lundi 10 juillet 2017

Chelsea Clinton Sets Donald Trump Straight on the Real Role of First Daughters

If Donald Trump's presidency thus far has taught us anything, it's that his ideas about appropriate presidential conduct differ from what Americans have known thus far. So it should come as no surprise that President Trump reacted to Ivanka Trump's controversial decision to take her father's seat at a G20 Leaders Meeting by tweeting that it was "very standard."

Ivanka, who has insisted in the past that she tries to stay out of politics, is no stranger to taking seats at her father's important political summits. Historically, President Trump has taken his daughter's input into account when making important political decisions, and he vocally defends Ivanka whenever he feels she's been slighted. So when questions arose about whether Ivanka was a suitable substitute for her father at the G20 meeting - and why we had to be asking this in the first place - President Trump responded with a move that has (unfortunately) become his standard: bringing former presidential opponent Hillary Clinton and her family into the fray.

But former First Daughter Chelsea Clinton - who has used her own experience in the White House as a means to defend Trump's kids against unnecessary criticism - wasn't about to allow the president to use her as justification. She quickly set Trump straight about appropriate political conduct for White House family members, which of course is that the commander in chief's kids have no business presiding in the president's stead.

Other social media reactions echoed Clinton's sentiment. "If Chelsea sat in POTUS HRC's seat for five minutes everybody from Sean Hannity to Paul Ryan would be screaming impeachment," one Twitter user replied, and others went on to point out that Chelsea's advanced international relations degrees make her more qualified than Ivanka, regardless.

Chelsea's quick correction of Trump's stubborn attitude is sure to go unheeded by the president himself, but it's an excellent example of taking the high road. How many sharp responses from the Clinton family will it take for Trump to stop dragging them into his postelection politics? Guess we'll just have to wait and see.


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