, then it's not meant in the cards and there are plenty of kids who need adopting. So, I'm not opposed to going right ahead and adopting if this fails next time."


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