Healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is one which helps to keep and improve people's health and well-being.Many governments and non-governmental organizations have made big efforts in healthy lifestyle and health promotion.

Mental Health

Mental health can be considered a very important factor of physical health for the effects it produces on bodily functions. This type of health concerns emotional and cognitive well-being or an absence of mental disorder.

Public health

Public health can be defined in a variety of ways. It can be presented as "the study of the physical, psychosocial and socio-cultural determinants of population health and actions to improve the health of the population.

Reproductive Health

For the UN, reproductive health is a right, like other human rights. This recent concept evokes the good transmission of the genetic heritage from one generation to the next.


Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

mercredi 26 octobre 2016

I Had Inexplicable, Incurable, Extreme Bloating For Almost a Year: Here's What Finally Fixed It

A lot of things changed when I moved to San Francisco. I was much colder. I bought my first real jacket. I tried Philz Coffee for the first time. I started a new job. And, out of nowhere, my stomach started ballooning arbitrarily throughout the week making me look three to six months pregnant at any given moment, for no apparent reason.

Things that didn't change: my diet, my exercise routine (OK, I started doing a lot more SoulCycle), and my overall health. I wasn't eating more food or less healthy food, so I knew it wasn't weight gain . . . especially when my pregnant-looking belly would mysteriously disappear by morning, and I was back to a flat stomach. But sometime during the day, I'd eat a peach or go to a cardio workout, and BAM: back to bloat. Biiiig bloat. I would snap photos to send to my mom (as you'll see below) because I couldn't believe what was happening to me, and I was horrified.

For 11 months, I wasn't comfortable with my body. I couldn't wear fitted clothing (aka, ALL of my activewear), because I knew at some point, my lower abdomen would jet out, and anyone who didn't know me would assume I was withchild. I've been so afraid to eat, because I knew that anything could trigger my stomach, from a piece of fruit to a sip of sports drink. Yet then there would be days when I said "eff it!" and ate Cinnamon Toast Crunch and milk, and nothing happened. It made absolutely no sense.

I've never felt more more ashamed of my appearance, or more uncomfortable in my own skin . . . and I'm even ashamed to admit that! My body simply didn't feel like mine. And the worst part was that it didn't seem like there was an explanation or end in sight.

I never intended for these photos to see the light of day, but this is what I looked like end-of-day versus the next morning. I know my room is a mess. This was truly only supposed to be for my mom (she's mad about the mess, too).

I saw so many doctors and went through so many labs; my initial appointment was to see if it was hormonal. It wasn't. I saw an OB-GYN. I had two ultrasounds. I tried the low-FODMAPS diet (it didn't go well). I had my blood tested for a thyroid imbalance. My doctors were stumped, and I was frustrated to the point of many angry tears.

For 11 months, I wasn't comfortable with my body . . . I've never felt more more ashamed of my appearance."

Two glimmers of hope seemed to come at once: my doctor referred me to a phenomenal GI, and one of my close friends referred me to an acupuncturist and naturopathic doctor here in the city. Although I had been through so many appointments and tests already with no results, I tried to remain optimistic. And these were still two avenues I hadn't tried!

First up was my acupuncture visit with Dr. Magnolia Ng of Advance Health SF, and then my GI appointment with gastroenterologist, Dr. Daniel Conlin. Two very different doctors from very different backgrounds seemed to know the source immediately: stress. It was the first time anyone had brought up the idea that something mental could trigger such a strong physical reaction, but they both seemed certain. Stress was the one factor that did come into play when I moved. Long-distance move to a new city, new job, new everything = one stressed out me. I didn't even notice because everything has been so go-go-go.

Dr. Conlin didn't cut any corners in his approach, and he didn't just write me off saying, "you're stressed, just calm down!" and send me on my way after collecting a copay. He tested my blood and breath for celiac, SIBO, h. pylori, IBD, and post-infection bacterial overgrowth (everything came back negative). He asked me to eliminate dairy, despite the fact that he didn't really think I was lactose intolerant. He went through so many avenues, but kept coming back to the idea that it was probably stress-induced. I asked him if I was a "freak case" or if he had seen this in other patients, and he said, "You're definitely not alone; I see this in many young women your age, typically high-achieving, A-type college grads who work here [in San Francisco] in some kind of fast-paced tech or startup company." It was like he read my bio. He knew. I knew. It was stress.

Exhibit B of the stress bloating and the next morning's mystical disappearance. I swear I'm not usually this messy.

What I appreciated most about Dr. Conlin was his approach to treatment. He said if it was a celiac or SIBO case, he'd have different recommendations, but for me, he thought acupuncture, charcoal tablets, ginger root and ginger tea, and specifically Align probiotics would be helpful in my treatment (he noted that it's the only brand he recommends, so I went with it). His openness to natural treatment despite coming from a Western background increased my trust in him, and made me more comfortable in my health journey.

It was hard to explain to family and friends that stress was causing arbitrary abdominal distention, so I wanted to learn more. Apparently, an influx of stress can upset the microbiome (the ecosystem of good and bad bacteria in your gut, which can influence nearly all areas of your health). I spoke with Amie Valpone, Align's nutritionist and founder of, who gave me some incredible insight as to what has been happening in my body. "Having too much non-beneficial bacteria in your gut has been linked to many health issues such as heart disease, fibromyalgia, eczema, asthma, depression, cancer, autoimmunity, allergies, obesity, autism and allergies," she said . . . and in my case, inexplicable abdominal distention.

"We are so caught up in our busy lives that we don't realize how stressed out we are - that's when the health issues start to appear out of nowhere."

"When our microbiome is out of balance from stress, we get an imbalance of non-beneficial bacteria such as yeasts, parasites and bad bacteria that take over and make us feel bloated, tired, and bring along a host of unwanted symptoms that range from person to person."

She went on to say that "change in diet, travel, processed foods and stress from work, our family, friends and so forth," can trigger this imbalance, but "we are so caught up in our busy lives that we don't realize how stressed out we are - that's when the health issues start to appear out of nowhere." It was amazing to hear those words of affirmation, because that's exactly what I had experienced. It was totally out of nowhere, and I truly had been so caught up in my busy life.

My gut was off thanks to stress, which caused the inexplicable bloating (that couldn't be attributed to anything I was eating) and the mission now was to use different natural remedies together to restore balance and get me out of a place of stress (that's a work in progress, honestly). "The goal is to address the underlying root cause of why your gut is imbalanced in the first place, instead of covering up your symptoms with a Band-Aid approach," said Amie. "That's where food, stress, mind-body practices, and probiotics come into play."

Dr. Ng had an additional approach to pair with my acupuncture treatments for both stress and energy blockages in my abdomen: Chinese herbs. She prescribed and gave me a bottle of Mu Xiang Shun Qi Pian, or "BloatEase," to take three times a day. "Emotional upset such as frustrations or worry, overwork, and a constitutional or genetic weakness can make a person prone to digestive disorders," she told me. The herbs and the acupuncture were intended to set things right again. She also mentioned to me the importance of using both traditional Eastern medicine in combination with Western medicine - and my recovery has been a testament to that.

The combination of treatment has been absolutely life changing for me. The Chinese herbs, probiotics, and acupuncture treatment (along with continuing to eat a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and staying on my workout schedule) has helped restore my body to it's natural shape. The bloating is going away, even though I still have to work on de-stressing. When it does happen, the bloating has decreased in size, severity, discomfort, and frequency, and I'm finally starting to feel comfortable with my body again.

What did I learn from all this? For one, Western and Eastern medicine aren't mutually exclusive, and in fact, when they're used together, they've got a symbiotic, 360 approach that can be even more effective than if either were used on their own.

I've also learned to advocate for my health. If you're not getting answers, don't give up. Make another appointment. Bug your doctor. Ask for another referral. Don't take no for an answer. The world of healthcare is freaking nuts and if you don't advocate for yourself, no one else will. I got pretty lucky in the way that my doctors were really helpful and responsive when I pushed, but I still had to jump through a lot of hoops to get the treatment I needed. Don't be intimidated, don't give up, and most of all, don't stress. A solution is out there for you, too.

I Had Inexplicable, Incurable, Extreme Bloating For Almost a Year: Here's What Finally Fixed It

A lot of things changed when I moved to San Francisco. I was much colder. I bought my first real jacket. I tried Philz Coffee for the first time. I started a new job. And, out of nowhere, my stomach started ballooning arbitrarily throughout the week making me look three to six months pregnant at any given moment, for no apparent reason.

Things that didn't change: my diet, my exercise routine (OK, I started doing a lot more SoulCycle), and my overall health. I wasn't eating more food or less healthy food, so I knew it wasn't weight gain . . . especially when my pregnant-looking belly would mysteriously disappear by morning, and I was back to a flat stomach. But sometime during the day, I'd eat a peach or go to a cardio workout, and BAM: back to bloat. Biiiig bloat. I would snap photos to send to my mom (as you'll see below) because I couldn't believe what was happening to me, and I was horrified.

For 11 months, I wasn't comfortable with my body. I couldn't wear fitted clothing (aka, ALL of my activewear), because I knew at some point, my lower abdomen would jet out, and anyone who didn't know me would assume I was withchild. I've been so afraid to eat, because I knew that anything could trigger my stomach, from a piece of fruit to a sip of sports drink. Yet then there would be days when I said "eff it!" and ate Cinnamon Toast Crunch and milk, and nothing happened. It made absolutely no sense.

I've never felt more more ashamed of my appearance, or more uncomfortable in my own skin . . . and I'm even ashamed to admit that! My body simply didn't feel like mine. And the worst part was that it didn't seem like there was an explanation or end in sight.

I never intended for these photos to see the light of day, but this is what I looked like end-of-day versus the next morning. I know my room is a mess. This was truly only supposed to be for my mom (she's mad about the mess, too).

I saw so many doctors and went through so many labs; my initial appointment was to see if it was hormonal. It wasn't. I saw an OB-GYN. I had two ultrasounds. I tried the low-FODMAPS diet (it didn't go well). I had my blood tested for a thyroid imbalance. My doctors were stumped, and I was frustrated to the point of many angry tears.

For 11 months, I wasn't comfortable with my body . . . I've never felt more more ashamed of my appearance."

Two glimmers of hope seemed to come at once: my doctor referred me to a phenomenal GI, and one of my close friends referred me to an acupuncturist and naturopathic doctor here in the city. Although I had been through so many appointments and tests already with no results, I tried to remain optimistic. And these were still two avenues I hadn't tried!

First up was my acupuncture visit with Dr. Magnolia Ng of Advance Health SF, and then my GI appointment with gastroenterologist, Dr. Daniel Conlin. Two very different doctors from very different backgrounds seemed to know the source immediately: stress. It was the first time anyone had brought up the idea that something mental could trigger such a strong physical reaction, but they both seemed certain. Stress was the one factor that did come into play when I moved. Long-distance move to a new city, new job, new everything = one stressed out me. I didn't even notice because everything has been so go-go-go.

Dr. Conlin didn't cut any corners in his approach, and he didn't just write me off saying, "you're stressed, just calm down!" and send me on my way after collecting a copay. He tested my blood and breath for celiac, SIBO, h. pylori, IBD, and post-infection bacterial overgrowth (everything came back negative). He asked me to eliminate dairy, despite the fact that he didn't really think I was lactose intolerant. He went through so many avenues, but kept coming back to the idea that it was probably stress-induced. I asked him if I was a "freak case" or if he had seen this in other patients, and he said, "You're definitely not alone; I see this in many young women your age, typically high-achieving, A-type college grads who work here [in San Francisco] in some kind of fast-paced tech or startup company." It was like he read my bio. He knew. I knew. It was stress.

Exhibit B of the stress bloating and the next morning's mystical disappearance. I swear I'm not usually this messy.

What I appreciated most about Dr. Conlin was his approach to treatment. He said if it was a celiac or SIBO case, he'd have different recommendations, but for me, he thought acupuncture, charcoal tablets, ginger root and ginger tea, and specifically Align probiotics would be helpful in my treatment (he noted that it's the only brand he recommends, so I went with it). His openness to natural treatment despite coming from a Western background increased my trust in him, and made me more comfortable in my health journey.

It was hard to explain to family and friends that stress was causing arbitrary abdominal distention, so I wanted to learn more. Apparently, an influx of stress can upset the microbiome (the ecosystem of good and bad bacteria in your gut, which can influence nearly all areas of your health). I spoke with Amie Valpone, Align's nutritionist and founder of, who gave me some incredible insight as to what has been happening in my body. "Having too much non-beneficial bacteria in your gut has been linked to many health issues such as heart disease, fibromyalgia, eczema, asthma, depression, cancer, autoimmunity, allergies, obesity, autism and allergies," she said . . . and in my case, inexplicable abdominal distention.

"We are so caught up in our busy lives that we don't realize how stressed out we are - that's when the health issues start to appear out of nowhere."

"When our microbiome is out of balance from stress, we get an imbalance of non-beneficial bacteria such as yeasts, parasites and bad bacteria that take over and make us feel bloated, tired, and bring along a host of unwanted symptoms that range from person to person."

She went on to say that "change in diet, travel, processed foods and stress from work, our family, friends and so forth," can trigger this imbalance, but "we are so caught up in our busy lives that we don't realize how stressed out we are - that's when the health issues start to appear out of nowhere." It was amazing to hear those words of affirmation, because that's exactly what I had experienced. It was totally out of nowhere, and I truly had been so caught up in my busy life.

My gut was off thanks to stress, which caused the inexplicable bloating (that couldn't be attributed to anything I was eating) and the mission now was to use different natural remedies together to restore balance and get me out of a place of stress (that's a work in progress, honestly). "The goal is to address the underlying root cause of why your gut is imbalanced in the first place, instead of covering up your symptoms with a Band-Aid approach," said Amie. "That's where food, stress, mind-body practices, and probiotics come into play."

Dr. Ng had an additional approach to pair with my acupuncture treatments for both stress and energy blockages in my abdomen: Chinese herbs. She prescribed and gave me a bottle of Mu Xiang Shun Qi Pian, or "BloatEase," to take three times a day. "Emotional upset such as frustrations or worry, overwork, and a constitutional or genetic weakness can make a person prone to digestive disorders," she told me. The herbs and the acupuncture were intended to set things right again. She also mentioned to me the importance of using both traditional Eastern medicine in combination with Western medicine - and my recovery has been a testament to that.

The combination of treatment has been absolutely life changing for me. The Chinese herbs, probiotics, and acupuncture treatment (along with continuing to eat a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and staying on my workout schedule) has helped restore my body to it's natural shape. The bloating is going away, even though I still have to work on de-stressing. When it does happen, the bloating has decreased in size, severity, discomfort, and frequency, and I'm finally starting to feel comfortable with my body again.

What did I learn from all this? For one, Western and Eastern medicine aren't mutually exclusive, and in fact, when they're used together, they've got a symbiotic, 360 approach that can be even more effective than if either were used on their own.

I've also learned to advocate for my health. If you're not getting answers, don't give up. Make another appointment. Bug your doctor. Ask for another referral. Don't take no for an answer. The world of healthcare is freaking nuts and if you don't advocate for yourself, no one else will. I got pretty lucky in the way that my doctors were really helpful and responsive when I pushed, but I still had to jump through a lot of hoops to get the treatment I needed. Don't be intimidated, don't give up, and most of all, don't stress. A solution is out there for you, too.

These Pokémon Group Costume Ideas Are Cute and Worthy of a Pokédex Entry

Whether or not you're still someone playing Pokémon Go, you can't deny that your nostalgia for the game and show is at an all-time high. Make this Halloween the one where you live out your Team Rocket dreams with your BFFs or dress up as your favorite Pokémon. Look ahead for some inspiration and be the very best group costume there ever was.

The Kids You Meet While Trick-or-Treating

Parent or not, we all know that there are several distinct categories of kids who come a-calling on Halloween night. We've been those kids. But now that we are, ideally (see No. 8), past the age of going door to door in search of free candy, it's perhaps more important to accurately identify the costumed kiddos who'll be ringing our doorbells this year. Because all trick-or-treaters are not created equal (and because we've already sized up the moms you meet that night), read on to get to know the nine types of tots you'll be dealing with on Monday.

1. The Painfully Shy Kid

Traditions just aren't for everyone. And the act of tasking kids to go up to the homes of complete strangers - in the dark of night, no less - is in direct contradiction with most of the lessons we try to instill in them about safety. So, we really shouldn't be that impatient ("listen, kid, you rang my doorbell") when it takes 47 minutes to get a toddler to mumble "trick or treat" between shrieks and while clutching their own mask with white knuckles.

2. The Kid Who Isn't Even Wearing a Costume

We appreciate a last-minute attempt as much as the next scattered, overworked parent, but showing up with nary a wig or a shoddily constructed cardboard sign is just not cool. Often executed by unsupervised teens, at best this trick-or-treater will arrive with a dirty sheet over his head (ghost) or some toilet paper wrapped around her torso (mummy), but sometimes you just have to assume their costume of whatever clothes they happened to be wearing that day is "lazy high schooler."

3. The Kid Who Doesn't Obey the Honesty Policy

You really only see the blur of this grubby kid running away if you're going house-to-house with your own kid. You walk up the driveway of a home only to notice kids scrambling from the front door in every direction. When you get there, you see an empty bowl with a sign left by some oblivious, overly optimistic absentee homeowner, saying, "Halloween Candy! One piece per trick-or-treater!"

4. The Kid Who Just Grabbed all the Candy

Perhaps worse than the kid who unloads an entire basket of individually wrapped Twizzlers into their pillowcase sack from an unattended front porch is the one who does it in plain sight. After your first year handing out candy, you'll learn not to offer up the bowl (rookie mistake) but to instead place your predetermined allotment of candy directly into their bags.

5. The Elitist Kid

Halloween is the annual exception to the whole "beggars can't be choosers" adage. It's the one day that some ungrateful kid can bother you at home, ask for candy, and then have the gall to complain that those aren't full-sized chocolate bars or that "Smarties taste like chalk!" But, really, it's our own fault for letting kids know that every Oct. 31 they are entitled to free handouts and then expecting them to be satisfied with bargain-bin freebies.

6. The Kid Who Makes You Think You Want More Kids

After a slew of rapid mass-produced Spider-Men come barreling up and down your front porch, you hear your doorbell ring and open it to find the sweetest, most darling little child in the sweetest, most darling Etsy-caliber costume. With a toothless "twiiiick oh tweeeeat," your ovaries do a little shimmy, and you forget that the parents of said little child probably dealt with 179 temper tantrums in the time between when they started stitching that handmade garment and when they arrived at your door.

7. The Kid With That Mom

You thought you had your bases covered with your teal pumpkin and your non-candy alternatives for those kids with allergies, but then they arrive at your door. There's the kid, clearly embarrassed, alongside his mom, who is passive-aggressively staring at your candy bowl, whispering things like, "Remember what Mommy told you about trans fats?" whenever her kid grazes his hand over a bag of non-organic Skittles. You try to sneak him some Starbursts, but you know this poor sap's bag will be confiscated before he even makes it home.

8. The "Kid" Who's Too Old to Be Doing This

Does that child have a mustache . . . that isn't painted on? Didn't that girl serve you a cocktail at your "mom's night out" last weekend? Free candy is something that never gets old, sure, but there comes an age when you stop going door-to-door for it and start swiping it from your younger sibling's stash at the end of the night. And that age is definitely when you're on Fall break from college.

9. The Kid Who Was Literally Just Here

"Wow, there are a lot of kids dressed up as Ariel this year," you might think to yourself before you realize that's the same little mermaid that just approached your door a few minutes earlier. Either that kid is lost or they are effectively pulling one over on you.

Terminally Ill Mom Gets to See Her Son With Down Syndrome Score His First Touchdown

Debbie Heil is used to seeing her son Robby on the high school football field as the team's water boy, but during a special game last week, Robby - a senior who has Down syndrome - suited up to play on the field with his team. Debbie, who is terminally ill with bone cancer, wasn't expecting to see Robby make any plays, so the surprise his team and coach cooked up for her was enough to literally make her fall to her knees.

Robby's coach, Jeff Burnside, arranged a play just for Robby along with his team, the Wildcats, as well as the opposing local team. Robby would receive the ball in a handoff at the 30-yard line and make a run for it into the end zone as his mom, his biggest fan, watched from the sidelines. "I dropped to the ground, I was so emotional when I saw him make a touchdown," Debbie said. "I've always been proud of him as the water boy . . . but this is incredible. He's Rudy tonight."

Kitchen Gifts For the Serious Joanna Gaines Fan

Any Fixer Upper fan knows that Joanna Gaines loves spending time in the kitchen. The HGTV star recently opened a bakery and even has a breakfast restaurant in the works, but replicating her kitchen style doesn't require a trip to Waco, TX. Give the Joanna Gaines fan in your life something equally beautiful and practical with one of these farmhouse-inspired kitchen gifts. We've rounded up our favorite picks from Joanna's Magnolia Market shop that will add the perfect Fixer Upper touch!

19 Tequila Gifts For People Who Love a Good Boozy Fiesta

Tequila is the alcoholic equivalent of a tropical vacation. Whether it's presented as a margarita, paloma, or bare-bones shot, the spirit tends to be the drink of choice for people who love a good party . . . and also tacos, usually. Ahead, we've rounded up our favorite tequila-inspired gifts for that person in your life. Bottoms up!

31 Unique and Fun Fandom Mashup Costume Ideas

There are plenty of people out there (like me) who have an intense devotion for two different fandoms. For the most part, these fandoms are kept apart and there's not much crossover - except during Halloween. Thanks to the creative minds of people who cosplay during Comic-Con, you have plenty of inspiration to combine your favorite fandoms. Maybe you'll choose the R2-D2 Hello Kitty idea or the epic mashup of Charlie's Angels and Chewbacca. Either way, what you see ahead will be a great jumping-off point to come up with a fun, unique Halloween costume idea.

The Top 5 Mistakes Runners Make When Packing For an Out-of-Town Race

Whether you're going away for a 10K, your first marathon, or a triathlon, packing can be overwhelming and stressful, but Clif Bar's dietitian Marni Sumbal MS, RD, CSSD, LD/N - 11-time Ironman finisher, Ironman coach, and total expert on how to pack for an out-of-town race or event - has some solid tips for you. And by tips, we mean how to avoid total rookie mistakes that many of us have made in our early racing days (and might still make on occasion).

There's a fine line between packing enough and packing too much - Marni helps us figure out how to toe that line and pack for success. Traveling for a race is fun and exciting, so make sure packing woes don't put a damper on your experience.

  1. Mistake 1: Not Bringing Your Special Foods. "Not bringing along must-have food items is a huge mistake," said Marni. Relying on stores when you get there and "hoping to find [your special foods] locally, like a specific kind of nut butter, bread, cereal, etc.," is a risk you don't want to take for a big endurance event. Pack that stuff!
  2. Mistake 2: Not Making a List. The next big mistake? "Forgetting items!" said Marni. "Make a list so you don't forget, especially if you are rushed when packing." A good rule of thumb? Don't leave your packing to the last minute.
  3. Mistake 3: Not Bringing Extras. Marni says to always have backups of your go-to products, just in case. "Two pairs of run shoes, extra goggles, nutrition, etc."
  4. Mistake 4: Not Checking the Weather. Marni reminded us to always "check the weather ahead of time," saying that "even if weather says hot or cold, assume that the weather can change. Always bring extra gear for the 'just in case.'" So have your ideal race-day outfit and then a backup for another temperature (i.e., if your go-to is a tank and shorts, bring a long-sleeved tee and leggings).
  5. Mistake 5: Overpacking and Overwhelming Yourself. The last mistake was "bringing too much and feeling overwhelmed," she said. "Packing is stressful. Keep a list of items you use in training so that you don't overthink what you need for race day." Plus, no one wants to pay those oversized bag fees on an airplane, right? Pack extras of the basics and must haves, and ditch the rest.

The Top 5 Mistakes Runners Make When Packing For an Out-of-Town Race

Whether you're going away for a 10K, your first marathon, or a triathlon, packing can be overwhelming and stressful, but Clif Bar's dietitian Marni Sumbal MS, RD, CSSD, LD/N - 11-time Ironman finisher, Ironman coach, and total expert on how to pack for an out-of-town race or event - has some solid tips for you. And by tips, we mean how to avoid total rookie mistakes that many of us have made in our early racing days (and might still make on occasion).

There's a fine line between packing enough and packing too much - Marni helps us figure out how to toe that line and pack for success. Traveling for a race is fun and exciting, so make sure packing woes don't put a damper on your experience.

  1. Mistake 1: Not Bringing Your Special Foods. "Not bringing along must-have food items is a huge mistake," said Marni. Relying on stores when you get there and "hoping to find [your special foods] locally, like a specific kind of nut butter, bread, cereal, etc.," is a risk you don't want to take for a big endurance event. Pack that stuff!
  2. Mistake 2: Not Making a List. The next big mistake? "Forgetting items!" said Marni. "Make a list so you don't forget, especially if you are rushed when packing." A good rule of thumb? Don't leave your packing to the last minute.
  3. Mistake 3: Not Bringing Extras. Marni says to always have backups of your go-to products, just in case. "Two pairs of run shoes, extra goggles, nutrition, etc."
  4. Mistake 4: Not Checking the Weather. Marni reminded us to always "check the weather ahead of time," saying that "even if weather says hot or cold, assume that the weather can change. Always bring extra gear for the 'just in case.'" So have your ideal race-day outfit and then a backup for another temperature (i.e., if your go-to is a tank and shorts, bring a long-sleeved tee and leggings).
  5. Mistake 5: Overpacking and Overwhelming Yourself. The last mistake was "bringing too much and feeling overwhelmed," she said. "Packing is stressful. Keep a list of items you use in training so that you don't overthink what you need for race day." Plus, no one wants to pay those oversized bag fees on an airplane, right? Pack extras of the basics and must haves, and ditch the rest.

Make Your Halloween Costume Pop With One of These Killer Nail Designs

As you begin to plan your Halloween costume, it's important to remember one very important element: your nails! A sleek manicure acts as the perfect finishing touch to any ensemble, and depending on how sexy or spooky you're aiming to be, the DIY possibilities are endless.

Whether you simply want a monotone look or an all-out design guaranteed to scare everyone you encounter, read on to watch 10 helpful tutorials from your favorite Spanish-speaking YouTube vloggers. Spoiler: they're so good, you don't even need to be bilingual to follow along. Want even more inspiration? Scroll through some seriously gorgeous Día de los Muertos manis.

Microsoft's New Surface Book i7 Has an Awesome Long Battery Life

Microsoft announced the new Surface Book i7, a laptop/tablet computer that promises to be even more powerful than the previous Surface Book. The details of the laptop are:

  • A longer battery life: The Surface Book i7 will come with 16 hours of battery life in laptop mode.
  • A faster processor: It will ship with the Core i7 processor and 16 GB of RAM, giving it "twice the graphics processing power" than the original Surface Book.
  • All the other features you love from the original Surface Book: The Surface Book i7 will still come with the Surface Pen, a detachable screen, an 8-megapixel rear-facing camera, a 5-megapixel front-facing camera, and more.
  • Price points: The Surface Book i7 will cost $2,399 and is available for preorder today, and it will be out on Nov. 10.

Keep reading to see photos of the Surface Book i7 and decide for yourself if it's worth the price.

These Ravenclaw-Inspired Treasures Are Almost as Good as Wit Beyond Measure

As the Sorting Hat once said: "In wise old Ravenclaw, if you've a ready mind, where those of wit and learning will always find their kind." Well, those of wit and learning will also find their perfect kind of holiday gift on this list of present ideas, all of which are perfectly suited for members of the logic-driven Hogwarts house.

From house-crest gear to challenging puzzles that will delight any Ravenclaw, this collection of gifts is a perfect balance between Hogwarts-inspired goods and nonthemed products tailored to Ravenclaw tastes. Buy them for yourself or for a loved one who identifies with Ravenclaw house . . . these treasures are almost as good as wit beyond measure.

31 Gifts For the Mom Who Loves Coffee

We all know a mom who loves (read: lives off of) coffee, seeing as it can be such a vital lifeline in the parenting game. When it comes to giving gifts this holiday, salute your fellow tired mom with one of these 31 coffee-themed gifts (or feel free to pass this guide along to your loved ones, if you're said mom).

80+ Rose Gold Gifts That'll Never Go Out of Style

Rose gold might be nontraditional, but the romantic metal is definitely here to stay. From bridal jewelry to hair color, we can't get enough of the pinkish hue - and the holidays are a perfect excuse to splurge on rose gold goodies. So if you or a loved one are tickled pink by rose gold, then you'll love these gorgeous gifts.

Cancel Halloween; These Teens' Spirit Week Costumes Already Won

It's that time of year again: Spirit Week! The high school tradition leading up to homecoming usually means dressing up as something different every day, depending on the theme. This year, teens took it to the next level (as they do) and dressed up as memes, Power Rangers, and '90s classics like the Rugrats. Take a look ahead and get some costume ideas for this Halloween.

The Hello Kitty-Lover's Purr-fect Beauty Gift Guide

From her cute-as-a-button face to her girlish red side bow, Hello Kitty is a beauty inspiration. The Japanese cartoon character has also influenced products ranging from handmade soaps to minimalist barrettes and even blotting papers. Because she is such a beloved icon, we rounded up our favorite Hello Kitty hair, skin, body, and makeup picks for early holiday shopping.

74 Small Gifts Everyone Will Want to Find in Their Stockings

This holiday season let's vow to not treat the stocking as a dump for trinkets and cheap stuff no one is going to use. Let's instead promise to stuff them with cute, thoughtful items that'll have everyone actually looking forward to sitting down for the stocking-opening ceremony. If you don't know where to start, just scroll ahead to find 74 options that are guaranteed to leave the gift receiver smiling. And, yes, it's OK to add a few of these to your own wish list.

Microwave Mug Pumpkin Pie in 3 Minutes

Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg Bring Their Food and Lots of Fun to the Ellen Show

Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg stopped by The Ellen DeGeneres Show show on Wednesday, Oct. 26 to cook up a preview of their new VH1 reality show, Martha & Snoop's Potluck Dinner Party. As you can expect, hilarity ensued when Snoop Dogg attempted to help Martha make gnocchi. The unlikely duo kicks off their own show on Nov. 7. Before then, you can watch the two in the kitchen mixing gin and pineapple juice in the video above, then be sure to check out what happened when Martha, Snoop, and Anna Kendrick played a game of "Never Have I Ever" with the talk-show host.

EpiPen's Only Rival Will Return to the Marketplace and Food Allergy Parents Rejoice

Parents of children with food allergies who have been searching for an alternative to the increasingly expensive epinephrine injector EpiPen may soon have an alternative at their fingertips. Auvi-Q, EpiPen's competitor that was voluntarily removed from the market last year after it was determined that the devices may not have been delivering the correct dosage of the life-saving drug, is planning to make its comeback in the first half of 2017. Kaleo, the pharmaceutical company behind the product, says it has improved the manufacturing process to ensure that the devices work correctly and it is dedicated to ensuring low out-of-pocket costs for patients.

"It is not in the best interest of patients or physicians to have high out-of-pocket costs," Kaleo President and Chief Executive Spencer Williamson told Forbes. "We're engaging with all of the stakeholders–wholesalers and pharmacy benefits managers–to insure that we can provide this innovative technology to patients and that they can afford it. And we are going to assure that the out-of-pocket is going to be low for patients."

That's big news for the food allergy community that's been reeling since it was revealed this Summer that EpiPen's price has risen from a list price of $100 in 2007 to $600 this year. It's a meteoric price increase that caught the eye of Congress, leading to hearings on Capitol Hill and a reluctant decision by EpiPen's maker, Mylan, to create a lower priced, generic version of the injector by the end of 2016.

Pricing of the new Auvi-Q has not been revealed, but the hope is that competition in the marketplace will lead to reduced prices of both devices. When Auvi-Q was first introduced in 2013, it was extremely popular with parents because it provides step-by-step voice instructions, taking the guesswork out of administering the drugs when needed. At the time, it cost 10 percent more than the EpiPen due to the technology. Given the significant media coverage of the price of epinephrine injectors, this mom of a child with a tree nut allergy can only hope that the existence of three such devices in the market will make them more affordable for everyone.

Microsoft's Beautiful Surface Studio Is Its First Ever Desktop PC, and You're Going to Want It

At an event in New York City on Oct. 26, Microsoft unveiled its first ever desktop PC: the Surface Studio. The computer, which is already available for preorder, boasts a number of features that make it well worth the price and hype. The key details are:

  • A display that does more than show: The 28-inch touchscreen display with 13.5 million pixels will work with the Surface Dial, a new tool with haptic feedback and a series of menu options that make it easier to edit and create. It will also work with the Surface Pen.
  • A screen that is true to life: The display comes with True Color and True Scale, two features that Microsoft believes will help creators make better designs and products. True Color includes more color output, and True Scale means whatever you see on your screen is how it will look in real life. Using 12-point font? What you see on your screen is what you'll get if you print it out.
  • Write on the display without worrying: The Surface Studio display comes with a "zero gravity hinge," which lets you shift the display down to 20 degrees.
  • Other specs: The Surface Studio is 12.5mm thin and has stereo microphones that work with Cortana, a 5-megapixel front-facing camera, four USB 3.0 ports, an SD card reader, and 32 GB RAM.
  • Price: The Surface Studio will retail for $2,999. A limited number are shipping during the holiday, with a full release in 2017.

You can preorder the Surface Studio via Microsoft or Best Buy. See photos of the Surface Studio and Surface Dial ahead, and be sure to put this on your holiday wish list earlier than later.

Gigi Hadid and Tommy Hilfiger Make Such a Great Team, They're Back With Another Collab For Spring '17

The excitement leading up to Gigi Hadid and Tommy Hilfiger's first collaboration is a feeling you're about to have all over again. The brand announced that the two are teaming up for a Spring 2017 collection, with Gigi once again co-designing.

You probably haven't forgotten the duo's highly anticipated carnival-themed show with shoppable looks straight from the runway at Fashion Week. To get fans even more involved this time around, Tommy's launching the ❤ to be Part initiative, which invites the public to go online to Tommy Hilfiger to vote on their favorite designs from polos to denim to bombers. The winning picks will then be shown on the runway come Feb. 17 at New York Fashion Week, and you'll be able to shop them right from the catwalk once again.

Gigi and Tommy make one heck of a team, so we're not surprised the two are back at it again. We'll be waiting patiently for the new collection.

17 Gifts For People Who Rosé All Day

With the release of Sugarfina's coveted rosé gummy bears in the summer of 2016, people went absolutely crazy for rosé. Sweaters, iPhone cases, and other kitschy items all inspired by the refreshing wine have since been released. If you know someone whose personal motto happens to be "Rosé all day," we've rounded up some gifts to further fuel their obsession. Cheers!

19 Studio Ghibli Costumes Perfect For Any Woman Who Loves Totoro and More

People who love Studio Ghibli know that the best holiday to express their love of the animation studio is Halloween. While some may think the only acceptable costume is Totoro, there are plenty of other characters to emulate to have the best Halloween ever. If you love anything Studio Ghibli related, look ahead to get inspired by what other fans have created.

This Is What Would Happen If Gossip Girl Characters Dressed Up as Disney Princesses

Spotted on the Upper East Side: Little J, B, and S decked out as Disney characters. Looks like Halloween came early for these real-life princesses.

We got to the bottom of this rumor to discover that flower-crown genius Christy Doramus (you know her as Crowns by Christy) and her fabulous team created headbands for the ultimate Gossip Girl-loving Disney fiend.

For this shoot, seen on Christy's blog, the crew features Jenny dressed as Alice (of Alice in Wonderland), Serena outfitted as Elsa, and Blair taking on Snow White.

"I was inspired by how we can use our everyday clothing to create a fun and easy Halloween costume," Christy told POPSUGAR via email. "All you need is the perfect headpiece to complete your Halloween look. We wanted to dress up as our favorite characters while channeling our inner Gossip Girl."

We also got the breakdown on how she crafted each headband.

Alice: "I attached black velvet ribbon onto a plastic headband with hot glue," Christy said. "I tightly wrapped the ribbon on a diagonal around the headband. I used the ribbon and cut pieces to make a bow shape, which I attached to the velvet headband with hot glue."

Elsa: "I picked up a tiara and jewels from a craft store. I then used thin wire and looped the jewels onto the crown at varying heights."

Snow White: "I attached red leather ribbon to a plastic headband with hot glue. I tightly wrapped the ribbon on a diagonal around the headband. I then used a variety of silver and red jewels and constructed a bow shape before attaching it to the leather headband."

If you love this idea, you can either DIY or order a customizable one from Crowns by Christy (price upon request; email

Or just keep reading to see more images of this adorably chic costume idea! XOXO

29 Stocking Stuffer Ideas Under $25 For Kids

Although most kids will spend Christmas morning eagerly shaking the largest gifts under the tree, the best gift-givers know how to make it so that stocking stuffers can be just as exciting. Whether you're stuffing a toddler's or a teen's stocking, there's something on this list - from STEM gifts to tiny goodies - for every kid to pull out of their Christmas sock. And the best part? They're all under $25.

Look through for 29 stocking stuffer ideas for kids that are all under $25.

18 Perfect Gifts For People Who Love Tacos

Tacos have been a part of our lives for as long as we can remember, but it's 2016 and we need to prove our dedication and taco-guzzling habits in new ways - Instagram photos of our meals will no longer suffice! From T-shirts, to doormats, and of course, taco cookbooks, this list is for the people whose favorite day of the week is Tuesday. If you constantly find yourself asking "how many tacos is too many tacos?" keep reading to feed your taco appetite in more ways than you could imagine!

mardi 25 octobre 2016

14 Taylor Swift Halloween Costumes Based on Her Music Videos

Taylor Swift is a pro when it comes to making music videos. From "Blank Space" to "Bad Blood," the girl comes up with some amazing concepts and even better characters. With Halloween coming up, why not channel those personas on Oct. 31st? Keep reading for more details, then check out how you can turn Taylor Swift's lyrics into even more costumes.

Enhance Your Halloween Costume the Lazy Way With Temporary Tattoos

Watching Halloween makeup tutorials is much simpler than attempting them. This Halloween, whether you lack the makeup skills of a beauty blogger or you're just plain lazy, ditch the time consuming face paint and try these incredible temporary tattoos.

You can opt to use them to replace a full face of makeup and create a scarecrow or animal face or use them to add important details to your costume (you can even have Eleven's tattoo from Stranger Things!) these picks will be sure to make your costume your best one yet.

Apple Accidentally Confirmed 1 Major Rumor About the New MacBook Pro

After four years of radio silence on updating the MacBook Pro, Apple is looking to make some big changes to the product. A new report from Bloomberg states a number of rumors of what the next MacBook Pro model will bring.

The report, written by Mark Gurman, a credible reporter on Apple leaks, includes six new features you can expect to hopefully see on the MacBook Pro. Check out the details ahead:

  1. A new design: You can expect the new MacBook Pro to be thin - but nothing like the MacBook Air or 12-inch MacBook. Currently, the 13-inch MacBook Pro is 0.71 inches thin.
  2. Say goodbye to the function keys: Apple is said to be replacing the row of function keys at the top of your keyboard with a touchscreen display. It will use OLEDs (also known as organic light-emitting diodes that are reportedly coming to future iPhones) to show function keys like the playback button depending on which program you're using. In an accidental mistake by Apple, the company confirmed the change by showing images of this keyboard on the new Macbook Pro in an update on macOS Sierra, reports MacRumors.
  3. Touch ID is coming: Touch ID, the fingerprint technology found on iPhones and iPads, is arriving on the MacBook Pro. This means unlocking your laptop with just your finger instead of typing out a password and using Apple Pay with more ease.
  4. A faster processor and video card: The processor will be much faster than those found on the 2012 model. The new MacBook Pro will also now carry an Advanced Micro Devices Inc. (AMD) Polaris chip card.
  5. Get used to the USB-C port: The USB-C port, found already on the 12-inch MacBook, will also be seen on the MacBook Pro. A USB-C port is an all-in-one function that lets you charge the computer, connect to USB drives and other displays, and transfer data.
  6. New colors: More color options like gray, gold, and silver may be coming to the new MacBook Pro.

It's exciting to see the MacBook Pro get all these upgrades, though it's about time. Macotakara, a tech blog known to be accurate for Apple leaks, is also reporting that the new MacBook will no longer come with a USB 3.0 or Magsafe port. The blog post further states that the new MacBook sizes will be: 15.4 inches and 13.3 inches and that the 11-inch MacBook Air will be discontinued. Apple officially sent out invites to an event on Oct. 27, so we don't have to wait long to see the new computers.

For now, we'll just have to keep waiting to see which rumors are true.

33 Fast and Easy Pastas to Add to Your Dinner Arsenal

Do your glands salivate at the sound of caprese macaroni and cheese? Does your "last meal" scenario involve ribbons of perfectly al dente pasta? If so, here's something right up your alley. It's a compilation of our favorite go-to weeknight pasta meals. For a variety of inspired workday Italian dishes, keep reading.

30+ Harry Potter Group Costume Ideas For Anyone Trying to Forget They're a Muggle

Halloween is made for Harry Potter fans. There are so many different costumes to choose from and ways to mix it up as a muggle. Take a look ahead at some of the most creative Harry Potter group costumes, and let one choose you.

Anna Kendrick Loves the Velvet Trend So Much, She Wore the Look Back to Back

Is there such a thing as too much velvet? Ask Anna Kendrick and the answer's likely an emphatic no. For the Trolls premiere in California, the actress chose a sparkly velvet dress with voluminous sleeves and built-in neck scarf. The ice-skater silhouette came straight from the Marc Jacobs Spring '17 runway and though the look was cute, she did a complete 180 later that night by slipping into a sexy Gabriela Hearst dress.

Still, Anna stuck to the velvet theme, choosing the hip-hugging number in a similar shade of blue. The dress, like the Marc Jacobs look, even revealed her back and in both outfits, Anna simply styled them with black heels. It may be pure coincidence that she wore velvet looks twice in one day, but if we had to take a guess Anna was probably feeling the '90s vibe. Like her stylist Cristina Ehrlich said, "When it's so good, you do it twice." Scroll ahead to see both of Anna's velvet blue dresses and then shop a similar one of your own.

Kendall Jenner Found Her Model Double - Then Hooked Her Up With a Job

When you take a peek at the Kendall + Kylie Spring 2017 images, you might mistake the lookbook model for Kendall herself. But that's not Ms. Jenner striking a pose in the clothes she designed - it's Russian model Kate Bogucharskaia. And though you might assume Kendall cast the 22-year-old because they look alike (and Kendall and Kylie clearly create collections based on their own sense of style), Kate Bogucharskaia walked the runway before Kendall did.

Making her debut during the Spring 2013 season at Louis Vuitton and Chloé, Kate has since scored plenty of editorials. She's represented by Next Agency, just like Arizona Muse and Kate Upton, whereas Kendall's repped by The Society Management. Nevertheless, their resemblance is pretty striking. Even their Instagram feeds have the same grunge-meets-sexy aesthetic. Read on to see Kate's photo shoot for Kendall + Kylie, then learn a few things about the girl who's about to make waves all on her own.

America Ferrera's New Blond Bob Will Be Your Favorite Hair Change of 2016

Friday, Oct. 21, 2016 will forever be remembered as the day that America Ferrera left behind her long black hair for a blond curly bob - at least by us. The Superstore actress, who recently completed a triathlon hours before hitting the red carpet for the Emmy Awards, looks almost unrecognizable on her first Instagram photo as a blonde, captioning the photo: "Electing a new president calls for a new hairstyle! Big change abound!"

The shocking new hairstyle quickly became one of our favorite celebrity hair changes of 2016, and if you scroll ahead and take a look at more photos of America sporting the look, it'll become yours, too.

Jasmine Tookes Shows Us Just How Intense VS Angel Workouts Are

Jasmine Tookes Shows Us Just How Intense VS Angel Workouts Are

Princess Beatrice of York Hangs With Kate Middleton, but Her Style's on Another Level

You might have heard Princess Beatrice's name with ties to Uber executive Dave Clark. The longtime couple made headlines recently with news of their split, but we're here to prove the Royal Highness of York can hold her own. Not only does the princess regularly attend family events alongside her younger sister, Eugenie; her grandmother Queen Elizabeth II; and Kate Middleton, but she also participates in charity work and is developing a career in business.

From a fashion perspective, Beatrice is a natural. Her wardrobe consists of key pieces that turn heads on the red carpet, at fashion shows, and on the street, but it's the way she wears them that counts. While the princess favors Peter Pan collars, avant-garde fascinators, and all sorts of embellishments, every outfit includes an element of surprise. Read on for 73 lessons you can learn just by studying her style.

5 Disney Villain Costumes That Prove Bad Girls Have More Fun (With Makeup!)

Although I love a good Disney princess, they tend to rock the #nomakeupmakeup look. The Disney villains, however, are on top of their makeup game. Red lips, sharp contouring, and arched brows run rampant in the villain world, and I can't say I don't approve. It just seems the villains of the Disney universe have more fun and are certainly craftier with their makeup brushes.

When it comes to Halloween, take the opportunity to pull out your brightest eye shadows, most reflective highlighter, and pigmented lipsticks and go to work transforming yourself into someone completely different: a Disney villain.

This Map Shows the Best Streets For Trick-or-Treating Near You

There are many reasons to step outside your own street on Halloween - perhaps your neighbors don't participate in the holiday festivities or you live in an apartment complex or rural area that doesn't really allow for trick-or-treating. Maybe your kids are on the hunt for the ever-elusive king-size candy bars! Whatever your reasoning for wanting to mix things up this Halloween, there's one tool that will be your guide to the perfect trick-or-treating adventure: Nextdoor's Treat Map.

The free (and private) social media site for neighbors reports that over 115,000 neighborhoods in the US are already using the Treat Map, with 10 towns across the country reigning supreme in trick-or-treating optimization. The Treat Map is excellent for Halloween fanatics staying in their own 'hoods, too - it simply allows neighbors who are giving out candy (or other noncandy treats) to mark their homes with a candy corn icon, helping kids avoid the disappointment of ringing a doorbell with no response.

There's also a feature on the Treat Map that allows users to indicate that they're hosting a haunted house, so if your family is craving scares on Oct. 31, you'll know where to head.

Want to mark your house on the Treat Map or simply check out where the best trick-or-treating hotspots are in your hometown? Simply sign up on Nextdoor and tell your kids to grab their pumpkin pails - it's going to be a spooktacular Halloween!

Bryce Dallas Howard Reveals Her Secret to Crying on Cue

In 2015, Bryce Dallas Howard blew us away when she proved she could cry on command while talking about Home Depot during an appearance on Conan. This week, the actress - who's promoting the new season of Black Mirror on Netflix - returned to give a tutorial on her tearful ways. During her Monday night appearance, Bryce tried to get Conan to shed a few tears by revealing her go-to tricks (and asking for money in return). Even though she managed to cry again (hint: it's all in the yawn), we can't say the same about Conan's success rate.

When It Comes to Sexy Halloween Costumes, Jennifer Lopez Is an Endless Source of Inspiration

Jennifer Lopez is known for her iconic outfits as much as her catchy music and memorable movies. Throughout the years, the Puerto Rican beauty has shown us unforgettable and outlandish looks that have inspired us all - she basically invented the naked-dress trend!

From her early days influenced by hip-hop to her provocative red carpet looks (Grammys Versace dress, anyone?), J Lo has always kept us at the edge of our seats waiting to see what she will wear next. So can you think of a better way to spend Halloween than embodying the superstar? We're breaking down 17 of her most famous looks that will have you waiting for tonight (OK, Halloween) to shake your booty as Jennifer.

This Instagram Page Turns Anything You Can Think of Into Spooky Cute Halloween Art

Who says everything about Halloween has to be scary? Shawnalee Anderton, a mom and artist, decided to challenge her artistic creativity by drawing miniature versions of random objects centered around the spooky holiday.

The drawings are part of a larger project, titled "I am," where Anderton illustrates something each day. Each of the drawings can take "anywhere between one to three hours to complete," she explained in a BoredPanda post. The project has special meaning to Anderton - as both a mother and an artist. "As a mother, it has been incredibly rewarding to complete something tangible every day," she wrote. "I think this is probably one thing that other moms can relate to. It has helped me get back in touch with who I am - another thing that can get lost along the way when you have a family."

What she came up with in her drawings are some of the most adorable Halloween-themed art work you'll ever see! Keep reading to check out a few examples with the artwork's title directly from her Instagram account ahead.

14 Halloween Costume Ideas From American Horror Story: Hotel

American Horror Story is a goldmine of Halloween inspiration, and it's no wonder that we're still drooling over some of the latest looks from Hotel. Last season introduced characters with lavish style (like the Countess) and some that are straight-up trainwrecks (looking at you, Hypodermic Sally). Like Freak Show, basically all the characters would make great Halloween costumes. Here are some of the best options, and if they don't do it for you, check out costumes inspired by Roanoke!

13 Halloween Movies on Netflix That Won't Give You Nightmares

We know, we know. Just because you love Halloween, it doesn't necessarily mean you love getting the sh*t scared out of you. With all the new horror movies on Netflix and Freeform's 13 Nights of Halloween schedule, we recognize that Halloween-loving scaredy cats might want to tread lightly. To soothe your worries, we've collected all the current Halloween movies on Netflix that'll surprise and delight your spooky tastes, but won't keep you up at night.

65 Movies That Need to Be on Your Radar This Fall

Goodbye, blockbusters of Summer; hello, comedies, dramas, and, well, blockbusters of Fall! So many highly anticipated films are hitting the big screen in September, October, November, and December. Brad Pitt, Jennifer Aniston, Matthew McConaughey, Kate Winslet, and Ben Affleck are just a few of the stars with new movies out - some even have two! There are movies based on true stories, movies based on books, and yes, even some completely original movies. Whip out your calendar; it's time to talk Fall movies.

Skip to this week!

3 Easy No Costume-Costumes Using One Piece of Makeup

Halloween is my favorite holiday for a myriad of reasons: the candy, the costumes, Hocus Pocus, getting the living daylights scared of out me. (What? That's just me?)

The biggest complaint about Halloween that most beauty girls have? There are too many costumes to plan. We all know that Halloween isn't just a one-night ordeal. You're probably going to get invited to a few Halloween parties, and costumes will be mandatory. Given a polyester Cinderella gown or a cat's tail can cost you upward of $50, it's time to get acquainted with a few sexy and creepy costumes that aren't only easy on your debit card, but also allow you to dress in chicer attire - like an LBD, leather jacket and miniskirt, or a jumpsuit. Your magic wand for the month will be eyeliner: all kinds!
Pencil, pen, gel, liquid - all types of liner can be used to replicate these looks. Time to get in touch with your inner feline, bond with your bones, and tackle your arachnophobia!

With a little practice, you'll have an easy costume that doesn't require spending a ton of money. Let me know if you've tried any of these looks by tagging me on Instagram!

23 One-and-Done Costumes to Shop From Your Favorite Stores

If you're not into buying a bag costume or getting crafty with a DIY, you can still throw together a totally stylish outfit for your Halloween celebrations. In truth, all it takes is one standout item - something that makes it clear exactly what you are, all with minimal effort.

These 23 pieces aren't only the easiest Halloween costume ideas - possibly ever - they're also refreshingly affordable. So instead of wasting time or money on finding your ideal ensemble this season, you can focus on actually enjoying the spooktacular parties on your October agenda.

16 Cute Tattoos to Show Your Deep Love For Tacos

There are taco lovers who could easily eat the Mexican classic daily and know every iteration there is to know out there. Then there are "Taco Lovers," who go a little bit further, perhaps even professing their true love on their skin with a little ink. Straight ahead you'll find 16 people who clearly belong in the second category. They might inspire you to join their club with a cute taco tattoo.

Start Saving Your Galleons For These Harry Potter Eye Shadow Palettes

The same genius who brought us the Harry Potter Highlight and Contour Palette is coming back with the most magical beauty product - Harry Potter eye shadow palettes.

Customized by individual houses, the Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin palettes are only available for preorder on Etsy and will hopefully be delivered by an owl. They are handcrafted and vegan and come with the school's official crest embossed on the cover. All four palettes have a bottom row filled with Hogwarts colors, ranging from Owl Post, a deep shimmery brown, to Hogsmead, a metallic gray with light brown undertones, seen below.

Keep reading to see all the swatches in the different Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin shadow palettes and find out where to order yours!

26 Incredible Ways to Dress as Harley Quinn For Halloween

Now more than ever, thanks to Suicide Squad, Harley Quinn is extremely popular to dress up as. Between all the different series, movies, and games she's been in, there are plenty of ways to become Harley this year. Look ahead for inspiration and, if these ideas don't totally match your taste, you can always try Princess Leia or costumes from other fandoms for Halloween.

21 Comforting and Lightened-Up Pasta Dishes

While pasta certainly isn't an everyday food, anyone looking for a little comfort during the colder months will find that these lightened-up pasta dishes hit the spot. You'll be glad to know most of these options weigh in well under 400 calories per serving.

21 Comforting and Lightened-Up Pasta Dishes

While pasta certainly isn't an everyday food, anyone looking for a little comfort during the colder months will find that these lightened-up pasta dishes hit the spot. You'll be glad to know most of these options weigh in well under 400 calories per serving.

Emily Blunt on Playing Mary Poppins: "Nobody's Julie Andrews, So I'm Just Gonna Do My Own Thing"

Image Source: Getty Images / Karwai Tang

Emily Blunt is about to take on one of the most beloved literary and cinematic characters of all time and, rightfully so, she's a little scared. During a press day where she was promoting The Girl on the Train, Blunt was equally excited to discuss the next huge role she's lined up, playing Mary Poppins in Mary Poppins Returns. The sequel already boasts an incredibly cast that includes Meryl Streep and Hamilton's Lin-Manuel Miranda, but Blunt has some big shoes to fill after Julie Andrew's originated the role in the 1964 film - not that she's letting her nerves get in the way.

POPSUGAR: How much, if it all, are your kids a factor into the actual roles you choose now?
Emily Blunt: Mary Poppins! What a gift to my girls! I would've done Mary Poppins whether I was a mother or not, but the fact that I'm a mother and to a mother of girls is just so awesome to be able to play Mary Poppins. It's a real gift. Because they're just gonna find it joyous.

POPSUGAR: Are you nervous at all take on such an iconic character?
EB: Yes! When [director] Rob Marshall called me, I felt simultaneously thrilled and frozen with fear. Nobody's Julie Andrews, so I know that much. So I'm just gonna do my own thing. But Mary Poppins is sort of emblematic of people's nostalgia in many ways. They're some big shoes to fill. When I said I was taking it on, my friend said to me, "Wow. You've got balls of steel." I was like, "Don't say that! It makes it scarier."

Image Source: Getty Images / Kevin Mazur

PS: You're going to be working with Meryl Streep for the third time. Are you guys a package deal now?
EB: Am I the actor that's worked with Meryl the most? I might be the actress that's worked with Meryl Streep the most. How lucky am I? She just stalks me. It's embarrassing.
PS: She just finds out what projects you're doing and . . .
EB: Yeah, she always tries to get into every movie I make.

PS: And you're going to be working with Lin-Manuel Miranda, who is now just everywhere.
EB: Cover of Rolling Stone. Everywhere. And he's cut all his hair off! I didn't recognize him!
PS: He looks 100 percent different now.
EB: I was like, "You look 12." But what a cool guy. I think that term "genius" is used rather too casually, but he's it.