Healthy lifestyle
A healthy lifestyle is one which helps to keep and improve people's health and well-being.Many governments and non-governmental organizations have made big efforts in healthy lifestyle and health promotion.
Mental Health
Mental health can be considered a very important factor of physical health for the effects it produces on bodily functions. This type of health concerns emotional and cognitive well-being or an absence of mental disorder.
Public health
Public health can be defined in a variety of ways. It can be presented as "the study of the physical, psychosocial and socio-cultural determinants of population health and actions to improve the health of the population.
Reproductive Health
For the UN, reproductive health is a right, like other human rights. This recent concept evokes the good transmission of the genetic heritage from one generation to the next.
Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
mardi 28 avril 2015
Here's Why the Fat in Your Hips and Thighs Won't Budge
It's not all in your head: there's a reason you can't lose those last three to five pounds. Most often found in your trouble zones, or what celebrity trainer Holly Perkins calls "the final frontier," those stubborn pounds are the toughest to take off. But it's not because of lack of effort - it's because of homeostasis.
All of your body's systems work together to maintain a "happy, cozy, and unchanging" environment, Holly says. Your body does whatever it can to maintain this status quo, and when you're dedicated to making major lifestyle changes, you'll need to get comfortable with being uncomfortable because your body is doing everything it can to fight back. Even after you've revamped your lifestyle and started reaping all the healthy benefits of being fit, a weight-loss plateau inevitably hits, and you find yourself frustrated that certain areas just won't budge.
According to metabolism investigator at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Deborah Clegg, it's more difficult for women to take off weight in certain areas due to evolutionary causes that were once advantageous but are no longer serving our bodies. "[Women] fight against losing weight in our hips and thighs. And the reason we're programmed that way is that we rely on the calories in our hips and thighs evolutionarily to provide us with calories for breastfeeding or to help sustain a potential famine while we're pregnant." Let's take a minute to let that soak in, shall we? Your body is capable of some pretty impressive stuff.
For most women, trouble zones exist in the hips, thighs, glutes, and abs - all areas that are biologically predisposed for reserving fat that also have a lot of muscle that goes unactivated. With strength training, your metabolic rate gets amped up, and as you build strong muscle underneath your troubled areas, the fat on top looks much leaner. Here's the deal: you won't be able spot reduce away your troubled zone quickly, but strengthening this area can only help your cause to feel stronger and more comfortable in your skin. This is one of those times that stepping into that pair of jeans you've been dying to zip up is the success to celebrate - not the a number on the scale.
Source POPSUGAR Fitness
The Best Exercises to Prevent Running Injuries
If you're a runner, chances are you've experienced a running-related injury or two. "The most common issues I've seen from runners include knee pain, shin splints, tight hip flexors, and IT bands," says trainer Eric Chen, who's spent years teaching injury prevention classes. "Most of these injuries can be prevented with regular foam rolling, increasing range of motion, and adequate rest." All it takes is a few minutes a few times a week, Eric says, to strengthen weak areas of the body, so you can run without pain. He shared with us his five favorite exercises that help keep runners injury free. Bonus: you can do the first two almost anywhere, anytime - starting right now!
Throughout the Day
1. Toe Flutters
Raising and lowering your toes activates the tibialis muscle, which runs along your shin bone. You can do these toe flutters while sitting at your desk or standing against a wall (ideally without shoes with heels on). Do these three times a day to "strengthen and increase range of motion to prevent those shin splints," Eric recommends.
- Sit in a chair or stand against the wall with feet flat on the ground.
- Keeping your heels on the ground, lift and lower your toes in a quick motion. Try to keep your toes from touching the ground the whole time, if possible.
- Repeat for 30 to 60 seconds.
2. Wall Drags
If your normal day involves you hunched over your desk, this exercise is for you. It may seem simple, but it is an excellent way to open up your chest, fix your posture, and make running feel easier. "The muscles in the shoulders and neck are actually pretty important for running, because everything's connected, and you get a lot of arm drive from them," Eric explains. "Just by doing [wall drags] once a day, you'll activate those muscles that rarely ever get touched if you're sitting at a computer."
- Stand against the wall with your head, shoulder blades, and butt touching the wall (move your feet out slightly, so they aren't touching the wall).
- Bend your elbows 90 degrees, so your arms are out on each side of your body, pointing up, so your body looks like a goal post.
- Slowly drag your arms up the wall, and keep reaching until they are straight and next to your ears. Make sure your shoulder blades maintain contact with the wall the whole time you are doing this.
- Drag your arms back down so that they are back to a 90-degree angle, engaging the muscles in your shoulders, so they stay in contact with the wall.
- Repeat for one minute.
After doing wall drags, Eric recommends one minute of wall flaps, as well. Start at the same position, with arms at 90 degrees pointing up and backs of hands touching the wall. Then hinge them over at the elbow, so they are making 90-degree angles but are now facing down and palms are flat against the wall. Repeat for one minute.
During Your Workout
Supplement the above do-anywhere exercises with these moves you can add to any workout. Doing these at least two times a week will increase your range of motion and strengthen important muscles, Eric says.
Source POPSUGAR Fitness
Why Oatmeal Is the Best Breakfast For Weight Loss
If you're looking to lose weight, it's time to skip the cold cereal and start enjoying a comforting bowl of oatmeal in the morning.
It's backed by science: A small study found that those who ate oatmeal daily for six weeks had a greater decrease in cholesterol levels and waist size than those who ate the same amount of carbs in noodles over the same time period. It's proof that you can have your carbs and eat them, too!
It keeps you satisfied: There's no need to reach for an unhealthy convenience snack in the morning when you've got oatmeal on your side; it offers the calories and fiber you need to stay satisfied all morning long. Unlike sugary breakfast cereals full of refined carbs, the body digests oatmeal at a slower pace, keeping blood sugar levels steady, energy up, and hunger away.
It helps you time carbs right: When it comes to weight loss, celebrity trainers Bob Harper and Gunnar Peterson agree: you should eat carbs for breakfast. According to Manhattan-based nutritionist and registered dietitian Shira Lenchewski, "[carbs] are burned more efficiently in the morning than at night," so they don't go unused and get stored as fat in the body. Shira also recommends that the largest meal (higher in carbohydrates) be breakfast.
It's quick to come together: Rolled oats take well under 10 minutes from prep to bowl. It might be a little more time than that instant packet you're used too, but these varieties don't come with any added sugars often found in those flavored packets. Or there's always the option to go with overnight oats that require just a little prep the night before and are ready to eat from the fridge the next morning.
The possibilities are endless: This warming breakfast should never feel boring or blah. Liven up your oatmeal bowl with these healthy combinations that keep your meal feeling fresh, filling, and satisfying to your taste buds, too.
Source POPSUGAR Fitness
I Refuse to Work Out, but I Do These 4 Things Instead
I truly hate running. I've tried every fitness class my city offers - and living in one of the fittest cities in the country means I have a lot of options. And at-home workouts? The living room in my tiny San Francisco apartment is about as wide as my wingspan. I don't work out, but I am still the healthiest and most fit I've been in my adult life.
I know that fitness means something different for everyone, and I am not saying that working out is something people shouldn't be doing, either because they want to, because they need to, or both. But when it pertains to my own fitness regime, I can knock it, because I sure as hell have tried it all.
Growing up, I was active and athletic. I participated in an array of sports - from basketball, track, dance, and gymnastics to swimming, diving, and horseback riding. I was also an active nanny for years, and anyone who has kids or works with them knows that keeping up with two toddlers is more work than running a marathon. I loved it all and never once thought of what I was doing as a workout or as something that I had to push myself to do. Then my focus shifted significantly. No longer was I a high schooler with time to spare and a metabolism the speed of light - I was a determined college student dedicated equally to my GPA and happy hour, and then I was a postgrad professional looking for a job. When was I supposed to be squeezing in a trip to the gym, especially considering the fact that getting myself there was like pulling teeth?
Still, I tried everything to stay healthy and in shape. I bought fitness videos and watched countless online workouts for people who hate working out, for people who live in small apartments, for people who don't know body balls from barbells. I signed up for individual classes at yoga, barre, and cycling studios, experimented with different gyms, took boxing lessons, and even tried my hand at aerial silks (which were by far my favorite!). Still, nothing quite did it for me. I skipped classes, made excuses, and ultimately felt worse about myself because I simply couldn't muster the motivation everyone around me seemingly had for fitness.
What I realized about myself is this: I hate exercise that feels like effort. For me to get a good workout, the results need to be incidental, not intentional, which is why fitness activities that aren't focused on the workout aspect, but more on the fun, appeal to me most. So I stopped working out. I implemented a few simple things into my daily routine - simple being the operative word here - and I have never felt healthier, more in shape, and happier since letting go of other people's idea of what fitness should be and instead doing what really works best for me. Here's how I did it:
I stay constantly active and on my feet.
I am never, ever idle. Seriously, it's to the point where I risk running into people (and poles) daily because I read while walking through the city. I am constantly on the move, even at work. I get up and down several times an hour and take my laptop to places in the office that allow me to stand (standing desk is next on the list). On the weekends, I make sure to allow myself some downtime with Netflix or a good book, but I don't waste beautiful, sunny California Saturdays sitting on the couch.
I walk everywhere I can.
I am lucky to live in a place where walking is not only possible but also very practical. I honestly think this is the key to staying in shape for me. I walk everywhere. I have a Fitbit, but my biggest thing about having one is to not let myself dwell on the nitpicky parts of the device. I don't log every calorie I eat, and I don't use it to lose weight. I just love challenging myself every day, and having it on my wrist reminds me to take the stairs instead of the escalator and to not waver at the sight of a San Francisco hill but conquer it so that I'm rewarded with an amazing view when I make it to the top. Just this weekend I caught up with my mom on the phone while walking the three miles from my house to Target (totally worth the trek!), then hopped on a bus on the way back home since I had bags. Two birds, one stone.
I eat healthy.
I have a very healthy diet. I eat what I think is probably most similar to a Paleo diet - but I don't diet. I just try to stick to things that are natural, clean, and not overly prepared, like vegetables, fruits, fish, and meat. I also don't overeat, mainly because I can't stand feeling sickeningly full, so I am a huge proponent of multiple small meals throughout the day. It makes the workday go by faster when you get to snack on something every couple of hours, anyway! Sweets aren't my thing, but I swear by a rare steak every now and then and a postwork glass of red wine. I avoid mixed alcoholic drinks because, to be honest, I can't stand the sugar, and I drink my coffee black unless I opt for green tea instead.
I make fitness fun.
I've stopped pushing myself to go to classes and join a gym, but instead I save my energy for activities that I can get really excited about. I ski, I swim, I dance, and I ride horses any chance I can get. I'm planning my next biking trip across the Golden Gate Bridge, and my last hike took me on a five-hour adventure through a redwood forest in Northern California. I make fitness fun for myself, and in doing so, I've learned to love my version of a "workout" so much that I am more in shape than I've ever been in my adult life. I am climbing toward my 30s feeling incredibly fit, and what's more, I've finally found a way to stay healthy without hating it.
Source POPSUGAR Fitness
14 Healthy Smoothies You'll Want to Sip On All Summer Long
Whether the temperatures are rising or it's still coat weather where you are, you've undoubtedly developed Summer fever. Thinking about those Summer months means thinking about Summer meals, and on a hot day, there are few things better than a cold, refreshing smoothie to start off your morning or enjoy after a sweaty workout. We've got 14 healthy and delicious fruit smoothies that you'll want to blend up all season long.
Source POPSUGAR Fitness
3 Moves That Target Saddlebags
It's true: if you're worried about getting rid of saddlebags - that fleshy part around your hips and where your thighs and butt meet - the answer isn't entirely in the gym. Both genetics and diet play a part in whether or not you're blessed with them; luckily, there are ways to work your lower body that, when paired with a healthy diet, can help reduce the size of saddlebags and sculpt strong curves. Plus, moves that target your backside help lift it up for a defined, perky posterior. Take this quick three-move workout: it may seem easy, but you'll feel the burn. Get ready to strengthen those lower-body muscles and boost your metabolism; find out how to do each move here.
Directions: Repeat two to three times for an effective workout that takes under 10 minutes.
The Best Exercises to Beat Saddlebags
Source POPSUGAR Fitness
The Most Delicious Ways to Debloat This Summer
Flat-belly season is around the corner, so if you're shaping up for the season, you're in luck: some of Summer's freshest and tastiest produce will help you debloat and slim down to help you feel your best all Summer long. Take a look at how your favorite fresh produce will help you stay on track and meet even the most impressive bikini goals.
Source POPSUGAR Fitness
This Yoga Sequence Will Loosen Up Insanely Tight Hamstrings
Running and crazy-tight hamstrings seem to go together like peanut butter and jelly, but it doesn't have to be that way! Hop on your mat after a run and do this short yoga sequence. It not only targets the backs of the legs, but also increases flexibility in the lower back and hips - opening those areas is essential to decreasing tightness in the hamstrings.
Source POPSUGAR Fitness
These 25 Hot Yogis Will Inspire You to Hit the Mat
There's nothing better than meeting a handsome man who loves yoga - and a little eye candy during a tough practice never hurts! If you're not sure about hitting up your local studio tonight, check these 25 impressive Instagram shots of strong and steamy men breathing deep while holding Handstand, Warrior 2, and much more. Let's just say these guys will encourage you to make moves to class.
Source POPSUGAR Fitness
The Workout That Will Change Your Life
On a typical Tuesday night, when most of my friends are headed to Spin or yoga class, I put on a groin guard and grappling gloves to get punched, kicked, and choked - voluntarily. This might sound like some kind of underground club for masochists, but it's actually one of the best workout classes in existence, and it can save your life. I'm talking about Krav Maga, the self-defense system widely used by the military, law enforcement, and, weirdly enough, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie (it's not every day you get to lump all those groups together). I've been completely hooked on Krav Maga ever since the first attack I thwarted in class nearly five years ago, and I think more people should share my (very healthy) obsession.
My first foray into Krav Maga was in 2010, when I was avidly obsessed with action movies, especially ones involving seemingly invincible spies (the Bourne trilogy is my all-time favorite). Believe it or not, I actually applied to the CIA, the FBI, and the NSA that Summer. (Still haven't heard back yet, guys. Did my applications get lost?) With my pipe dreams brutally dashed, I decided to settle for the next-best thing: turning my life into an action movie, starring myself.
The first Krav Maga school I tried out laid a great foundation for my Krav Maga training, but I found it to be too fitness-based and not focused enough on the actual techniques. The next school I tried, the Krav Maga Institute NYC (KMI), has essentially become like a second home to me. I am indebted to KMI and its team of knowledgeable, skilled, and hilarious instructors for helping to shape me into the woman I am today. (Plus, there's not another bunch of people in the world I'd rather do pickle backs with.)
While having such top-notch teachers is crucial to your experience, it's ultimately the system itself that will transform you - physically, mentally, and even spiritually. Here are all the reasons I'm obsessed with Krav Maga and why you should be too.
It Works
Given that the system was originally developed for the Israeli armed forces, you know it has to be pretty effective. Krav Maga means "contact combat" in Hebrew, and that's exactly what it is. Developed by Imi Lichtenfeld in the 1940s, when the Israeli Defense Forces were concurrently forming, Krav Maga was designed to be yet another weapon in a soldier's arsenal. In other words, your body is a weapon, and it can defend against anything, including guns and knives.
Since then, the system has been adapted for law enforcement and civilian use, but the fundamental principles remain the same. Some of the most important principles for civilian practitioners include defend and counterattack simultaneously, be as aggressive as possible, and don't get hurt.
To put it even more simply: you're fighting for your life. Even though it's known as a self-defense system, Krav Maga practitioners must also learn fundamental fighting skills - how to properly punch, elbow, kick, etc. It's as much an offense system as it is a defense system.
However, what is perhaps paramount above all else, for KMI and any true Krav Maga school, is safety in training. Yes, students are encouraged to display explosive aggression and are being "attacked" constantly, but the system was also designed for its practitioners to train without getting hurt. And not getting hurt is Krav Maga's primary goal.
It's Reality Based
What distinguishes Krav Maga from other martial arts is how realistic and practical it is. The confrontations we deal with in class mirror the real world - muggings, sexual assault, bar fights, etc. - not controlled scenarios that involve another martial arts practitioner and a matted arena. That's also why Krav Maga is not a competitive martial art, like Muay Thai or jujitsu, because the techniques are designed to inflict maximum damage. However, that's also what makes it so effective.
To truly simulate real-life threats, we often practice stress drills in class, which can entail a circle of people pushing into you with punch pads and screaming in your ear or surprise attackers trying to stab you at unexpected times. Sometimes we simply spin around 10 times before performing a defense. These drills are designed to exhaust our bodies and disorient our senses, so that we can practice the techniques under stress. In real life, your attacker is not going to wait for you to get in position before launching an assault, so you better be prepared to fight back under unideal circumstances.
Anyone Can Learn It
The beauty of Krav Maga is that it's designed for anyone and everyone to learn. It doesn't matter if you're 6'5" and 300 pounds or 5' and 90 pounds. I had the privilege of chatting with Darren Levine, chief instructor of Krav Maga Worldwide and one of the highest-ranked instructors in the world, who told me, "One thing that instructors must always remember - Krav Maga is a system for everyone. And just because you have the physical ability to do something, it's not Krav Maga if only 10 percent of your students are also able do it. Krav Maga is for everybody."
In fact, one way to think of Krav Maga is that it's the great equalizer. The system's techniques allow the 90-pound girl to neutralize the 300-pound guy by focusing on the attacker's vulnerable points. And you don't need any prior martial arts experience to become proficient.
"The more simple the techniques, the more direct, the less fuss, the more effective," Levine explained. "That's how you measure the technique, not through your ego or how fancy you look doing them."
It's a Great Workout
If your body is a weapon, then you'll want to make that weapon as strong as possible. Think of Krav Maga as the metalsmith who not only forges the sword but also fortifies it to make it as lethal as possible. (You are the sword, in case that wasn't clear.) In every class, we have a warmup, power drills, and exercises that combine cardio and strength training at intense intervals. So not only are you learning the techniques that will help save your life, but you're also conditioning your body to carry out those techniques more effectively and last longer in a fight.
And for those who are more fitness-focused, KMI offers an Elite Military Fitness class, which is what I imagine Navy SEAL training to be like; Combat Cardio class; and a kettlebells class. Truly dedicated students who can fit all of these classes into their schedule will go from civilian to Jason Bourne in a matter of weeks.
It Will Help You in Other Areas of Life
It's only natural that once you've gained some physical confidence, that confidence will carry over into other areas of your life. Developing mental resolve in handling hypothetically threatening situations, strengthening your muscles with strikes and power drills, and gaining a better understanding of your body and its instincts are all working toward optimizing you as a whole, and you'll notice the benefits extending far beyond class.
I asked Patrick Lockton, director of KMI and the first instructor I met at the school, for his insight on this. Lockton said, "The interesting thing is that we did a survey on this about two years ago. We asked our students what they felt were the three main benefits of their training at KMI. We were expecting them all to say weight loss or being fitter, or 'the self-defense and fighting skills saved me and my friends' or something. They actually didn't focus on those aspects at all. By far the most common response to the question was boosting self-confidence."
How exactly does getting attacked over and over again boost one's self-confidence?
"The training changes people's psychological patterns and opinions of themselves, others, and life in general," Lockton said. "Strange things happen when you realize you are capable of a lot more than you thought."
Indeed, Krav Maga is like a doorway into a new part of yourself. Once that doorway's been cracked, the rest of you comes flooding through and suddenly you feel like you can accomplish anything.
"The KMI mind-set helps people start believing in themselves, and this can make a huge difference in someone's life," Lockton continued. "Students can easily translate their success in training to success in their lives."
You Will Make Life-Long Friends
Besides learning invaluable self-defense skills, you'll also be experiencing an unparalleled kind of camaraderie in class. Nothing brings people closer like going through physical and mental hell together for the sake of self-improvement. Everyone, even the ones who are normally curmudgeons in their normal lives, are supportive and positive in class. It's kind of hard to be a jerk when you're getting kicked in the groin. And if you can get past beating each other up (one of my friends in class kicked me in the ear once), you can probably get past anything.
Over the last two and a half years, I've made friends with people from all walks of life, of all ages and backgrounds - financial analysts, scientists, nurses, etc. These are people I normally wouldn't meet and get to know in my normal life, but after taking turns putting each other in headlocks and blood chokes, you kind of want to give them your firstborn.
And there's honestly no bonding experience like our Krav Maga tests, which determines if you're ready to go up a level in training (think of belt tests in karate). These are grueling four-hour-long tests that combine technique display, exercise drills, and hardcore conditioning - the easiest level ends with 50 burpees. "Intense" is an absurd understatement. But when you're drenched in sweat and on the verge of vomiting and you look around you at everyone else going through the same thing, and when your testing partner puts their hand on your shoulder and says, "You got this," you feel like you would do anything for these people.
My fellow classmates are more than just the people who train next to me at the gym after work; they're my family.
It Can Save Your Life
In case this hasn't been emphasized enough, Krav Maga can save your life. If you live in a densely populated city with a high crime rate, it might actually come in handy one day (but hopefully it won't). Even if you don't - even if you've never encountered physical danger in your entire life - you never know when a threat might present itself. And if you happened to have applied for an intelligence agency and they decide to finally call you back, well, Krav Maga will come in handy then too.
Source POPSUGAR Fitness
Hot-Weather Running Gear That'll Have You Begging For Sun
It's finally time to strip off those Winter layers, but hot-weather running has its own set of problems. After all, beating the heat when it's already baking outside can be hard, especially since you'll feel 20 degrees warmer than the actual temperature when you run! Investing in sweat-wicking and cooling performance gear is key to staying safe and feeling great during your Summer runs. These 10 cute picks do it right.
Source POPSUGAR Fitness
lundi 27 avril 2015
Zoe Saldana Calls Postpartum Weight Loss "Painful . . . but Worth It"
Most new moms (and some sympathy-eater dads) will agree with Zoe Saldana's assertion that bouncing back from having a baby "feels impossible" - especially if they, like the actress, recently welcomed twins. But the Guardians of the Galaxy star is determined to regain her healthy lifestyle, energy, and prepregnancy body, and she's sharing her difficult journey with the world. With inspiring, honest posts on her Facebook page, Saldana is shedding light on the highs and lows of postpartum fitness.
"Your body changes dramatically, inside and out. You grow in places you never knew you could, and you are tired beyond belief," Saldana said in a Facebook status about her experience delivering twin sons. "Everything from my thyroid to my platelets crashed . . . my body was really bent out of shape after the boys were born. Bouncing back feels impossible, but I know it is important as a woman, and now a mommy, to not give up."
"I know many of you have gone through this or are going through it as we speak. Let's do it together. Let's talk about it, hear each other out, and seek advice when we need it," the actress shared, encouraging followers to join in her new fitness efforts. "I'm not gonna lie - it is slow, painful, and frustrating. But it is worth it."
Scroll on to see some of Saldana's inspiring exercise videos, and be sure to keep up on Facebook to follow her weight-loss journey, which she's embarking on with the help of longtime trainer Steve Moyer.
I made it! After a week of postponing my workout due to life & meetings & work, I prioritized it. I prioritized myself. ...
Posted by Zoe Saldana on Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Moyer has been putting my cardio tolerance to the test today with interval training. After a 12 minute warmup on the...
Posted by Zoe Saldana on Thursday, April 23, 2015
Source POPSUGAR Fitness
1 Week to the Beach? Here's How to Look and Feel Your Best Fast
It's T-minus seven days to your swimsuit-clad vacation, and you haven't accomplished any of the healthy goals you had in mind when you booked. We've all been there. Slow and steady wins the race when it comes to sustainable weight loss, but that doesn't mean you should give up completely! You can absolutely feel a difference in your energy and how your clothes fit in just seven days. Follow these healthy rules when you're one week out from the fun, and get ready to rock your favorite crop tops, shorts, and swimsuits with a little extra confidence.
Source POPSUGAR Fitness
Make Lunch Luscious With These Antioxidant-Rich Strawberry Recipes
Warmer weather means strawberry season! Take advantage of this low-cal berry that's also high in potassium and antioxidants. And no, these berries aren't just for snacking or topping on some french toast or cheesecake. Here are 17 healthy ways to enjoy these refreshing and juicy berries at lunchtime.
Source POPSUGAR Fitness
Whether You Want to Lose Weight or Fight a Cold, We've Got the Smoothie For You
A smoothie is a convenient meal or snack option anytime - just throw your ingredients in a blender, pour into a glass, and enjoy. Even better: the ingredient possibilities for shakes and smoothies are endless. We should know; we're always in the kitchen creating and re-creating our favorite healthy smoothie recipes. Keep reading to see which healthy smoothies we've been blending up lately!
- Additional reporting by Lizzie Fuhr, Michele Foley, and Jenny Sugar
Source POPSUGAR Fitness
Drop It Like It's Hot: A 20-Minute Booty Workout With Playlist!
Dedicate 20 minutes to tighten and tone up your backside with this quick butt-sculpting workout. If you need music when you work out, you'll be happy to know there's an accompanying playlist to help you keep time and stay motivated.
Each song on this Spotify playlist alternates between two basic exercises. Perform 20 reps of one exercise before switching to the next, and keep on moving until the song runs out. Move at the pace that works for your body, and don't be afraid to take a breather or water break! This is a fast-paced and challenging plan.
Song | Exercises |
"Spectrum (Say My Name)" - Florence + The Machine (Calvin Harris remix) | Jumping Jacks + Cross Jacks |
"Love You Long Time" - Jazmine Sullivan | Gate Swings + Side Skaters |
"Roar" - Katy Perry | Basic Squats With Side Leg Lift + Standing Booty Kicks |
"Price Tag" - Jessie J, B.o.B. | Jump Squats + Ballet Butt |
"Countdown" - Beyoncé | Elbow Plank With Donkey Kick + Pilates Side-Lying Leg Lifts |
"Feel Again" - OneRepublic | Side Kicks + All Fours |
The warmup is built into the workout, but be sure to take a lengthy cooldown before you move on with your day.
If this mix doesn't suit your musical tastes, check out all our workout playlists here.
Remember, you will need to download the free Spotify software or app to listen to our playlists.
Source POPSUGAR Fitness
No More GMOs: Chipotle Announced It Will Stop Serving All Genetically Altered Food
In a statement, Steve Ells, founder and co-CEO of Chipotle, said, "We are changing the way people think about and eat fast food, and that means cooking with the very best ingredients - ingredients that are free of additives - but still serving food that is affordable, convenient, and most importantly delicious. That's really unusual in fast food, but that's the quest we are on, and we continue to make progress."
The totally-GMO-free menu is the result of over two years of work for the company, and this step is just another that Chipotle has taken to prove its environmentally and health-conscious model.
Most recently, you might have noticed a lack of carnitas at your go-to Chipotle location. That's because the restaurant removed pork from about 600 of its 1,831 locations after a routine inspection found that a major pork supplier was not complying with Chipotle's standards for responsibly raised meat.
Chipotle addressed the decision on its website, stating, "Chipotle is on a never-ending journey to source the highest quality ingredients we can find. Over the years, as we have learned more about GMOs, we've decided that using them in our food doesn't align with that vision. Chipotle was the first national restaurant company to disclose the GMO ingredients in our food, and now we are the first to cook only with non-GMO ingredients."
Although the FDA does not require GMO labeling in the US, you've likely noticed an increase in the labels in grocery stores as the conversation around the agricultural technology continues (although, as Jimmy Kimmel hilariously proved, many anti-GMO people at a farmers market couldn't say what the acronym stood for).
According to the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service, a staggering percentage of corn and soybeans grown in the US is genetically modified - 94 and 93 percent, respectively. This makes it more difficult for large chain restaurants to find not only GMO-free corn but also meat from animals not given GMO feed. Chipotle used soy oil to fry its chips and tortillas, and now cooks will use sunflower oil to fry them, and a non-GMO rice bran oil will be used in the rice and fajita vegetables (bell peppers and onions). As for the corn, Chipotle was already using GMO-free corn in its salsa, and now the corn tortillas will be made from GMO-free corn flour. According to The New York Times, the restaurant's "primary tortilla supplier was already producing non-GMO corn flour in small amounts, and it agreed to increase its production."
"There is a lot of debate about genetically modified foods," Ells said. "Though many countries have already restricted or banned the use of GMO crops, it's clear that a lot of research is still needed before we can truly understand all of the implications of widespread GMO cultivation and consumption. While that debate continues, we decided to move to non-GMO ingredients."
Source POPSUGAR Fitness
Core-Carving Burpee Variations That Will Transform Your Abs
- 2 burpee variations that will sculpt your abs - Self
- This is what happens when you crack your knuckles - Real Simple
- Creative avocado recipes - Cooking Light
- 100 things you can do instead of mindlessly noshing - Women's Health
- Hilarious GIFs only clean eaters would understand - Fitness
- 12 big-ticket kitchen items worth the expense - POPSUGAR Food
- Light Spring salad: confetti slaw with poppyseed dressing - Health
- How to avoid the 3 most common Spring injuries - Shape
- Intense 10-minute total-body circuit - Greatist
Source POPSUGAR Fitness
Stay Motivated With 100 Fitness Tips
Staying strong and fit takes dedication every single day, so keep these 100 tips in mind to keep you confidently chugging along on that healthy path.
Source POPSUGAR Fitness
6 Ways to Shake Up Your Workout Routine For Summer
You're already working hard so you can enjoy your favorite little indulgences (hello, happy hour!). But if you want to step it up for bikini season, tweaking your routine without going overboard can be mind-boggling (how many more miles could you possibly log?!). That's why we asked top fitness pros for tried-and-true tricks to amp up your workout. Read on to drop a few pounds, tone up trouble areas, and ultimately, feel like a rock star in your swimsuit.
Sculpt Tank-Top-Ready Arms
"I'm a big believer in 'old-fashioned' strength training," says Debora Warner, founder and program director of the Mile High Run Club, a NYC-based studio that teaches treadmill classes and endurance-based strength training for runners. If you're a runner, add strength training using high weight and low reps two to three times a week to your cardio routine to build lean muscle mass that will help you burn more calories, she explains. "It's sexy to have muscles and a firmed, toned body at the beach," she says, and we couldn't agree more - which is why you'll find us in the weight room through Memorial Day weekend. (Try our Heavy Weight Workout to get started!)
Get Your Abs in Gear
Let's face it: when it comes to Summer, our biggest body concern is whether our abs are bikini-ready. But skip the crunches, suggest Jillian Lorenz and Ariana Chernin, cofounders of The Barre Code. Instead, try their go-to move for OMG-worthy abs: hold a 30-second plank each morning when you wake up and each night before you go to bed, adding 15- or 30-second increments each week. By the end of the month, you'll notice a stronger, tighter core. "As you hold an active position, like a plank, begin to visualize your body getting lighter, tighter, and stronger with each second that passes, developing a visual mind-body connection throughout the hold," the cofounders suggest. The move becomes twofold - in addition to more definition, you'll have a more Zen approach to how you look in that bikini when you finally hit the beach.
Treat Yourself - on the Inside
Forget spray tans and new bikinis - now is the time to treat yourself from the inside out, rather than the outside in. Bouncing from yoga to boot camp or barre is great, because you're working different muscle groups, but all that exercise can also lead to lactic acid buildup. "People think they're taking care of their bodies physically, but they forget about the internal things," says Natalie Uhling, Radius Fitness master trainer. "A sports or deep-tissue massage can help break down muscle tissue. You can't perform at your best and really get the most out of workouts if you're sore from lactic acid builtup." If you can't swing regular sports massages, foam rolling can also help soothe sore muscles. (Try these 4 Foam Roller Exercises to Burn Fat and Reduce Cellulite.)
Add Some Spring to Your Step
Your energy levels naturally increase in the springtime with the increase in daylight, so channel that extra vigor into a more intense, high-energy workout, suggests Grace Menendez, a trainer at Crunch Gym in NYC. Plyometrics, or jump training, will give you more bang for your buck by adding an aerobic element to your strength training, thereby increasing your speed and power, she says. The goal is to exert maximum force in short intervals of time, so combine a few plyometric drills (like box jumps or kettlebell swings) with weight lifting or bodyweight exercises for double the benefits. (Get started now with this Plyometric Power Plan.)
Break Out of Your Workout Routine
Sticking with just one workout won't get you the body you want by Summer. Cross-training is important to help build lean muscle and increase endurance for cardio activities, says Alex Isaly, Radius Fitness master trainer. That doesn't mean logging extra hours at the gym, though. Work three or four quick workouts that combine core work, agility training, stretching, and moves using five- to eight-pound dumbbells into your existing weekly routine to tone up all over, shrinking spots you'll want to show off in summery styles like backless dresses and short shorts. (Exhale's Core Fusion Extreme Workout blends it all together.)
Don't Just Show Up
Yes, showing up to your workout is half the battle, but tuning in to your body is just as important, says Jackie Dragone, director of FLEX Barre at FLEX Studios. If your mind is elsewhere (like dreaming of white sandy beaches), you're probably not putting 100 percent into each exercise. Relish how sick you'll look this Summer after class is done, but keep your brain on short-term goals during your workout. "Focusing on your breathing and connecting your breath to your movement is the easiest way to make sure you are getting the most out of class," says Dragone. This mental engagement adds another element to your workout - and ensures you're not taking a break when you don't really need it!
Source POPSUGAR Fitness
jeudi 16 avril 2015
Your next challange: maintain weight
If you've reached your goal weight in the last 12 week, well done, but the journey does not end here.
Weight management is a lifelong commitment but you’re over the hardest part. The longer you stick to your new lifestyle, the more normal it will feel. Our advice about how to lose weight in this 12-week guide can also help you to better manage your weight in the longterm. Below are some of the common features among people who have lost weight and have been successful at keeping it off:Stick to lower-calorie eating
In studies of people who have lost weight and kept it off for at least a year, most continued to eat a diet lower in calories than before their diet.
Keep planning ahead
Maintain your healthier eating habit regardless of changes in your routine, such as eating out, weekends or holidays. By planning ahead, you’re less likely to slip up.
Eat breakfast
Research shows that breakfast can help people control their weight. Having breakfast can help you avoid getting too hungry and snacking later on.
Stay active
Studies show that people who’ve lost weight and kept it off typically do 60 to 90 minutes of physical activity most days of the week while not overeating.
Keep using the chart
Keep using the food and activity chart to help stay in control of your calorie intake and exercise. It will help prevent your calorie count from creeping back up.
Watch your weight
Weigh yourself regularly, for example once a week, to help you stay on track and correct small weight gains before they become serious relapses.
Get support
Get family and friends to support your new healthier lifestyle, whether it’s by helping you make healthier food choices or getting active and doing some exercise with you.
Stay consistent
Stick to your eating and activity plan seven days a week. Don’t be tempted to ease off at the end of the week or during holidays.
Keep it interesting
Variety is the spice of life, so if you feel yourself slipping back to old ways, mix things up a bit. Buy a new healthy cookbook, sign up for a healthy cooking course or try a new activity.
Set SMART goals
For behaviour change to be long-
lasting, a simple goal-setting
technique called SMART can help.
When setting goals, like losing
weight, try to be SMART about it.
SMART stands for:
• Specific: your goal should be
precise, ‘I will run three times this
week’, rather than general, ‘I will
exercise more’
• Measurable: your goal should be
• Achievable: break down your
overall goal into easy mini-goals
• Relevant: choose goals that apply
to your circumstances
• Time-specific: set yourself a time
scale for achieving your goal
What should I eat now?
As a guide, the average man needs
about 2,500kcal and the average
woman needs 2,000kcal a day to
maintain their weight. If you’ve
now reached a healthy weight, you
may want to increase your calorie
intake. But do it by small amounts
to avoid putting on weight again
and remember to keep active.
mercredi 15 avril 2015
Losing weight Getting started - Week 12
Congratulations on reaching Week 12. You did it!
Over these past three months you’ve worked hard to adopt new healthier habits. As you’ll have discovered, old habits are hard to break. Whether you’ve reached your target weight or want to keep going, this week you have something to celebrate. But this isn’t the end, it’s just the start of your new healthier lifestyle. You’ve achieved so much – there’s no going back now. Keep going!Your actions for Week 12
• You promised yourself a non-food
reward if you finished the course. So go
on and treat yourself – you deserve it!
• You’ve learnt a lot – share your
success and your tips on the weight loss
• Keep using the food and activity chart
for as long as you want to continue
losing weight or to maintain your
current healthy weight
Did you know?
Studies show that reducing your time
sitting down will help you lose weight.
Not only should you do more structured
exercise, like running or cycling, you
should try to be more active generally.
That means spending less time sitting
in front of the TV, using a computer or
using the car for short journeys.
Exercise motivation
When you start a new exercise regime it’s normal toexperience some soreness.

are giving you grief and it may all feel
like a bit of an uphill struggle. And it’s
not just your body. One of the biggest
barriers to getting into an exercise
routine is your mind. We are creatures
of habit, and if you’ve not done much
for a while, finding the motiovation
to get up and go can be a real mental
But don’t be discouraged. You’re going
through the beginner’s pain barrier and
after a week or two, this should be a
distant memory.
If you feel your enthusiasm dipping at
any point, here are our top 10 tips to
boost your motivation:
1. Be realistic. Remind yourself
that you want to become more
active because it’ll help you become
healthier and lose weight. It’s a crucial
component of your 12-week journey.
2. Schedule it. Plan your exercise
at the start of the week and put it in
your diary. Planning in advance when,
how and where you will exercise
will increase your chances of making
physical activity a normal part of your
lifestyle. Even simple approaches like
laying out your running kit or packing
your gym bag the night before can help .
3. Pat yourself on the back. Look
back at your weekly food and activity
chart to remind yourself how much
you’ve already achieved.
4. Spread the word. Share your plans
and achievements with other people;
you’ll feel obliged to keep going!
5. Phone a friend. Find a friend or a
relative to exercise with, or perhaps
join a group or club. A workout buddy
can provide feedback, support and
entertainment – they also put pressure
on you to turn up!
6. Pump yourself up. Music is a great
motivator so pick your playlist, plug
your headphones in and listen to your
favourite workout songs while you
7. Be flexible. Change activities if
you’re not enjoying them. If cycling
isn’t doing it for you, why not go
swimming or even try some fitness
classes at the gym instead.
8. Remember, the hardest part of
exercising is getting out of the door –
so once you’ve passed that hurdle, it
should be plain sailing.
9. Set goals. They don’t need to be
grand achievements. For instance, try
to walk a little bit more each day, take
the stairs instead of the lift or walk part
of the way to work. Keeping a written
record of these mini-goals can help you
to see your progress over time.
10. Reward yourself. Set yourself
non-food rewards for achieving stages
along the way. There’s nothing like an
incentive to spur you on!
mardi 14 avril 2015
Ways to get fit for free
The fitness secret for free is to use every opportunity to be active.
Armed with a bit of get-up-and-go and good planning, you can be fitter than ever without spending a penny.Walking
Research shows that people who fit moderate activity, such as walking, into their daily life burn more calories than those making weekly visits to the gym.
Cycle to work
Cycling to work is one of the easiest ways of fitting exercise into your day. It also saves you money on travel costs.
Park games
Park games such as ‘It’ are ideal for all the family to get active together and burn calories while having fun. Skipping
Skipping can be done anywhere at any time. The average person will burn up to 200kcal skipping for 15 minutes.
Trim trails
Trim trails are made up of simple pieces of exercise equipment dotted around parks and recreation areas. Green Gyms
Work up a sweat digging, planting and path-clearing at one of 95 free Green Gyms around the country run by The Conservation Volunteers.
Park football
Provided you can work up the bottle to join a group of strangers for a kick about, football is both an excellent way to get fit and to make friends.
Mall walking
Aimed at people who don’t normally walk very much, ‘mall walking’ is brisk walking through shopping centres.
Contact your local authority
Your local leisure centre may offer initiatives such as free classes to encourage people to get in shape.
Calorie burn league table
The more energetic the activity, the
more calories you burn. As a guide,
here’s what someone weighing
70kg would burn in 60 minutes:
• brisk walking (3.5mph): 266kcal
• breaststroke: 700kcal
• badminton: 315kcal
• cycling (12mph): 560kcal
• running (6mph): 700kcal
• park football: 490kcal
• aerobics class: 455kcal
• yoga (hatha): 175kcal
Chock horror!
How long does it take to burn
off the calories in a Snickers bar
(319kcal)? You might be surprised:

• Cycling (12-14mph): 35min
• Park football: 39min
• Breaststroke swim: 28min
• Walking (3mph): 84min
These times are based on a person
weighing 70kg. Lighter people will
take longer to burn off the same
number of calories
lundi 13 avril 2015
Weight loss plateau
Healthy food and exercise eats, but you stopped losing weight? This could mean that you have touched the dreaded "plateau weight loss".
Before you get too discouraged, you should know that it’s normal for weight loss to slow and even stall for a while. That is because your body has adapted to your current programme, and has learned to cope with the same energy demands while burning fewer calories. Perhaps it’s time to review your current programme and see if you need to shake things up a little. Here are 10 ways to deal with a weight loss plateau.Hang in there
If you’re burning more calories than you take in then sooner or later you will continue to lose weight. You may still be losing weight but it’s too small to register on the scales yet.
It’s not all about weight
You may have stopped losing weight but it’s only temporary. Think about all you’ve achieved – you’ve brought your weight under control, you’re eating healthier and feeling more energetic.
Calorie creep
One of the most common reasons for weight loss slowing is that your calorie intake can start to creep up again over time. Check your portion sizes haven’t increased and make sure your calorie counting is accurate.
Start exercising
Regular exercise is one of the best ways of shifting those extra stubborn pounds that diet alone can’t budge. Find something you enjoy and that you can fit into a routine.
Step it up
Your body adapts quickly to a new exercise programme and learns to produce the same effort while burning fewer calories. You may need to step it up.
Try something new
Try different activities to work other muscles. Not only will change keep you motivated, new exercises will force your body work harder than it’s used to.
Be strong
Muscles are very good at burning calories. Regular muscle-strengthening activities, including heavy gardening and weightlifting, will give your weight loss a boost.
Reboot your motivation
If your motivation is flagging, think back to the start of the programme and your reasons for losing weight. Also, ask friends and family for support.
Do you still need to lose weight?
Check your BMI to see if you’re a healthy weight. If so, it shows you’re already a different person even without further weight loss.
See your GP
Your GP can do tests to rule out any conditions that could be causing your weight loss plateau as well as discuss other weight loss advice.
Diet-friendly dinner party

Entertaining friends at home is a
great way to keep control of what’s
on the menu and avoid temptation.
Try this meal plan:
Starter – Mexican bean and
tomato soup (117kcal)
Main – Prawn jambalaya (323 kcal )
Dessert – Lemon and raspberry
trifle (188 kcal)
Grand total: 628kcal
See the Change4Life Meal Mixer
for these recipes and many more at
Cooking with oil
Oil is a calorie heavyweight, so
watch how much you use when
cooking. A tablespoon of vegetable
oil contains about 120kcal. Just a
few more tablespoons of oil - and
that includes healthier oils such as
olive oil - can add hundreds of calo -ries to your meal. Always measure
cooking oil rather than pouring it
from a container: this will help you
vendredi 10 avril 2015
Losing weight Getting started - Week 11
Weight Loss: Congratulations to reach 11 weeks. You're a star!
If you began Couch to 5K in Week 2, you will have completed the plan last week. Well done. To keep going, download our 5K+ running series. If you’ve been exercising and eating well but have stopped losing weight, you may have hit a weight loss plateau. Don’t worry, it’s common. This week we’ll tell you what causes your weight loss to stall and explain how to deal with it.Your actions for Week 11
• If you finished Couch to 5K, take your
running to the next level with the 5K+
running podcasts
• To inject some fun into your weekly
physical activity, why not recruit an
exercise buddy?
• Cook a healthier meal for friends in
Week 12. It’s a chance to share what
you’ve learned, and celebrate what
you’ve achieved
Did you know?
It’s a myth that you can burn body
fat from just one area at a time.
When you lose weight, the fat loss
occurs throughout the body.
You can tone specific areas – such as
your abs – but without weight loss, it
will still be underneath a layer of fat.
jeudi 9 avril 2015
How to beat comfort eating
It’s easy to turn to food when you’re stressed, upset, or simply bored.
Recognising comfort eating
To help spot when you’re comfort eating, keep a food diary for a few days. Whenever you eat something, record your mood and how hungry you are on a scale of 1 to 10. If you find you’re eating in response to negative emotions rather than hunger, chances are you’re comfort eating. Now, make a “trigger” list: a list of the feelings and circumstances that tend to spark your comfort eating.
Dealing with comfort eating
Think about how to change or avoid the circumstances that prompt negative feelings, which in turn lead to comfort eating. If your commute to work leaves you stressed and reaching for a snack, for example, can you find a new route? It’s not always possible to avoid difficult feelings, but if you find yourself snacking or craving certain food, it can help to follow a routine. Ask yourself: am I really hungry, or is this comfort eating? Then, wait 30 minutes before eating. Often, you’ll realise that it is really emotional comfort, not food, that you need.
10 comfort eating triggers
Once you’ve identified what sets
off your comfort eating, you can
start to tackle it. Here are 10
common triggers:
• Work stress
• Loneliness
• Money worries
• Bad weather
• Tiredness
• Arguments with your partner
• Boredom
• Sadness
• Unemployment
• Health problems
Non-food comfort fixes
• Take your mind off food with some reading
• Listen to a favourite song
• Write down a fun thing you’re going to do today, or this week
• Watch a movie
• Phone a friend
• Go for a walk
• Clean the car
• Have a bath
• Surf the web
• Do some breathing exercises
• Do some exercise
mercredi 8 avril 2015
How are you getting on? Tips for diet success
You have followed this advice for almost 10 weeks and will not always be easy. Here are some tips to keep you motivated.
Help - I was wrong Solution: Expect setbacks
are expected to give when temptation to time, but do not let it become an excuse to stop trying to lose weight. So if you had a slice of chocolate fudge cake to work today, I pick it up, leave it behind, move forward and back in the car now.
Help -'m still hungry Fix:fiber fill
No need to feel hungry when it comes to losing weight. Make sure you stick to your daily calorie limit. Do not be tempted to consume less. Fill in low calorie foods rich in fiber like everything I can. They are best to avoid hunger and make you feel full longer.
Help - I do not think I can be on
Fix: Reward yourself
healthy habits can sometimes feel like a tough job Try yourself a series of mini-goals as you progress in your weight loss journey Mini objective... You can be what you want it does not have to be related to the weight each time you make a mini-goal, give yourself a non-food reward
Help - I lost weight but not inches Fix:
... Be distribution body fat every patient is different, so the inches come off a little different too. Initially, you can lose weight without losing inches. Be patient, and inches will fall over time. You will soon realize that your clothing is loose . and research agency thinner
Help - Fix stopped losing weight ':
Try something new for increasing weight loss might have been very well lose weight, but for the last week or two scales remained the same this is. Plateau feared losing weight. Do not worry, this is normal. Make sure you stick to your calorie limit. You forget to grab a snack here or there, or exaggerate their parts? In addition, it can really help revive things make a little more exercise, or try a different type that challenges your body in new ways.
How to avoid temptation

• Before eating, ask yourself if
you are very hungry
• Do not keep junk food, as
chocolate and chips at home
• Making healthier and lower-
calorie foods when hunger strikes
• Be careful that you are not
always thinking about food
• Never buy hunger. preparing a
shopping list and stick to it
• No food ban. You do
Popular Searches
Keep a food diary
A food diary can help you identify and solve such problems
emotional eating.
Keep a food diary implies
write what you ate,
if you were really hungry,
when you eat and see for starts.
You can use a laptop or
several daily free food tables
available online. Alternatively, the food
agendas are often included in weight
loss applications on mobile devices.
mardi 7 avril 2015
Losing weight Getting started - Week10
Well done on reaching Week 10. Great
Working towards a goal isn’t always
easy; sometimes life just gets in the way.
When we feel depressed, angry, bored
or stressed, we often turn to food to feel
better. Identifying your comfort eating
triggers is the first step in breaking the
bond between your feelings and food.
Did you try to build in some of the
activity ideas we suggested last week? If
you didn’t, why not give some of the tips
a go this week?Well done on reaching Week 10. Great work!
Your actions for Week 10

then get on the forum at and
shout about it! You can claim your C25K
Graduate badge there too
• If you use public transport to get to
work, try to fit a 20-minute walk into your
journey every day of the week
• Is stress or feeling down causing you
to overeat? If you think it might be, visit
the Moodzone at
Did you know?
You’re more likely to fall off the
diet wagon at the end of the week.
Research suggests that we tend to eat
more on Fridays and Saturdays than at
any other time of the week.
Avoid undoing all your good work by
sticking to the advice every day.
jeudi 2 avril 2015
Have your cake and eat it?
If all you can think about is chocolate, biscuits or crisps, here are some lower-calorie substitutes.
Beware that although lower in calories,
some of these swaps can still be high in
sugar. Also, lower-calorie should not be
taken as a licence to indulge.
Crisps – swap for lower-fat, lower-salt
oven-baked crisps, which contain up to
70% less fat than standard varieties.
Pork scratchings – try swapping for
homemade air-popped, plain popcorn.
Ice-cream – opt for lower-fat frozen
yoghurt, or try sorbet made from
sweetened water flavoured with fruit.
Cereal bar – despite their healthy
image, most cereal bars are high in
sugar and fat. Look out for bars that
are low in sugar, fat and salt.
Chocolate – swap for a lower-calorie
hot instant chocolate drink. You can
also get chocolate with coffee and
chocolate with malt varieties.
Biscuits – swap for oat cakes, oat
biscuits or unsalted rice cakes, which
contain fibre.
Sweets – try dried fruit such as raisins,
sultanas, dates, apricots or figs, which
all count towards your 5 A Day.
Cake – swap for a plain currant bun,
fruit scone or malt loaf. Avoid toppings
like butter, icing, jam or cream.
Sugary fizzy drinks – try mixing
sparkling water with unsweetened
fruit juice, which counts towards your
5 A Day, or choose a lower-calorie diet
Faruit bnana bran cake
Try this filling cake, which has just
132kcal per slice
• 100g low sugar bran flakes
• 250ml semi-skimmed milk
• 75g apricots, chopped
• 50g sultanas
• 40g soft brown sugar
• 150g self-raising flour
• 2 eggs, beaten
• 1 banana, mashed
Combine bran, milk, apricots and
sultanas. Leave to soak for 1 hour.
Preheat the oven to 180°C. Line a
loaf tin with greaseproof paper. Add
sugar, flour, eggs and banana to the
mixture and stir. Spoon into the tin
and bake for 50-55 minutes on the
middle shelf of the oven.
Snack rogues gallery
• Fully loaded nachos (pub meal):
• Pork scratchings (100g): 621kcal
• Roasted and salted peanuts
(50g): 300kcal
• Garlic bread (2 slices): 209kcal
• Wasabi peas (59g): 197kcal
• Salt and vinegar crisps (35g
packet): 181kcal
mercredi 1 avril 2015
What’s stopping you?
Whatever it is that’s stopping you from getting more active, it might not be as much of a barrier as you think.
Here are some common reasons why we might avoid exercise and how to overcome them.
‘I don’t have time’
Achieving 150 minutes of physical
activity a week is easier than you think.
It doesn’t have to be structured exercise,
like running or swimming. Walking to
work, to the shops or the kids to school,
gardening or taking the stairs all count.
The easiest way is to work physical
activity into your daily routine.
‘I’m too tired’
It’s not unusual to feel drained at the
end of the day but exercise will relieve
your tiredness and actually make you
feel more energetic. With time, an
exercise regime will also build your
stamina, reducing feelings of lethargy.
‘I don’t have the willpower’
Many people give up on their exercise
regime soon after starting it. One of
the best ways to stay motivated is
to keep an exercise diary or exercise
with a friend. Goal-setting can also be
fantastic for keeping you motivated
and working towards a target that suits
‘I don’t like exercise’
Memories of school PE may still colour
your judgement but there are so many
ways of getting active, and enjoying
it. For example, if competitive sport
was your worst nightmare, focus on
a solitary activity such as walking,
running, yoga or swimming.
‘It’s hard work’
Starting slowly and building up
gradually are the key to enjoying
exercise. The Couch to 5K or Strength
and Flex podcast series are just the
ticket. They are both designed to let
your confidence grow along with your
stamina and strength.
‘The weather is too bad’
Many people find running in the rain
invigorating. Learn to love the weather;
it’s bracing with the wind behind you
and it can be fun splashing through
‘I’ve missed a session. I’ll never get back on track’
No one sails through never missing
an exercise session. Just get your kit
on and bear in mind you’re not back
starting from scratch. The key is to
rewind a bit. For example, if you’ve
completed Couch to 5K but haven’t run
for a while, pick it up at Week 5 or 6.
‘I’ll look stupid’
It can be hard to get active in public
if you’re out of shape or not used to
exercise. But you can overcome this.
Start off exercising at home or plan
to run when no-one’s about. Your
confidence will soon grow.
Exercise ideas
these to get your heart rate going:
• At home: DVD workouts, Strength
and Flex
• Outdoor: Walking, gardening, bowls
• Solitary: Pilates, yoga, tai chi,
swimming, running, rollerblading
• With a friend: Badminton, dance
classes, Zumba
• With family: Park football, round-ers, Frisbee, hiking
Burn time?
How long does it take a 70kg
person running at 6mph to burn off
the calories in the following foods?
• Buttered brown toast - 10mins
• 2 Hob Nob biscuits - 12mins
• Cheese and onion crisps - 16mins
• Plain bagel - 18mins
• Chicken korma with rice (300g) -
Losing weight :Getting started - Week 9
Good going – you’ve made it to Week 9! We hope keeping track of your calories is becoming easier.
If you started the Couch to 5K running
plan on Week 2, you should be just one
week from graduation!
If you’re still working towards 150
minutes of activity a week, keep going!
We know you can do it! Just keep doing
a little bit more each week. Let’s give it
a big push this week. The key is to do
something you enjoy that can fit into
your routine.
Your actions for Week 9
• Go to the weight loss forum to find
out what other people are doing to raise
their activity levels
• If you’re lacking motivation, use the
What’s Your Sport tool to find out what
activity suits you best
• Have a go at this week’s recipe, which
should satisfy any sweet cravings. If it’s
not your cup of tea – research some
different lower-calorie recipes
Did you know?
Regular strength exercises, such as
weight training, push-ups or heavy
gardening, can boost weight loss.
Strength exercises build muscles and
muscles burn more calories than other
body tissue, including fat, even when
you’re not moving.