samedi 16 juin 2018

Feel Your Strongest From This 45-Minute Flat-Belly Running and Strength Workout

Let's get down to business because you don't have a lot of time! This workout takes 45 minutes from start to finish, and because it incorporates both intervals and strength training with weights, it'll help diminish belly fat and leave you lean and strong. After the run is finished, you'll just need one or two sets of medium-weight dumbbells (5 to 15 lbs). Let's get started!

Running Workout: 35 minutes total (includes warmup and cooldown)

Directions: Do this workout on a treadmill or outside in the fresh air - it's up to you. After warming up, perform the 2.5-minute run/sprint interval 10 times, then end with a cooldown before grabbing your free weights.

Time Pace
5 minutes Warmup: walk, try this active warmup or do these 4 dynamic yoga moves
1 minute Run moderately (4.5-6.0 mph)
30 seconds Sprint (about 7-10 mph)
1 minute Run moderately (4.5-6.0 mph)
30 seconds Sprint (about 7-10 mph)
1 minute Run moderately (4.5-6.0 mph)
30 seconds Sprint (about 7-10 mph)
1 minute Run moderately (4.5-6.0 mph)
30 seconds Sprint (about 7-10 mph)
1 minute Run moderately (4.5-6.0 mph)
30 seconds Sprint (about 7-10 mph)
1 minute Run moderately (4.5-6.0 mph)
30 seconds Sprint (about 7-10 mph)
1 minute Run moderately (4.5-6.0 mph)
30 seconds Sprint (about 7-10 mph)
1 minute Run moderately (4.5-6.0 mph)
30 seconds Sprint (about 7-10 mph)
1 minute Run moderately (4.5-6.0 mph)
30 seconds Sprint (about 7-10 mph)
1 minute Run moderately (4.5-6.0 mph)
30 seconds Sprint (about 7-10 mph)
5 minutes Cooldown (3 mph)

Strength Training Workout: 10 minutes

Directions: Complete each of the 10 exercises below for 30 seconds each (descriptions and photos below). Since this workout is driven by time, and not reps, you want to make sure you're performing these moves with correct form, but also pushing yourself fast enough to feel your muscles burning (we know you can do more than two squats in 30 seconds!). If you need to stop and rest, that's OK. It's also OK to go for lighter weights if you need to - that's why it's helpful to have two sets. Eventually if you perform this workout enough, you'll get so strong that you won't need to stop!

  • Dumbbell Thrusters
  • Reverse lunge with biceps curl
  • Bent-over row
  • Goblet squat
  • Romanian deadlifts
  • Bicep curl with side lunge
  • Push-up and rotate
  • Bridge with chest press
  • Overhead reach with leg lower
  • Double crunch pulse


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