Healthy lifestyle
A healthy lifestyle is one which helps to keep and improve people's health and well-being.Many governments and non-governmental organizations have made big efforts in healthy lifestyle and health promotion.
Mental Health
Mental health can be considered a very important factor of physical health for the effects it produces on bodily functions. This type of health concerns emotional and cognitive well-being or an absence of mental disorder.
Public health
Public health can be defined in a variety of ways. It can be presented as "the study of the physical, psychosocial and socio-cultural determinants of population health and actions to improve the health of the population.
Reproductive Health
For the UN, reproductive health is a right, like other human rights. This recent concept evokes the good transmission of the genetic heritage from one generation to the next.
Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
vendredi 13 juillet 2018
How a 16-Year-Old Note in a Man's Wallet Helped Save His Marriage

Nicole Johnson, a mom and writer at Suburban Shit Show: Tales from the Tree-Lined Trenches, knows that every marriage has its ups and downs. In a recent Facebook post, she shared how discovering a simple piece of paper in her husband's wallet from 16 years prior reminded her that even the worst days are completely worth it.
"My husband has kept this number with him since the night we met 16 years ago," wrote Nicole. "It sits in his wallet - with all the other receipts. I would attribute it to laziness, but he (unlike me) cleans his wallet out often."
When Nicole first saw the scrap of paper, she couldn't deny how romantic it was.
"For some reason, he has held onto this piece of our history," she said. "The first time I found it, I knew that no matter how far we've moved away from the first days of new love, how far we journeyed from our beginnings, how far from romance, date nights, us - this is still there. This piece of who we were and where we started remains with him. He carries us around wherever he goes."
"It won't keep our marriage going. But it's a reminder and it's a help."
Nicole opened up about how 16 years can bring about a boatload of life changes, but clearly, her husband's love for her never wavered even though they've recently hit a rough patch.
"We haven't had the easiest time lately. I've been very open about that. But I also want to share this - we are trying," she confessed. "We've talked. We've worked. We will keep working. Because it's work. It's kids. It's baggage. It's anger. It's love. It's all of the stuff that life is. And that shit is hard."
And sometimes when you're really in the thick of a row with your partner, it's helpful to go back to the early stages of your relationship to figure out why you fell in love in the first place.
"And when it gets hard, like really hard - the sort where it seems easier to walk away than to stay - look for those things in your beginning," she wrote. "For us, this old receipt tape, worn and battered, is ours. It won't do the work. It won't keep our marriage going. But it's a reminder and it's a help."
Nicole signed off by urging other struggling couples to go back to the beginning, just like she did.
"So if your marriage is in a rough patch, look for your beginning - that place where your US started - before the kids and mortgage and start there. Good luck. I'm rooting for all of us!"
After Her Baby Dies of Meningitis, Mom Issues Impassioned Plea to All Parents

Alex Dempsey and her fiancé Gabriel Schultz, a couple from Chesterfield, VA, are mourning the loss of their 4-month-old son, Killy Schultz, after he tragically passed away from meningitis on June 30 within 24 hours of his first symptom. Now, Alex is doing her best to warn others about meningitis and the importance of getting vaccinated regardless of your age.
According to his mom, Killy's symptoms appeared totally out of the blue. "He had just eaten his bottle for the afternoon," she told CBS affiliate WTVR. "He was a little warm but we figured it was a warm day so [we] get him home and let him cool off."
Alex decided to give her son some Tylenol, and when that didn't bring his temperature down, she took him to the emergency room at St. Mary's Hospital. After being admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit, Killy's condition worsened by the hour.
"He was still trying to make little sounds, but he had a hard time opening his eyes and his blood pressure was very low," said Alex. "He wasn't doing well at all."
Coincidentally just two days after getting his 4-month-old vaccinations, doctors confirmed that Killy had contracted meningitis - a deadly disease where the brain and spinal cord membranes become inflamed usually due to an infection - and would likely not survive.
"The moment they said meningitis I knew there was a really strong possibility that we were gonna lose him," said Alex. "They told us we were going to hit the window if he was going to make it or not but being he was only 4 months old he didn't really have an immune system to help us with that."
"We want people to be aware that vaccinations can prevent things like this."
Soon, Killy's heart rate began to drop and his parents knew that the end was near.
"They started to do CPR, and after 10 minutes of CPR, you don't come back from that, so we had to tell them to stop," explained Alex.
After speaking with medical experts in Virginia, the grieving parents learned Killy most likely contracted the disease from a person who wasn't vaccinated.
"Health officials we've spoken to who have been trying to track this down, that's just their best guess that an unvaccinated person was carrying it around and my child happened to be the one who came in contact with it," said Alex.
At the end of the day, Alex doesn't want anyone to go through the same thing she did. Now, she's begging others to get vaccinated.
"If anything comes out of this, we want people to be aware that vaccinations can prevent things like this," she said. "Vaccines aren't just for kids, they're for adults too. He was just a baby, so he really didn't have much of a chance."
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that kids should receive the meningococcal vaccination at 11 or 12 years old and get a booster shot at age 16.
Candice Swanepoel Claps Back at "Cruel" Body Shamers Just 12 DAYS After Giving Birth

Candice Swanepoel is just trying to enjoy the beach as a new mother of two. On Wednesday, the 29-year-old Victoria's Secret Angel confronted "cruel" body shamers who criticized her bikini body less than two weeks after she welcomed her son, Ariel, with her fiancé, Hermann Nicoli. It's pretty horrific that anyone would comment upon her postbaby body, but Candice is wondering if she's being held to a different standard because she's a model. She posted the official image in question, seen above, on her Instagram Stories with a message about the criticism.
"This is me 12 days after having my son. If you have something bad to say about it. . . check yourself. Society can be so cruel to one another. . . Beauty standards are sometimes impossible for women these days. I'm not ashamed to show my postpartum tummy, I am proud actually. . . I carried my son for 9 months in there, I think I've earned the right to have a little tummy, is it because I'm a model? Well we are normal people too, so let me enjoy the beach in peace please," she wrote with some peace signs.
Candice continued with another photo of her while pregnant on the beach in Brazil last month, encouraging women to build each other up and not be so critical of one another. "I don't have to hide my stomach just because people have unrealistic standards of women," she wrote. "We create life. . . what can you do? Ladies we are all in this together, be kind to each other."
She is absolutely right. Stunning model with her own swimsuit line aside, she's a damn mother who just created an adorable human.
I Gave Up My Fitbit For a Week and Here's What I Learned

I've always been a superactive person. I regularly teach exercise classes, and when I don't participate in the class, I make a point to keep moving the entire hour I teach or hop on the elliptical or a treadmill most evenings for two to three miles. When I was given a Fitbit as a present a few years back, I didn't think it would influence my exercise habits very much. Well, I was wrong about that.
Even though my days are full of movement, I quickly found myself checking my steps multiple times a day, competing with myself for high step counts week to week, and almost never letting my daily numbers drop below 10,000. On days when I hadn't met my 10K goal, I would take my dog on an extra walk around the block after dinner, pace inside my house if it was raining, or walk an extra mile on my treadmill. Anything to get more steps!
But in recent months, I increased my strength-training routine, reduced my cardio sessions, and found my step count dropping rapidly. Rather than be disappointed with my lackluster results each day, I decided to take off my Fitbit, something I hadn't done intentionally in almost five years. The thought was that if I stopped wearing my Fitbit, I would stop worrying about hitting my steps, my anxiety at the end of the day when I saw low step counts would decrease, and I'd be happier with my strength-training sessions. Here is what transpired over seven days.
The First Day Was Rough
It became apparent that first day that I used my tracker as a watch, too. I found myself looking at and tapping my empty wrist every hour. I had this uneasy feeling like something was missing throughout that first day and found I was more uncomfortable without my tracker than I anticipated I would be. Even though my habits hadn't changed at all from the previous week, I felt a slight panic that I wasn't moving enough. This unease was a bit of a wake-up call: I was hooked on my Fitbit.
It Got Easier
I wasn't sure I would make it through the entire week, but slowly my brain picked up on the fact that I was no longer wearing a watch, and I stopped looking at my wrist multiple times a day. I continued with my normal work and exercise program, not worrying about how close or far I was from 10,000 steps that day. The downside, though, was I found myself pulling out my phone more often to check the time and sometimes getting distracted by text messages or emails. I made a mental note that if I decided to forgo my Fitbit, I would need to get a simple watch.
When it came to appetite, my eating habits were not significantly different, and my weight didn't shift up or down at my weekly weigh-in (another thing I've been tracking my entire adult life).
Over the course of the week, I found living without my Fitbit did get easier, but I can't say I didn't miss it.
Back to Tracking
After not wearing my Fitbit for an entire week, which seemed an appropriate amount of time to fully "detox" from the tracker, I put it back on my wrist. I enjoy checking it throughout the day to see how much I am moving, and I like seeing the numbers go up when I make an effort to move more - it's motivating, and I feel it's good for my overall health. I still aim for 10,000 steps because I feel good when my tracker vibrates to celebrate hitting my goal. I have found that I eat healthier, too, when I wear my Fitbit - even on vacation.
Some people may find it to be a bit obsessive, but for me, my Fitbit is here to stay.
The Fastest (and Safest) Way to Lose Belly Fat

Diet trends come and go, but the age-old question still stands: how do you lose belly fat - and fast? Well, hate to break it to you, but there isn't a quick, safe solution to tightening up stubborn areas. However, it is possible to begin seeing small changes in your waist in as little as two weeks with the right workout and diet regimen, according to personal trainer and registered dietitian Jim White, RD, ACSM. You won't necessarily lose inches, but with a little more patience, you may be able to accelerate your timeline by doing the following.
- Maintain a calorie deficit: A calorie deficit basically means burning more calories than you consume. But if we really want to get down to the nitty-gritty, Jim said you'd have to eat at a 500-calorie deficit each day to lose a pound per week. But it's essential that you eat a minimum of 1,200 calories daily. Anything lower than that can impair proper physical and mental function.
- Incorporate HIIT workouts: Generally, the higher the intensity, the more calories your body will burn and continue to burn after your workout. HIIT can help you maximize the EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption) effect or, as Orangetheory Fitness calls it, the "afterburn."
- Fiber it up: Increasing your fiber intake can help you lose more fat. The problem is that most people aren't getting enough each day. On top of moving things along in your digestive system, fiber can promote weight loss by making you feel satiated with fewer calories and can curb overeating by regulating blood sugar levels.
- Don't cut carbs: Seems counterintuitive, right? But good news: carbohydrates, particularly resistant starches and complex carbs, are very much necessary. Resistant starch, including items like beans and lentils and green bananas, can actually boost your metabolism because it requires more effort to convert into energy. Complex carbs, such as grains and veggies, are just as important as they provide nutritional value.
- Do cut processed foods: You can't beat whole foods that can be eaten as they are. According to Josh Axe, DNM, CNS, DC, eating real foods (aka straight from nature, not out of a box) will zap unwanted fat and provide your body with vital nutrients.
- Keep your stress in check: When you're constantly stressed, your cortisol levels spike. The stress hormone stimulates appetite, which is why some people "stress eat" and find comfort in junk food.
- Get your eight hours in: Sleep and weight gain are more closely tied than you think. Lack of sleep intensifies cravings and prevents your muscles from repairing and recovering properly overnight. Additionally, your body will produce more cortisol, and we've already learned what that can do to our fat-burning efforts.
A Weightlifting Workout Plan to Burn Fat and Build Muscle For All Levels

If you want to start lifting weights more often and have no idea what to do in the gym, we've got you covered. Follow along with this one-week weightlifting plan that's suitable for all levels. Grab your dumbbells, your water, and a towel and get ready to start. For maximal muscle growth and fat loss, we suggest following this program for four weeks. After that period, begin to increase your weights and progress the movements.
Don't forget to warm up before every workout and cool down after.
These Are the Exact Workouts I Do in a Week to Build Muscle - You Can Do Them Too!

When I'm not writing about health and wellness, I'm training clients, modeling, and finding the time to get my own workouts in. The two questions I get asked the most are how often I work out and what exactly I do in the gym. My answer: it's always changing. Sometimes I work out five to six times a week, and other times it's three days max. My preferred style of training is weightlifting, specifically Olympic weightlifting, and I also love to sprint.
Continue reading to see what an average week of working out looks like for me. Since everyone's strength levels vary, I did not include the exact weights I lift. Instead, I included weights that should work for beginners to advanced lifters. If you plan on doing these workouts, choose a weight that will challenge you, make any modifications necessary, and always warm up and cool down.
An Expert Explains How Drinking Green Tea Can Impact Your Weight-Loss Goals

We know that two of the best ways to lose weight naturally are having a healthy diet and regular exercise. If you've been researching other natural weight-loss methods, drinking green tea has more than likely appeared in your search. In order to find out whether drinking green tea for weight loss is just another myth, POPSUGAR spoke to nutritionist Maya Feller, MS, RD, CDN of Maya Feller Nutrition and GMA contributor.
"In animal studies, mice fed a high-fat and high-sucrose (sugar) diet along with green, black, and oolong tea polyphenols had significantly lower body weight in comparison to mice only fed high-fat and high-sugar diets," Feller said. This may sound promising for humans, but research has shown that "there is an effect but not as significant," Feller told POPSUGAR. While researchers have found a minor decrease in the overall fat mass of obese and overweight people, Feller said that it hasn't been found to be clinically relevant. If you like green tea, Feller said there's no reason to stop drinking it as it does have various health benefits.
Some steps you can take to lose weight naturally are: eating minimally processed whole foods, eating fewer calories than you burn, and beginning an exercise program like strength training.
Intermittent Fasting vs. Eating Disorder: Experts Weigh In on Where to Draw the Line

Before the ketogenic diet rose to mainstream popularity, it was Whole30, Paleo, DASH . . . and the list goes on. Though some trendy diets are significantly safer than others, we also have to consider the risks that come with drastically altering our eating habits - especially when weight loss is the ultimate goal. Let's discuss intermittent fasting in particular. We've seen many success stories from those who've followed the diet and covered the benefits of eating within a restricted window, including improved digestion and increased energy. But at what point does intermittent fasting pose a risk for developing a potential eating disorder? We looked to three experts to weigh in on this important matter.
What Is Intermittent Fasting?
Intermittent fasting (IF) involves stopping and resuming food consumption within a specific time window. The most popular method is 16:8, or Leangains, which requires fasting for 16 hours and eating two to three meals during an eight-hour feeding window. An example would be to cut off meals at 8 p.m. until noon the following day. People who typically skip breakfast each morning are technically intermittent fasting even if they're unaware of it. We spoke with Lisa Eberly Mastela, MPH, RD, who said there are ways to fast safely, one of the most "doable" forms being 16:8. But other types of IF include more restrictive schedules, like the eat, stop, eat method that requires fasting for 24 hours at a time. That's when things start to get tricky . . .
When Is Fasting Diagnosed as an Eating Disorder?
Mastela emphasized that any form of IF should be done under the supervision of a registered dietitian, and any diet that encourages a restrictive eating schedule really should be approached with caution from the start. Sondra Kronberg, MS, RD, CDN, CEDRD-S, and founder and spokesperson of National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA), said this is where the line is drawn: "The degree to which one's thoughts and activities and behaviors around food (including clean eating and fasting), weight, body, and exercise take up space inside one's head and interfere with the quality of life, spontaneity, socialization, and health can be potentially fatal - that is the degree one is suffering for disordered eating or an eating disorder," she told POPSUGAR.
Jennifer Sommer-Dirks, MS, RD, CSSD, and nutrition manager at the Eating Recovery Center in Denver, CO, also added that disordered eating goes beyond food. "Someone who is fasting may also be suffering from an eating disorder if they are also struggling with body-image distress or if they are experiencing stress or anxiety when not able to follow the fast as planned," Sommer-Dirks told us. Another sign is if he or she is using fasting as a coping mechanism to ease their anxiety, depression, or other life stresses.
Can Fasting Trigger an Eating Disorder?
Although most individuals are able to diet without developing an eating disorder, Sommer-Dirks warns that some may be more susceptible than others. For example, those with a genetic predisposition, difficult home life, or other vulnerabilities have shown to be more at risk. "With eating disorders, I sometimes explain it as 'genetics loads the gun, but the environment pulls the trigger,' meaning someone has to have that vulnerability in the first place, and if they do, a diet can easily be the thing that pulls the trigger for the eating disorder to emerge," she said.
What Are Signs That Someone Has Gone Too Far?
In addition to watching out for behavioral changes such as becoming more rigid, isolating, obsessive, or prone to perfectionism, here are other signs to watch out for, according to NEDA:
- Rapid weight loss
- Mood swings
- Depression
- Lack of energy or focus
- Changes in hair, nail, skin, or digestion
Is Any Form of Fasting Safe?
Our experts' answers varied on this one. Mastela said as long as IF is done correctly (aka under the supervision of an RD), "it can be life-changing in terms of disease prevention, treatment, and vitality." Additionally, she recommends easing into fasting to allow your body to adjust and working out (particularly strength training) regularly to support your metabolism. But with that said, "It is also easy to mask an eating disorder with the label of intermittent fasting," Mastela said, again adding the importance of supervision.
Kronberg from NEDA admitted that although she's not a fasting expert, she can speak from the perspective as a specialist with 40 years of experience treating eating disorders. In addition to limited research available on the benefits of fasting, "The uniqueness of each individual's neuro and biochemistry make it impossible to make global recommendations as to the overall benefit," she said. "We live in a culture where, for most, food intake manipulations and restrictions, while under guise of health, usually and primarily have an underlying promotion for weight loss, and most people are more attracted to the short-term potential weight loss of not eating rather than any perceived health benefit."
The general population may be less at risk for developing an eating disorder, but Sommer-Dirks warns anyone recovering from an eating disorder or those with a genetic predisposition against any form of fasting. And even if you don't fall under either category, it's still important to think about the reason you want to fast. Sommer-Dirks recommends that people steer clear of the more extreme fasting methods, including those that require fasting for multiple days, to prevent nutrient deficiencies.
If you or a loved one are suffering from an eating disorder, call the National Eating Disorders Helpline (800-931-2237) or text the 24/7 Crisis Support (send NEDA to 741741) for resources. If you're unsure whether you should reach out for professional help, use NEDA's screening tool to find out.
You're Gonna Want to Hit Up This Sale For All the Cute Workout Clothes

If your leggings or sports bra could use an upgrade, we have good news for you. The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is back and better than ever. The exclusive deals start on July 20, but you can already browse its insane selection and killer prices - plus, if you have a Nordstrom card, you can actually purchase items early (starting now!).
Along with incredible discounts on bags and boots, it has an array of impressive activewear for all the workout fanatics out there. From brands like Nike, Adidas, Zella, Sweaty Betty, and more, you won't be disappointed. Keep scrolling to shop our favorite sneakers, tops, and beyond.
I Stopped Eating This 1 Food, and My Acne Cleared Up Instantly

I'll never forget when I was babysitting one day after college and the tiny 1-year-old pointed to a monstrosity of a zit on my chin. I tried to ignore her and distract her with a toy, but she kept pointing. The mother looked at me sympathetically and just said, "Yep, she has a boo-boo."
At that point, it had been well over 10 years since I had experienced bad breakouts. I didn't have terrible acne that covered my face, but my issue was that I always had a few enormous, Rudolf-the-red-nosed-reindeer types of pimples that were deep, painful, and red. There was never a moment when I was zit-free; when one was going away, another few were popping up.
I was so self-conscious because it continued into my 30s. I saw a dermatologist, determined to clear my skin before my wedding day in August 2008, but the harsh topical medications only made my skin red and irritated, and my skin didn't clear up at all. Into my mid to late 30s, my two pregnancies did help a little (thank you, hormones!), but after each baby was born, the acne would return. I was now 40 years old and still breaking out.
How I Cured My Acne
It wasn't until January 2017, when I gave up sugar for a month for my New Year's resolution, that I experienced soft, clear skin for the first time. I actually gave up sugar not for my skin (I didn't know it would help), but as a personal experiment to heal the belly bloat I had been experiencing for six months that my doctor couldn't figure out.
I not only felt better after the second week, feeling zero bloat and digestive issues, but the acne I've had on my chin since I was 12 years old disappeared. I kept looking in the mirror, waiting for a pimple to pop up, but my skin stayed clear for the rest of the month.
Was This Really the Answer?
After the month was up, I celebrated by splurging on homemade chocolate chip cookies. I mean, living without cake, brownies, ice cream, and chocolate for 30 days was tough. After a week of eating a little white sugar every day, my stomach waged war, and sure enough, so did my face.
I was so happy . . . and also pissed. I couldn't believe I found the one thing to heal my skin and prevent embarrassing breakouts and that it was so simple, but the cure really sucked! No sugar? No ordering dessert after dinner? No more baking? No more chocolate?!
How I Live With the Cure
Because I'm human - and my last name is Sugar - living 100 percent without treats really wasn't an option. I found ways to get my sweet fix without it affecting my face (or my stomach). I discovered how to bake with bananas and dates, making desserts that are just as sweet as using white sugar, and I can still get my chocolate fix by using cocoa powder in recipes. Ice cream is easy - I just make nice cream using frozen fruit.
Honestly, sugary treats just don't feel worth it anymore when they affect me so negatively. Even though I'm tempted when I see people enjoying cake at parties or eating pastries at coffee shops, I get over it real quick because I'm grateful that I've found the one food I can avoid that makes me look and feel healthy. That's not to say I never eat sugar ever. I do enjoy a couple bites every so often (and love every second), but I know how bad I'll feel if I eat a ton, and that prevents me from going overboard.
I wish I knew about this in junior high, because it would have saved me decades of feeling badly about my skin. If you suffer from acne and medications and other treatments haven't worked, sugar may be your issue, too. Wouldn't it be amazing if curing your acne was this simple? You'll never know unless you try. What have you got to lose?
Costco Shoppers Love This Protein-Packed Edamame Spaghetti - Oh, and It's Gluten-Free!

Oh Costco, how we love thee so, so much. The wholesale retailer sells many of our favorite healthy foods in bulk, from huge boxes of spaghetti squash to two-packs of cauliflower crust pizza, and now there's yet another item to add to our Costco shopping list: edamame spaghetti.
Earlier this Summer, the mega-sized supermarket started selling two-pound boxes of Explore Cuisine's edamame pasta, and it's been quite the hit among Costco shoppers so far. The spaghetti is organic, vegan-approved, and gluten-free, and the sole ingredient is edamame bean flour. Need we say more?
On top of that, the green noodles are loaded with plant-based protein - 24 grams per each two-ounce serving, to be exact. (Take that, everyone who wonders how vegans get their protein without eating meat!) Plus, every serving contains 13 grams of fiber, 180 calories, 3.5 grams of fat, and just 20 grams of carbohydrates, which is about half the amount of a regular pasta. Score!
Read on to see the various delectable ways people are cooking with this gluten-free pasta alternative, and don't forget to add it to the top of your Costco shopping list, right alongside those enormous bags of frozen avocado chunks.
8 Ways to Keep Workouts Exciting - Without Spending Boutique Money

Anyone who works out on the regular knows that a gym routine can get boring - especially when you do the same thing day in, day out. When exercising stops being fun, it becomes more difficult to make it part of your daily life.
For a while, trying the latest boutique gym classes became my go-to way to spice things up. I tried everything from Orangetheory to Pure Barre to an electrifying Miami dance workout class with a live DJ - and I loved them all! These classes really gave me that boost of much-needed enthusiasm and energy and challenged me to use different muscles, and I felt cheered on by the "we can do this!" group mentality.
Only problem was, averaging around $30 a pop, these specialty classes can get expensive . . . fast! This got me thinking about other, cheaper ways to keep my workouts fun and interesting. Here are eight strategies that can help keep your head in the game without breaking the bank.
Transform Your Upper Body With These 18 Strengthening Exercises

When it comes to women lifting weights, a common myth is that you'll get "bulky" or look "manly". According to a 2006 review in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, the benefits of weightlifting for men and women are: increased bone mass, lean muscle mass, improved cardiovascular fitness, strength, and an enhanced sense of well being. As for the worry about getting bulky, the authors said it's physically impossible for women to become bulky. "Basal hormonal differences (that is, decreased testosterone) ultimately limit the absolute amount of lean body mass that women can accrue with strength training."
Get ready to build lean muscle and improve your upper body strength with the 18 dumbbell exercises ahead.
The Most Genius Time-Saving Meal Prep Hack: Freeze These 11 Foods

There are so many reasons why cooking your meals beats dining out. It's usually much healthier, cheaper, and can even strengthen your relationship when done with a partner. Whether you find it relaxing or a chore, the truth is, sometimes it's difficult to simply find the time to cook. To help with your meal prep, cut back on time constraints by freezing fresh food to use later in the week. The following foods handle frosty temperatures perfectly, making homemade dinners a breeze.
100 Healthy and Delicious Recipes That Will Help You Lose Weight

If you're trying to get healthier and shed some pounds, then it's time to lighten up your daily meals. That means skipping the cheese pizza, greasy burgers, and just about anything fried - with the exception of a cheat meal here and there, of course; we're not sadistic. Besides, doesn't the thought of eating a heavy, fatty meal sometimes just makes you want to lie down and take a nap?
Read through for 100 mouthwatering healthy recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even sweet treats that will keep you satisfied on your mission to weight loss. There are even healthy versions of your favorite comfort dishes in the mix!
Whether you're on the keto diet, trying the Whole30 program, or just looking to eat cleaner and leaner, there's something here for you.
Grab Your Dumbbells and Build Muscle With This 15-Minute Arm Workout

You don't need to spend hours in the gym in order to have a great workout. If you're short on time but still want to get your butt kicked, you need to do this 15-minute workout. It targets your biceps, triceps, shoulders, and trapezius muscle (a muscle in your upper back), and we promise it'll make you stronger mentally and physically.
The Workout
- Complete four rounds of the following circuit.
- Take as little rest as possible in between each exercise; if you need a break, take it, but keep it to two minutes max.
Warning: everyday tasks like picking up items may be hard to do for up to three days post-workout (seriously, but you'll be stronger). Be sure to warm up before your workout, and you'll probably want to foam roll your arms afterward.
Halo Top Released a New Flavor, and It Tastes Just Like Your Childhood

With each changing season comes a new Halo Top flavor: Winter was Gingerbread House, Spring was Blueberry Crumble, and Summer was Peaches and Cream. Now, just in time for back-to-school season, the healthy ice cream company is releasing another limited-edition flavor: PB&J.
The pint is packed with peanut butter ice cream and swirls of strawberry with cannoli bites. But it will only be available for a short time - the new flavor is a "Gold Edition" and will only be in stores for a few weeks; once it's sold out, it's gone. The new flavor will be available at retailers nationwide, including Walmart, Ahold, SEG, Meijer, and more. Each pint is 360 calories and 20 grams of protein.
We got our hands on some pints to check out the new flavor, and it tastes just like a homemade peanut butter and jelly sandwich. This is one of our most positively reviewed Halo Top flavors ever; our editors raved about the taste and how much it reminded them of their favorite lunchbox staple. Here's what POPSUGAR staffers had to say:
- "Best flavor I've ever tried. Brought me right back to my childhood!"
- "Don't taste the jelly, but it's delicious!"
- "Holy sh*t! Sorry for swearing, but this is definitely the best Halo Top [flavor] I've tasted. No chalkiness either; a real ice cream texture."
- "It's the perfect mix of peanut butter and jelly and surprisingly doesn't taste artificial. One bite just transported me back to my days of eating Smucker's Uncrustables. This stuff is good!"
- "I wasn't sure how to feel about a PB&J flavor of ice cream, but it wasn't bad. I will say that I didn't get any hints of jelly (maybe the other editors picked it out!), but the peanut butter flavor wasn't overwhelming at all."
- "Absolutely love the peanut butter flavor of this ice cream."
- "I'm not a peanut butter person, but this might have done it for me."
- "It didn't have a watered-down flavor. I would probably eat the whole thing in one sitting."
- "Um, that is unreal - it literally tastes like a PB&J sandwich, bread and all (but in the best way). I need this in my freezer at all times, please and thank you."
And the sneak peek isn't exclusive to POPSUGAR; some lucky fans can try the new flavor ahead of time too. Starting on July 15, the first 1,000 fans can get a first taste by visiting and entering the code HALOTOPPB&J at checkout.
If you're a fan of PB&J and want to be transported back to your childhood, be sure to stock up on the pints when they become available and for as long as supplies last. The only things missing are a glass of milk and a bag of potato chips!
Aerie's New Bra Campaign Redefines What It Actually Means to Be Inclusive

Aerie continues to be a leader in inclusivity for the intimate apparel sector. After previously focusing on body positivity and celebrating the spectrum of skin tones in its famously unretouched campaigns, the brand just released one of its most diverse campaigns yet, spotlighting 57 women of different backgrounds, ages, and body shapes.
Casting for the Aerie Bras Make You Feel Real Good campaign actually took place online, after the brand sent out a call to its social media followers. Thousands of women responded explaining why they should be cast for the campaign. In addition to Aerie regulars Iskra Lawrence and Aly Raisman, the campaign also celebrates women with vitiligo, insulin pumps, surgery scars, fibromyalgia, and various other conditions and life experiences.
In a statement, Global Brand President of Aerie Jennifer Foyle said, "Our newest bra models are part of our brand's ongoing commitment to show real, authentic, and unretouched women, who are at the core of everything that we do." See stunning pictures from the photo shoot ahead.
Gigi Hadid Bikinis Are So Sexy, You'll Break Out in a Sweat - You've Been Warned

Gigi Hadid is one of the most recognizable models of our generation. After making her mark in the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue, the starlet has proved time and time again that she knows how to rock a sexy swimsuit.
Whether she's wearing a black lace-up bikini with a straw hat or a styling a red-hot two-piece with a white crop top, it seems like Gigi only owns sexy bikinis. Ahead, you'll find all of the supermodel's steamiest swimsuit moments - and trust us when we say you'll be asking for a cold glass of water to cool down.
15 Sale Items From Topshop That Will Have You Running For Your Wallet - They're That Good!

We would need an entire journal to list the number of reasons we're obsessed with Topshop. The trendy retailer carries everything from sexy swimsuits to chic shoes and superflattering denim, and we just can't get enough. You can even shop it at Nordstrom, which is hosting its major Anniversary Sale right now. The deals are available to everyone starting July 20, but you can already browse them online, and if you have a Nordstrom card, you can purchase them early (starting now!).
To our delight, Topshop is included in the amazing markdowns and we're ready to seriously shop. Even though we're in the midst of the heat, its latest collection is already getting us excited for Fall. Stock up on your coats, sweaters, and more while they're all on sale. We have a feeling things will sell out fast, so don't wait too long. Take a look.
No Need to Overspend - These 12 Formal Dresses Are All Under $50 on Amazon

Attending an event or wedding is the fun part, but figuring out what to wear is a whole other story. This season, instead of digging around in the back of your closet for something you've overworn, treat yourself to a new pieces you'll actually want to show off. You don't have to spend a fortune, either. We shopped on Amazon and found a handful of stylish finds you won't believe are less than $50. From off-the-shoulder silhouettes to lace gowns, you're bound to fall in love with at least one (or five). Keep scrolling to shop.
You Can Now Buy Your Favorite Underwear on Sale, Thanks to Nordstrom

Lingerie makes us feel confident, empowered, and sexy. Sure, everyone needs underwear, but finding some special pieces that seriously amp up your confidence and make you look amazing can really make a difference. Lucky for you, there are some seriously special deals on lingerie going on right now at the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale. Here's the scoop: The sale occurs from July 12 through Aug. 5, and until July 19, only Nordstrom cardholders can purchase items on sale. It opens completely to the public on July 20, so if you don't have a Nordstrom card, get an early look at what you want to buy. And if you are one of the lucky ones, shop away!
Bless You, Shoe Gods! Nordstrom's Summer Sale Includes MAJOR Discounts on Heels

I have a serious shoe addiction, and it's about to get much worse. The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale has officially begun - and it includes incredible discounts. Nordstrom cardmembers get early access to the deals and limited-time prices before the full sale starts on July 20. So whether you're scoring the deals early or preshopping before general access, make sure to check out all the discounts. We are especially loving the heels, so shop through our curated selection. Get 'em while they're hot!
The Absolute Best Pieces You Can Buy For Under $100 During the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale

July is a shopper's dream for one very good reason: the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale. The once-yearly event is the luxury retailer's biggest and best sale, featuring new styles at low prices for a limited time. In other words, it's the perfect opportunity to stock up on Summer statement pieces and Fall staples alike.
With thousands of items marked down through Aug. 5, we did some window shopping to bring you the best of the sale right at your fingertips. From this season's must-have sandals to the cool coat you can wear straight through Winter, ahead are the items you'll definitely want to add to your cart. And there's more: everything we've selected rings in at under $100. All the more reason to hit that "place order" button.
Vanessa Hudgens's Sexy One-Piece Has So Many Daring Cutouts - Each 1 More Scandalous Than the Next

Vanessa Hudgens has found her paradise. The actress enjoyed her last day in Turks and Caicos where she had been enjoying the crystal blue waters and pristine beaches. She posted a picture of herself in a daring black swimsuit with the caption, "Last day in paradise," along with a sad emoji. (TBH, we'd be bummed if we had to leave as well.)
Vanessa showed off her svelte figure in a sexy high-leg swimsuit that featured side cutouts and a plunging neckline. She finished her beach look off with a pair of yellow earrings, a vibrant headband that came in the same sunny hue, and Vera Wang sunglasses. Keep reading to see how Vanessa confidently rocked this daring design and buy similar versions ahead.
Goodbye Paycheck - Nordstrom Just Released Tons of Discounted Jackets For Its BIG Sale

There's always room in your closet for another jacket, especially with Fall right around the corner. The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale has officially kicked off with incredible prices. Nordstrom cardmembers get early access to the deals and limited-time prices before the full sale starts on July 20. So whether you're scoring the deals early or preshopping before general access, make sure to check everything out. We curated a list of our favorite discounted jackets, so read on to stock up.
There's No Topping the Deals on These Chic Tops at Nordstrom's Anniversary Sale

No matter how full our closets are, we always need more tops. They're so versatile, comfortable, and easily amp up an otherwise simple outfit. Whether you prefer a loud printed wrap top or feel best in a classic white tee, we found something you'll definitely love at the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale! Here's the scoop: the sale occurs from July 12-Aug. 5, and until July 19, only Nordstrom cardholders can purchase items on sale. It opens completely to the public on July 20, so if you don't have a Nordstrom card, get an early look at what you want to buy! And if you are one of the lucky ones, shop away!
Ashley Graham Looks So Damn Confident in This Sexy Bikini, and It's Easy to See Why

Ashley Graham can pull off just about any bikini her heart desires - we kid you not. Ashley is constantly putting all her famous curves on display in some of the sexiest swimsuits we've ever seen. Recently, the curve model posted an array of sultry snaps on her IGS wearing a white two-piece that featured a colorful floral pattern, cheeky bottoms, and that's not all. Her sexy swimsuit also came with a fun, nautical detail: rope straps. Keep reading to get a closer look at Ashley's swimwear, and buy similar pieces for your next beach day ahead.
9 Comfy Skirts We're Adding to Our Summer Wardrobe ASAP - All Under $20!

There's no worse feeling than overheating in a pair of thick pants. This Summer, don't let the warm weather get you down. You can stay cool and comfy by treating yourself to a stylish skirt. These versatile pieces are easy to mix and match with everything you already own. Simply dress one up with heels or go for a more casual look with cute sneakers. You don't have to shell out the cash, either, because we shopped on Amazon and found an array of chic finds. The best part: they're all under $20 so you can get more than just one. Take a look.
Nordstrom's Anniversary Sale Is on - and We Just Beelined For These Boots

The dizzying discounts at Nordstrom's Anniversary sale may make it hard to focus, I get it. Presented with racks upon racks of sale merchandise, where do you start? Ankle boots are a good place. Their wear-with-anything silhouette makes them seasonless and timeless, so you don't have to feel guilty about stocking up or finally taking the plunge on a pair you've been eyeing. Ahead, take a look at the 12 pairs we've vetted from the Nordstrom sale preview. Scoop them up if you happen to be a Nordstrom card holder, or set a calendar invite to purchase when the sale goes live to the public on July 20.
Cardi B's Maternity Style Was Fire - Okurrr!

Cardi B confirmed she was pregnant during a performance on Saturday Night Live after she appeared in a formfitting, white Christian Siriano dress, and, throughout her pregnancy, the 25-year-old star embraced her baby bump. Since Cardi just announced the birth of her daughter, Kulture, we decided it's time to journey back in time and admire all of her amazing maternity outfits.
During her pregnancy, the "Bodak Yellow" rapper continued to rock typically fun pieces, like the minidress with a superpoufy tulle skirt she wore to the iHeartRadio Music Awards, the sexy black dress and cropped trench coat she rocked during New York Fashion Week, and her Fashion Nova pieces, too. Let's take a look back at Cardi's fabulous maternity style.
- Additional reporting by Nikita Ramsinghani
Beyoncé's Bootylicious Denim Shorts Rise Like the Temperature on a Hot Summer Day

Are Beyoncé's shorts a throwback or what? Don't you remember the days when studding a pair of cutoffs and distressing them beyond belief was the perfect afternoon activity? Bey's bringing that look back in a big way. She arrived in Barcelona with JAY-Z in what was practically denim underwear from Coal N Terry Vintage ($108), adding bright pops of color with a Céline colorblock blouse, cherry-red Illesteva sunglasses ($220), and a python-print Dior tote in powder blue.
The star finished her outfit with taupe suede sandals - she didn't need any shoe crazier than that! - and struck a pose for the cameras, flashing all angles of her cheeky bottoms. While we're naturally amused by the color palette Bey was showcasing, we're even more struck by her bootylicious jeans, and you bet we're on board to try them out deep in the heart of Summer. Scroll through to get inspired, then join us.
Vanessa Hudgens's Bikini Is Like Playing With Fire - It Looks Fun, but Boy Is it Dangerous

Vanessa Hudgens jetted off to Turks and Caicos to vacation with her boo, Austin Butler, at Amanyara Resort. The first thing she checked off her list? Bikinigrams, of course. Vanessa packed some trendy, flirty bikinis for sunbathing, including this polka dot For Love & Lemons two piece consisting of the Tropicana Underwire Top ($108) and the Mariposa Knot Thong ($95), which has got a super cheeky cut.
For a boho twist (and when doesn't Vanessa add a boho twist?) the star tied up the Natalia Dot Blouse ($108) over her look and added gold jewels from Luv Aj and Jacquie Aiche, plus a Brother Vellies x Gigi Burris sun hat ($463). Read on to see her many poses in the crystal clear water, then shop her exact design along with similar options.
Amy Schumer Is Releasing a Clothing Line "For All Sizes and at a Chill Price Point"

When Amy Schumer announced that she was "cooking something up," her Instagram comments immediately flooded with congratulatory remarks. Her fans assumed she meant that she's expecting a baby with her husband, Chris Fischer. Not so fast, people - what she's cooking up is a clothing line with celebrity stylist and costume designer Leesa Evans. (One of the rules of life: never assume a woman is pregnant.)
Amy kept things lighthearted and poked fun at the comments, saying, "It looked like I was pointing to a bump or something but I'm not. Leesa Evans and I created a clothing line for all sizes and shapes and at a chill price point. That's what I was trying to allude to. But thank you for thinking of my womb." Gotta love her! We have no doubt the I Feel Pretty star's first clothing line will be loved and worn by women everywhere.
She and Leesa Evans have worked together for several years, and the celebrity stylist was named one of the 25 most powerful stylists in Hollywood in 2016. The duo also started an initiative called Stylefund, which aims to guide women to "find their individual silhouette and create true confidence."
86 Sex and the City Outfits That Will Live On in Our Fashion Dreams Forever

Sex and the City may have premiered 20 years ago, but the cast's killer outfits are still something we are very much interested in. Now matter how many times we rewatch it, Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte, and Miranda's fashion-forward ensembles continue to serve some major style inspiration, even after all this time. From Carrie's famous tutu to Samantha's skintight frocks, the show's stylist, Patricia Field, made sure every outfit she dressed the girls in was not only insanely chic but also completely memorable. While, sadly, we won't be getting a third film, we can always binge-watch the first two movies and the entire series whenever we are in need of some sartorial inspo.
Click through for 86 awesome shots - in no particular order - of the cast's most fabulous fashion moments from the set of both the films and the show.
12 Designer Jeans You Won't Believe We Found at Nordstrom's Anniversary Sale

Finding the perfect pair of denim is no east feat. Once you discover the brand or cut that works best on your body, it can be totally addicting. If you love brand names, whether you're a fan of Rag & Bone, Madewell, or Frame, you know these pairs don't come cheap. We have good news for you, because right now you can score them on sale.
The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is here, and it does not disappoint. It's fully open to the public starting on July 20, but you can already browse the deals and even purchase them ahead of time if you have a Nordstrom card. That said, what are you waiting for? We rounded up the hottest jeans of the season, so all you have to do is shop. Take a look.
Beyoncé Sees Your Lemon-Print Summer Dress and Raises You 1 With ZEBRAS

It seems like Beyoncé's tie-dye MSGM minidress, which she wore while vacationing in Italy, was only just foreshadowing what was to come. The singer stepped out with her family in Cannes sporting a zebra- and lemon-print Dolce & Gabbana maxi, and she looked like a total empress.
We'd follow her anywhere in this chiffon design, which was tweaked at the neckline to her liking and complete with floaty sleeves and a hemline that came right to the ankle so Bey could show off her black-and-white-striped platforms.
Beyoncé wore rose-tinted lenses and chunky gold jewels, keeping sight of the latest trends with her simple wicker bag. Read on for another glance at Bey's glowing moment in the sun, then shop variations of her D&G gown along with similar options. Yep, every gal and her mama is going to want to be wearing zebras now.
I'm a Professional Shopper, and These Are the 11 Things I Can't Resist Buying For Summer

When people ask me what I do and I tell them I shop on the internet for a living, they think I'm joking. Luckily, I scored my total dream job, but it's both a blessing and a curse. While I'm always informed of what's on trend or on sale, this gives me the constant temptation to spend all my money at once. This Summer, I narrowed it down to 11 seriously chic wardrobe staples I can see myself wearing again and again. If you're in need of some shopping motivation for yourself, take a peek at my wish list for some inspiration. Including a sexy bikini, cool sunglasses, and a flattering dress, prepare to want it all.
Meet the Up and Coming Actor Playing Young Newt Scamander in Fantastic Beasts 2

Image Source: Everett Collection
We can already tell that Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald will be filled with magical revelations when it hits theaters on November 16. Not only are we meeting a younger Dumbledore (played by Jude Law), but we'll also get a glimpse of Newt Scamander's time at Hogwarts. While Eddie Redmayne won us over with his role as the Hufflepuff wizard in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, a brand new actor will be stepping into the role during flashbacks in the sequel.
On Thursday, Entertainment Weekly revealed that up and coming actor Joshua Shea will be taking on the role when they provided the first look of young Newt in the film. While he certainly bares a striking resemblance to Redmayne, little is known about the British star. According to an interview with Song Academy in April, he is 15 and hails from Jersey, which is near the coast of Normandy, France. This is actually his first feature film! He previously had a guest-starring role on E!'s The Royals as a young student named Simon (below).
Image Source: E!
We certainly can't wait to see what he'll bring to the character and learn even more about Newt's past. Check out the latest trailer for Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald now!
The Black Widow Movie Is Officially a Go! Here's What We Know About It So Far

It's official: Black Widow is getting her own standalone Marvel film! This is game-changing news, because a majority of the heroes in the core Avengers group - specifically Thor, Iron Man, and Captain America - have multiple standalone films. The announcement came after a couple of additional inclusive projects from the comics juggernaut: the female-led Captain Marvel, starring Brie Larson, hits theaters in 2019, and the groundbreaking Black Panther, which shattered multiple records after its Feb. 16 debut.
When it comes to Black Widow, there's an extra piece of exciting news: not only will a woman take the lead on writing the screenplay, but the film will also be the second Marvel film directed by a woman. The Hollywood Reporter revealed that Cate Shortland, director of the Nazi drama Lore, signed on to direct the standalone film on July 12, with TiMER writer Jac Schaeffer penning the script. Shortland was tapped after a search of over half a year, with Marvel meeting over 70 directors to find the right fit.
Black Widow is reportedly taking place before the first Avengers movie, so we might get to see a bit of the spy-turned-heroine's origin story, as well as how she came to work with SHIELD. No further details about the project are currently available, but given the fact that Wonder Woman really dominated in 2017 (and Scarlett Johansson has been playing the character since 2010), it's high time Marvel gave us the superhero film we've been begging for. Sure, Captain Marvel is great, but we've wanted to see more of Natalia Alianovna "Natasha" Romanoff for a while.
Chrissy Teigen and John Legend's Sweet Snaps of Miles Will Melt Your Heart All Over the Floor

Chrissy Teigen and John Legend's family is getting cuter by the minute! The couple welcomed their second child, a baby boy named Miles Davis, in May, and it looks like 2-year-old Luna is adjusting quite nicely to her new role as big sister. Miles, who is named after the late jazz trumpeter Miles Davis, made his official debut on Instagram that same month, and he's been turning our hearts into mush ever since. We've certainly loved Chrissy and John's posts about Luna over the years, and we can't wait to get even more glimpses of their family life now that they're parents of two!