jeudi 31 octobre 2019

These At-Home Spa Kits and DIY Face Masks Are the Ultimate Self-Care Beauty Gifts

"Self-care package gift ideas" is up 134 percent on Pinterest, and it makes sense as to why - it is the gift that keeps on giving.

For beauty-lovers, practicing self-care might mean taking in a moment of calm and indulging in relaxing products and treatments. This holiday season, consider shopping for beauty gifts that promote overall wellness. Fill your carts with kits that will transform your bedroom into a full-blown spa experience and do-it-yourself face masks that will give you the glow you thought was only possible at your go-to facial bar. You can even pull together a homemade gift basket filled with different relaxing beauty goodies - like candles and crystal tools - for your most stressed-out friend.

Check out our picks for the ultimate beauty presents for self-care.


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