Healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is one which helps to keep and improve people's health and well-being.Many governments and non-governmental organizations have made big efforts in healthy lifestyle and health promotion.

Mental Health

Mental health can be considered a very important factor of physical health for the effects it produces on bodily functions. This type of health concerns emotional and cognitive well-being or an absence of mental disorder.

Public health

Public health can be defined in a variety of ways. It can be presented as "the study of the physical, psychosocial and socio-cultural determinants of population health and actions to improve the health of the population.

Reproductive Health

For the UN, reproductive health is a right, like other human rights. This recent concept evokes the good transmission of the genetic heritage from one generation to the next.


Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

vendredi 26 juin 2015

No Gym, No Problem! This Circuit Workout Uses Just Your Body

Not only is an at-home workout excuse-proof, since it's free, it will only cost you calories! Check out this full-body circuit workout that fits in your living room. It takes about 20 minutes to do, and other than a chair, it requires no props.

Instructions: After warming up with light cardio for five minutes, repeat each three-exercise circuit twice, resting for 60 seconds after completing one rep of an entire circuit.

Click here to download a PDF of the workout that you can print. It looks best printed in color and fits on one page. Hang the workout up on your fridge to remind yourself to work it.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

How to Let People Know You're Serious About Losing Weight

So many people make small talk about wanting to lose a few pounds, so your family, friends, and co-workers might not realize that you mean business when it comes to losing weight. Setting off on a weight-loss journey can be intense and personal, but it's still important to develop a strong support system that builds you up! Here's how to explain your situation, take the reins, and start seeing results.

  1. Be up-front: When you start making healthier choices or begin to say no to big meals out or in-office treats, you might assume the people closest to you will realize you're trying to make a change. They might not! You don't need to carry a banner or blast your email threads letting everyone know, but it's great to give a few people a heads-up so they can be cognizant of your goals and offer support where they can.
  2. Ask for help: Holding yourself accountable is the only way you'll find sustainable success - no one can be your keeper but you - but there's no shame in asking for help when you need it. Talk to the health-conscious people in your life for advice, tips, and tricks that keep them in check. And if you're new to a workout routine, reach out to your friends and co-workers about their favorite gyms and studios in your area. Any insider information should be welcome as you set off on your path.
  3. Learn to say no: This was the biggest one for me to practice when I started losing weight. I've always been a "yes" person, so passing up fun and exciting invitations in place of a sweat session at the gym or an afternoon of prepping healthy lunches for the week was a bit of a struggle at first. You need to get comfortable saying no if you want to see and feel results.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

The 20-Minute Beach Workout You'll Want to Do Over and Over Again

What if you could sneak in a quick workout during your next vacation? We partnered with  C9 Champion® at Target to highlight exercises you can do right at the beach.

Sometimes your fitness routine needs a shake-up - performing the same moves or taking the same classes over and over again can get repetitive, not to mention lead to a plateau. So if you're headed to the beach anytime soon, plan on taking your workout ambition straight to the sand, where you can get your heart rate up and burn your muscles in just 20 minutes. Here's the plan:


  • Jumping Jacks (2 minutes): Use this time as a cardio warmup to get your body loose, exploding up as you jump.

Break a Sweat

  • Frog Jumps (20 reps): Make sure to squat down low at the end of each jump.
  • Side Lunges (30 reps on each leg): Take a large step with your right foot to the right side and lunge toward the floor, making sure your right knee does not extend past your toes. Complete 30 before switching to the other side. 
  • Bear Crawl (30 seconds): Get on all fours, hands in the sand, and crawl forward with your left hand and your right foot, then switch and crawl forward with your right hand and left foot. You want your knee to come up to the elbow, then return back. You'll burn your shoulders and core on this one.
  • Sand Sprints (10 to 15 seconds, 10 reps): Get your heart rate pumping again with short sprint bursts - this is superfun for runners who want to try something new. After each sprint, take about 10 seconds to rest.
  • Walk-Out Push-Ups (10 reps): Bend down and walk your hands out along the sand until you get into proper push-up position. Complete a push-up, then walk your hands back toward your ankles before standing up. 

Repeat the cycle a second time, and you're all set. When you're finished, set aside some time to stretch it out and enjoy the view. More from C9 Champion® at Target

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

jeudi 25 juin 2015

An Hour After Breakfast, You're Hungry - What Gives?!

You woke up, ate breakfast, and went to work - but as soon as you head into that first meeting of the day, your tummy starts to grumble and your energy levels start to plummet. Needing to eat again so close after your first meal is not going to help you lose or maintain your weight, so WTH! If you're hungry soon after eating breakfast, here's why.

You're Not Eating Enough Calories

Your first meal of the day should range between 300 and 400 calories. If you're trying to lose weight, stick with the 300 to 350 range, and if you're trying to maintain weight, especially if you're working out, shoot closer to 350 to 400 calories. This is the perfect amount to fill you up and ensure you feel hungry for a small snack or your lunch.

You're Missing 1 of These 4 Things

What you eat is even more important than how much. According to nutritionists Stephanie Clarke, RD, and Willow Jarosh, RD, of C&J Nutrition, ensure that every meal contains protein to stave off hunger, carbs to give you energy, and healthy fats to help your meal feel more satiating. Aim for at least 13 to 20 grams of protein, 40 to 55 grams of carbs, and 10 to 15 grams of healthy fats. Fiber is important too since it adds to that "I'm full" feeling, so make sure your meal offers around six grams.

You're Eating This

A bagel and cream cheese, toast, pancakes, oatmeal, a bowl of cereal - these are pretty popular breakfast choices, but they aren't the best for satiating your hunger since they don't offer all the four essentials mentioned above. Loading up on sugary foods such as iced scones, muffins, or some granola bars will also leave you hungry since they offer a quick burst of energy that will soon come crashing down. If you can't give up these sweet treats, find ways to make them more filling, such as this recipe for banana bread that includes protein powder and flaxmeal.

You're Mistaking Symptoms For Hunger

Headaches, fatigue, and fogginess can all make you feel the tell-tale signs of hunger, but could actually signal something else entirely. Feeling hungry can actually mean that you need more sleep at night, you're coming down with something, you're dehydrated, you're PMS-ing, you ate too much sugar, or your blood sugar levels are starting to drop. Take a second to think about how you're feeling and if you're actually hungry before you reach for something to eat.

You're in Need of a Snack

Your breakfast should fill you up for three to four hours. If you went lighter at breakfast or ate early in the morning you'll feel hungry before lunch, and that's OK. That's what midmorning snacks are for. Grab a little something that offers protein, carbs, and healthy fats, and keep it to under 150 calories - these protein balls are perfect.

A Few Good Breakfasts

It doesn't take much to have a better breakfast, so if you're unsure about what to eat, here are some great choices.

  • Eggs with toast and fruit: Go for two scrambled eggs, a slice of whole-wheat toast smeared with a small scoop of avocado or nut butter, and half a cup of fruit.
  • Smoothies: This carrot cake smoothie is a quick and filling meal that offers 19 grams of protein, and because it tastes like dessert, it's a good option if you're used to eating sweet baked goods for breakfast.
  • Oatmeal: This alone won't offer enough protein, so cook yours with milk or soy milk instead of water, and stir in some protein powder, nut butter, or yogurt to up the protein. Top with fresh fruit, flax or chia seeds, and nuts.
  • Yogurt: Grab a container of yogurt and mix in fresh fruit, chopped walnuts, and granola.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

Recall Alert: Lululemon Tops Cause Weird Injury

Today, over 300,000 Lululemon tops were recalled for a very surprising reason: a dangerous drawstring. "When the elastic draw cord with a hard tip in the hood or around the neck area is pulled or caught on something and released, it can snap back, impact the face area and result in injury," said the US Consumer Product Safety Commission. So far there have been seven reported incidents that resulted in seven face or eye injuries.

A number of Lululemon garments manufactured between 2008 to 2014 have the faulty cord, so check out this comprehensive list to see if one of your luxe tops could cause damage to something other than your bank account. Also, it's important to note that you won't get a new safer replacement sweater, but you can receive a new drawstring with instructions on how to replace it, courtesy of Lululemon.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

This Is Why Some People Can Eat Fast Food Without Gaining Weight

You know how some people eat only fast food and manage to stay skinny? Our friends at YourTango explain how it's possible.

Who knew?
In a perfect world, you can eat whatever you want with very little consequences. Of course, we know there are a few lucky people with fast metabolisms who can eat fast food and keep their waist small.

But science has found that there may be a reason for this other than metabolism.

New research shows that a diet with a lot of fat and salt could actually prevent weight gain.

Yes, you read that right!

The results come from an experiment where scientists put groups of mice on different diets. Some ingested high-fat foods and levels of salt. The group who gained the same amount of weight as mice eating normal food were the ones who ate the very salty and high-fat diet.

Salt is not only tasty, but it may have helped the mice digest their food and absorb fat. Don't get too excited, though - not everyone is lucky in this aspect.

"It's totally different for each person," says Keri Gans, author of The Small Change Diet. "We always associate poor health with high weight, but you can definitely be a thin person and still have a lot of health complications that have nothing to do with your weight."

We can go on and on about talking about how some are "lucky" by eating whatever they want, but this study also pokes holes in the logic that every skinny person is healthy, and every overweight person is fat.

Even if you're able to keep the weight off, a diet with a lot of salt could affect other aspects of your health. For instance, high salt intake leads to higher blood pressure, which creates a greater strain on your heart, arteries, kidneys, and brain. This leads to heart attacks, strokes, and kidney disease.

Yikes! Keep this information in mind when you hear someone making a big deal about weight. Fast food, instant soups, and even salad dressings have extremely high levels of sodium, so eat those with caution.

And remember: you're a person, not a mouse.

More from YourTango:

10 Struggles Only Skinny-Fat People Will Understand
What Your Birth Month Says About Your Chance of Serious Health Risk
A Breakup Letter From Your Avocado

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

Celebrate Summer With These Outdoor, No-Equipment Printable Workouts

It's time to embrace the sun and get outside while you strength train. You can print every single one of these no-equipment workouts (or just pull them up on your phone) to take with you the next time you want to get out of the stuffy gym and strengthen those muscles. These workouts are especially fun to do after a good long run so you can skip the warmup, but they also work well alone. No matter how you decide to do these, it's time to get outside and get inspired!

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

5 Smoothie Hacks For Weight-Loss Success

Smoothies are a delicious and nutritious way to support your weight-loss goals, but your favorite mix of ingredients could be holding you back from meeting your goals. Read up on these helpful hacks and take notes before your next blend!

  1. Up the protein: Amping up your protein intake is a must. Protein helps to regulate your appetite since it takes longer to digest than other macronutrients. Protein powder is an easy way to boost the nutritional value of any smoothie you blend up, but yogurt, beans, and yes, even silken tofu are awesome sources, too.
  2. Add more fiber: Fiber is your friend. In addition to protein, fiber keeps you satisfied until your next meal, plus high-fiber foods aid in digestion, making sure things are moving smoothly while keeping belly bloat at bay. Check out these high-fiber smoothies for inspiration.
  3. Keep sugar in check: Naturally occurring sugars, like those from fruit, are welcome in a balanced diet, but a ton of sugar in your smoothie isn't a good idea, especially if you're trying to cut back on carbs. Consider these low-sugar ingredients the next time you're creating a blend. Your blood sugar thanks you in advance.
  4. Go green: Whenever possible, add a green ingredient to the mix. It amps up the nutritional and mineral value of your smoothie tremendously without affecting flavor. I always add a cup of spinach to my blend, because it doesn't change flavor the way other greens might. Try it for yourself, and be amazed.
  5. Consider calories: You might be tempted to add a whole avocado for its creaminess or three chopped dates for their sweetness, but it's essential to consider calories when it comes weight loss. Write down the ingredients as you add them to your blender, so you know exactly what you're getting! You may be surprised at the calorie count when you go to press the blend button.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

Get Sleek and Strong: Workout With Weights

Add some weights to your workout to build more metabolism-boosting muscle. This circuit workout will help you get sleek and strong.

Directions: Warm up with three minutes of light cardio, then perform each three-exercise circuit twice. Use five- to 10-pound weights. Cool down with three minutes of stretching.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

Give Your Girls a Lift: A Quick Workout For Perkier Breasts

There is a connection between the classic calisthenic push-up and the push-up bra: they both give your breasts a little lift! Yes, you can get a perkier bust by working your pec muscles, which lie directly under your breast tissue. We've created a quick circuit workout - it should take you under 10 minutes to do - that tones your chest and give your boobs a natural lift. The workout includes back exercises to improve your posture, so you can stand tall to highlight your perkier chest.

Directions: Do this five-exercise circuit three times, taking a break between sets to stretch your chest. Use weights between five and 10 pounds.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

How to Train Like the Inner Athlete You Know You Are

If you're feeling like it's time to kick your workout up a notch, we partnered with adidas to find five moves so intense that you'll feel like a professional athlete.

It's one thing to casually work out to achieve your overall wellness goals, and it's another thing to train like a tough athlete. While both will keep you strong and healthy, there's something unequivocally motivating about feeling like a true competitor. So whether you played NCAA sports or just consider yourself a gym rat, these power-packed moves will help you fine-tune your fitness routine so you can flourish like a pro.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

Our NEW Workout Generator Is Here to Make Your Workouts a Little Bit Easier

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

mercredi 24 juin 2015

The Post-Workout Ritual That Held Me Back From Losing Weight

From a young age, I learned that working out hard led to big indulgence. It started in my middle school days. A trip to the drive-through was always allowed after my evening dance lessons. Even after moving as an adult to San Francisco, I would leave yoga or dance class and immediately start scheming about what pig-out meal was up on the menu. In time, when unwanted pounds started creeping on and weight loss became one of my primary goals, I knew that my old habits of face-planting into a pizza needed to end.

There's good reason the quote "abs are made in the kitchen" has stuck around - it's true. While it might seem like you earned a huge burrito with chips or a burger with fries after your workout, if weight loss is a primary goal - like it was for me - a decadent meal is essentially canceling out your hard work (and then some). If you eat too much after your workout, you mess with your body's fat-burning potential and very often overcompensate for calories burned.

Up until I decided to lose weight, I had no idea how deeply eating was ingrained in my post-workout routine. As soon as I would leave a workout class, my brain would go straight to food; my breathing would get short, my heart would speed up, and I felt like I had earned [insert crazy calorie bomb here]. The first time I recognized this was happening, it was a bit of a shock, but once I became aware of my propensity to overdo it, my habits started to naturally shift.

Since I was aware of one piece of the emotional puzzle, I needed to deal with the other: I was regularly hangry after working out. To offset this, I took the advice of women's strength-training expert and author of Lift to Get Lean Holly Perkins, who recommends having a nutritious meal two to three hours prior to a workout or enjoying a light pre-workout snack 30 to 60 minutes before. Since implementing a smarter snacking habit (I'm a big fan of Health Warrior Chia Bars) I'm rarely ravenous when my workout is said and done, and I'm able to stay on track.

Occasionally indulging is a necessity, but each workout does not constitute a special meal! Whenever I get the urge to reward myself with food, I take three deep breaths to calm down, and the crazed cravings tend to subside. With a clearer mind, I can choose a healthy option that supports my needs and is not served with a side of guilt.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

The Perfect Treadmill Workout For a New Runner

If you're new to running, I'm a firm believer in easing into your relationship with running to give your body time to adjust to the physical demands - you don't want to get so sore that you never want to run again. Mixing walking and running is a great way to get your heart rate up while priming your body for distance and speed. Here's a 40-minute walking/running workout perfect for beginners - or for seasoned runners in the mood for a lighter workout.

Click here for a printable version of this workout. As always, if this workout is too hard or too easy, feel free to decrease or increase the speed. I would keep the incline set to 1.0 because this helps prevent shin splints, which can be a common problem for new runners. Try to do this workout three times in one week. The following week, after warming up for the first 10 minutes, run for three minutes and walk for three minutes, keeping the last two segments at two minutes each, then cool down with walking. Try it. You just might get hooked on running.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

Trying to Lose Weight? These 50 Healthy Lunches Will Help

Cooking and packing up a quality healthy lunch is a good idea for so many reasons. Whether or not you're trying to lose weight, bringing your own lunch to work keeps you in charge of the ingredients that fuel your body and helps you perform at your best both at work and in the gym. Regardless of your dietary limitations and preferences, (at least!) one of these 50 healthy recipes will fit the bill and make its way into your lunchtime rotation.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

7 Quotes About Nature Made More Beautiful by Jared Leto

It's official: we want to take our next camping trip with Jared Leto. The actor has been on a nature tour of sorts, sharing photos from national parks like Yosemite and Yellowstone, where he's been hiking, rock climbing, and just generally embracing outdoor life. It's hard to imagine Half Dome looking more awe-inspiring than it already does, but put Jared in front of it, and its national-treasure status somehow increases tenfold. Add a nature quote next to it all, and the beauty is enough to crush you.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

Julianne Hough's Favorite Dance Move For a Better Butt

As the July/August Women's Health cover star, Julianne Hough dishes on some of her favorite ways to stay healthy and happy, no matter how busy things get. With a nationwide dance tour and a new role as Sandy in Fox's upcoming Grease reboot, the dancer knows a thing or two about taking care of yourself when things get hectic. Check out Julianne's favorite ways to work out and have fun here!

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

How You Can Climb 3,000 Feet Without Ever Leaving Your Desk

If you have never rock climbed before, Google's new street view of Yosemite's iconic El Capitan will either motivate or scare you for life. At 3,000 feet, the sheer granite face is considered one of the world's hardest to climb, reserved for experienced rock climbers. To give everyone else a taste of what it's like to scale the wall, Google Maps created its first-ever interactive vertical street view, working with Yosemite National Park Service to map out "the Nose," the most famous climb along El Cap.

The unique feature allows anyone to virtually climb the monolith, starting from the base with three legendary climbers - Lynn Hill (the first person to ever free climb the Nose), Alex Honnold (who, along with climber Hans Florine, holds the speed record for climbing the Nose), and Tommy Caldwell (who made history this year by completing the most difficult ascent on the wall - if not the world). "El Cap is an intimidating environment for experimentation, but years of setting ropes proved pretty helpful in figuring out how to get the equipment rigged and ready to collect Street View," Tommy said. The end result of this street view is pretty spectacular. Soak in the 360-degree views from El Capitan as you make your way up the wall. No gear or experience necessary.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

12 Netflix Documentaries That Will Make You Want to Be Healthy

After an indulgent period, I need a little bit of a healthy reboot. Streaming an awesome documentary on Netflix always inspires me to get my head back in the game and get serious about my health. If you're in need of a healthy reset, turn on one of these flicks tonight. You might just be inspired to clean up your diet, get back to yoga, or even sign up for a crazy-challenging race.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

The 1 Kettlebell Move to Sculpt Your Legs, Butt, and Core

This killer kettlebell move from Self will give you a total-body workout in no time.

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Kat Borchart

Surely by now you know that exercising with a kettlebell is one of the most effective ways to torch calories and sculpt a hot bod (including killer abs). But these wonky weights can be awkward and intimidating.

To ease your way into a full-on 'bell workout - or if you're a veteran whose skills could use some honing - we got Kettlebell Kickboxing founder Dasha Libin to walk us through a kettlebell move you absolutely must master: the KB Jiu-Jitsu Get Up. "This move is ideal for working your glute, core, and leg strength," says Libin. "It will help you get your heart rate up and build strong, agile muscle."

Do It: Lie face-up holding a kettlebell, one hand around each horn, at your chest. Start with your right leg bent so your foot is flat on the floor and your left leg is tucked under your right. Sit up, keeping the 'bell against your torso (as shown). Push off your right leg to stand, leaning forward slightly and keeping your left leg behind your body. Now stand straight and bring your left knee to hip height in front of your body. Reverse the exercise to lower back to start. Do 10-15 reps, then switch sides.

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Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

When Your WOD Doesn't Go as Planned

If you've ever done a WOD, these #CrossFitFails may be all too familiar. Beware: they might make you never want to take a CrossFit class again - or ever!

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

The 5 Foods You Should Include in Every Meal

Eating right doesn't have to involve a complicated system of rules. If you strive to include the following five foods in every meal, not only will you feel satisfied and energetic, your body will get all the necessary nutrients it needs to stay healthy.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

mardi 23 juin 2015

If Fitness Class Descriptions Were Actually Honest, This Is What They'd Say

Let's face it, fitness classes these days are getting tougher and tougher, making #fitnessfails way more likely to happen. It doesn't help that the descriptions most gyms use for their classes are totally bogus. Luckily, blogger Geraldine DeRuiter of The Everywhereist took it upon herself to try out a plethora of exercise classes and write up what she thinks future attendees need to know.

As my recent foray into Paleo eating suggests, I've tried (and triumphantly failed) to be healthier. A big component of that failure isn't just that I like eating things made primarily of butter - it has to do with my woeful attempts at exercise. I regularly take classes that, had I known what I was signing up for, I never would have agreed to while sober.

Source: DreamWorks

Part of the blame lies with me - I tune out the instructors because I'm trying to figure out how, in a room lined with mirrors, I can pick the wedgie my workout pants give me without anyone noticing. Whenever the music starts, unsure of what to do, I flail around like my sports bra is on fire.

But the gyms and studios I frequent should also be held accountable, because the descriptions on their website are woefully vague: "energizing," "fast-paced," and "emphasizing strength and form" mean absolutely nothing. I've had naps and bowel movements that met all those criteria. But I think gyms rarely use more accurate descriptions, like "vomit in front of strangers" and "question if that's sweat or urine on your pants," because these might deter a more discerning customer.

To spare others from a similar fate, I've created new descriptions for some of these classes.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

Obese Americans Now Outnumber Those Who Are Overweight, Study Says

The latest numbers show that the obesity epidemic is only getting worse in the US. According to a new report published in the Journal of American Medicine (JAMA), it's hit an all-time high: more US adults are obese in this country than those who are overweight. Adding to this eye-opening statistic is that the majority of all US adults are either obese or overweight: two-thirds of adult women and three-quarters of adult men to be exact.

To determine these numbers, researchers from the Washington University School of Medicine looked at data gathered between 2007-2012 from an ongoing study performed by the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, which involved 15,000 men and women over the age of 25. Based on these findings, researchers estimate that 36 million men and 29 million women are overweight, while 32 million men and 36 million women are obese.

Being obese or overweight is linked to multiple health risks, which include susceptibility to certain cancers, heart disease, and Type 2 diabetes. "We see this as a wake-up call to implement policies and practices designed to combat obesity . . . to implement what we already know to accelerate obesity prevention and treatment," study author Lin Yang told CBS News.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

Sign Up For Our No-Equipment-Needed Workout Challenge!

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

5 Superfruits to Make Your Summer Even Healthier

Are you looking for healthy, fresh foods for Summer? Dietitian Julie Upton, MS, RD, of Appetite For Health, has five superfruits that you can incorporate into your diet today.

Load up your cart with these fresh finds to savor the flavor of Summer.


Berries are among the most nutrient- and antioxidant-packed fruits, but blueberries are known for their ability to help keep your mind sharp as you age. Other studies shows that they also provide heart-health benefits and anticancer properties and may even help reduce muscle soreness and speed recovery postexercise. A cup of fresh blueberries has 80 calories, 25 percent of your daily vitamin C, and 3.5 grams of filling fiber.

Great as a snack (alone or with yogurt), blueberries are also great to add to your favorite smoothie, as well as an ingredient in whole-grain side dishes or salads.


The sweet, fragrant scent of the cantaloupe is another unmistakable sign of Summer. A cup of cantaloupe has just 50 calories. They're also loaded with fiber, potassium, vitamin C, and beta-carotene. Consider cantaloupe your secret to beautiful skin as the beta-carotene helps protect it from harmful UVA and UVB rays. And, since they are about 90 percent water, they help you feel fuller.

Enjoy cantaloupes sliced or diced, and add them to your Summer salads.


Nothing screams "Summer" like a ripe, juicy peach. The hot-weather, fuzzy-skinned fruit is at its peak from June through September, so now's the time to enjoy them. This sweet Summer fruit not only tastes amazing, but it's also a nutritional powerhouse. In just 60 calories, a medium peach packs in more than 20 different essential nutrients including fiber; vitamins A, C, and E; antioxidants; potassium; and zinc.

Peaches are a perfect snack but can also be a featured ingredient in many dishes, from appetizers to desserts and even beverages. They're excellent baked, grilled, or pan-seared and topped with cinnamon for a guilt-free dessert. Need a sweet treat that will please everyone at your next cookout? Try this grilled peach recipe that has fewer than 35 calories per serving.


One serving of eight strawberries has more vitamin C than an orange and is packed with beneficial antioxidants and nutrients including potassium, folate, and fiber. And here's some food for thought: a study reported in the Annals of Neurology found that strawberries might slow cognitive decline by up to two and a half years.

Use strawberries in your favorite salads or as a topper for your yogurt or hot or cold cereal. You can also use strawberries as you would a tomato for a caprese salad with fresh tomatoes, mozzarella, and basil.

Sweet Cherries

Succulent sweet cherries are in season only from June through August, so enjoy them while they last! Sweet cherries are high in fiber and potassium while remaining low in calories ― just one cup of sweet cherries is about 100 calories. Their deep red color ― due to compounds called anthocyanins - not only makes them beautiful but also brings an added health benefit. Studies show that anthocyanins help reduce pain and temper inflammation.

They're picked once a year, so enjoy these special treats as a delicious snack on their own or you can pit them and use in salads (a chicken-cherry Waldorf salad is one of my favorites!).

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

Uh-Oh: Your Favorite Skinny Jeans Might Land You in the Hospital

Skinny-jean-lovers, you might not want to believe this, but the denim style can actually be dangerous for your health. In fact, one woman recently landed in the hospital for four days and was unable to walk from wearing skinny jeans.

The woman had been helping her friend pack and move for several hours and was also squatting for long periods of time. Later in the evening, she tripped and fell because her feet were so numb and swollen. Once she arrived at the hospital, tests showed that there was muscle damage in her calves. "She wore such tight jeans that the muscles in her legs below her knees started to swell," said Dr. Jaydeep Bhatt, a clinical assistant professor of neurology at NYU Langone Medical Center.

The condition, known as compartment syndrome, is a painful swelling of the muscles and can lead to permanent muscle and nerve damage (or, in worst cases, amputation). "In order for you to squat, your muscles have to be closer together, so more muscle in less space," Bhatt said. "It's the perfect storm when you're wearing insanely tight jeans to make bad things happen."

Skinny jeans have often been attributed to compression and can affect the muscles, nerves, or organs. Doctors who treated the woman said had it not been for emergency intervention, the condition would have also damaged her kidneys. Luckily, after four days of rest and IV treatments, the woman was able to walk again.

The warning signs that skinny jeans may be hurting you? Bhatt said numbness and tingling sensations accompanied by weakness is never a good sign. If you've ever experienced these symptoms, it may be time to switch to flares!

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

Short and Intense, This 10-Minute CrossFit Video Will Leave You Sweaty and Sore

Grab a set of dumbbells and get ready to get your CrossFit on with Reebok ambassador Yumi Lee. In this 10-minute workout, Yumi leads you through three rounds of full-body exercises. The moves are simple, but the pace makes it intense. It's an efficient workout that will work you from head to toe. Press "play," and get ready to sweat.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

You Won't Believe What These 2 People Can Do While Surfing

Riding the waves like a BOSS!

Posted by Frank Medrano on Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Surfing on its own is an amazing feat. The ability to stay balanced on a tiny flat surface with waves crashing and wind blowing all around is hard enough. Balancing with someone else on your board - now that seems even harder. But holding someone above your head while staying completely still? Almost unbelievable. Acrosurfing? Surfyoga? Circusurfing? Sounds like a new sport in the making. You've got to see it to believe it.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

9 Surprising Ways to Burn More Calories

Want to make sure you're not wasting your time at the gym? Keep these tips in mind to maximize calorie burn and help you get in and out.

  1. Have caffeine before: A little bit of caffeine can help improve your stamina, strength, and speed, studies show. Go for one milligram of caffeine per kilo of body weight (for example, a 130-pound woman should consume 59 milligrams of caffeine, or about five ounces of coffee) to reap the benefits.
  2. Make sure you warm up: You want to get in and get out, but if you want to maximize what your body can do during your workout, you've got to take a few minutes to ease into your session. Start with a five-minute jog or these dynamic stretches in order to help make sure your workout is a good one.
  3. Do intervals or supersets: Who wouldn't want to burn more calories in less time? High-intensity intervals or strength-training supersets (doing a pair of exercises in quick succession) rev up your metabolism and burn more calories faster than a slower, steadier workout.
  4. Go in the morning: Research has shown that morning exercisers burn more calories, possibly because that's when your body's energy is at its peak. If, however, you don't feel like you're better before dawn, go when you feel your most energetic.
  5. Work out with a fit friend: A recent study found that those who exercised with a fit friend ended up performing better in their workouts than people who exercised more. If you can't sync up with a workout buddy, find a studio or gym class so you can challenge yourself.
  6. Go for five more minutes: You've done the hard part, so why not go for a little bit longer for even more calorie burn? You can even end up burning 50 extra calories. Pushing yourself to go a little bit longer every few sessions can help challenge your body so you continue to see results.
  7. Eat a post-workout snack: Want to burn more calories even after your workout is done? Feed those overworked muscles. Having a carb- and protein-rich snack within two hours of your workout will help repair muscles to make them stronger - and bigger muscles means higher metabolism. These post-workout snacks under 150 calories will help you feed your body before your next meal.
  8. Stay hydrated: Dehydration can cause fatigue, so make sure you keep energy levels up by staying hydrated throughout your workout. Six ounces every 15 minutes should do the trick, or just make sure you bring along a water bottle and sip when you're thirsty.
  9. Multitask: Don't just stand there doing bicep curls - work multiple parts of your body at once for a more-effective sweat session. That means pick up weights when you squat and incorporate total-body moves like planks and burpees into your sets. Check out this video of three of our favorite total-body moves for ideas.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

Time For a Quickie? Your New Favorite 6-Minute Arm Workout

Whether you're waiting for the coffee to brew, catching a few TV commercials, or have a couple minutes before bed, you can squeeze in this six-minute workout! You'll notice a difference in your strength and in the look of your arms by doing this workout regularly. Grab a set of dumbbells (three- to six-pounders) and repeat this six-exercise, three-minute circuit twice through.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

The Diet That Keeps This Ballerina From Feeling Bloated in Her Leotard

Ballerinas may make dancing look easy, but the most graceful performances take hours and hours to get just right. So what do you do when your job involves five days a week of rehearsals that can last six hours or more? You make sure that your diet includes foods that give you sustained energy throughout the day without making you feel weighed down. We asked Lauren Fadeley, a principal dancer at the Pennsylvania Ballet, to share her secrets for staying light on her feet and energized all day.

Snack healthy: Grazing throughout the day rather than having full meals helps keep Lauren from feeling fatigued. She starts her day with fruit, nuts, and coffee, then keeps a bag full of freshly cut veggies or Larabars for her to snack on every hour when the ballerinas get a break. Once practice is over, Lauren sits down to a big meal of lean proteins and veggies (spaghetti squash with a ground turkey tomato sauce is her favorite) that refuels her body and preps her for the next day's grueling schedule.

Beat bloat: Feeling bloat-free is important for many dancers. As Lauren says, "We have to wear a leotard all day long and stare at ourselves in a mirror - that can get a little hard!" That's why she sticks to a mostly Paleo and gluten-free diet during the week so she doesn't feel weighed down. "[Paleo] satisfies me so I don't feel hungry, but my stomach is good and I don't have digestive problems," she explains.

Know when to indulge: Lauren may stick to a Paleo diet during the week, but it's on weekends where she gets to eat all her favorites, like tacos with a side of chips and guacamole. Even so, she makes sure to sneak in treats every day, from dark chocolate during practice breaks or Paleo-friendly desserts like coconut milk ice cream after dinner. Her best advice? Listen to your body. "I eat what my body tells me to," she says. "There'll be times when I just need to eat a bagel to get me through a show." Contrary to what many believe, being a professional ballerina requires a lot of sweat and strength - and no one gets through a day of dancing without fueling up the right way. "Dancers do eat! You can't not eat to do this," Lauren says.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

15 Hot and Strong Dudes Who Love CrossFit

There's no denying it: CrossFit boxes are crawling with strong and handsome dudes. Whether you're a WOD enthusiast or someone who appreciates the work that goes into a rock-hard bod, you'll appreciate this sexy lineup - the six-packs and crazy feats of strength are staggering.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

lundi 22 juin 2015

7 Medicine-Ball Moves For an Even Better Workout

Adding some extra resistance to your strength-training routine can offer the results you're looking for, so bring a medicine ball into the mix! Challenge your whole body and update your workout with the following moves.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

With Abs Like These, CrossFit Star Christmas Abbott Knows Exactly How to Ditch Belly Fat

If you feel soft in the middle, you can either thank your mother for inheriting her blessed genetic predisposition for belly flab or your sweet kiddos who were created there. Whatever the reason, if you'd much rather have a sleeker midsection, as a mom of two, I can totally relate.

Although it's impossible to spot-reduce fat from specific areas, we've enlisted the help of Christmas Abbott, CrossFit competitor and author of The Badass Body Diet ($28), to help us ditch our pinch-more-than-an-inch tummies. As a formerly "skinny fat" woman who transformed her body through CrossFit and a dialed-in diet, Christmas understands how real women feel and also what they need to do to get the body they crave. "Food is your foundation, and fitness is the accessory," says Christmas. She believes that every meal and snack needs to embrace the macronutrient trifecta of proteins, carbs, and healthy fats to help reduce overall body fat, which will aid in reducing stubborn belly fat.

Christmas explains that all food can be categorized into a protein, a carbohydrate, or a fat. "You can't go wrong by dividing your plate into thirds and filling each section with a primo protein, primo carbohydrate, and primo fat." There are only two foods Christmas says to avoid - processed foods and alcohol - since these contribute to unwanted fat. If you want to know specifics about how many of each to eat, The Badass Body Diet outlines a diet plan based on your personal body type and goals.

What about exercise? Short, high-intensity training sessions are proven to help reduce belly fat faster than steady-state cardio. Below are some great examples of this type of workout.

And once the belly fat begins to dissolve, you'll want to reveal a carved, toned core with this 10-minute ab workout. Working out three times a week is great if you're starting out, then you can add additional days as your body becomes stronger. As a CrossFit competitor, Olympic lifter, and head trainer at CrossFit HQ, Christmas also makes a point that your workouts should be fun so you stick with them longer.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

General Mills Removes Artificial Coloring From All Its Cereals

Soon, your favorite breakfast cereals from when you were a kid will be getting a very grown-up makeover; General Mills announced today that by 2017, all of its cereals will no longer contain artificial flavors and colors.

The breakfast brand has already removed artificial ingredients from over 60 percent of its cereals, so the latest announcement will affect the rest of its offerings. First up - the rainbow-colored Trix, which will soon contain fruit and vegetable juices as well as spice extracts like tumeric and annatto seeds to create the cereal's signature bright red, yellow, orange, and purple puffs (currently, the ingredients list includes very unnatural-sounding ingredients like Red 40, Yellow 6, and Blue 1). Reese's Puffs cereals will also be the next product to get a revamp; the company says it'll use real peanut butter and cocoa as well as natural vanilla flavoring in its new recipe.

Lately, many companies have responded to growing consumer demand for fewer artificial ingredients in their food. Panera Bread announced in May that it is removing over 150 artificial ingredients from its foods, and Taco Bell and Pizza Hut also announced a similar recipe revamp weeks later. Even Kraft Macaroni and Cheese will be getting a makeover, with turmeric and paprika spices replacing artificial ingredients to make its signature orange hue. While you should still be a vigilant ingredient-list reader to ensure you know what's in your food, this new trend away from using artificial ingredients may help you eat a little easier.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

Because It Is Possible to Feel Healthier Almost Instantly

You don't have to exercise every morning before dawn or stick to nothing but salads - these simple tips will ensure you'll be your healthiest, happiest, and most energetic yet. Even better? Being consistent with these small habit changes can lead to big results if you're looking to lose weight. Get ready to feel your best ever with these 20 simple ways to be your healthiest self yet.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

Your 10-Minutes-to-Tone Arm Series

One of the many reasons I fell in love with SoulCycle has to be the arms workout that happens toward the end of class. I appreciate that the focus moves away from fast-paced cardio and toward strengthening the upper body, which is not something you'll find in other indoor cycling classes. For days I can't make it into the studio, I have the next best thing - the arm workout, below, created by San Francisco SoulCycle instructor Jenny Gaither. "This less-than-10-minute toning sequence is super fun and will go by quickly when playing the right music," Jenny says. And lucky for us, Jenny created a pumped-up playlist to accompany the workout.

"For all of the exercises, be sure to set your posture right with abdominals engaged, glutes squeezed, and the shoulder blades pulling back and down," says Jenny. "If you need to drop to one weight in any exercise to keep form, that is better then doubling up with poor technique." You'll also want to do your best to perform each rep to the beat of the music. Start the playlist, grab a light pair of dumbbells, and get ready to work!

You will need to download the free Spotify software or app to listen to our playlists.

Front to Side Biceps

  • Hold both dumbbells in your right hand in a half-kneeling position with your left leg forward. Place your left hand on your hip and keep your right arm straight by your side with your palm facing forward.
  • Perform a bicep curl, bending your elbow and bringing the dumbbells to your right shoulder. Keep your right elbow tight against your rib cage as you lower the dumbbells back to starting position.
  • Rotate from your shoulder so your palm faces the side, and bend your elbow to perform the bicep curl to the side, trying to reach your thumb as far back behind you. Don't arch your back or allow your opposite shoulder to roll forward. Slowly lower your arm, returning to the starting position. This counts as one rep.
  • Perform 10 reps.

Opening Doors

  • Hold both dumbbells in your right hand in a half-kneeling position with your left leg forward.
  • Keeping your right elbow glued to your side, bend your elbow to a 90-degree angle; your forearm will be parallel to the floor with your palm facing in toward your midline.
  • Keep your elbow glued to side and forearm parallel to the floor as you open your forearm out to the right - like moving the hand of a clock from 12 to 3 o'clock.
  • Bring your forearm back to the starting position. This counts as one rep.
  • Perform 10 reps.

Funky Chicken

  • Remain in a half-kneeling position with your left leg forward, holding your dumbbells in your right hand with your elbow at 90 degrees and your forearm parallel to the floor with your palm facing in.
  • Keeping your elbow bent to 90 degrees, raise your right arm to the side, stopping when the arm is parallel to the floor. Keeping the bend in your elbow, slowly lower your arm down to your side. This counts as one rep.
  • Perform 10 reps.

Row to Triceps Extension

  • Stand with your feet hip distance apart. Hold both dumbbells in your right hand, and bend at the waist. Keep your back parallel to the floor with a neutral spine - not rounded.
  • With a slight bend in your knees, reach your right hand toward the floor, with your left hand on your hip for stability.
  • Engage your abs, and bend your elbow behind you as you pull the weights to your torso. Keep arm tight to your torso with your elbow pointed upward. Throughout this exercise, keep shoulders and hips square with your collarbones wide and your chest open.
  • Slowly lower the weights back to the starting position to complete one rep. Repeat this move 10 times, and on the tenth rep, hold the row position with your elbow back to perform a triceps kickback.
  • Straighten your elbow, and extend your arm straight back, palms facing in. Squeeze your triceps, and then bend your elbow, returning to starting position. This counts as one rep. Perform 10 reps.

Now place your dumbbells in your left hand and switch legs (half-kneeling position with your right leg forward) to repeat the sequence on the other side. Once completed, run through the set two additional times, being sure to perform on each side. 

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

Here's What You Need to Know Before Doing Your First Beach Workout

Working out near the ocean waves makes an idyllic background, but it's important that you know what to expect before hitting the sand. We partnered with C9 Champion® at Target to highlight tips for tackling beach fitness. 

Beach workouts are great because they tone your entire body in a short amount of time, but they also vary greatly from traditional sweat sessions - for starters, the unstable surface makes basic things like walking much more challenging. So in order for you to make the most out of your time on the sand, we rounded up tips and ideas that will help with your next oceanside fitness routine. 

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

dimanche 21 juin 2015

On a Budget? Let These 25 Boutique Fitness Videos Help

If you're tired of handing over your hard-earned dollars for expensive boutique classes at a studio week after week, let these workouts come to the rescue. Whether you're a Pilates buff, cardio dance junkie, or bootcamp enthusiast, you'll find a ton of videos that will challenge your skills and make you excited to move. Concerned about missing out on the group fitness experience? Invite some friends over, and create that energy at home!

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

Sculpt and Strengthen With This Total-Body Yoga Flow

Want lean, limber, and strong muscles? Here's a fluid sequence you can try on your own. These nine poses will tone and strengthen every part of your body, so hop on your mat and keep reading. If you love this sequence, print out a copy to keep in your gym bag.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

Why It Took Me 5 Years to Lose 40 Pounds - Don't Make These Mistakes

My weight-loss journey wasn't one of those amazing stories like you see on The Biggest Loser where the pounds just melted off. Oh no. I spent years making the same mistakes over and over, which meant not losing a single pound. If you're on the quest to lose weight, learn from my story on what not to do and how I finally made the shift to where I am today.

Before - Circa 1999

  • Skipping breakfast: I knew I needed to eat less, so I would hold off on eating until I was absolutely famished, which meant nothing until lunchtime. Not only did this slow down my metabolism, but I also ended up feeling so hungry that I ate a much bigger lunch than I normally would have. This weight-loss tactic of mine actually made me gain weight. When I started eating breakfast, the pounds started to drop.
  • Nothing but yoga: When I was overweight, I felt really self-conscious wearing skintight pants in a group fitness class (my gym had huge mirrors), and I felt even worse running outside (it only took one rude comment out of a speeding car about my bouncing chest). Then, a good friend took me to my first yoga class, and I was hooked. The whole environment was so loving and supportive - it didn't matter what I looked like, and no one was looking at me. I started going three times a week but was puzzled that even after a few months, I wasn't losing weight. I didn't realize that not all types of exercise are the same, until another friend suggested I start including cardio. I started with some short 15-minute runs a few times a week, and it was like a light switch turned on. The scale numbers started going down, finally.
  • I was a carb queen: Crackers, bread, cereal, pasta? Sign me up! I loved carbs, and even though I chose the complex variety, they were still carbs. I ate them for every meal and snack, which didn't leave much room for high-fiber fresh fruits and veggies. I finally took a step back and realized that my diet consisted of mostly bread. My belly was not happy, and I ended up going gluten-free for six years. Of course, I didn't do that right either, since I just replaced the carb-loaded foods I normally ate with ones that were gluten-free, but when I started eating more produce, that's when I noticed a change in how my belly felt and looked.
  • Too much of a good thing: I inherited an enormous sweet tooth from my mother, and I knew I had to get that under control (and stop baking!). I started only shopping at health food stores and filled my kitchen with all the healthy foods I could find: cashews, dried mango, fresh juice, peanut butter, whole grains, and hummus. I cut out the cookies and ice cream, but it didn't matter because I never measured a single bite of the foods I was eating. Of course, I gained weight spooning peanut butter from the jar and didn't start losing it until I got a hold of some measuring cups and spoons to see what appropriate portion sizes really looked like.

After - Circa 2008

I was never naturally thin or fit, so when I gained that 40 pounds, I was probably already 10 or more pounds overweight to begin with. My weight-loss journey lasted about five years, much longer than it should have due to the mistakes I kept making. Once I started keeping track of my calorie intake, focusing on fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and whole grains, and was running and doing yoga regularly five times a week, it took about a year, losing a pound a week, to get me to my goal weight.

Being on the healthy path was so fulfilling, not just because it made me feel comfortable in my skin, but I just felt so much more radiant, more energetic. I wanted to share that with others, to help them feel that joy, so I became a yoga instructor in 2000 and a health and fitness writer in 2007.


Even through two pregnancies, I was able to maintain a healthy weight and get back to my prebaby body; it just took time and determination. So don't give up. Stick with your healthy ways, and you'll soon have an "After" picture to show off too.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

Printable Full-Body Circuit Workout - No Equipment Needed!

You have no excuses not to do this full-body circuit workout. Not only can you do it almost anywhere, but you don't need any special equipment (just a wall and a chair or bench). The entire workout takes about 20 minutes; first warm up with about five minutes of light cardio, then repeat each of these circuits twice. Get the PDF printable version of this workout here and learn more on how to do each exercise here.

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness

Take Our Squat Circuit Challenge! 30 Days to 200 Squats

Squat challenges are all the rage now, and while it certainly is an accomplishment to work your way up to 200, 500, or even 1,000 squats (yikes!), doing the same kind only works certain muscles. Here's a new challenge for you to try. It involves five different squat variations that you repeat and eventually work up to 200 reps in 30 days.

Here are instructions for the five different variations followed by a 30-day plan to get you all the way to 200. It's not advised to skip right to day 30 if you want to be able to walk the next day, so follow the plan and adjust it slightly according to your schedule and ability level. For a quick guide, here's a printable version of this Squat Challenge.

Number 1: Narrow Squat

  • Stand with your feet touching. Hold your hands comfortably in front of your chest to help you stay balanced and bend your knees, lowering your hips deeply, bringing your thighs parallel with the floor if you can. Be sure to keep weight back in your heels.
  • Then rise back up, straightening the legs completely, squeezing the glutes at the top of the movement to get the most out of the exercise.
  • This counts as one rep.

Number 2: Narrow Squat With Back Kick

  • Stand with your feet touching. Hold your hands comfortably in front of your chest or on your hips, and bend your knees, lowering your hips deeply so your thighs are parallel with the floor. Be sure to keep weight back in your heels.
  • Then rise back up, straightening the legs completely, and lift the left leg behind you for a back kick. Lower the foot back to the floor in a narrow squat position.
  • Do another squat, then straighten the leg, do a back kick with the right leg, and step the right foot back to meet the left.
  • This counts as one rep.

Number 3: Basic Squat

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width distance apart, feet parallel. Hold your hands out in front of you for balance. Bend your knees, lowering your hips deeply, bringing your thighs parallel with the floor if you can, keeping weight back in your heels.
  • Then rise back up, straightening the legs completely, squeezing the glutes at the top of the movement to get the most out of the exercise.
  • This counts as one rep.

Here's a video demonstrating the basic squat.

Number 4: Basic Squat With Side Leg Lift

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width distance apart, feet parallel. Hold your hands out in front of you for balance. Bend your knees, lowering your hips deeply so your thighs are parallel with the floor, keeping weight back in your heels.
  • Then rise back up, straightening the legs completely, and lifting the left leg out to the side, squeezing the outer glute.
  • As you step the foot back into shoulder-width distance position, squat down again. Then stand up and do a side leg lift on the right side. Lower the leg back to the starting position.
  • This counts as one rep.

Number 5: Sumo Squat

  • Stand with your feet wide, toes pointing out. Hold your hands comfortably in front of your chest to help you stay balanced and bend your knees, lowering your hips deeply so your thighs are parallel with the floor. Make sure to keep weight back in your heels
  • Then rise back up, straightening the legs completely, squeezing the glutes at the top of the movement to get the most out of the exercise.
  • This counts as one rep.

The Plan
Unlike other squat challenges, this involves five different variations to not only sculpt your legs and booty more effectively, but also to beat boredom and prevent overuse injuries. This plan incorporates rest days, so while you can hold off on squats that day, you can (and should) still do other workouts to target your nonsquatting muscles.

Day of Month Exercise Number of Squats
Day 1 6 reps of each 30
Day 2 10 reps of each 50
Day 3 6 reps of each, repeat 2x 60
Day 4 Rest 0
Day 5 5 reps of each, repeat 3x 75
Day 6 10 reps of each 50
Day 7 8 reps of each, repeat 2x 80
Day 8 Rest 0
Day 9 9 reps of each, repeat 2x 90
Day 10 6 reps of each, repeat 2x 60
Day 11 5 reps of each, repeat 4x 100
Day 12 Rest 0
Day 13 7 reps of each, repeat 3x 105
Day 14 6 reps of each, repeat 2x 60
Day 15 5 reps of each, repeat 5x 125
Day 16 Rest 0
Day 17 9 reps of each, repeat 3x 135
Day 18 5 reps of each, repeat 3x 75
Day 19 7 reps of each, repeat 4x 140
Day 20 Rest 0
Day 21 10 reps of each, repeat 3x 150
Day 22 8 reps of each, repeat 2x 80
Day 23 8 reps of each, repeat 4x 160
Day 24 Rest 0
Day 25 7 reps of each, repeat 5x 175
Day 26 6 reps of each, repeat 3x 90
Day 27 9 reps of each, repeat 4x 180
Day 28 Rest 0
Day 29 12 reps of each, repeat 3x 180
Day 30 10 reps of each, repeat 4x 200

Source:POPSUGAR Fitness