mardi 11 avril 2017

Design Experts Predict the 6 Trendiest Bathroom Paint Shades For 2017

We all know the saying that pops up once the clock strikes twelve: new year, new you! And while we totally support this philosophy, it doesn't just apply to resolutions, eating better, or getting more exercise. Why not take this attitude of a fresh start and finally transform those areas of your home you've been wanting to change for some time? And what better place to start than a simple bathroom makeover for a brand-new and exciting welcome to 2017!? A paint color change is one of the most powerful ways to make a statement, and we have the inside scoop on the trendiest (and boldest) looks for the upcoming year. Read on for the six most desired bathroom paint colors, hand-selected from some of our favorite design experts that will take you one step closer to a happier, more revived home.


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