Healthy lifestyle
A healthy lifestyle is one which helps to keep and improve people's health and well-being.Many governments and non-governmental organizations have made big efforts in healthy lifestyle and health promotion.
Mental Health
Mental health can be considered a very important factor of physical health for the effects it produces on bodily functions. This type of health concerns emotional and cognitive well-being or an absence of mental disorder.
Public health
Public health can be defined in a variety of ways. It can be presented as "the study of the physical, psychosocial and socio-cultural determinants of population health and actions to improve the health of the population.
Reproductive Health
For the UN, reproductive health is a right, like other human rights. This recent concept evokes the good transmission of the genetic heritage from one generation to the next.
Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
dimanche 3 septembre 2017
One a Day: Throw These 116 Things Away
Cleaning out clutter can be a tough task, especially if you have been letting it build up for a while. Instead of setting aside a huge block of time to take care of months' or years' worth of clutter, take baby steps by throwing away only one type of item a day. And by throwing away, I mean recycling, selling, donating, or - as the last resort - trashing. Here's a list of 116 types of items that will take you about four months to dispose of:
- The other side of a pair of lost earrings
- Scraps of wrapping paper
- Cards people have given you with no sentimental value
- Receipts you don't need
- Ticket stubs
- Socks with holes
- Old t-shirts
- Leftover change
- Dried flowers
- Magazines
- CDs
- Hair elastics that have lost stretchiness
- Hair accessories you don't use
- Shoes that don't fit or that you don't wear
- Extra photo prints
- Little knickknacks (designate a bowl and fill it)
- Kitchen things you don't use
- Cooking utensils you have two of
- Tired bras
- Scarves you never wear
- Clothes that don't fit
- Gifts you don't like
- Old towels
- Old makeup
- Old toiletries
- Old or unused hangers
- Expired or sample-sized toiletries
- Extra buttons
- Expired sauces
- Toys your pets don't play with
- Expired medication
- Dried-up nail polish
- Bills you don't need to keep
- Expired coupons
- Old paperwork
- DVDs you don't watch
- Snacks your pets don't eat
- Damaged clothing you can't mend
- Stained clothing you can't clean
- Old prom dresses
- Scratched nonstick cookware
- Old underwear or swimwear that's losing its stretch
- Outdated electronics
- Rusty jewelry
- Stockings with runs
- Pens that don't work
- Clothing you've outgrown
- Necklaces and bracelets with broken clasps
- Cables and wires you don't use
- Worn-out sheets and bedding
- Empty or near-empty bottles of cleaning products
- Old mending buttons for clothing you no longer have
- Worn-out bath mats
- Broken electronics
- Purses you never use
- Flatware, plates, and glasses that don't match the rest of your collection, plus dingy children's plates you no longer use
- Old pillows
- Worn-out shoes
- Wedding invites
- Save-the-dates
- Wedding favors you don't use
- Old wallets that you don't use
- Broken kitchen equipment
- Spare furniture parts you don't need
- Furniture manuals
- Boxes
- Unused vases
- Extra tupperware you don't need
- Old mail
- Junk mail
- Travel brochures
- Bobby pins
- Old crayons or art supplies, plus markers that have run out of ink
- Random containers and jars
- Unused stationery, stickers, and sticky notes
- Ripped denim
- Old artwork or old children's artwork
- Used and ripped envelopes
- Broken or old iPhone cases
- Old unused batteries
- Extra and unused coffee mugs
- Old spices
- Address labels for your old house
- Wrinkled ribbon and bows for gift wrap
- Cards or gifts from exes
- Frequent shopper cards you never use
- Matchbooks
- Old shopping bags
- Old calendars
- Old folders
- Magnets
- Clothes that are outdated or from college
- Broken Christmas decorations
- Christmas lights that don't work
- Frayed towels
- Expired food
- Computer cords, firewire cord, etc. that you don't use
- Old and outdated software
- CDs for old computer programs
- Old cell phones
- Hand-me-downs that you're guilt-tripped into keeping
- Freebie or promotional t-shirts you never wear
- Old fortune cookie fortunes
- Old bank statements
- Old planners
- Delete email subscriptions from sites
- Delete emails you don't need
- Delete unwanted music from your iTunes
- Extra buttons that come with newly purchased clothes
- Games that are missing pieces
- Old schoolbooks you'll never use again
- Papers you have backed up on the computer
- Books you've already read and don't want to display
- Cell phone covers you're over
- Old manuals to electronics
- Cell phone accessories you don't use anymore
9 Beautiful Beaches Where Clothing Is 100% Optional
If you're one of those people who just loathes having tan lines, then may I suggest you check out a beach where clothing is completely optional? Yes, there are a slew of beaches across the world where nudity is celebrated and no one has a care in the world. You may even be surprised to know that there are some right here in the United States. If being free to bare it all sounds like the perfect way to spend your next vacation, consider one of these nine lovely locales.
Why Millennial Women Are Embracing Atheism
Danielle Schacter never thought she would become an un-Christian. "I slowly became more and more disgusted by the way I saw people treating others," says the 32-year-old, who was raised Baptist. "I didn't want to be associated with a religion that preached so much hate."
Danielle Schacter, who identifies as agnostic, is one of a growing number of people who identify with no religion. Photo courtesy of Danielle Schacter.
Schacter, like so many millennials, has chosen a secular life, and she's not alone: according to the Pew Research Center, only four in 10 millennials say that religion is very important to them, compared with six in 10 Baby Boomers.
The numbers of religiously unaffiliated support this, too: 23 percent of the population identifies with no religion. This number is up from 2007, when it was only 16 percent. Of older millennials, 35 percent are religiously unaffiliated - and they're driving the overall growth of the nonreligiously affiliated in America.
"I didn't want to be associated with a religion that preached so much hate."
Kayley Whalen, a queer transgender Latinx woman who identifies as "a humanist and an existentialist and an atheist." Photo courtesy of Kayley Whalen.
What's fascinating is that while millennials are moving away from religion, they are moving toward spirituality. This demographic considers itself just as spiritual as older demographics, even as they represent an exodus out of organized religion and into the throes of secularism. When you consider the issues facing young people today, the reasons for the exodus are easy to understand. In rejecting religion, millennials are asserting their progressive attitudes and passion for social justice. They're committed to the idea that they don't need religion to know the difference between right and wrong.
Perhaps no one represents this cultural shift better than millennial atheist women. While they may sit at the most extreme side of the nonreligious spectrum, atheist women are fueled by the same concerns plaguing millennials in general: a quest for independence and a rejection of the status quo.
The Atheism and Feminism Connection
Lauryn Seering, 27, has never been religious, but she found atheism in high school in reaction to mainstream fundamentalist Christian ideas that condemn her lesbian mother. "Millennial women want autonomy over their own bodies," says Seering, communications coordinator for the Freedom From Religion Foundation, which is dedicated to protecting the separation of church and state.
"They recognize that all the arguments against this autonomy (contraception, birth control, marriage) are religiously fueled," Seering continued. "Women aren't being pressured by society anymore to get married at a young age, have children right away, and tend house while their husbands work."
Lauryn Seering, an atheist who works for the Freedom From Religion Foundation. Photo courtesy of Lauryn Seering.
Schacter identifies as agnostic. She's based in Kansas City, MO, where she founded a digital marketing agency called Boxer & Mutt. To her, growing secularism is a sign of independent women. "It's becoming more socially acceptable for women to think for themselves and really question why things are the way they are rather than blindly accepting them," she says.
Kayley Whalen, 31, is a queer transgender Latinx woman who identifies as "a humanist and an existentialist and an atheist." These different identities certainly influence how she approaches the world. "We have ethical values without the need for the supernatural," Whalen says. "We believe in social justice, that we can live a life with meaning, purpose, and dedication to social justice without the need for supernatural guidance." Unsurprisingly, Whalen's beliefs are tied up in her activist work: she's the digital strategy and social media manager for the National LGBT Task Force and is on the board of directors for both the Secular Student Alliance and the Trans United Fund.
As Whalen epitomizes, many young women who do not believe in God share a point of view that goes beyond just being atheist or just being a woman. The two are intertwined identities oppressed similarly in the United States.
"We have ethical values without the need for the supernatural."
Blackwolf's concerns hint at societal assumptions about atheist women, which every woman we spoke with touched on: being a woman who isn't religious breaks away from the social norms that frame femininity. Emily Greene, an artist and activist working in promotional marketing in Augusta, summed it up best. "You're probably seen as less feminine," the 32-year-old said. "You're definitely judged, looked at more harshly. It's an assumption that it's a negative thing."
Ironically, being atheist can mirror being religious, as it plays a role in many aspects of young life. "That was very important to me in choosing a partner," says Katherine, a 32-year-old HR manager in California. "I have gotten into some debate with friends before where they're like, 'If you're an atheist, why do you care if the other person is of faith?' I'm like, 'You - as, say, a Christian person - would not want to marry a non-Christian person."
Why Are Young Women Interested in Atheism?
Phil Zuckerman, professor of sociology and secular studies at Pitzer College, believes that young people are turning away from religion as a result of how closed-minded and conservative many congregations can be, particularly when they are responsible for enabling xenophobic and queerphobic mindsets. For instance, many churches reject the idea of same-sex marriage, while 71 percent of millennials support it (in comparison with only 46 percent of Baby Boomers).
"A lot of young people are being turned off of by that brand of Christianity," he explains. "They're just seeing religion as an institution and saying, 'Ah, screw it.' Even though that brand of Christianity is not the majority - most Christians are decent, kind people who aren't anti-gay and aren't racist and aren't anti-Islamic. But they don't make the headlines. They're not dominating the news."
Emily Greene, an artist, activist, and atheist. Photo courtesy of Emily Greene.
The internet is also serving as a conduit for less religion. As technology occupies more of our time, says Zuckerman, it chips away at "religion's ability to maintain a monopoly on truth . . . It's really corroding religion's ability to dominate our culture and dominate people's lives."
While there have always been religious skeptics - the farthest back is believed to be the Charvaka movement in 7th century BC - the present shift away from religion is notable because the numbers of religiously unaffiliated and atheists are way up. Although the movement is still predominately male and white, more women are stepping forward as religion reveals itself to be optional in their lives - and sometimes to stand in the way of their independence.
Zuckerman believes this has to do with traditional organized religions' male-centrism: teaching women that they're second class, must remain virginal, and must stay out of leadership positions. Pair this with the amount of women in the workplace rivaling men, and the group doesn't need to turn to a church for social or financial support that churches typically offer.
Being an Atheist Is a Political Act
Molly Hanson grew up in a Catholic household but has always been skeptical of the "invisible man in the sky" who tells people what to do. The 23-year-old Hanson, like many atheists, finds that questioning faith and religion makes people wonder if something is wrong with her womanness.
"If a woman doesn't bow down to this god and lord, she must have an issue with that god or lord," says Hanson, an editorial assistant at the Freedom For Religion Foundation. "She must have been damaged. There's a reason why she decided to leave that god. She might have been morally corrupted by another man or might have - I don't know - been wronged."
This issue isn't confined to religious communities. One woman - a 30-year-old Indian American writer in New York who declined to give her name - finds this flaw in atheist leaders, too.
"The movement itself is really alienating toward women," she says. "Leaders like Richard Dawkins are pretty sexist and condescending and talk down to women. Women have been left out in those major discussions of atheism."
The nonreligious believe that, once the church is taken out of the state, equality can be achieved.
For women who are atheists, discrimination is complicated further by the many ways their identities intersect. Gender as it relates to religious affiliation is complex, and it's even more complicated as it relates to black female atheists, as Blackwolf can attest. "A lot of black atheist men are often heard saying, 'Black women sure do love them some church!'" she says. "When we start having a discussion, there are implications about where my place in the community should be, and that's behind the man."
Atheist Women Want a Future of Equality
In speaking with young atheist and secular women, some through lines appear, among them a hope for equality that could be stymied by religion's grasp on society. There is a desire to normalize differing points of view, from LGBTQ people to atheists.
Katherine sees public events like the inauguration of President Donald Trump as a perfect example. "I was really struck by so much praying happening," she says. "I'd like to see us move kind of away from that and use logic and science and that holistic definition of freedom."
The nonreligious believe that, once the church is taken out of the state, equality can be achieved. Hanson believes these roadblocks arise as the result of unequal representation. "Women understand what it's like to be oppressed by laws that are rooted in religious ideas that oppress women and their sexuality," she explains. "To get more women in government positions is going to be a challenge, especially right now."
When women hold elected office, it inspires more women to run - and more women in government has a powerful trickle-down effect on women as a whole.
But what if these women leaders were atheists? Would they still succeed?
Surveys have shown that atheism is one of the traits in a leader that Americans are most biased against. "I cannot imagine a president who identifies as an atheist," says the Indian-American writer in New York. "I'm a woman and a person of color: a female person of color who is an atheist could never be the president of the United States. It feels like another barrier."
Others, like Whalen, see these many layers as vital to change: "I want a woman politician to run and say that she's an atheist and that she's for reproductive justice, that she's for transgender rights, and win. I want a transgender woman to be able to do that."
Ultimately, for atheist women (and atheists in general) to succeed at changing society, they need to continue on the path they are on and not settle for being silenced. Zuckerman draws parallels to the LGBT community. "Coming out does have an effect," he says. "More and more people feeling comfortable saying 'I'm not that religious' has an effect." Atheists just want to be seen as starting from the same place as any other decent American.
Greene sums it up nicely: "We want to get up, go to work, and enjoy our friends and families and our lifestyles just the same way as the person who gets up on Sunday and goes to church. We have our own ways of self-care. A lot of people find religion and that's how they take care of themselves - and that's great. We just do things a different way and that's OK."
Seriously, What's the Difference Between Finishing Powder and Setting Powder?
The makeup gods have blessed us with so many face powders, but it's hard to know what they all really do for your skin. Case in point: finishing powders vs. setting powders. What's the difference? To help clear it up, I reached out to makeup artist and beauty blogger Ivy Boyd. I had to know: is this a case of sneaky marketers selling me the same jar of tricks with a different name, or does each really have a purpose?
The verdict is: they're different! According to Boyd, it's a simple matter of function vs. form. "A setting powder does exactly that," she says, "It sets your makeup." She describes finishing powder, on the other hand, as more like a filter. "It is often translucent and is used to blur pores, soften texture, and even give an overall glow to the skin." Basically, finishing powder is for looks whereas setting powders help you get more hours out of your concealer, foundation, and other face makeup.
When applying setting powder, Boyd recommends using a damp beauty blender to press the loose powder on your under-eye and T-zone areas for an airbrushed look. Remember: press and roll, don't aggressively blend or rub. Finishing powder should be lightly dusted on. It's still a no-buffing zone. "Think of it like a veil," Boyd says. She recommends a large, fluffy powder brush for applying finishing powder, but she says you can still use a damp beauty sponge for your cheeks where pores are larger.
Ready to start shopping? Here are some of the most popular finishing and setting powders on the market now.
How This Grocery Store Is Trying to Save the Planet
Earth.Food.Love is the UK's only zero-waste, organic, bulk-buy, plant-based, wholefoods shop - at least, that's what its website boasts. The family-owned store in Devon is beautifully arranged so that all of its products are in bulk jars and baskets - as in, nothing is packaged. They aren't kidding about the zero-waste thing. In fact, shoppers are encouraged to continuously reuse their own jars, containers, and bags for everything.
The shop, founded by former soccer player for Manchester United Richard Eckersley, sells hundreds of products. "We sell everything that's dried, so you've got grains, beans, pulses, legumes, rice, seeds, flours, sugars, seaweed and spaghetti, yeast flakes and stock. We've got herbs and spices and dried fruit," Eckersley told The London Times.
The goal of the shop, according to its website, is to create a better future. "We decided to look back to the past, where eating real food with minimal packaging was normal practice," the site reads. And the store is a step in the right direction for a more eco-friendly world. Keep reading to get a peek inside!
7 Times Trump Proved He Knows Nothing About History
During an interview with SiriusXM, President Donald Trump demonstrated, once again, that he lacks a basic understanding of American history by suggesting former President Andrew Jackson could've stopped the Civil War had he been the president at the time.
"I mean, had Andrew Jackson been a little later, you wouldn't have had the Civil War. He was a very tough person, but he had a big heart," Trump claimed. "And he was really angry that . . . he saw what was happening with regard to the Civil War. He said, 'There's no reason for this.'"
Trump followed with another bizarre assertion. "People don't realize, you know, the Civil War - if you think about it, why," Trump wondered. "People don't ask that question, but why was there the Civil War? Why could that one not have been worked out?"
There's only one problem with Trump's postulation: Jackson died a decade before the Civil War started, so he couldn't have had an opinion on the crisis. Perhaps even less shocking than Trump's erroneous contention about Jackson is Trump's constant and consistent misunderstanding of history. Prepare to shake your head at six other times Trump proved he knows very little about the country he is supposed to run, nor much about countries he is supposed to liaise with.
1. When he seemed to think Frederick Douglass was alive.
During Trump's speech honoring Black History Month on Feb. 1, he suggested that the abolitionist was still alive. Trump described Douglass as "someone who has done a terrific job that is being recognized by more and more people." His comments were ridiculed across social media.
2. When he appeared to forget that Richard Nixon resigned because he broke the law.
In an interview on April 2 with The Washington Post's Bob Woodward, who broke the Watergate story that led to Nixon's impeachment, Trump implied that Nixon failed because of his personality. Woodward asked Trump why he thought Lincoln succeeded and Nixon didn't. Trump blamed Nixon's temperament.
"Nixon failed, I think to a certain extent, because of his personality," Trump told Woodward. "It was just that personality. Very severe, very exclusive. In other words, people couldn't come in. And people didn't like him. I mean, people didn't like him."
Given that Woodward published the story which led to Nixon's resignation, Trump's error is fairly astounding - and Woodward had to remind Trump that Nixon was a criminal. "And he broke the law," Woodward added.
Trump's response is hesitant, but he acknowledged Nixon's crimes. "And he broke the law, yeah. Yeah. He broke the law. Whether that's insecurity . . ." said Trump.
3. When he didn't realize that the Republican party used to be called "The Party of Lincoln."
At a rally in Louisville, KY, on March 20, Trump apparently did not realize the Republican party is often referred to as Lincoln's party. "Great president. Most people don't even know he was a Republican," Trump said. "Does anyone know? Lot of people don't know that."
4. When he confused North Korean leader Kim Jong Un with his father, Kim Jong Il.
While being interviewed on Fox & Friends about North Korean aggression on April 18, Trump conflated current leader Kim Jong Un with his predecessor and father Kim Jong Il.
"They've been talking with this gentleman for a long time," Trump said of America's dialogue with North Korea. "You read Clinton's book, he said, 'Oh, we made such a great peace deal,' and it was a joke." Later, Trump continued to assert his misunderstanding. "Everybody has been outplayed, they've all been outplayed by this gentleman, and we'll see what happens," Trump added with reference to Obama's negotiations.
Trump was evidently unaware that Kim Jong Un has only been in power since 2011 - after the death of his father. So, both Clinton and Obama have deliberated with both leaders - not just one "gentleman" as Trump insinuates.
5. When he said that North Korea used to be a part of China.
Following Trump's meeting with the President of China Xi Jinping, Trump revealed yet another misunderstanding of global history on April 12. Describing his meeting with Xi and their discussion of North Korea, Trump asserted that North Korea was once a part of China. Not only was he wrong, Trump implied that Xi delivered this information. Koreans were outraged by Trump's comments.
6. When the administration failed to mention Jews specifically in its statement for Holocaust Memorial Day
On January 27, Holocaust Remembrance Day, the White House released a particularly tone-deaf statement. While it acknowledged "the victims, survivors, heroes" of the Holocaust, the White House's release did not specifically recognize the six million Jews who died. Many Americans took the administration's omission as an act of anti-Semitism.
Dubai's Luxury Hotel Is Downright Ridiculous - Wait Until You See the Amenities
The Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai is so luxurious and over the top, we didn't know a place like this could ever exist. It's the stuff your fantasies are made of. Set on an artificial island just 920 feet from Jumeirah Beach, the building stands as the third tallest hotel in the world.
People widely refer to Burj Al Arab as the world's only seven-star hotel. You will agree after hearing about all the lavish perks that come with staying here. But enjoying this hotel comes at a cost; rooms start at around $1,100 per night. Check out all the amazing experiences you could have if you book a room at this hot spot in Dubai.
8 Fun Facts From Dairy Queen That Will Make You Crave a Blizzard
We reached out to a Dairy Queen representative to get the scoop behind one of the most beloved ice cream shops, and the results will make you hungry for a Blizzard. Ahead, discover eight interesting facts you might not have known about the creator of the chocolate-dipped cone, the most popular Blizzard flavor, and how you can treat yourself to discounts beyond Free Cone Day.
The iconic Blizzard was created in 1985.
"One of our franchisees created the wildly popular Blizzard Treat in 1985. Since then, we have been combining cookies, chocolates, nuts, fruits, and candies with our signature DQ soft serve to create the iconic Blizzard Treat. More than 100 million Blizzard treats were sold in the first year alone." As for the signature chocolate-dipped soft serve, the idea came from a customer's request. "Long ago, one of our fans asked a franchisee how they can have a touch of chocolate with their soft serve, and the chocolate-dipped cone was born."
One of the most popular menu items isn't dessert.
"Dairy Queen's Blizzard Treats and soft-serve cones are two of the most popular items on the menu. In addition to our iconic soft-serve treats, our fans love our $5 Buck Lunch. The Deluxe Cheeseburger or the three-piece Chicken Strips are served with crispy fries, a 21-ounce beverage, and a choice of DQ's sundae. We also offer limited time only $5 Buck Lunch specials throughout the year."
Learning how to create the signature DQ curl is part of employee training.
"Creating the signature curl on top of our cone is an art. This is part of our team-member training. It's all in the wrist!"
Dairy Queen has a dedicated research & development team that dreams up menu ideas.
When we asked about how DQ comes up with new desserts like the Treatzza Pizza, the spokesperson said, "Dairy Queen has an entire research and development team dedicated to product testing and creating innovative new menu items. We looked at the popularity of pizza and said, 'Hey, we can do that in a sweeter way.' Thus Treatzza Pizza was born."
The most popular Blizzard is . . .
"Oreo is our most popular Blizzard Treat. Any Blizzards with chocolate are also fan favorites. Every month, we add a new Blizzard Treat to the menu for a limited time, which are also very popular. For example, our most recent Guardians of the Galaxy Blizzard was created as part of our promotion with Marvel. Then there is the popularity of our seasonal Blizzard Treats, which we bring back annually, such as Pumpkin Pie, Mint Oreo, and Candy Cane Chill."
There's a history behind the famous Dilly Bar's name.
"Two franchisees in Los Angeles were experimenting with making a treat on a stick. They took a lid from one of the round quart containers, lined it with a piece of wax paper, filled it with soft serve, and inserted a flat stick. They froze a tray of their creation and then dipped them in chocolate. As they were handing out the treats to fans, one of them said, 'Boy, this thing is a dilly!'"
DQ Grill & Chill is a little different than a regular Dairy Queen.
"All of our locations serve treats. DQ Grill & Chill restaurants offer all of the treats and food options that we are known for, including the $5 Buck Lunch value meal and our DQ Bakes! menu, including hot sandwiches, hot desserts à la mode, and Snack Melts."
Free Cone Day isn't the only way to score a freebie.
"In addition to DQ's annual Free Cone Day, fans will receive a Buy One, Get One free Blizzard Treat coupon when they sign up for the DQ Blizzard Fan Club and a surprise on the anniversary of joining. If you are a Fan Club member, you also receive an extra special DQ coupon on your birthday."
- Additional reporting by Anna Monette Roberts
24 Smashing Red, White, and Blue Desserts
It's not too early to start planning for a festive holiday weekend: show your patriotic pride by cooking with red, white, and blue ingredients. Many of the season's most delicious offerings - strawberries, vanilla ice cream, and blueberries - fit the color scheme, so don't be afraid to get creative. Here are many dishes to inspire your all-American celebration.
- Additional reporting by Susannah Chen
Trump Wanted NASA to Fly Past the Moon and They Just Said "No"
Not many people - and certainly not many government agencies - have the opportunity to say "no" to the president. However, NASA's acting director, Robert M. Lightfoot Jr., might be living your wildest fantasy: he just outright denied Donald Trump something he requested.
According to The New York Times, Lightfoot and his team at NASA recently rejected Trump's desire to add more crew to its Space Launch System's first flight. Citing cost and time, Lightfoot conceded that the White House's request was "technically feasible," but it would set the mission back considerably: additional crew members would cost an extra $600 to $900 million.
NASA's investigation into whether additional astronauts could be enlisted on the already-delayed flight proved that its initial plan was the best. "It really reaffirmed the baseline plan we have in place is the best way to go," Lightfoot told reporters on a May 12 conference call.
Given that the employees of NASA are actual rocket scientists, it makes sense that they would be the one agency immune from President Trump's flaring temper and inability to accept or speak the truth.
The ABCs of preventing opioid damage as students head back to school
Canadian students return to classes this week, facing the daunting reality of the opioid crisis. Here's advice from a family doctor on how parents and students can cope.
30 of the Best Whole Foods Products You Can Order on Amazon Right Now
Sure, the initial news of Amazon purchasing Whole Foods upset me, but Amazon has really impressed me with the changes it's made so far, including instating significant price drops that have already gone into effect in stores, not to mention setting up an online store on While the Whole Foods items available online are limited to some pantry and freezer goods from WF's generic 365 brand (i.e., not the complete line), I was still able to find many of my favorite staples, snacks, and meal starters. I also appreciate that Amazon includes the ingredient list for each of the products (unlike Instacart), which makes for a more seamless shopping experience. I imagine Amazon will continue to roll out more products in the weeks following, but for now, here's what I'm loving.
Taylor Swift Is Actually an Old Pro at Sneaking Hidden References Into Her Videos
Taylor Swift dropped her music video for "Look What You Made Me Do" during this year's VMAs, and our lives haven't been the same since. The video's hidden references not only include jabs at her famous feuds, but she also brought back multiple personas from her past. Seriously, we're still finding more and more. Of course, this isn't the first time one of her videos has had layers of meaning. See which celebrities she has made reference to in the past.
You Won't Believe the Tattoos on These 11 Stars
Celebrities are no strangers to getting tattoos. Ed Sheeran has a total of 60 unique designs, while David Beckham has 40, but every now and then a star will surprise us with some crazy body art. From massive back pieces to interesting calf designs, take a look at some of the most surprising celebrity tattoos.
This Student Wrote 127 Pages in Response to an Infuriating Catholic School Assignment
I go to a Catholic high school, and they wanted me to write a paper on why gay marriage is "wrong and dangerous", so instead I wrote this 127 page paper. from lgbt
One Catholic high school student in Missouri is going viral for sharing the details of their shocking religion class assignment - along with the epic way they responded to it.
Reddit user averagesmurf recently shared the above photo, showing the cover of their latest morality class assignment. The student's teacher allegedly assigned the high school students to write a paper about why gay marriage is "wrong and dangerous," but this teen had a little something different up their sleeve. Instead, they cranked out a whopping 127 pages about why gay marriage is actually "fabulous," backed up with Bible references and historical quotes.
The post garnered more than 900 comments from people who offered up both positive and negative reactions. Some praised the student's work, with one user saying, "Good job :) hope you got an A." Yet others were suspicious that the photo was a fluke, with another user writing, "This smells like bullsh*t to me, 127 pages is stupidly long and I doubt any school would assign an essay about the dangers of gay marriage."
So, the student shared a few now-deleted snapshots of supposed pages from the assignment to prove its validity. The typed pages incorporate multiple Bible quotes and citations to support the student's argument that gay marriage should not be frowned upon by the Church. On top of that, the student offered up an in-depth explanation of what the assignment entailed.
Though we may not know for sure whether this student's assignment was real, we sure hope it is, because it looks like some people in this world still need to broaden their viewpoint on this hot topic.
Turmeric Is the Hottest Ingredient to Add Into Your DIY Skin Care Routine
If rubbing a bright orange substance on your face makes you feel like Donald Trump, don't worry - what we're about to tell you has nothing to do with politics. The formula we're referring to is the turmeric spice, and it's a buzzy term in the holistic health community right now. The spice hails from India and has traditionally been used in cooking (it's part of the ginger root family). But these days, people are adding it to everything from their smoothies to face masks. We're going to explore the latter since turmeric has many amazing beauty uses.
"Turmeric is an age-old ingredient used for its internal as well as external health-and-beauty-promoting properties," explained Sheetal Rawal, a scientist and founder of brand Apsara. "It has been used in the Indian subcontinent for thousands of years for its natural antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and color-balancing properties. Currently, it is also gaining quite some fame in the West for its significant antioxidant properties."
This ability to bring down inflammation translates to skin care by minimizing acne or bringing down a rosacea flare-up. You can also rely on it for antiaging benefits. "It is loaded with key vitamins that facilitate important skin renewal processes, such as the creation of collagen," added Adina Grigore, the founder of S.W. Basics.
Barbara Close, founder and CEO of Naturopathica, explained the science behind this: "Extracts from turmeric, known as tetrahydrocurcuminoids, efficiently quench free radicals on the surface of the skin due to their antioxidant properties. This protects against damage from ultraviolet radiation and environmental irritants."
In fact, it is even incorporated into prebridal Indian rituals, during which the bride and groom are massaged with a turmeric-infused, homemade herbal concoction. "Turmeric in this age-old concoction is supposed to bring out the 'hidden glow' of the skin," Rawal shared.
Those with sensitive skin should not fear turmeric just because it's spicy. "It's wonderful for anyone who has supersensitive skin, but even for normal skin types, it really makes the skin look flawless," said Joanna Vargas, celebrity facialist and owner of her eponymous brand. "Make sure you are using pure organic turmeric. Some generic store-bought options contain dyes that can stain your skin after application. This is one ingredient where you must go organic."
If you're still hung up on having an Oompa Loompa face, Grigore has more to add on the matter. "And no, to answer your burning question, it won't dye your skin yellow," she mused. "If you're using it in powder form, just be sure to rinse it off thoroughly!"
Keep reading to hear more from these pros and others about how to incorporate turmeric into your beauty routine - DIY recipes included!
Lottery Horror Stories That Will Make You Think Twice About Buying That Ticket
Before you run out to buy a lottery ticket for the next Mega Millions drawing, there's something you need to know. The large prize could likely turn out to be a curse for whoever wins it. Most people have heard about lottery winners who lost it all, but sometimes these horror stories take especially calamitous turns. Below are nine blights you will avoid by not winning the lottery.
Thomas and Denise Rossi were married for 25 years without any marital issues. Then, out of the blue, she asked for a divorce. Little did her husband know that days before filing, she had won $1.3 million, a secret she kept throughout the divorce proceedings. Once the truth came out, a judge found her guilty of violating California's disclosures law and awarded the entire winnings to her ex-husband.
Brits Roger and Lara Griffiths won about $3 million playing the lotto. She bought designer goods and he pursued a rock career, but soon it all went up in smoke. They lost money in bad investments, and their dream home, which they had borrowed against, burned down in a freak fire.
The story of Abraham Shakespeare is a truly tragic one. The Florida man had dropped out of school in seventh grade and could not read. At the age of 40, he won the $30 million jackpot. After he won, he couldn't say no to those who asked for money, even letting homeless people live in his home. That trust could have been his downfall. After Dorice Donegan "Dee-Dee" Moore "befriended" Abraham, he went missing. He was eventually found buried in a concrete slab at the home of Moore's boyfriend, and she was convicted of his murder.
Evelyn Adams seemed lucky. She won the New Jersey lottery not once, but two times, raking up a prize of over $5.4 million. It didn't last long, though, as she squandered it on a gambling habit and ended up living in a trailer.
If you win the lottery, beware of hookers. A love for cocaine and call girls cost Michael Carroll everything after he blew his $14 million winnings on the high life.
Jack Whittaker won $314 million on Christmas Day. While Jack pledged 10 percent of his winnings to charity, the world wasn't so kind to him. Less than a year after he won, thieves broke into his car and stole $545,000 in cash. Another time, thieves stole $200,000 from his car (you would think he would find another place to keep his money). And if that wasn't enough, a strip club manager and dancer also conspired to drug him and take his money.
It took Billie Bob Harrell Jr. 20 months to lose the $31 million he won in the Texas lottery. He quit his job at Home Depot and donated to charity, including 480 turkeys to the poor. But soon his spending got out of control, and people started to harass him for money. After he separated from his wife, his son found him dead from suicide.
Tonda Lynn Dickerson worked at Waffle House. A generous regular gave the staff lottery tickets, and one day Tonda discovered that she had the winning ticket worth $10 million. While the rest of the employees alleged that they had all previously agreed to split a winning ticket, Tonda decided to keep it all for herself. They sued her and lost, but karma came back to bite Tonda when the IRS sued her for unpaid taxes.
Willie Hurt won $3.1 million in 1981. Two years later, he was broke after spending all his money on crack and was charged with murder.
Still think you could handle winning the lottery? There are some lottery stories that had happy endings, after all.
Trump's Tweets Seem Even More Unhinged When Presented as Press Statements
In the six months following his inauguration, President Donald Trump's impulsive tweets have become somewhat commonplace. A new Twitter account, however, is attempting to illustrate just how unprofessional they are by simply copying and pasting the president's latest tweets into the official, presidential statement format.
The idea for the account was inspired by former White House staffer Pat Cunnane. On June 4, he tweeted, "For context - because he's President - all of Trump's Tweets should be mocked up in the correct Presidential statement format. It's telling." That same day, coder Russel Neiss executed the idea by creating a Twitter account named Real Press Sec.
The result is deeply upsetting. For example, the president's recent tweet criticizing London Mayor Sadiq Khan appears even more disrespectful as a press statement. And his recent tweet addressed to Fox & Friends, using all caps and an exclamation point, looks even more juvenile.
A statement by the President:
- Real Press Sec. (@RealPressSecBot) June 5, 2017
A statement by the President:
- Real Press Sec. (@RealPressSecBot) June 5, 2017
Since its creation on June 4, the account has amassed more than 120,000 followers. The account promises to check Trump's account every five minutes for new tweets, and based on his social media habits, we can expect plenty more updates from this new account in the near future.
You Haven't Lived Until You've Tried Sephora's 15 Bestselling Foundations
So many important factors go into buying (and falling in love with) a particular foundation. For starters, you need a hue that actually matches your unique skin tone. Then, you have to consider how it works with your skin type. You'll have to decide the type of finish and coverage you're seeking. And then there's a bevy of ingredients and skin care benefits to also take into consideration.
Needless to say, picking a foundation out isn't easy - especially if you prefer to shop online for beauty products. But this is why it's important to do research, and thanks to the millions of makeup-lovers who shop and review products on, the most complicated research is done for you.
If you're in the market for a new foundation, we've rounded up the bestselling options from These top-tier complexion formulas have all been given a prestigious four or more stars by avid foundation-lovers, and include a variety of formulas for all preferences (including full cover, natural, and powder)! Keep reading to check them out.
Only 1 of Taylor Swift's Famous Friends Makes a Cameo in Her "LWYMMD" Video
Taylor Swift may have made references to her celebrity friends in her "Look What You Made Me Do" music video, but only one of them actually makes a cameo. In the short dance sequence, Todrick Hall serves as one of Taylor's eight backup dancers. While he's certain to gain a lot of attention for his smooth moves, his rise to fame started long before developing a friendship with Miss Swift. Here are some facts you might not have known about the star.
13 Ingenious Ways to Use WD-40 Around the House
If you don't already have a can of WD-40 around the house, you'll soon want to! This wonder product was developed in San Diego, CA, in 1953 and started being sold for residential use in 1958. Originally developed as an antirust protector, it soon became a household staple.
It seems that the longer WD-40 has been around, the more uses people find for it. While it's still great at preventing rust, its cleaning and lubricating applications are seemingly endless! Check out some of our favorite ways to use WD-40 around the house.
14 Easy and Hilarious Taylor Swift Halloween Costumes Based on Her Lyrics
Taylor Swift fans are swimming in awesome Halloween costume ideas this year. From her reignited feud with Kim Kardashian and Kanye West to her new "Look What You Made Me Do" music video, Taylor's life (and love of Fall) is something that everyone can channel one night of the year. But what about the fans who want to take things to a whole new level? Well, Taylor's song lyrics actually provide hidden costume gems that will definitely help you take home any contest prizes. Keep reading to see what we mean, then check out these couples costumes that anyone can throw together.
20 "Bad Blood" Costume Ideas
21 Versatile Trader Joe's Products and Easy Ways to Use Them
Adaptable is the name of the game with these multiuse, sent-from-the-heavens foods, all available year-round at your nearest Trader Joe's. They could be cooked millions of ways, but here are a few dozen easy ideas to make the dinner-planning part of your life just a bit easier. However you decide to use these convenient staples, you'll want to add them to your shopping cart for years to come.
16 Burning Questions You've Always Wondered About Common Ingredients
How long do eggs really last? Do you need to refrigerate butter? What's the difference between Parmesan and Pecorino Romano, anyway? If these are all questions you've asked yourself at least once, you'll appreciate this comprehensive list of answers. You might not know the best storage methods or the facts behind some of the most common staples sitting in your kitchen right now, but you will after discovering these 16 explanations.
17 Chocolate Recipes You Don't Know Your Slow Cooker Can Make
"Chocolate" and "slow cooker" might not be two things you'd normally include in the same sentence, but these recipes will convince you otherwise. You'll be delighted to find out that your slow cooker can make perfectly chewy brownies, crunchy chocolate candy, and decadent hot chocolate. Chocolate-lovers, sit back and relax while your slow cooker does all the work, and prepare to find a favorite way to indulge your sweet tooth.
Make Way For Foil Brows, the Boldest New Eyebrow Trend
Makeup artists on Instagram can't stop, won't stop pushing the boundary on beauty - and we love them for it. One look we've been seeing may just take squiggle brows' current spotlight: foil brows. It's part Tin Man, part the Hunger Games' Capitol, and totally head-turning.
Artists are using gold foil, aluminum foil, or any other reflective, shiny material to create faux eyebrows. Some choose to paste bits of foil along the arches' hairs, while others completely cover them with cut-up foil pieces. They're bold, bizarre, and hardly meant for everyday wear (but if you do dare, go you). That being said, Halloween is just around the corner, so there's a golden opportunity for you risk-averse beauty junkies. Get more inspiration ahead.
These Crystal-Infused Perfumes May Just Conjure Up What You Want in Life
Pacifica is taking the soothing effects of aromatherapy to the next level by combining them with the healing powers of crystals.
The five AromaPower Micro-Batch Perfume Oil ($14) scents are first made in tiny batches with high-quality essential oils. Next, the perfumes are poured into rollerballs and alcohol-cleansed crystals are then individually placed in each bottle to infuse the crystal's energy into the fragrance to proposedly heal, energize, and improve the wearer's mood.
Like all of Pacifica's products, the bottles come with gorgeous packaging, including illustrations of holographic crystals on each bottle. Animal-loving beauty lovers can also enjoy this line guilt-free because they aren't tested on animals and are completely vegan.
You can purchase the magical scents at your local Ulta Beauty and Pacifica's website.
Read on to find out the effects of each irresistible scent and find the one with the power to heal your soul (or just make you smell really good).
What's Better Than a Pumpkin Spice Latte? A Pumpkin Sheet Mask With Gold in It
With pumpkin spice season underway, one beauty brand with a cult-like following is getting in on the trend with two delicious skincare products. Too Cool For School - the brand behind those popular egg cream masks - currently offers a Pumpkin Sleeping Pack as well as a Pumpkin 24K Gold Sheet Mask. Though both items have been available for some time, they are just now being sold at Sephora.
So what's the deal with these Fall-focused products? The Pumpkin Sleeping Pack serves as both a nighttime moisturizer and an overnight treatment mask. The pumpkin extract works to deliver hydration, radiance, and a smoother surface. Meanwhile, the Pumpkin Sheet Mask is drenched in pumpkin extract and - you guessed it - gold to brighten the skin and improve complexion. Browse the irresistible skincare products ahead.
8 Haunted Houses in New Orleans That Will Scare Your Pants Off
If you're looking for a spook today, we've got just the thing! New Orleans is perhaps America's most haunted city, so it's no surprise the place is full of ghosts, ghost stories, and floating entities. So, if you dare, come take a look at eight of the most frightening haunted houses - many of which are actually hotels - in the Big Easy!
- Additional reporting by Angela Elias
19 Storage Solutions So Chic You Won’t Believe They’re From Ikea
Ikea has long been who we've thought of for inexpensive storage options for the closet, garage, or attic. But thanks to a recent reinvigoration from designer, style guru, and all-around home/life philosopher Ilse Crawford, Ikea now offers storage solutions so chic you'll be proud to bring them out of the closet.
The best storage options can be repurposed at different points in your life - changing with you as your needs change. So look for items that can do double duty, or items that could work in more than one room: living and bedroom, or bath and kitchen. The 19 Ikea products that follow feature organic materials, simple but elegant design, and an earth-oriented color palette.
This Touching Moment From Princess Diana's Funeral Almost Didn't Happen
Image Source: Getty / AFP
Princess Diana's funeral was an unforgettably tragic and touching event watched by billions around the world. Almost 20 years later, the images still conjure up emotions, especially those of her two young sons, Princes William and Harry. Among the most iconic is the picture of the boys walking behind Diana's horse-drawn casket with their father, grandfather, and uncle, Earl Spencer, Diana's brother. Atop the casket, Harry had placed a card addressed to "Mummy."
Image Source: Getty / Anwar Hussein
The story behind the procession provides insight into the royal family dynamic ahead of the funeral. Sally Bedell Smith relays the details in her new biography of the Prince of Wales, Prince Charles. The day before the funeral, the royal family had arrived back in London after grieving privately at the queen's Scottish estate Balmoral. Bedell Smith explains that "the one lingering question about the funeral was whether William and Harry would walk in the procession behind their mother's horse-drawn gun carriage." Charles wanted his sons to walk because it was a tradition for royal men, but the boys were reluctant.
Finally, it was their grandfather, Prince Philip, who helped William and Harry make the decision. Bedell Smith writes that Prince Philip told William, "If you don't walk, you may regret it later." He went on, "I think you should do it. If I walk, will you walk with me?" Thanks to that conversation, William and Harry joined the procession at St. James's Palace, providing history with a moment we won't soon forget.
The Habit That Will Help You Lose the Extra Weight
Feel like you've got a little extra padding to deal with? The health experts at Harvard have an answer for you to help you shed the weight: keep your glycemic index (GI) chart handy.
In the December 2014 issue of Harvard Health Review, researchers note that it's not fat that you should be worried about if you are watching your weight - it's refined carbs. Recent studies have shown that refined carbs and simple sugars may be worse for your heart than saturated fats and that sticking to a low-carb, high-protein diet is the key to weight-loss success. But since we can't live off BBQ meats alone, here's a simple solution: when faced with carb choices, go with low-GI foods, which slow down the rate that glucose (sugar) gets introduced into your body. High-GI foods, in contrast, cause a spike in your blood sugar as well as insulin, causing you to crave more sugary foods when your glucose levels drop.
The GI index ranks foods on a zero to 100 scale; in general, a GI of 1 to 55 is low, 56 to 69 is medium, and 70 to 100 is high - you should limit these high-ranking foods in your diet. If you know your GI values, you'll know that you need to avoid white rice, white flour, and packaged cereals, and choose whole grains, whole fruits, and other complex carbs instead. You can also choose foods that are low on the glycemic load scale, which measures the blood-sugar-raising power of that food. A glycemic load of 10 or less is low, 11 to 19 is medium, and 20 or more is high.
Following the glycemic index isn't a new concept, but it's a useful way to keep your eating habits in check when on the go. Knowing your numbers is a quick way to help ensure that you're making smarter choices whether you're at a party or just looking to get back on track. Check out a handy GI chart of a few foods below, and check out a list of GI and glycemic load values of 100 common foods here.
Food | Glycemic index | Glycemic load per serving |
Apple | 39 | 6 |
Baguette, white, plain | 95 | 15 |
Banana, ripe | 62 | 16 |
Brown rice | 50 | 16 |
Carrots | 35 | 2 |
Dates, dried | 42 | 18 |
Cranberry juice cocktail | 68 | 24 |
Graham crackers | 74 | 14 |
Grapefruit | 25 | 3 |
Green peas | 51 | 4 |
Ice cream | 57 | 6 |
Instant oatmeal | 83 | 30 |
Milk, full fat | 41 | 5 |
Milk, skim | 32 | 4 |
Orange | 40 | 4 |
Orange juice, unsweetened | 50 | 12 |
Parsnips | 52 | 4 |
Potato, russet, baked | 111 | 33 |
Potato, white, boiled | 82 | 21 |
Quinoa | 53 | 13 |
Spaghetti, white, boiled | 46 | 22 |
Spaghetti, wholemeal, boiled | 42 | 17 |
Sponge cake, plain | 46 | 17 |
Shortbread | 64 | 10 |
Sweet potato, average | 70 | 22 |
White rice | 89 | 43 |
White basmati rice, quick-cooking | 67 | 28 |
Whole-wheat bread | 71 | 9 |
Yam | 54 | 20 |
Here's Exactly What Was in the Letter Jon Snow Wrote Sansa That Made Her So Mad
Sansa Stark and Jon Snow's relationship hasn't exactly been as strong as we would have hoped lately on Game of Thrones. While Jon has been off securing dragonglass weapons to fight the White Walkers and nearly dying at the skeletal hands of thousands of wights (and oh, yes, getting it on with his aunt), Sansa has been struggling to keep the North together.
Fortunately with Bran and Arya by her side, she's able to eliminate the manipulations of Littlefinger in the season seven finale and emerge stronger from the whole situation. Before that, though, she gets a letter from Jon that gives her pause, and she vents her frustrations to the still-alive Petyr Baelish. She reveals that Jon has pledged the North's allegiance to Dany, but now we know exactly what the letter said thanks to HBO's behind-the-scenes website for the show, Making Game of Thrones.
In all its glory, it reads:
Cersei Lannister has pledged her forces to our cause, as has Daenerys Targaryen. If we survive this war, I have pledged our forces to Daenerys as the rightful Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. We are both coming to organise the defence of the realm.
Jon Snow, Warden of the North"
Although seeing the letter isn't an earth-shattering revelation, it's nice to see how Jon chose to let Sansa know about developments in King's Landing (even if she's unhappy about it).
Prince George's First Day of School Is Closer Than You Think
Prince George marked his fourth birthday on July 22, and with a new year comes new milestones. One of them is starting preparatory school. The young royal is set to attend Thomas's Battersea School, a private school in South London, on Sept. 7, Kensington Palace confirmed on Tuesday. "The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, accompanying Prince George, will be met on arrival at the school by the Head of Lower School, Helen Haslem, who will then escort Their Royal Highnesses to Prince George's reception classroom," the palace said in a statement.
Thomas's School is about four miles from Will and Kate's home in Kensington Palace, and according to The Good Schools Guide, it is "a big, busy, slightly chaotic school for cosmopolitan parents who want their children to have the best English education money can buy." It focuses on "enjoyment, learning and achievement," and George will be among kids from several international backgrounds. Kate and Will are hoping to drop off George and pick him up from school "as much as possible," however, Thomas's School owns a "fleet of buses" that also picks up students from Kensington. George previously attended the Westacre Montessori School nursery.
4 Foods You Should Definitely Try at Disney World's Animal Kingdom
While Epcot celebrates world cuisine and Magic Kingdom lets you indulge in all of your nostalgic cravings, Animal Kingdom's food has some unexpected treasures that you can't miss on your next trip. From the best cinnamon roll in the entire park (yes, it's Mickey-shaped!) to fries so good they'll disappear like a magic trick, take a look at the must-try items to put on your bucket list.
Travel and expenses for the author were provided by Walt Disney World for the purpose of writing this story.
A Joker Movie Is on the Way, and Warner Bros. Reportedly Wants to Cast Leonardo DiCaprio
After the critical disaster that was Suicide Squad hit theaters in 2016, many fans were shocked and annoyed that Batman's archenemy, the Joker, barely appears in the movie at all despite the character being featured heavily in the film's promotional campaign. Even Jared Leto, who played the classic supervillain, voiced his own frustration at the decision to cut a lot of the Joker's scenes. In what appears to be a direct response to that (or just another way to milk the DC Extended Universe machine), Warner Bros. has announced that a new stand-alone movie about his backstory is on the way. Unfortunately, not everyone in the Batman fandom is on board with the idea.
Do we get a Batwoman movie, a Birds of Prey movie? No. We get a fucking Joker movie from Todd Phillips.
- Scott Stamper (@DerfelBarada) August 22, 2017
fans: we want an under the red hood movie! teen titans movie! man of steel sequel! more female-led movies!
dceu: here's a joker solo movie! nat (@jason_todds) August 22, 2017
There's plenty of arguments for how a Joker movie could work, but in the end it humanizes him and that's not a Joker I want tbh.
- 🍳 Eggs & Blakon 🥓 (@extrablakon) August 23, 2017
There are multiple reasons for the pushback. In the right hands, a Joker origin story could be great, but the studio's choice to tap Todd Phillips to cowrite and potentially direct isn't sitting well with fans, since Phillips's previous directing credits include mostly raunchy comedies like The Hangover, Due Date, and Old School. Lending some gravity to the project is Scott Silver (8 Mile, The Fighter), who is attached to cowrite the script with Phillips, which finds the Joker in Gotham City in the early 1980s.
The movie's reception will also depend heavily on the actor who takes up the villain's iconic mantle. Since Martin Scorsese is reportedly producing, rumors are now swirling that the studio is eyeing longtime Scorsese collaborator Leonardo DiCaprio for the role. According to The Hollywood Reporter, "there's no offer for DiCaprio, and sources say Scorsese's deal to produce isn't even done yet." So the chances that the Oscar winner will play the Joker are slim to none, at this point. Despite the odds, the rumors of a potential DiCaprio casting alone are enough to send the message that Warner Bros. is trying to put the Joker film on the same prestigious level of Christopher Nolan's award-worthy Dark Knight franchise.
Fans have already expressed worry over the studio's choice to recast Leto and the fact that the movie is being made instead of another female-led superhero (or supervillain) outing. It's obviously too early to judge the Joker film, but based on the DCEU's recent history, fans are right to be nervous.
A Joker Movie Is on the Way, and Warner Bros. Reportedly Wants to Cast Leonardo DiCaprio
After the critical disaster that was Suicide Squad hit theaters in 2016, many fans were shocked and annoyed that Batman's archenemy, the Joker, barely appears in the movie at all despite the character being featured heavily in the film's promotional campaign. Even Jared Leto, who played the classic supervillain, voiced his own frustration at the decision to cut a lot of the Joker's scenes. In what appears to be a direct response to that (or just another way to milk the DC Extended Universe machine), Warner Bros. has announced that a new stand-alone movie about his backstory is on the way. Unfortunately, not everyone in the Batman fandom is on board with the idea.
Do we get a Batwoman movie, a Birds of Prey movie? No. We get a fucking Joker movie from Todd Phillips.
- Scott Stamper (@DerfelBarada) August 22, 2017
fans: we want an under the red hood movie! teen titans movie! man of steel sequel! more female-led movies!
dceu: here's a joker solo movie! nat (@jason_todds) August 22, 2017
There's plenty of arguments for how a Joker movie could work, but in the end it humanizes him and that's not a Joker I want tbh.
- 🍳 Eggs & Blakon 🥓 (@extrablakon) August 23, 2017
There are multiple reasons for the pushback. In the right hands, a Joker origin story could be great, but the studio's choice to tap Todd Phillips to cowrite and potentially direct isn't sitting well with fans, since Phillips's previous directing credits include mostly raunchy comedies like The Hangover, Due Date, and Old School. Lending some gravity to the project is Scott Silver (8 Mile, The Fighter), who is attached to cowrite the script with Phillips, which finds the Joker in Gotham City in the early 1980s.
The movie's reception will also depend heavily on the actor who takes up the villain's iconic mantle. Since Martin Scorsese is reportedly producing, rumors are now swirling that the studio is eyeing longtime Scorsese collaborator Leonardo DiCaprio for the role. According to The Hollywood Reporter, "there's no offer for DiCaprio, and sources say Scorsese's deal to produce isn't even done yet." So the chances that the Oscar winner will play the Joker are slim to none, at this point. Despite the odds, the rumors of a potential DiCaprio casting alone are enough to send the message that Warner Bros. is trying to put the Joker film on the same prestigious level of Christopher Nolan's award-worthy Dark Knight franchise.
Fans have already expressed worry over the studio's choice to recast Leto and the fact that the movie is being made instead of another female-led superhero (or supervillain) outing. It's obviously too early to judge the Joker film, but based on the DCEU's recent history, fans are right to be nervous.
I Finally Found the Perfect Pan and I'm Never Looking Back
If you're on the lookout for a nonstick pan that you will love tenderly, invest in a Scanpan. Before you freak out over the $125 price tag, allow me to explain. I discovered Scanpan during culinary school while hunting for a small nonstick pan for eggs. Wary of Teflon, I inquired about alternatives. The store employee shared that Scanpan is nontoxic, made of recycled aluminum and ceramic, doesn't scratch, can be used with metal utensils, can go in the oven . . . and despite the price sucking my bank account dry, I hightailed it to the cash register.
Sure enough, the Scanpan delivered on all those promises. I can scramble or fry eggs without them sticking. I can sear a steak. I can make oatmeal without soaking the pot for the next three days. Cleaning is a cinch too. I can't remember the last time I had to break a sweat scrubbing down a pan. The food just glides off. I've had my same pans for almost a decade now. I love them. However, they do require a little fussy maintenance to make them last longer, but when you just threw down 100 bucks for a pan, the extra effort pays off. Remember to use medium heat or lower when cooking with them and be sure to hand wash and dry them immediately after using. If you can get on board with those two habits, you'll be in cook's heaven.
I've since given Scanpans to my parents, boyfriend, and best friends (spoiler: it's my go-to wedding gift). They are all now Scanpan believers. The Scanpan is the perfect pan in my opinion, and I'm never looking back.
You Won't Believe This Gorgeous House Is Only 362 Square Feet
"At under 400 square feet, our Craftsman cottage is indeed tiny, but in the five years we've been here, we've never needed more space," says Whitney Leigh Morris, small-space living aficionado, designer, and blogger behind The Tiny Canal Cottage. So what's her secret to making everything fit? "Nearly everything about the cottage - from the built-ins to the decor - was deliberately chosen to maximize the space. I selected furniture and accessories over time as we learned how to best navigate this particular layout with one another." Whitney recently refreshed her Venice Beach, CA, home for Spring, and the pictures were so stylish and full of small-space living inspiration that we had to share them with you. Take a look at Whitney's gorgeous digs and tiny-space living tips here, and then shop the look on Joss & Main.
Celebrities Are Stepping Up in a Major Way to Help Hurricane Harvey Victims
Celebrities are using their star power for good in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. Over the past week, everyone from Leonardo DiCaprio to Sandra Bullock has been giving back to the Texas community of Houston by sending their thoughts, prayers, and charitable donations to help relief efforts. Jamie Foxx is even set to host a star-studded telethon on Sept. 12 to raise more money for everyone that has been affected by the tropical storm. See how some of Hollywood's biggest stars are stepping up in a major way to create change below.
The Day of Harry Potter's Emotional Epilogue Happened IRL, and Now We Can't Stop Crying
Image Source: Warner Bros.
On Sept. 1, 2017, a grown-up Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley gathered together on Platform Nine and Three Quarters at King's Cross to bid farewell to their children, who were off to start their own adventures at Hogwarts. Just the thought of the epilogue in The Deathly Hallows is enough to make any Harry Potter fan a little teary, and now that the moment's actual date has come to pass, emotions are running high.
It's been 19 years since Harry's defeat of Voldemort within the story, 10 years since J.K. Rowling released Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and six years since the last movie hit theaters, but the loyalty and love of the iconic, wildly popular series have not faded. Rowling herself took the time to mark the occasion with a tweet about how Friday is the day Albus Severus Potter boards the Hogwarts Express for the very first time:
Today's the day Albus Severus Potter boards the Hogwarts Express at King's Cross for the first time #19yearslater ⚡️
- J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) September 1, 2017
The beloved author also responded to the many tweets from people who were sad that they still haven't gotten their letters to Hogwarts in pretty much the best way, by retweeting something she'd actually told a fan back in 2015. "All these people saying they never got their Hogwarts letter: you got the letter," she wrote. "You went to Hogwarts. We were all there together."
To celebrate the special day, fans showed up in force at the real King's Cross station in London on Friday decked out in costumes and holding their wands.
11am at King's Cross #19YearsLater #BackToHogwarts @HPPlayLDN @HPPlayFans
- Claire Gallagher (@clairegallagher) September 1, 2017
Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Slytherin are ready to go #BacktoHogwarts!
- Pottermore (@pottermore) September 1, 2017
To those with us at King's Cross, and those joining us from all over the world, we wish you a safe and happy journey #BackToHogwarts
- Pottermore (@pottermore) September 1, 2017
The cast of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child also got in on the fun by eating a train-shaped cake.
Special cake for a special day. The Hogwarts Express is about to depart at the Palace Theatre. #19YearsLater #BackToHogwarts #CursedChild
- Cursed Child Play (@HPPlayLDN) September 1, 2017
Sure, Harry Potter's story might officially be over, but love for the series will go on for as long as new generations can get their hands on the books and movies. In other words? All is well.
How George Clooney's Thoughts on Marriage and Fatherhood Changed Once He Met Amal
Image Source: Getty / Mike Coppola
George Clooney may now be happily married to wife Amal and a father to two babies, but long before the human rights lawyer came along, George was one of Hollywood's hottest bachelors. The actor swore he would never get married again (he was married to actress Talia Balsam from 1989 to 1993) and even said he didn't "have that gene that people have to replicate." Well, a whole lot has definitely changed since then. Take a walk down memory lane and look back at George's most memorable quotes about marriage and fatherhood.
Image Source: Getty / Sean Gallup
Before Meeting Amal
- On romantic relationships: "I've had some absolutely great relationships and some not so great relationships. I've been in some relationships where I've felt terribly alone. Just because you're with someone it doesn't mean you're incredibly happy and complete."
- On why he never used to talk about marriage: "I don't talk about it because I don't think about it. I don't ever question other peoples' versions of how they live their lives or what they do."
- On why he wasn't married with children: "I haven't had aspirations in that way, ever. I was married in 1989. I wasn't very good at it. I was quoted as saying I'll never get married again pretty much right after I got divorced and then I've never talked about it since."
- On vowing to never get married again: "Marriage? Who knows? I've been married. It's not something I'm looking out for. Things could always change, but it's not a consideration right now. The truth is I'm really happy. The things that are a drag in my life are so outweighed by the things that are great. I have families that I spend my days with, and friends I spend my days with, and people I care very much about. I get to do what almost no one gets to do. My life's really good."
- On having kids: "I think it's the most responsible thing you can do, to have kids. It's not something to be taken lightly. I don't have that gene that people have to replicate. But everything in my life has changed over time."
Image Source: Getty / Axelle/Bauer-Griffin
After Meeting Amal
- On finding "the one": "I have someone who I can talk to about anything and someone who I care more about than I've cared about anybody."
- On his marriage proposal: "I knew fairly quickly that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Amal (but) we had never talked about it so there wasn't like a 'Hey, maybe we should get married.' Literally, I dropped it on her. And she just kept saying, 'Oh my god,' and 'Wow' – completely unexpected. We just sat there and finally I said, 'Listen, I'm 52 and I've been on my knee now for about 28 minutes, so I gotta get an answer out of this or I'm going to throw a hip out. I might not be able to stand back up.'"
- On being called a power couple: "I don't think of us as a power couple, because I don't know what that means. I would think a power couple is like, Bill and Hillary seems to be a power couple. I think we're just a couple with great interest in the human condition. I don't think of that as particularly powerful; I just think of it as our responsibility as people on the planet."
- On Amal's pregnancy: "We are really happy and really excited. It's going to be an adventure. We've sort of embraced it all . . . with arms wide open."
- On his and Amal's plan once their twins are born: "We have the chance to live between three countries: Italy, America, and England. But as soon as the children go to school, it'll be necessary to choose where to settle. In the meantime, we will continue to move according to our respective schedules."
- On how his life has changed since becoming a dad: "Right now my job is changing diapers and walking them [twins Alexander and Ella] around a little bit. I really didn't think at 56 that I would be the parent of twins. Don't make plans. You always have to just enjoy the ride. Suddenly, you're responsible for other people, which is terrifying."
- On how his getting-ready routine has also changed: "I just have to clean the barf off of my tux. It used to be my barf, but now it's the twins' barf. So it all works out."
Don't Freak Out, but Taylor Swift Might Have Released a New Song
Ready or not, here comes new Taylor Swift music. More than a week after releasing her first single "Look What You Made Me Do" from her sixth album Reputation, the singer posted a cryptic Instagram story on Saturday telling fans to tune into ABC at 8pm ET for the Alabama vs. Florida State game. Like humble Swifties, that's exactly what we did, and we were not disappointed.
During one of the commercial breaks for the football game, we got a sneak peek at what appears to be her second single, "Ready For It." Not only did ESPN and ABC Network release the tidbit on social media, but Swift also shared it on her Instagram story. This could explain why the duration for track one on Reputation mysteriously appeared on iTunes this weekend. If you need us, we'll just be playing this video on repeat waiting for the full song.
Are you #readyforit?
No. 1 Alabama. No. 3 Florida State. Right NOW on ABC and streaming live on the ESPN App. ESPN (@espn) September 3, 2017
The Hilarious Way Wendy's Is Responding to Haters on Twitter Will Make You Chuckle Endlessly
ICYMI, Wendy's is owning the Twitter game right now. The fast-food chain recently tweeted about its "fresh, never frozen" beef, at which one bold user threw some heavy shade. This prompted a sassy exchange that went viral, proving that Wendy's will go to great lengths to defend its beef. Naturally, this made other internet trolls want to see if they could prod similar responses out of the cheeky genius who runs the account. Spoiler alert: the responses are plentiful - and downright hilarious. Keep reading to see some of our favorite fiery comebacks.
Don't Freak Out, but Taylor Swift Might Have Released a New Song
Ready or not, here comes new Taylor Swift music. More than a week after releasing her first single "Look What You Made Me Do" from her sixth album Reputation, the singer posted a cryptic Instagram story on Saturday telling fans to tune into ABC at 8pm ET for the Alabama vs. Florida State game. Like humble Swifties, that's exactly what we did, and we were not disappointed.
During one of the commercial breaks for the football game, we got a sneak peek at what appears to be her second single, "Ready For It." Not only did ESPN and ABC Network release the tidbit on social media, but Swift also shared it on her Instagram story. This could explain why the duration for track one on Reputation mysteriously appeared on iTunes this weekend. If you need us, we'll just be playing this video on repeat waiting for the full song.
Are you #readyforit?
No. 1 Alabama. No. 3 Florida State. Right NOW on ABC and streaming live on the ESPN App. ESPN (@espn) September 3, 2017
15 Things You Didn't Know About the Third Scott Brother
You may have thought that there was only double trouble when it came to the Scott brothers, twin stars of HGTV's Property Brothers. But Jonathan and Drew have an older brother who's taking the world by storm, and he's not afraid to share hilarious Instagram videos documenting his everyday life.
Presenting . . . JD Scott! You've probably already seen him hosting several shows on HGTV or All-American Amusement Parks on Great American Country. Maybe you've heard him spewing witty remarks on Off Topic with the Scott Brothers or other radio stations. Or maybe you've even seen him doing his part as a global ambassador for World Vision alongside his brothers. But if you haven't caught a glimpse of the Las Vegas-based Canadian, prepare to become utterly obsessed, because we've uncovered some fun facts about JD that are sure to make him your favorite of the three. So take your front-row seat as we unveil some things that you didn't know about the eldest Scott brother, including what "JD" actually stands for . . .