jeudi 14 mai 2020

I Never Used to Have a Body Care Routine, but It's Become My Favorite Part of the Day

I've always been passionate about my skin-care routine, but aside from moisturizer, I've generally neglected my body care routine. That is, until I got a little extra time on my hands, and thought it was crazy that I'm fanatical about the products I put on my face but am willing to use pretty much anything on the rest of my body. I've been using my time at home to test out products, and these are the five I've been loving.

My routine is pretty simple, but it's proven to be effective. I start by dry brushing, which feels indulgent but is actually super helpful in getting rid of dry skin. Then it's a simple five step routine, but setting aside these five minutes for myself has been amazing for my mental health. It's helped me wind down before bed, and plus, my skin has never been softer.


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