lundi 10 juillet 2017

The 1 Reason This Mom Started Breastfeeding Again Will Move You to Tears

It's understandable why when one mother's son hit 20 months, she stopped breastfeeding in an effort to get a little more sleep each night. But an anonymous mom shared her heartbreaking reason to go back to breastfeeding after just three days of bottle feeding.

"Two weeks ago I decided to stop breastfeeding my 20 month old baby because I was tired," she wrote in a Facebook post. "Yes I wanted to sleep some more at night, and yes I heard other people say to me: 'because you're still breastfeeding he's so attached to you.'"

At first the mom listened to her body and opted for more sleep despite being overwhelmed with emotion. "And of course I was so tired and I wanted to be able to go to the bathroom alone so I stopped and it only took him [two] days, he was fine without breastfeeding, but I was so heartbroken. I missed him so much," she said. She even tried to get him to latch four days after she stopped to no avail.

But everything changed last week when the mom got some devastating news regarding her son's health. "Last week I found out my baby has retinoblastoma (eye cancer) he's going to get chemo therapy and I knew my baby was going to need some comfort from mommy so I tried to breastfeed him again," she wrote.

After several attempts at getting him to latch again, everything finally clicked for the pair, and her son was successfully breastfeeding again. "It only took a day for him to latch on again, but he did," she said. "I was so happy and now I'm so glad we are back on breastfeeding because it was the only way he would be calm after his first chemo therapy last Thursday."

She ended her post saying, "Now I will breastfeed until he's ready to let go . . . Breastfeeding is a beautiful thing."


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