mercredi 26 juillet 2017

2 Simple Ways You Can Draw Positivity Into Your Life Each Day

Happiness - it's what many of us strive for, right? We all have the potential to attain it, but it's more of a way of life and mindset than a single action. And the way to get there all begins with a little but impactful thing called positivity. I spoke with energy healer and wellness expert Carolyn Harrington, who told me two simple ways we can draw positivity into our lives each day: by practicing gratitude and setting intention.

Carolyn explained that every time she journals, she writes down five gratitudes and five intentions. Gratitudes can include anything you're appreciative of while intentions answer the question of "What do I want?" Here are some examples:


  • I'm thankful for my health.
  • I'm thankful for friends and family who love me.
  • I'm thankful for having a roof over my head each night.


  • I intend to finish this project.
  • I intend to be a better friend and partner.
  • I intend to treat my body better.

"By focusing on what your intentions are, you get them done much quicker, and you can attract more of what you want that way also," Carolyn said.

Either of these can be as small or big or as immediate or long-term as you'd like. By projecting these thoughts, you're actively highlighting the good over the bad and solidifying your desires to yourself. It's sort of how something doesn't feel real until you say it aloud. As you know, the mind can be extremely persuasive.

"I think there's so much power in mindfulness and meditation," Carolyn said. "People don't realize that they have a lot more control [of their lives] than they think."

Gratitude plus intention - you can do it!


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