vendredi 26 juin 2015

How to Let People Know You're Serious About Losing Weight

So many people make small talk about wanting to lose a few pounds, so your family, friends, and co-workers might not realize that you mean business when it comes to losing weight. Setting off on a weight-loss journey can be intense and personal, but it's still important to develop a strong support system that builds you up! Here's how to explain your situation, take the reins, and start seeing results.

  1. Be up-front: When you start making healthier choices or begin to say no to big meals out or in-office treats, you might assume the people closest to you will realize you're trying to make a change. They might not! You don't need to carry a banner or blast your email threads letting everyone know, but it's great to give a few people a heads-up so they can be cognizant of your goals and offer support where they can.
  2. Ask for help: Holding yourself accountable is the only way you'll find sustainable success - no one can be your keeper but you - but there's no shame in asking for help when you need it. Talk to the health-conscious people in your life for advice, tips, and tricks that keep them in check. And if you're new to a workout routine, reach out to your friends and co-workers about their favorite gyms and studios in your area. Any insider information should be welcome as you set off on your path.
  3. Learn to say no: This was the biggest one for me to practice when I started losing weight. I've always been a "yes" person, so passing up fun and exciting invitations in place of a sweat session at the gym or an afternoon of prepping healthy lunches for the week was a bit of a struggle at first. You need to get comfortable saying no if you want to see and feel results.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness


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