Healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is one which helps to keep and improve people's health and well-being.Many governments and non-governmental organizations have made big efforts in healthy lifestyle and health promotion.

Mental Health

Mental health can be considered a very important factor of physical health for the effects it produces on bodily functions. This type of health concerns emotional and cognitive well-being or an absence of mental disorder.

Public health

Public health can be defined in a variety of ways. It can be presented as "the study of the physical, psychosocial and socio-cultural determinants of population health and actions to improve the health of the population.

Reproductive Health

For the UN, reproductive health is a right, like other human rights. This recent concept evokes the good transmission of the genetic heritage from one generation to the next.


Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

mardi 26 mai 2015

6 Things You Never Thought to Ask Your Personal Trainer

Thinking about working out with a personal trainer? We partnered with C9 Champion® for questions you should take the time to go over with your workout motivator.

Making the decision to work with a personal trainer should be about the goals you want to accomplish, which might leave you feeling a bit selfish, but it's so important to have your voice heard when meeting with potential trainers. You're going to be spending some quality (and sweaty) time together, so run through a few questions you might not think to ask. While learning more about your future workout buddy, you might discover a few things about your fitness goals too.

  1. Why are you a personal trainer? You don't have to be blunt and toss out this question first thing, but it's a smart question to weave into your conversation. Learning how and why your trainer became certified can help create a bond - and it provides legitimate information about background and training.
  2. What's your fitness philosophy? If you're more easygoing and your potential trainer is big on pushing the limits, you might not be the right fit. But even if your personalities are different, it doesn't mean you shouldn't consider working together. Go with your gut, and you'll find the right match.
  3. Are you CPR/AED certified? You never know when an emergency might happen, which makes knowing if your trainer is up to date on CPR/AED training a comfort. And while you're on the subject, it's an opening to ask about other certifications or accomplishments your trainer is proud of, which provides the opportunity to share shining accomplishments.
  4. What's the longest you've worked with a client? It's good to know if your personal trainer has long-term regulars, which proves they're dedicated to your success. This is also a chance to inquire if she's ever had to break up with a client and why. It's always good to hear both sides.
  5. Are you a nutritionist? Many trainers toss out dietary advice, but if they aren't a certified nutritionist, all those suggestions are annoying. Let your trainer know up front if you're into dietary advice. This way you'll avoid uncomfortable conversation in the future.
  6. What's your honest opinion? After taking a few moments to size up your future professional trainer, ask about her feelings about your goals. Are you being realistic? Maybe there are a few key things you're missing when thinking about reaching your workout expectations. And if you aren't satisfied with answers, it might be a sign you aren't a match.

More from C9 Champion®

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

10 Ways to DIY the Best Fruit Water Ever

It's no secret that soda is bad news for your health (yes, even diet soda), but you might get tired of sticking to plain water all the time. Hydrating doesn't have to be boring when you add pretty - and detoxifying - fruits to the mix. With no added sugar except the few naturally occurring grams, fruit water is a great way to ensure you're getting the daily recommended amount of H2O. Plus, adding colorful fruit to a clear bottle or jar is just so pretty, you'll want to do it just for the Instagram! Read on for 10 ways to get creative with fruit water this Summer.

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

15 Beautiful Races to Cross Off Your Running Bucket List

If your idea of the perfect vacation happens only after you log hours of running, allow us to help you plan your next destination race. These beautiful, scenic courses are motivation enough to get training - or, if you've already signed up for your own race, may just be the perfect way to daydream through your next long run. Fuel your runner's wanderlust with these picturesque courses.

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

18 Moves to Terrifically Toned Inner Thighs

A toned inner thigh is a healthy inner thigh - attractive and strong. Show yours some love with these 18 inner-thigh exercises that will keep you feeling confident in shorts, skirts, and swimsuits all Summer long.

- Additional reporting by Leta Shy

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

lundi 25 mai 2015

No Cleanses Necessary: 6 Daily Detox Habits

The concept of detoxing doesn't have to be scary; there's no need to feel deprived, as you're taking care of your body! Incorporate these doable tips into your daily routine to support your health and feel your best every day.

  1. Drink hot water with lemon: Make a cup of hot water with fresh lemon juice part of your morning ritual. As you hydrate with H2O, the lemon works to balance your body's pH and aid in healthy digestion.
  2. Sweat it out: Beyond weight-loss goals, a quick cardio session at the gym builds sweat, which helps your body eliminate toxins. If you have access to a sauna or steam room at the gym, even better! A little extra time in these facilities after a solid workout will help you sweat, detox, and purify your body double time.
  3. Eat more produce: Keeping your diet consistently clean and full of natural, unprocessed foods is one of the most effective ways to detox every day - and a clean diet is full of fresh veggies and fruits. Be sure to incorporate detoxifying produce that supports healthy liver and kidney function like cabbage, beets, and leafy greens.
  4. Try yoga twists: Yogi superstar Tara Stiles puts it best: "Twists just get things moving." Your digestive system and all your internal organs reap benefits from twisting postures that put your body in positions it's not used to. Build your own internal heat with a detoxifying yoga sequence full of twists and strength-building postures.
  5. Cook at home: Eating out at restaurants should be an occasional treat - not an everyday occurrence. Cook at home to have complete control of the healthy ingredients going into your meal. You never know what restaurants toss into the mix with flavor - not health  - in mind. Check out these detox recipes for kitchen inspiration.
  6. Sip on green tea: Overstimulating with loads of coffee can leave you feeling anxious and unfocused, so swap out your second cup of joe for antioxidant-rich green tea. It's high in catechins, which speed up liver activity and increase the production of detoxification enzymes.

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

Jessica Alba's Bikini-Body Secret: CrossFit

Get ready to take your workout to the next level with Jessica Alba's CrossFit trainer, Yumi Lee. This workout is excuse-proof: you don't need any equipment, and it's only 10 minutes long, but it will definitely get your heart pumping. No need to be intimidated by CrossFit either: Yumi provides level-appropriate variations for every move. Press play and get ready to work!
More workouts you will love:
Feel the Burn: 10-Minute Tabata Workout
The Hard Core, Look-Good-Naked Workout
40-Minute Metabolism-Boosting Workout

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

Flip Your Burpee on Its Head to Work Your Abs Even More

Whether you love (or hate) the classic burpee, you can't argue that it's a great cardio move that works every muscle. Here's a playful variation to try that targets the core big time - it's so fun your abs won't even realize they're getting majorly ripped. And because it's still a burpee, your legs and butt will get an equally good workout.

  1. Begin standing with the arms extended overhead.
  2. Bend the knees and, in a controlled motion, lower your tush all the way to the floor.
  3. Roll onto your back, drawing your knees toward your face.
  4. Use momentum to kick forward, landing on the feet.
  5. Rise to stand, and do an explosive jump straight up, getting as much height as you can. Remember to keep your elbows bent and palms off the floor while you rise so you're using your core muscles and not your hands to help you get up.

Start off rolling through 10 in a row, or if you're ready to step it up, try this challenge: see how many reverse burpees you can do safely and effectively in one minute.

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

Start the Day Off Right With These Detox Breakfasts

There's no better way to start off the day right than with breakfast, and all the better if your first meal of the day helps get your body back on track from any less-than-healthy transgressions from the day before! If you're looking for healthy ways to detox, read on for seven breakfast drinks and recipes to help you feel your best.

Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Anna Monette Roberts / Lizzie Fuhr / Nicole Perry

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

Hangover Helpline: What to Do When You've Had Too Much

No one ever wants to drink too much, but sometimes festivities happen. Keep this guide handy for preventing and dealing with the horrible hangover.

Preventing a Hangover

Know this: if you're going to go out and toss back more than a few drinks, you're going to pay the price; the body isn't designed to binge on bad stuff and feel great the next day. But before you even get to the worst-case scenario, there are a few things that can help you prevent a hangover altogether - or at least make it a bit more manageable.

  • Don't drink, or at least drink less: Instead of giving yourself unlimited access to the champagne bar, limit yourself to one or two cocktails. Drink slowly, and as a rule, don't consume more than one drink per hour, which helps give the body time to metabolize the alcohol. Also, one drink does not mean a Long Island Tea. We're talking a beer, a glass of wine, or roughly one ounce of hard liquor.
  • Drink water, and lots of it: Since alcohol dehydrates the body, begin and end your night of drinking with plenty of water, and for every alcoholic beverage you consume, match it with another glass of water. An easy trick is to alternate between a cocktail and a glass - or two! - of water while you are out for the night.
  • Don't drink on an empty stomach: Having food in your stomach helps dilute the concentration of alcohol in your belly. Fill up on good-for-you foods with an emphasis on complex carbs.
  • Be choosy with what you drink: Whenever possible, stay away from sugary and carbonated drinks, since they speed up the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream, and opt for choices that have a low alcohol content, like sake, soju, or low-cal vodka. Drink clear liquors over colored ones: darker alcohol like bourbon or red wine contain more congeners, a substance that help contribute to hangovers.

Too Late! What to Eat Once a Hangover Hits

If the old adage everything in moderation was tossed out the window, next-day food choices can be your saving grace. Even if a greasy breakfast sandwich is the only thing you're craving, make sure to eat; food helps break down the alcohol in your system. Once you've eaten, ward off a headache with some OTC ibuprofen (avoid pain relievers containing acetaminophen, like Tylenol, because they may cause liver damage), and don't skip that cup of coffee; aside from being a little pick-me-up, it's been shown to help ward off a hangover-induced headache. If you had a few drinks too many and are suffering from specific symptoms, here's which foods to reach for.

  • Dehydration: You need to hydrate. Your throat and mouth are dry due to dehydration, which is caused by the diuretic properties of alcohol. Dehydration also affects your muscles, making them feel weak. Drink plenty of water, and replace lost electrolytes with a low-sugar electrolyte-replacement drink or coconut water.
  • Upset stomach: Excessive alcohol irritates the lining of the stomach, causing nausea, digestive issues, or, in really bad cases, vomiting. Start with some Alka Seltzer, and eat bland and easily digested foods like bananas, saltine crackers, or broth.
  • Irritability and fatigue: Because the liver gets backed up trying to metabolize the alcohol, you might be experiencing low blood sugar, which can result in you feeling irritable and moody. While most any food can help spike up sugar levels in the body, in small studies, fructose has been shown to speed up the body's ability to metabolize alcohol. Give yourself a tall glass of orange juice after a night of drinking, or press your hangover away with this fresh juice recipe.

The Best Exercise Remedies

Before you hit up that hour-long indoor cycling class, you may want to think twice. On its own, exercise is not an effective cure against a hangover, said Ruth C. Engs, RN, Ed.D., a professor at Indiana University who has done extensive research on the effects of drinking. While the endorphin rush can counteract the pain (albeit momentarily), the dehydration that comes along with an intense exercise session can worsen symptoms. Take into account how bad you're feeling, and if you can't bear to miss a workout, then opt for a light cardio session or restorative yoga class. But what your body probably needs right now is rest.

Alcohol does a number on sleep patterns; the pituitary gland becomes confused and releases the wrong amount of hormones that regulate sleep; the central nervous system also becomes overexcited, causing sensitivity to light, sound, and touch. All of the above means you do not get a good night of quality sleep. If your hangover is really bad, don't feel guilty for taking the day off to relax and get some shut-eye.

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

Burgers and Pasta Salad Have You Overstuffed? Yoga to Ease Digestion

If you need a little relief after enjoying an obscene barbecue feast, instead of plopping on the couch and chewing on some Tums, try this relaxing yoga sequence to get things flowing and moving naturally.

- Additional reporting by Lizzie Fuhr

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

6 Healthy Bedtime Rituals That Will Make Tomorrow Awesome

Waking up groggy and unprepared does not make for a happy morning. Incorporate these bedtime rituals into your evening routine, and you'll immediately reap the positive benefits.

  1. Sip different: While a glass of wine or another boozy nightcap can make for a nice night, it is not supporting your goals for the next day. Stick with these better-for-you before-bed drinks that won't mess with your energy or sleep.
  2. Snack right: Certain snacking can support a healthy night's sleep. Opt for something light (around 150 calories) like these calm-inducing snacks.
  3. Pick up, pack up: Spend 10 minutes tidying up your home and packing up your work and gym bags for the following day. This way, you wake up to a clean, Zen space, and you'll have more time to linger over your coffee and breakfast.
  4. Write it down: Instead of trying to run down a long mental list (and inevitably forget something), write down what you need to do the following day - especially the things you tend to forget. Since I've adopted this habit, I'm much calmer in the morning and have not left my apartment without grabbing my lunch first.
  5. Turn it off: Keeping your electronics on all night is affecting your sleep patterns, which can zap your energy the following morning. Say goodbye to Netflix binges in bed, and unwind with a book or magazine instead.
  6. Get to bed: Listen to your body when it's tired! It's imperative to make sure you're getting at least seven hours of sleep every night, so you wake up feeling fabulous and ready to take on whatever tomorrow might bring.

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

dimanche 24 mai 2015

Rapper's Delight! Train Like the Elite With This 1-Hour Running Playlist

If you love rap music and are serious about running, this playlist is the best of both worlds. When distance-running coach Jack Daniels analyzed the stride of a number of elite runners, he learned that they almost all took 180 steps per minute, which helps take the bounce off your stride and can help prevent injury and keep you energized. Instead of having to count your steps, we've taken all the guesswork out of the equation with this mix! Each song included in this hour-long playlist is 90 BPM - the perfect pace to help you keep in the 180 step-per-minute range. Subscribe to the Spotify playlist, and check out the full list of songs below.

  1. "All Things Go" - Chiddy Bang
  2. "Get Money" - Junior M.A.F.I.A.
  3. "Fuego" - Pitbull
  4. "Dead and Gone" - T.I. featuring Justin Timberlake
  5. "Bad Boy For Life" - P. Diddy featuring Black Rob and Mark Curry
  6. "Body on Me" - Nelly featuring Ashanti and Akon
  7. "Feel Me Flow" - Naughty by Nature
  8. "Freedom" - Nicki Minaj
  9. "'03 Bonnie & Clyde" - Jay Z and Beyoncé
  10. "Fast Car" - Wyclef Jean featuring Paul Simon
  11. "Just a Dream" - Nelly
  12. "Smart Went Crazy" - Atmosphere
  13. "Ugly" - Bubba Sparxxx
  14. "Stay Fly" - Three 6 Mafia
  15. "Concrete Schoolyard" - Jurassic 5

If this mix doesn't suit your musical tastes, check out all of our workout playlists here.

Remember, you will need to download the free Spotify software or app to listen to our playlists.

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

Science Explains Why Being Hangry Is a Real Thing

I'll admit it: I've been known to come down with a serious bout of hanger. One minute, I'm happy waiting for a table with friends; then, in an instant, I have to excuse myself out of the restaurant to collect myself because I'm feeling so upset and can't handle any conversation. For years, I thought it was all in my head, but finally, I have science on my side!

Hanger is real, and it happens where self-control stops. When your body and brain are not fueled with sufficient calories, your ability to control anger or even forgive a loved one is inhibited, since blood sugar levels and the self-regulating hormone serotonin plummet. In one study out of the University of Cambridge, researchers controlled the diet of their subjects in order to manipulate their serotonin levels and found that low levels of serotonin weakened communication between certain parts of the brain and significantly affected the brain's ability to communicate and control emotional responses than if serotonin levels were normal. This why you act (and feel) a little crazy when you have not eaten.

But hanger doesn't have to happen to you! Learning how to recognize when you're actually hungry will help you time meals right, and you need to keep smart snacks close. Foods that are too high in sugar might give you a short boost, but they'll keep your blood sugar levels and mood yo-yoing up and down all day long. According to Dawn Jackson Blatner, RDN, you need something with a blend of produce and protein to keep you feeling energized, balanced, and satisfied. To all the hangry people out there, your friends and family thank you advance for your commitment to snacking and staving off hanger pains.

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

Tone Those Inner Thighs With This Lazy-Girl-Approved Move

If you're looking to tighten and strengthen your inner-thigh muscles, this exercise series will tone your legs and help you feel more confident, whether you're in tight jeans, a bathing suit, or . . . well, you get the picture.

Don't let the "lazy" lying position of this move fool you; this inner-thigh series is challenging and will make those muscles shake! Here's how to to do it.

Inner-Thigh Series

Starting position: Lying on your side, lengthen your bottom leg, and cross your top leg over, resting either your top knee (as pictured above) or the top of your foot on the floor. Prop your head up with your hand, or rest your head on your arm. Work in side-lying neutral to keep your torso steady, and concentrate the work in your inner thigh rather than allowing your back to create the motion. To find neutral, reach your top hip down so your pelvis is level. Your waist should pull away from the floor a bit. Maintain this position as you do the movements below.

  • Straight-up lifts: As you exhale, lift your bottom leg, and inhale as you lower it back down without letting it touch the floor. Your torso should stay still while you do this. This counts as one rep. Perform 15 reps.
  • Tiny pulses: As you exhale, lift your bottom leg up, keep it in the air, and pulse 10 times. Then lower the bottom leg to your mat.
  • Small circles: Exhale, lift your bottom leg, and keep it in the air. Begin to draw tiny, controlled circles forward, and be sure your torso remains on the ground. Circle 10 times forward, then 10 times backward. Lower your leg to the ground.
  • Go halfway: As you exhale, lift your bottom leg halfway up, and pause on your inhale. On your exhale, lift your bottom leg all the way up, and pause your inhale. Then lower halfway down, and pause before lowering your leg all the way down to the ground. This completes one rep. Perform 15 reps.

Once you finish the series, be sure to switch sides so both legs get to enjoy this workout! Work your way up to repeating all four variations two or three times on both sides.

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

What to Skip, What to Sip: Starbucks's Creamy, Icy Drinks

If Spring fever has you craving a cool, refreshing sweet treat - inspiring you to head to your local Starbucks for a creamy drink, like the Caffè Espresso Frappuccino - before downing 380 calories in a few chilly sips, you should consider your choices. These stats will help shave calories off your order.


Instead of 16-oz. Caramel Frappuccino Blended Beverage: Coffee blended with caramel sauce, milk, and ice, topped with whipped cream and caramel sauce: 410 calories
Go For 16-oz. Caramel Frappuccino Light Blended Beverage: Coffee blended with caramel sauce, milk, and ice: 140 calories
Calories Saved 270


Instead of 16-oz. Iced Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha: Espresso, milk, white chocolate flavored sauce, and peppermint flavored syrup on ice, topped with sweetened whipped cream: 500 calories
Go For 16-oz. Iced Skinny Mocha: Bittersweet skinny mocha sauce, espresso, and nonfat milk served over ice: 100 calories
Calories Saved 400


Instead of 16-oz. Caffè Vanilla Frappuccino: Coffee with vanilla bean powder, blended with whole milk and ice, topped with sweetened whipped cream: 430 calories
Go For 16-oz. Caffè Vanilla Frappuccino Light: Coffee flavored with vanilla and blended with nonfat milk and ice: 180 calories
Calories Saved 250


Instead of 16-oz. Strawberries & Crème Frappuccino Blended Crème: Strawberries and whole milk blended with ice and topped with a swirl of whipped cream: 370 calories
Go For 16-oz. Strawberry Smoothie: A nourishing blend of natural strawberry puree, a whole banana, nonfat milk, whey protein, fiber powder, and ice: 290 calories
Calories Saved 80


Instead of 16-oz. Double Chocolaty Chip Frappuccino Blended Crème: A creamy blend of rich mocha-flavored sauce, chocolaty chips, milk, and ice, topped with sweetened whipped cream and mocha drizzle: 420 calories
Go For 16-oz. Mocha Frappuccino Light Blended Beverage: Coffee with rich mocha sauce blended with nonfat milk and ice: 160 calories
Calories Saved 260

Java Chip

Instead of 16-oz. Java Chip Frappuccino Blended Beverage: Coffee with rich mocha-flavored sauce, blended with milk, chocolaty chips, and ice, topped with sweetened whipped cream and chocolate-flavored drizzle: 470 calories
Go For 16-oz. Java Chip Frappuccino Light Blended Beverage: Coffee with rich mocha-flavored sauce blended with milk, chocolaty chips, and ice: 210 calories
Calories Saved 260


Instead of 16-oz. Cinnamon Dolce Frappuccino Blended Beverage: Coffee with cinnamon dolce-flavored sauce, blended with milk and ice, topped with sweetened whipped cream and cinnamon dolce topping: 380 calories
Go For 16-oz. Cinnamon Dolce Frappuccino Light Blended Beverage: Coffee flavored with cinnamon syrup, blended with milk and ice: 110 calories
Calories Saved 270

And there's other good news! For a limited time, Starbucks is offering a mini 10-ounce Frappuccino size. Learn more about just how many calories you can save here.

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

Michelle Obama Proves How Fit She Is in This Motivational Video

Michelle Obama is known for her commitment to health and fitness, and she's been working to combat childhood obesity since launching the Let's Move campaign in 2010. In honor of the organization's five-year anniversary, the first lady launched the #GimmeFive campaign, which encourages people to share five ways they're living a healthier life by eating better and exercising more. Michelle shared her own video, "#GimmeFive FLOTUS Style," to show five ways she keeps active: jump rope, ab exercises, jump squats, bench presses, and boxing. See the motivational video of Michelle kicking ass in the White House's gym, and then get her enviable arms with these moves (spoiler: her incredible form will inspire you to do better).

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

6 Foods That Make You Feel Bloated in a Bikini

We know you're spending plenty of time getting your body bikini ready with healthy food and fun workouts. Finding the most flattering suits for your body is a great start, but being equipped with as many tools as possible will help you feel confident before running around on the beach. Don't be concerned about extra bloat before you rock your bikini! Here are six foods to avoid right before you hit the beach.

  1. Carbonated drinks: While you've hopefully taken the initiative to say goodbye to soda for good, sparkling water can be a decent substitute if you can't get enough of those bubbles. With that said, it's best to avoid any carbonated drinks before you hit the beach to steer clear of unnecessary belly bulge or gas.
  2. Salt: Supersalty foods or added salt don't necessarily make you gassy, but they definitely make you retain water. Even though those cantina chips and salsa may seem like the ideal prebeach grub, opt for something with lower levels of sodium to help you feel your best before you head to the ocean.
  3. Cruciferous veggies: They're great foods for long-term weight loss, but if there's one time not to chow down on a heaping helping of broccoli, cabbage, or kale, it's right before you hit the beach! These veggies contain a complex sugar called raffinose that's known to cause some lovely bloat.
  4. Gum: Chewing on gum may seem harmless for your debloating cause, but it can actually cause your belly to swell. The reason makes sense: you're swallowing large amounts of air.
  5. Sugary mixed drinks: While rum runners and piña coladas are nearly synonymous with dreamy resort beaches, all that extra sugar is not helping your cause. Between natural sugars and the artificial sweeteners found in these cool drinks, the high levels of fructose can make you bloat.
  6. Dairy: If you've got any form of lactose intolerance, then avoid dairy before you hit the beach. Between gas, bloating, and other belly discomforts, it's your best bet just to say no.

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

The Habit That Will Help You Lose the Extra Weight

Feel like you've got a little extra padding to deal with now that Summer is around the corner? The health experts at Harvard have an answer for you to help you shed the weight: keep your glycemic index (GI) chart handy.

In the December issue of Harvard Health Review, researchers note that it's not fat that you should be worried about if you are watching your weight - it's refined carbs. Recent studies have shown that refined carbs and simple sugars may be worse for your heart than saturated fats and that sticking to a low-carb, high-protein diet is the key to weight-loss success. But since we can't live off holiday ham alone, here's a simple solution: when faced with carb choices, go with low-GI foods, which slow down the rate that glucose (sugar) gets introduced into your body. High-GI foods, in contrast, cause a spike in your blood sugar as well as insulin, causing you to crave more sugary foods when your glucose levels drop.

The GI index ranks foods on a zero to 100 scale; in general, a GI of 1 to 55 is low, 56 to 69 is medium, and 70 to 100 is high - you should limit these high-ranking foods in your diet. If you know your GI values, you'll know that you need to avoid white rice, white flour, and packaged cereals, and choose whole grains, whole fruits, and other complex carbs instead. You can also choose foods that are low on the glycemic load scale, which measures the blood-sugar-raising power of that food. A glycemic load of 10 or less is low, 11 to 19 is medium, and 20 or more is high.

Following the glycemic index isn't a new concept, but it's a useful way to keep your eating habits in check when on the go. Knowing your numbers is a quick way to help ensure that you're making smarter choices whether you're at a party or just looking to get back on track. Check out a handy GI chart of a few foods below, and check out a list of GI and glycemic load values of 100 common foods here.

Food Glycemic index Glycemic load per serving
Apple 39 6
Baguette, white, plain 95 15
Banana, ripe 62 16
Brown rice 50 16
Carrots 35 2
Dates, dried 42 18
Cranberry juice cocktail 68 24
Graham crackers 74 14
Grapefruit 25 3
Green peas 51 4
Ice cream 57 6
Instant oatmeal 83 30
Milk, full fat 41 5
Milk, skim 32 4
Orange 40 4
Orange juice, unsweetened 50 12
Parsnips 52 4
Potato, russet, baked 111 33
Potato, white, boiled 82 21
Quinoa 53 13
Spaghetti, white, boiled 46 22
Spaghetti, wholemeal, boiled 42 17
Sponge cake, plain 46 17
Shortbread 64 10
Sweet potato, average 70 22
White rice 89 43
White basmati rice, quick-cooking 67 28
Whole-wheat bread 71 9
Yam 54 20

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

The Important Breast-Cancer-Awareness Photo You Need to See

You know how important it is to be checked for breast cancer, but sometimes the signs are a lot more subtle than you might catch. One woman spotted something underneath her breast that could have easily been overlooked, and now she's using her photo to spread awareness to other women about the importance of taking any mark seriously. Lisa Royle of Manchester, England, saw some "very subtle dimples" underneath her breast. Dimpled skin might not be one of the first signs of breast cancer that come to mind, but the American Cancer Society lists skin irritation and dimpling as possible symptoms. Lisa wanted to share this photo before undergoing a mastectomy in order to help educate other women about possible symptoms. See Lisa's post below, and then read about foods that lower your risk of breast cancer and 10 things every woman can do to help prevent breast cancer.

Ok so I never thought I'd post a boob picture on Facebook but I thought I would before it gets chopped off next week....

Posted by Lisa Royle on Monday, May 11, 2015

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

Your No-Excuses Bodyweight Workout

Let your body be your gym with this no-equipment workout. It's quick and fun and will torch calories while toning you all over. Press play, and get ready to rock this workout. No excuses - it's only 15 minutes long.

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

What's the Deal With Alcohol and Ibuprofen?

If you wake up with a headache after a night of overindulging, sometimes figuring out what painkiller to take can make the headache even worse. Taking acetaminophen (aka Tylenol) can lead to liver damage, but take note: you're also not supposed to drink while taking ibuprofen.

Ibuprofen drugs (like Advil) are part of the anti-inflammatory drug family known as NSAIDs, which can cause tears in the stomach lining if taken on an empty belly. Add alcohol to the mix, and the potential danger is heightened. If you take ibuprofen when drinking more than the recommended amount for women (about two to three drinks), you increase your risk of stomach irritation and bleeding. This is especially true for people who are prone to ulcers.

But wait! Taking Tylenol when you're hungover isn't such a good idea either, and aspirin has its downsides too. Acetaminophen can lead to liver damage if you take it in large doses for more than a couple of days. Heavy drinkers who take acetaminophen and don't eat enough can overtax their livers. According to researchers at Harvard Medical School:

If you drink a lot of alcohol - say, on a Saturday night - and take a normal dose of acetaminophen to deal with the hangover in the morning, you probably are not going to have liver problems. . . . The trouble starts when regular heavy drinkers take a lot of acetaminophen over a period of time - several days, at least, and maybe longer. (In this context, heavy drinkers are defined as people who regularly have three or more drinks a day.) A drinking habit and a poor diet often go hand in hand. Multiple high doses of acetaminophen are more dangerous for drinkers partly because their glutathione levels tend to be low because they don't eat well.

It may sound like popping a few Tylenols after a night or two of heavy drinking can't hurt, but the risks associated with taking Tylenol after recreational drinking are somewhat blurry. A Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advisory group found in a review of its database and a large liver failure study that the median dose that led to liver failure was between 5,000 and 7,000 milligrams of acetaminophen per day - scarily close to the current daily limit of 4,000 milligrams (eight extra-strength Tylenol). The FDA group recommended lowering the daily limit to 3,250 milligrams (or 10 regular-strength Tylenol pills a day) to help prevent accidental overdose.

So what's a hungover, headache-plagued gal to do - besides not drinking so much in the first place? Since the jury is still out on the exact effects of combining Advil or Tylenol with booze, it's probably best just to tough it out. While a recent study in rats found that coffee and aspirin are the best remedies for relieving hangover symptoms, it didn't look at possible alcohol interactions - and it is known that taking aspirin with alcohol can increase your risk of stomach bleeding. If you're looking to remedy a hangover, your best bet is to go natural with options like this fresh-pressed hangover juice or a yoga sequence to relieve your symptoms. Even better, help prevent a hangover the next time with these tips.

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

Long and Lean Full-Body Yoga Flow

It's time to slow it down and work your muscles while lengthening them, so today's workout is a yoga flow to help you get long and lean. It's perfect for stretching tight muscles while working your arms and core in surprising new ways.

Directions: move through the entire 12-pose sequence on the right side, and then repeat on the left.

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

From the Inside Out: How to Feel Confident in Your Bikini

Before you rock your bikini and expose more skin than usual, it's natural to feel a little nervous. If you can relate to this sentiment, then forget what everyone else will be thinking and start focusing on how you want to be feeling. Looking good in a bikini doesn't necessarily mean having a rock-hard body - it's all about your confidence! If you're tired of being in a cover-up all Summer long, then take these tips to heart the next time you slip your suit on.

Your Suit

While almost no one loves to go swimsuit shopping, it doesn't have to be such a painful process. Bring a close confidant or trusted friend along for advice, and take a few moments to touch up your hair, shave your legs, and add a little self-tanner. If you feel comfortable in your appearance from the start of this shopping trip, then it will be easier to keep up your confidence once the street clothes come off. Once you're in the store, grab a variety of suits in tons of sizes and styles to find the best bathing suit for your body. This will not be a quick in-and-out trip; you're going to need to spend a decent amount of time trying things on to find out what feels best.

Your Diet

A strict, unwavering diet is not sustainable for continued success. Even nutritionist Heidi Skolnik says there's "nothing pretty [about] looking four pounds thinner because [you] starved yourself the week before." Instead of keeping a rigid list about foods you can't have before your bikini, focus on what you can (and should) enjoy all the time: clean, unprocessed whole foods. If you're one day out from the beach and in a bind, then try our one-day debloating meal plan full of fresh, satisfying recipes. You can't make a huge change overnight, but choosing foods that serve your body will help you feel lighter the next day.

Your Posture

Good posture is not only essential for your spine's health, but can also help you look 10 pounds thinner. If you know you tend to slouch in, then visualize your new posture not like the letter "C" but more like the letter "S". Untuck your pelvis, engage your abs, and drop your shoulders back and away from your ears. This physical shift in your stance is a great tip not only for wearing a bikini, but also looking and feeling more confident wherever you are!

Your Attitude

If you're committed to seeing big changes in your body, then start an exercise regimen at least six weeks out. But when you're not trying to take off extra pounds, that's cool, too! Bikini season is full of certain stresses, but remember that it's also a blast. So many months out of the year we're bundled up indoors, doing our best to stay warm. Summer is all about sunshine, warm weather, and taking time to relax. With so much pressure to look perfect in a bikini, the best thing you can do is take a step back and chill. Recognize that while outside sources are sending specific messages, you are the only person who can change the way you feel about your body.

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

samedi 23 mai 2015

Know Your Cookout Calories

If Memorial Day means firing up the grill, overdoing it could be one reason you're feeling bloated in your bikini. If you arm yourself with the calorie count information below, you can celebrate the beginning of Summer without gaining a pound.

Calories Fat (g) Chol. (mg) Sodium (mg) Carbs (g) Fiber (g) Protein (g)v
Whole-wheat hamburger bun 120 2 0 160 18 2 6
Hamburger patty (4 oz.) on bun 329 15.7 70 218 18 2 25.8
Burger with American cheese on bun 389 20.7 75 448 20 2 28.8
Fixings (2 romaine lettuce leaves, 1 thick slice tomato, and 1 tbsp. ketchup) 34 0.2 0 165 7.6 1.4 0.9
Cheeseburger with fixings on bun 423 20.7 75 613 27.6 3.4 29.7
Veggie burger patty (Dr. Praeger's California) on bun 230 7 0 410 31 6 11
Veggie burger with American cheese on bun 290 12 15 640 33 6 14
Veggie burger with cheese and fixings on bun 324 12.2 15 805 40.6 7.4 14.9
Turkey burger (4 oz.) with bun 270 9 65 240 18 2 28
Turkey burger with American cheese on bun 330 14 80 470 20 2 31
Turkey burger with cheese and fixings on bun 364 14.2 80 635 27.6 3.4 31.9
Whole wheat hot dog bun 120 1.5 0 190 22 2 4
1 tbsp. ketchup and 1 tsp. mustard 23 .2 0 217 5.3 .2 .2
Hot dog (beef) on bun 270 15.5 25 650 23 2 10
Hot dog with bun, ketchup, and mustard 293 15.7 50 650 876 2.2 10.2
Tofu Pup on bun 180 3 0 490 24 3 12
Tofu Pup with ketchup and mustard on bun 203 3.2 0 707 29.3 3.2 12.2
Barbecue chicken breast (6 oz.) 280 3.5 85 290 28 0 32
Grilled sweet Italian sausage link (2.9 oz.) 260 21 60 610 3 0 14
Grilled salmon (4 oz.) 233 14 71 69 0 0 25

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

Top 10 Highest-Calorie Beers (and the 10 Lowest!)

Summer wouldn't be the same without cooling off with an ice-cold beer. If grabbing a beer is your go-to beverage but you're trying to stick to a healthy diet, it's important to know the calorie counts of common brands. Check out this list of a few of the highest- and lowest-calorie beers so you can choose the one that's right for you.

High-Calorie Beers

  1. Samuel Adams Boston Lager: 180 calories
  2. Guinness Extra Stout: 176 calories
  3. Sierra Nevada Pale Ale: 176 calories
  4. Pete's Wicked Ale: 172 calories
  5. Anheuser-Busch Ice Pale Lager: 171 calories
  6. Harpoon IPA: 170 calories
  7. Heineken: 166 calories
  8. Long Trail: 163 calories
  9. Killian's Irish Red: 162 calories
  10. Molson Ice: 160 calories

Low-Calorie Beers

  1. Budweiser Select 55: 55 calories
  2. Beck's Premier Light: 63 calories
  3. Miller 64: 64 calories
  4. Amstel Light: 95 calories
  5. Anheuser-Busch Light Pale Lager: 95 calories
  6. Michelob Ultra: 95 calories
  7. Natural Light: 95 calories
  8. Miller Light: 96 calories
  9. Heineken Light: 99 calories
  10. Corona Light: 99 calories

If looking at all those calorie counts has inspired you to drink light beer, find out which light beer tastes the best here.

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

A Natural Approach: 3 Sunburn Remedies

Prevention is the key to burn-free skin, but sometimes SPF lotion and a cute hat don't stand up to the Summer sun. Once you've been burned, start out by replenishing your fluids from the inside out by drinking plenty of water. If you're still in pain - or looking a little fried - then try out one (or a combination) of the following natural sunburn remedies to soothe your skin naturally.

Colloidal oatmeal: Think that oatmeal baths are just for kids with chicken pox? You won't be saying so once you've soaked in some milky oatmeal after a long day in the sun. But tossing the rolled oats from your kitchen into the tub won't do. Look for a colloidal oatmeal bath like this Aveeno Oatmeal Bath ($7) that calms down and works to heal inflamed skin.

Vitamin C: Instead of popping aspirin, upping your vitamin C can help alleviate sunburn damage. "I tell my patients to take 1,000 milligrams [of vitamin C] for three days, as opposed to the recommended daily allowance of 75 milligrams, and also apply the vitamin topically," says dermatologist Mary Lupo, MD. She suggests Philosophy's Turbo Booster C Powder ($35) as a topical solution for sunburn woes.

Aloe vera: Aloe vera is king of the natural remedies. Whether you have an inexpensive gel lotion or a fresh plant at home, aloe vera will help soothe your skin naturally, since it contains nutrients that heal your skin back to health and prevent infection simultaneously. To heighten the cooling sensation, refrigerate your aloe vera gel before you apply.

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

Start Dropping Pounds Today With These 100 Quick Weight-Loss Tips

Losing weight is a journey made up of a million healthy choices we make each day. So keep these 100 tips in mind to continue on that healthy path, little by little.

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

Stay Cool in the Pool: Cardio Water Workout

Cool off while you workout, but skip the crawl and backstroke. You can burn a bunch of calories in the pool - no swimming required. Here are five moves that will get your heart rate up while keeping you refreshed. Add our favorite ab and core exercises into your watery workout to target your middle, too.

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

Getting Down and Dirty in the Pool Ain't Clean

If warm, sunny weather is inspiring you to get hot and heavy, you may want to skip getting it on in the pool and save your nookie time for dry land. Although making sweet love in the water sounds sensual and natural, since you're wearing next to nothing already, it's not exactly the safest way to get it on.

Here's a mood killer for you: lake, river, ocean, and pond water contain bacteria, so getting intimate can introduce that bacteria into your vagina, which could put you at risk for infections that you don't want up there. Pool water is no better since it contains chlorine, which could irritate your lady business or disrupt the natural pH balance in your vagina, leading to a yeast infection. As for hot tubs, they're often not chlorinated enough, which means they're teeming with who knows what.

You may have heard that getting busy underwater will prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or pregnancy, but this is far from true. As long as there is contact between two partners, semen and other bodily fluids can still pass from one person to another, which makes conception or contraction of STIs possible. You're using a condom, you say? Although in the bedroom, condoms are very effective at preventing both pregnancy and the spread of infection, in the water, the lack of natural lubrication can make condoms more likely to break or slip off without either person realizing it. Not to mention, the lack of natural moisture can also cause friction, which will chafe your sensitive lady parts. Water and sex just don't mix, so the best advice is to reserve pool time for swimming, and save the shagging for later.

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

Feel Strong and Confident on the Beach With These Yoga Poses

Beginner yoga poses may look easy at first glance, but after holding your body still and feeling your muscles burn, you'll realize these poses are the ticket to rocking your swimsuit. Here are seven beginner yoga poses to strengthen and tone your bikini body.

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

How to Save Hundreds of BBQ Calories

Doing a little grilling this Memorial Day weekend? With tons of burgers, hot dogs, potato salad, and beer around, you don't want to go overboard on the calories. To avoid packing on the pounds this weekend, here are some ways to add a healthy spin to your barbecue.

  • Bring a healthy dish: If you're invited to a barbecue, bring along your own healthy dish so you know you'll have something good to munch on. Wow your friends and family with one of these vegan side dishes or healthy burgers.
  • Go for homemade guacamole instead of creamy dips: Avocados offer the healthy fats your body needs, which is a much better option than the saturated fats found in dairy-based dips. If you're worried about calories, then whip up some homemade low-cal salsa, and throw in some fresh pineapple and mango for added vitamins.
  • Grill up some veggies: Use a grill basket, corn holders, or skewers, and choose a variety of veggies to grill to make these vegetarian dishes or to serve along with grilled lean meat. Load up your plate to fill you up and to help prevent you from overeating high-calorie dishes.
  • Don't always choose beef: Veggie burgers made with whole grains, legumes, and vegetables and hot dogs made of tofu are delicious low-calorie and low-cholesterol options. If you're a meat eater at heart, then go for burgers, hot dogs, or sausages made from turkey, chicken, or salmon.
  • Choose your buns wisely: Most are made with enriched flour, so you may have to check a bunch of labels before finding ones made with real whole-wheat four.
  • Make substitutions: When it comes to recipes as well as the fixings on your burgers, find healthier substitutions. Choose raw tomato or salsa instead of ketchup, and try Greek yogurt instead of mayo for potato salad recipes.
  • Go easy on the brewskis: Save calories by enjoying one of these lower-calorie beers, and for the rest of the evening, go for ice water, unsweetened iced tea, or chilled seltzer water flavored with lemon.
  • Get moving: After your meal, step away from the food to avoid noshing out of boredom, and do something active like playing volleyball, badminton, or a round of bocce ball.

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

Run Fast, Recover, Repeat: Treadmill Intervals

Intervals help fight belly fat and increase your running endurance - both noble goals in our Better-Body Challenge. In this ladder run, the speed intervals increase in duration as the workout progresses to push your endurance, raise your heart rate, and rev your metabolism. As always, do adjust the speed as needed, but stay true to pushing the pace for yourself. Here's a 30-minute elliptical workout with intervals if running is not an option for you.

Time Speed
Incline Notes
0:00-5:00 4.0 3.0 Warmup
5:00-6:00 6.5 1.0
6:00-7:00 4.0 1.0 Recover
7:00-9:00 6.5 1.0
9:00-10:00 4.0 1.0 Recover
10:00-13:00 6.5 1.0
13:00-14:00 4.0 1.0 Recover
14:00-16:00 6.5 1.0
16:00-17:00 4.0 1.0 Recover
17:00-18:00 6.5 1.0
18:00-19:00 4.0 1.0 Recover
19:00-20:00 6.0 3.0
20:00-21:00 4.0 1.0 Recover
21:00-23:00 6.0 3.0
23:00-24:00 4.0 1.0 Recover
24:00-27:00 6.0 3.0
27:00-30:00 4.0 1.0 Cooldown

Click here for an image-free, printable version of the workout.

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

Get Inspired by These Instagram Snaps From Fit and Healthy Celebs

Some days it's easy, but other times, keeping up with your healthy lifestyle can feel like a serious struggle - and we'll take whatever healthy inspiration we can get! If you're in need of a push out the door and into the gym, check out the awesome Instagram action that some of our favorite healthy celebrities recently shared. From Miley Cyrus kayaking in the ocean to Ellie Goulding making a delicious green smoothie, these snaps will motivate you to work out and stay healthy in a fresh, fun way this weekend.

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

The Ultimate Bikini-Bottom Workout (and It's Only 10 Minutes!)

It's time to focus on your backside! This 10-minute workout will tone and shape your butt so you can rock your short shorts, clingy dresses, and bikini bottoms all Summer long. No equipment is needed, so press play and get ready to sculpt your booty. Pair this workout with these skin care tips from our Beauty team and your backside will be completely beach ready.

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

Katie Changed Her Habits and Finally Lost the Weight

Meet POPSUGAR Select Fitness blogger Katie Dunlop of Love, Sweat, and Fitness, who started her weight-loss journey in 2012 after years of yo-yo dieting. "I would lose some pounds but gain them right back; nothing was sustainable for me," she tells us. "I was unhappy with how I looked, but more importantly with how I felt every day. I finally decided it was time for a change and set out to find a healthy way to get fit." Now, she's learned healthy habits that have helped her lose fat and gain muscle. Check out her Before & After story and advice below!

Katie: Before

POPSUGAR Fitness: What made you decide to start?
Katie Dunlop: After years of failed fad diets and constantly fluctuating weight, I knew there had to be a better way. It wasn't about a size or a number on the scale. For the first time ever, it was truly about feeling good and creating healthy habits that would last. I got to a point where I refused to let myself feel unhealthy and unhappy!

PS: What's your favorite way to work out?
KD: I love creating new workouts for myself that incorporate strength training and HIIT exercises. I see great results and don't have to spend hours at the gym.

PS: What's your weekly exercise schedule?
KD: You can find me in the gym three to four days a week weight lifting, circuit training, or running sprints on the treadmill. The other days I like to take my workouts outside for some bodyweight HIIT exercises, a run, or even yoga!

Katie: Before

PS: How do you keep workouts exciting?
KD: For me, music and mixing it up are key! A good playlist can push me to workout harder and longer than I ever thought possible. I also think it is important to find workouts you love and incorporate them throughout the week. If I tried doing the same style of workout every day I would get incredibly bored and unmotivated. I do something different everyday to help keep me on my toes - literally.

PS How much weight have you lost?
KD: Proud to say I lost 45 pounds!

Katie: After

PS: What was the first big difference, other than the number on the scale, that really made you feel proud and excited?
KD: My biggest accomplishment was being able to finally feel in control. For years I was consumed by my body image, constantly stressing about every bite and missed workout. For the first time in my life, food didn't control me. I could easily say "no, thank you" without stressing over the desire to overeat. It was also incredible to realize that because I worked so hard and have created such healthy habits, I could splurge from time to time without the horrible guilt I had once had.

PS: How do you track your weight loss?
KD: This was a big change for me. In the past, I had always weighed myself weekly, especially when trying a new diet. When I finally decided to truly make a change I weighed myself and chose not to do it again for two months. The focus had to be on getting healthy. Now, I check my weight every few months but realize it is all about how I feel and how I am fitting in my clothes. I always tell clients to take a beginning weight and measurements. The weight is a good marker, but measurements will help you truly see the physical change in your body.

Kate: After

PS: What's a typical day of meals and snacks?
KD: Breakfast is usually an egg omelet with two egg whites and spinach. For lunch I often have chicken breast with broccoli and avocado. One of my favorite dinners is grilled salmon with spinach, butternut squash, and grilled onions. My favorite snacks include hummus and veggies, peanut butter with celery or apple.

PS: What's the range of calories you eat per day?
KD: During my transformation, I was eating around 1,400 calories a day. Now, I range from 1,500-1,800 calories a day.

PS: What are the healthy staples that are always in your fridge?
KD: Chicken breast, hummus, spinach, sweet potato, Greek yogurt, almond milk, and fresh berries.

PS: How do you strategize for meals out?
KD: When eating out, I always consider the rest of my day: what have I eaten or what am I planning on eating later. I am a big believer in balance. I don't think it's good to go crazy and say, "That's my meal for the day." I always make sure I get a veggie and a protein and ditch unnecessary carbs like bread, rice, fries etc. Also, if I plan on having a cocktail, I always stick to clear liquids with soda water and fresh lime.

PS: What advice do you have for anyone starting out on a weight-loss journey?
KD: While we all wish it was easier, there is no magic pill or quick fix that will get you the long-lasting results you really want. It takes time, dedication, and a whole lot of patience. The excess weight didn't come on overnight, so we shouldn't expect it to disappear that way. No matter what the scale shows, know that if you are making healthy meal choices and exercising regularly, you WILL see your body begin to transform. Not in a day, not in a week, but it will happen.

The most successful habits that I have formed in order to help me lose weight have been retraining how I thought about my nutrition. I use to believe that simply cutting out "fatty" foods would be enough or that as long as I kept daily intake under a certain calorie count, I could eat anything. I now know the importance of fueling my body the right way with proteins, whole foods, and removing hidden sugars and sodium. The other important habit I found is of course my consistent workout routine, one that I actually enjoy doing. It makes it difficult to stay on track when your workouts feel like a chore. Not everyone enjoys running or weight lifting, but there is usually something that makes them feel good. For me, yoga sculpt, barre, and light weight training became enjoyable, which was a huge step!

Do you have an inspiring Before & After story to share? Message us on Facebook and give us a few details of your journey. We might even profile you on the site, like Katie!

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

vendredi 22 mai 2015

17 Healthy Desserts For a Hot Summer Day

On a warm afternoon or evening, there's nothing better than a refreshing treat to cool you off and hit the spot - and sweet indulgences can have a place in your healthy diet. For a light and delicious dessert that won't weigh you down, try one of these recipes fit for Summer.

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

Female Boxing Champion Pretends to Be Clueless Before Kicking Trainer's Butt

Germaine Yeap just proved that "fight like a girl" means fight like you're a boxing champion who can beat out the guys. She's a pro Muay Thai fighter who's had over six years of training, but the new Muay Thai trainers at a local Malaysian gym never would have guessed that. Germaine shows up to the gym and tries her best to look like a weak, helpless girl who has no idea what she's doing. When she suggests that they practice in the ring, the male trainer is hesitant, saying, "I just don't want to hurt you." If only he knew who he was really going up against. You have to see the hilarious result when Germaine switches from faking it to killing it the way she always does. Way to take them by surprise, girl.

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

Our NEW Workout Generator Is Here to Make Your Workouts a Little Bit Easier

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

From Ranch to Hummus: Healthy Dip Recipes

It's not really a party until the dip shows up. Good with veggies, fruit, and pita bread, the sheer variety of dips make them an easy crowd-pleaser. If you've got a party coming up and want to get crazy with the dip but also want to keep calories and fat down, we've got 12 recipes for you to make!

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

6 Things You Can Do Today to Feel Better About Cellulite

Just about all women have it, and whether genetics has blessed you with a little more than you'd like, cellulite is just one of those things we have to embrace. What causes that dimply, orange-peel-looking flesh? When fat cells push up against our skin and the fibrous tissue that connects our skin to our muscle pulls down, we're left with that signature bumpy skin. Although you can't get rid of cellulite completely, here are some simple things you can do to reduce its appearance.

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

The Best-Tasting Beer With the Fewest Calories

With the Memorial Day on the horizon, there is no better time to find out what light beer tastes the best. Knowing the calorie count, carbs, and alcohol content in each of these readily available light brews will allow you to make smart and informed choices as you watch the game and party. We matched these beers up head to head at POPSUGAR HQ, and here's what our editors thought!

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

Want to Lose Weight? You Need This Must-Have Item in Your Diet

When you're on a weight-loss journey, eating adequate protein is essential to your success. According to clinical and holistic dietitian Esther Blum, many of her clients start to shed pounds with ease once they increase the amount of protein in their diet, since high-protein foods take more work to "digest, metabolize, and use, which means you burn more calories processing them." A longer digestion time also means that you stay fuller longer, unlike the crash-and-burn effect that comes from eating fatty foods and refined carbs.

Beyond giving your metabolism a boost and keeping you satisfied for longer, one study has shown that in addition to a regular exercise routine, doubling your protein intake (as recommended by the RDA) may be the key to losing fat pounds without dropping muscle mass. This is key since muscle burns more calories in the body than fat. In short, if you're serious about weight loss, you've got to take protein seriously.

Not positive you're getting enough protein in your life? Read up, incorporate these tips to your daily diet, and start seeing results!

- Additional reporting by Michele Foley

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

Keep Going and Going and Going: How to Increase Your Endurance

Signing up for a distance race is exciting! But if the length's got you worried, it's good to know that endurance is a skill. Just the act of exercising regularly will help you be able to become stronger and exercise for longer, but there are specific ways you can help your body during vigorous or long-lasting workouts. Here are five tips to help build your endurance.

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

Be Wary of Chemicals: The Safest Sunscreens on the Market

Probably not something you want to think about when it's gorgeously sunshiny out, but every year more than two million Americans find out they have skin cancer. Slathering on sunscreen is an effective way to protect yourself, and aside from actually remembering to apply it, you also need to make sure the bottle you use is safe. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) released its 2015 Sunscreen Guide; in order to make the list, a sunscreen must be free of oxybenzone and retinyl palmitate, must be broad spectrum (protect against both UVA and UVB rays), and not have an SPF above 50, be in the form of a spray, or combined with bug repellent.

What's wrong with oxybenzone? Although it does a great job of absorbing ultraviolet rays, some studies show that it can be absorbed through the skin and into the bloodstream. The EWG and toxicology experts believe this chemical can disrupt hormones, damage cells, and potentially lead to skin cancer. Other experts disagree, like the American Academy of Dermatology, since oxybenzone has been FDA-approved since 1978 for use in children older than 6 months.

Retinyl palmitate is another chemical to be leery of, since animal studies show that this type of vitamin A may increase the risk of skin cancer when used on sun-exposed skin. The EWG says retinyl palmitate doesn't really increase the effectiveness of sunscreen, so it's a good idea to avoid.

Your bottle should also clearly state "broad spectrum," to ensure it protects against both UVA and UVB rays. SPF is also important, but the higher the number doesn't necessarily mean better protection. The EWG recommends purchasing sunscreens with SPFs higher than 15 but no greater than 50. The FDA doesn't have adequate data that shows sunscreens with an SPF higher than 50 offer greater protection, and many doctors argue that a higher number tricks people into thinking their sunscreen lasts longer than one with a lower SPF, causing them to reapply less often, so they're more at risk for burns. Also, SPF only refers to protection against UVB rays, the ones responsible for burning the skin. It doesn't have anything to do with protection against UVA rays that penetrate the skin deeper and can lead to skin cancer.

So what's a consumer to do? All it takes is a little label reading to find a sunscreen that is both effective and free of these chemicals. You can type in the brand of sunscreen you normally use and see how it stacks up, or check the full list of the top safest sunscreens. Here are some it recommends:

Using these sunscreens properly is key to protecting your skin from harmful UV rays. Use at least two ounces (size of a shot glass), apply 30 minutes before heading out in the sun, and reapply every two hours or after you've been sweating or swimming.

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

The 1 Shift in Your Diet That Will Guarantee Results

For celebrity trainers and hosts of Extreme Weight Loss Chris and Heidi Powell, there's a simple way to change the body instantly and beat belly bloat - just in time for bikini season. It's all about the foods we eat, but more importantly, overeat. If you're consuming too much salt and sugar, a strong core can be covered up by a "layer of water and potentially a layer of fat," Heidi says.

Here is the pair's concrete rule to banish bloat in time for beach season: get sodium intake down to 1,500 milligrams per day, and cut sugar down to 20 grams. Eliminating excessive amounts of these belly-bloating culprits allows your body to naturally shed water weight and reveal all your hard work from the gym. Once you make this shift in your diet, Chris says you'll see an immediate change.

To limit sugar and salt in your diet, cut out processed foods and reach for whole foods instead, like fresh produce and whole grains. And whenever you're purchasing packaged foods from the grocery store, Chris insists that you "take a look at those nutrition labels!" When high percentages of salt and sugar are present, it's a red flag to put the box back on the shelf and walk away. Let these low-sugar breakfast ideas and low-salt recipes serve as your go-to meals before slipping on that bikini.

Products: Suboo swimsuit, Morgenthal Frederics sunglasses

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

10-Minute Tone-Up: Arms and Shoulders

A sexy back will help you rock your tank top with confidence this Summer. So grab a set of five-pound dumbbells and get ready to sculpt your shoulders and tone your arms with our 10-minute workout. Don't forget to work your gams with this leg and butt workout!

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

Flat-Belly Workout: Cardio and Crunchless Abs

Combine cardio with core work to reap the flat-belly benefits of both types of sweat sessions in this Better-Body Challenge. This workout alternates between jumping rope and standing ab exercise, so you can tone your belly while burning serious calories in just 20 minutes. We use one eight-pound dumbbell in this workout to increase the toning potential of each exercise. No weights? No problem. This workout will still be effective without them.

Learn the details of the strength-training moves below, then print this workout, and start jumping!

Low to High Woodchop

  • Squat and twist to hold the dumbbell on the outside of your left leg.
  • Exhale and lift the weight diagonally across your body, ending twisted to the right with the dumbbell above your head. Pivot on your left foot as needed.

Weighted Side Bend

  • Hold the dumbbell above your head, squeezing your ears with your upper arms to activate your core.
  • Pull your abs to your spine and lengthen your spine as you bend slowly to the right. Return to standing upright, and then slowly to the left. Keep your pelvis still as you bend to the side.

Kick Crunch

  • Exhale to engage the abs as you kick your right leg up, bringing your left hand to your right toes, doing a small crunch.
  • Repeat on the other side.

Rotate Row

  • Start in a shallow squat, holding the weight in your right hand.
  • Pull your elbow back, squeezing your right shoulder blade toward your spine while you twist to the right. Do for 30 seconds, then switch sides.

Overhead Circle

  • Stand with your feet slightly wider than your hips with your knees soft. Hold the dumbbell overhead with both hands.
  • Keeping your abs pulled to the spine, circle the weight around your head starting to the left. Your ribs can move slightly, but your pelvis should stay still. After 30 seconds, reverse direction and circle to the right.

Source POPSUGAR Fitness

The Ingredient You Should Be Adding to Every Smoothie

I've always been an eggs and avocado enthusiast when it comes to breakfast, but recently, a smoothie's combination of being refreshing and ready in one minute has helped me make the transition from the stove to the blender. I've been playing around with a number of ingredient combinations, but regardless of what I toss into the mix, there's one nutrient-dense item that remains: spinach.

This leafy green might turn everything a grassy hue, but you should not be afraid to drink up. Here's why I always toss (at least) one cup of spinach into my breakfast smoothie.

It helps tone muscle: Popeye had the right idea! While your spinach-filled smoothie won't make you muscles grow immediately, a Swedish animal study found found that nitrate, found naturally in spinach, may improve muscle tone and endurance in humans.

It restores your energy: Iron helps transport oxygen around the body, and people with an iron deficiency often feel fatigued and groggy without realizing it's the problem. Bumping up your iron intake can make a huge difference in how you feel, and spinach is one of the best natural plant sources out there.

You can't taste it: While kale can leave your smoothie looking and tasting very green, spinach easily sneaks in without affecting flavor. If you're not convinced, try this pear, grape, and spinach smoothie or this chocolate-banana blend. These recipes will help you turn into a spinach smoothie convert, too.

Source POPSUGAR Fitness