Healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is one which helps to keep and improve people's health and well-being.Many governments and non-governmental organizations have made big efforts in healthy lifestyle and health promotion.

Mental Health

Mental health can be considered a very important factor of physical health for the effects it produces on bodily functions. This type of health concerns emotional and cognitive well-being or an absence of mental disorder.

Public health

Public health can be defined in a variety of ways. It can be presented as "the study of the physical, psychosocial and socio-cultural determinants of population health and actions to improve the health of the population.

Reproductive Health

For the UN, reproductive health is a right, like other human rights. This recent concept evokes the good transmission of the genetic heritage from one generation to the next.


Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

mercredi 18 juillet 2018

What Gynecologists Want You to Know Before Trying Anal Sex

When it comes to having anal sex, there are a few things you should know ahead of time to guarantee a pleasurable and safe experience. When done right, and when both people are super game, it can be awesome; yet, as with anything that's new and sexual, it can also put your health at risk. That's why speaking with your OB/GYN before could help. Here's what gynos really want you to consider and discuss with them before doing the deed.

Use Condoms

Put a glove on it. "Anal sex has an increased risk of transmitting STDs compared to vaginal sex. STDs include HIV, Hep B and C, syphilis, HPV, warts, herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and parasite infections, such as giardia or shigella," says Karen Brodman, MD, an ob-gyn in New York. Condoms will decrease your risk of most of these STDs, but HPV and herpes can still be transmitted by skin-to-skin contact.

Lube Up

"The tissue of the anus and rectum is more fragile than that of the vagina and more prone to breaking. These small skin breaks, known as anal fissures, can increase a person's risk for contracting infections and developing anal cuts called fissures," explains Wendy Goodall McDonald, MD, an ob-gyn. So, yes, you'll want to keep lube on hand.

Since your anus doesn't naturally lubricate well, adequate external lubrication with a water-based or silicone-based lubricant is a must to prevent these tears. What's more, "inflammatory bowel disorders like ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease make the tissue especially susceptible to tears of the rectum. People with those disorders should probably avoid anal sex," she adds. You'll know if you do get a fissure: expect pain and bleeding.

Don't Have Vaginal Sex Afterward

"If one follows anal penetration with vaginal, the chances of developing bacterial infections of the vagina are significant. Going from vaginal to anal intercourse should not pose a problem, but when going from anal to vaginal, change that condom or clean the toy with the proper solution and/or use a condom," Goodall McDonald explains. Plus, "bacteria from the rectum puts you at risk of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), if bacteria gets into the uterus or fallopian tubes," adds Brodman.

Be Careful With Sex Toys

Make sure any toys used have a handle, for easy removal. "You'd be surprised what can get stuck up there. The anus is not a finite or limited space like the vagina," she says. "In the vagina, items can only go so far because at the top of the vagina there's the cervix and uterus. Since the anus connects to the rectum, which connects to the colon, items can easily reach a point of no return and require medical or surgical intervention for removal," Brodman says. Don't let that happen to you. It doesn't seem pretty.

Get Tested For Anal STDs

If you're having anal sex, you'll need to get tested in that area, too. "Make sure that your periodic STI screening includes anal screening. In many offices, this may not be routinely offered. Be sure to get screened for human papillomavirus (HPV), the virus that can lead to precancerous and cancerous changes in cells, as well as gonorrhea and chlamydia anal swabs," says Goodall McDonald. "Periodic HIV testing is also recommended for anyone who is sexually active, anal or otherwise," she adds.

Don't be afraid to ask your doctor to do anal testing if it's not an automatic part of your check-up. "We clinicians only want to keep you safe, so informing us of all areas that may be susceptible to possible infection is important," the doctor adds.

Be Careful If You Have Hemorrhoids

If you have these, which are bulging veins around the rectum, you may want to avoid anal sex or be super, super careful. "These bulging veins, which are common, can bleed easily when traumatized. So, use lube liberally" to prevent them from becoming irritated and inflamed, says Alyssa Dweck, MD, a gynecologist in New York.

Consider Heading to the Bathroom Before

It's pretty clear that anal sex can make you feel like you gotta go, real bad, as it stimulates sensations of bowel movements, where you feel nice and loose and relaxed. "Some will empty the rectum with a natural bowel movement, enema, or suppository laxative for a cleaner experience. This is not essential, but preferred for some," says Dweck.

Don't Skip Birth Control

Ditching a condom for anal sex is a bad idea either way, but more so if there's no other form of contraception. "If you're not using a condom, pregnancy can occur if semen from the anus gets into the vagina," explains Brodman.

Here's How Many Times a Week You Should Do Abs, According to 4 Trainers

We've discussed before how much cardio and strength training you should be doing, but what most people are really wondering is how often to train your abs. To find out the answer, I reached out to four separate trainers who each differ in their specialties. Here's what you need to do to chisel out that six-pack.

From a Pilates Instructor

Molly Sigman, certified Pilates instructor and Equinox Pilates manager, recommends doing a bit of core work every day or incorporating core exercises into your workouts three to five times a week. "I also focus on using my deep transverse abdominis abdominals when doing ballet and flow yoga," she told POPSUGAR. "This way, I leave feeling incredibly strong and centered."

She also shared that the Pilates Ab Series of Five and oblique V-crunches are her go-to moves when traveling. For more effective moves, try planks, wood chops, and yoga twists.

From a TRX and Spinning Instructor

Corey Phelps, a certified BASI Pilates teacher and TRX and Spinning instructor, says to perform ab-specific work three times a week (roughly every other day) for results. Additionally, she recommends incorporating cardio and compound, total-body movements into your workouts, like squats and deadlifts, which "target large muscle groups, work the core, and pack a significant fat-burning punch."

From a HIIT Trainer

Nick Pags, HIIT coach at Ripped Fitness, said: "You can do abs every day. Your abs are unique because they can take more of a beating than any other part of the body." Because your core is so heavily utilized in your daily physical functioning, it can handle more than you think. Nick said that under 10 minutes of "excruciating" ab work is plenty - but no rests are allowed.

"You must push to absolute fatigue multiple times throughout an ab-focused session," he said.

Additionally, consistency and proper form are key.

From a Personal Trainer

"When training abs, I have my clients do them every day before their weightlifting sessions," said Ridge Davis, a personal trainer in West Hollywood, CA. "The abdominals are the powerhouse for all movements and exercises, so it is critical to get them activated before doing the main part of your weightlifting session."

Ridge shared that he breaks down ab training into programs: one program that focuses on the rectus abdominus (abdominal muscles) with planks, hollow holds, and leg raises, and a second program that targets the obliques with side planks, cable chops, and Russian twists.

However, all trainers unanimously agreed that exercise won't help you sculpt your midsection without a proper diet. Eating clean foods, following a high-fiber, low-sugar diet, and maintaining a calorie deficit were all recommendations.

An Expert Says Doing This 1 Thing Will Make You Stronger

We've all arrived at the gym, quickly throwing our belongings into a locker and jumping straight into our workout. This may seem harmless, but warming up is critical to maximizing your workout. If this alone hasn't convinced you, just look at what athletes at all levels do before a competition. If they're a hurdler, they practice going over the hurdles a few times, they make sure their fast twitch muscles are firing, and they get ready to run fast.

The primary goal of a warmup is to prepare someone mentally and physically for exercise/competition. Ian Jeffries, PhD, MSc, CSCS*D, NSCA-CPT*D, professor of strength and conditioning, wrote, "A well designed warm-up can increase muscle temperature, core temperature, blood flow, and also disrupt transient connective tissue bonds." He also found that warming up has the following effects on performance:

  • Improvements in rate of force development and reaction time.
  • Improvements in muscle strength and power.
  • Increased blood flow to active muscles.
  • Enhanced metabolic reactions.

Get the most out of your workout by completing a dynamic warmup - moving as you stretch and activate your muscles - before each workout.

I Got Rid of My Bloating by Doing These 4 Things Every Day

Bloating and I have had a very long, drawn-out relationship. It was with me during my high school years, through each dance competition and cheerleading practice. In college it accompanied me to most of my classes, not caring how much discomfort it was causing as I'd sit in the back of the classroom silently cursing its pain. As someone who was diagnosed with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) at the age of 15, bloating has been one of those things that became part of my identity - but that doesn't mean I necessarily liked it.

Throughout the years I have tried a laundry list of things that I thought maybe could remedy the situation or bring some relief, if even momentarily: probiotics, drastic diet changes, meditation, acupuncture - you name it, I gave it a go. Unfortunately, nothing seemed to work for me and I was left not only bloated but also frustrated. However, after enough time had passed, I was finally able to figure out the four most important things that actually made a difference. Every body is different, but here are the four things that helped me overcome my bloating.

Drinking Lots of Water

As someone who is chronically busy or on the go, I tend to easily forget to drink enough water. Not only does water keep you hydrated and literally keep you alive, but it also flushes out toxins and helps you digest your food better. Now, upon waking, I try to drink a whole eight ounces of water before getting in the shower or having breakfast, and then another eight ounces when I get to my destination after my commute. If I am eating a fiber-rich meal, I will be sure to drink another 6-8 ounces before and after I'm done eating. If you are someone, like me, who easily forgets to drink enough water, carrying around a reusable water bottle can really help. One of my favorites is by a company called Proof - its reusable water bottles keep cold liquids cold for 24 hours and hot liquids hot for 12 hours, are made out of medical grade steel, and are customizable.

Moving a Lot Every Day

I have noticed that the more I stay still, the more bloated I become, which was easily noticeable since most of my work is done in front of a computer. As someone who is admittedly bad at keeping to a workout regimen and is obsessed with work, I try to disguise little exercises into my day that will keep me moving. For instance, I will try to walk for part of my commute or take a midday jog, even if it is just around the neighborhood. If you are sitting long hours at your desk, the Gaiam Balance Disc is a very simple way to not only strengthen core muscles but also improve your posture. And for those days I am feeling a bit more motivated, I try to get a workout in.

Being Strategic About When You Eat

I used to think that as long as I was eating healthy, I could eat whenever I wanted - I was wrong! I finally realized the reason I was waking up extremely bloated every day was because I was eating tons of fruit before I went to bed, which can cause bloating as well as other digestive issues. To alleviate this, try to make sure you leave enough time between your last meal or snack and bedtime so you don't wake up feeling less than your best. What I do is try to eat fruit only before 5 p.m. and vegetables by 8 p.m. - anything after has to be a snack that is low in fiber.

Not Wearing Supertight Clothing

I recently realized that tight clothing and I sometimes do not get along. Surprisingly, tight clothing, such as high-waisted jeans and shorts, can put pressure on your abdomen and intestines, causing gas, pain, and bloating. If you notice that there is also a link between your clothing and your bloating, make a few easy wardrobe adjustments. I noticed that when I swapped out my skinny jeans for a baggier fit, I was able to also escape the dreaded bloat.

Reheating Pasta and Rice Is the Weight-Loss Hack You've Always Wanted

Ever wish that you could enjoy pasta without the carbs and calories? Well, dreams apparently do come true. Turns out, you actually digest fewer cals and carbs when you eat leftover pasta, thanks to a process called retrogradation. You may not be able to enjoy your meal hot off the stove, but allowing pasta (and rice!) to cool down changes its structure into one that makes it healthier for us to consume. Let us break it down.

First, it's important to know what a resistant starch is. We've heard time and time again how bad carbs are for us, but that applies to refined carbohydrates like bread and pasta. Resistant starch is a type of fiber that's made up of carbs that resist digestion - hence its name - and makes your body work harder to convert it into energy. This causes your metabolism to fire up. Foods like beans and green bananas naturally contain these starches. But according to Erin Palinski-Wade, RD, CDE, author of Belly Fat Diet For Dummies, and consultant to Swisse Wellness, one way a resistant starch is created is during retrogradation, when cooked food is cooled.

"When starches are heated, they lose their original structure and when cooled, create a new one which forms the resistant starch," Erin told POPSUGAR. "Starches like white rice and pasta, when cooled after cooking, increase in resistant starch allowing fewer carbohydrates and calories to become digested."

If you're wondering how long you should let your food cool down, a study found 24 hours to be the most effective. Researchers compared freshly cooked white rice, cooked white rice that was cooled to room temperature for 10 hours, and cooked white rice that was cooled for 24 hours then reheated. The latter showed to have higher resistant starch and "significantly lowered glycemic response" in adults who participated in the clinical study.

Now you can feel less guilty about reheating those leftovers!

A Trainer Says This Is How Long You Have to Lift Weights to Lose Weight

Whether you're lifting weights, doing HIIT workouts, or another style of training, you're going to need to be consistent with your program and eating clean in order to lose weight. If you've been lifting weights for more than a month and feel like you aren't seeing results, don't fret. Weight loss doesn't happen overnight, and the amount of weight each individual loses will vary based on genetics, their initial weight, the style of training they're doing, and their diet. Stephen Cheuk, New York City based personal trainer and founder of S10 Training, spoke with POPSUGAR about the best weightlifting practices one should follow to lose weight.

"Under the assumption nutrition is 100 percent during this process [weightlifting], it really depends on the weight and body fat of each woman," Stephen told POPSUGAR. If a woman is already lean (18 to 28 percent body fat) and at a healthy weight range, she can lose anywhere between 0.5 and 0.8 percent of body fat in a week and lose 0.5 to one pound of weight in a week. After doing the math, this means if you're trying to lose 10 pounds, it can take anywhere from 10 to 20 weeks.

If you're new to strength training and have a body fat percentage higher than 28 percent, you'll "typically drop body fat and weight quicker in the beginning," Stephen said. Being that each person will adapt differently, there's no exact amount of weight you'll lose a week, but Stephen said it can be a minimum of one percent of body fat or one pound per week.

In order to lose fat and build muscle, Stephen said absolute beginners should start with two sessions a week, doing three to five sets of 10-15 reps per exercise. If you have experience strength training, Stephen advised training three times a week, doing five sets of 10 reps per exercise, and focusing on your tempo - taking 45 to 60 seconds to complete a set. A program for someone more advanced would require "more variation and periodization (strategic training phases) . . . training five times a week, working with strict tempo, rest time, and variations in sets and rep schemes," Stephen explained.

When it comes to exact exercises, Stephen said that beginners should do compound exercises (multiple muscle groups being utilized at the same time) "that hit all the major movement patterns" like squats, push-ups, and rows. For those that are more advanced, Stephen suggested doing exercises you typically don't do (this will help prevent a plateau), along with variations of exercises you have been doing. For example, if you always do squats try advancing to single-leg squats, and once your body adapts, switch it up again.

Start strength training today with any of the following programs:

The Most Important Piece of Advice I Give to People Who Want to Go Vegan

I've been vegan for a few years and I've loved every second of my plant-based journey. I'm also a nutrition coach who helps clients change their eating habits so they can feel their very best each and every day. Yes, going vegan can be a tough transition, but only if you don't do it the right way.

There's a lot of guidance I give to clients and friends who are looking to go vegan, but there's one nugget of advice that trumps them all: make the changes gradually. You can't expect to see anything different if you try to give up everything in one fell swoop. I see too many people make that mistake. They swear they're giving up dairy or meat forever, and then three days later, they're craving a creamy yogurt so badly that they go overboard and eat too much ice cream.

Rather than going cold turkey, think about how often you eat meat. If it's once a day, cut back to four times a week. The following week, only eat meat two or three times a week, and so on and so forth. This allows your body to get used to the changes you're creating, and it will make it much easier to stick to it in the long run. Plus, you will start to notice the positive benefits as they gradually show up in your body and mind. You'll actually want to eat more and more plants as time goes on.

These Loafers Look Designer, but They're on MAJOR Sale For Amazon Prime Day

Loafers will be one of the hottest shoe trends this Fall, no doubt. If you're on the hunt for an affordable pair, Amazon Prime Day has you covered. These chic Aldo Gemona Loafers ($30-$54, additional 30 percent off at checkout) are discounted for just one day only, so you have to act swiftly.

These shoes come in four colors: black, white, red, and pink. The gold hardware gives them a luxe touch that makes them look designer. They go great with dresses, jeans, trousers, and skirts. So what are you waiting for? You only have until tonight to buy these cute loafers! Add them to your cart this instant.

OMFG, You Can Get Kate Middleton's Sneakers on CRAZY Sale For Amazon Prime Day

If you don't own a pair of Superga sneakers yet, you're missing out. The classic Italian shoes are a staple that celebrities and royals love - now you can finally buy them on sale. Courtesy of Amazon Prime Day, these Superga Women's 2750 Cotu Sneakers ($45, originally $65) are 30 percent off.

The versatile sneakers are easy to mix and match with everything you already own. Not to mention, they're loved by a handful of top models and Kate Middleton is known to wear them on occasion. The stylish shoes aren't new to the game, either, especially when it comes to the royal family. Princess Diana wore them 21 years ago during her visit to Angola in 1997. Channel your inner duchess and get a pair for yourself!

What are you waiting for? These deals only last a few more hours, and they're selling out fast. Shop before it's too late.

Holy Crap, These 5 Chic Aldo Bags Are All 30% Off For Amazon Prime Day!

Need a new purse? Of course you do! Luckily, Aldo is discounting tons of its must-have designs for Amazon Prime Day. We rounded up our favorite picks for you to choose from, so look at them quickly. You only have until the end of the day before these deals disappear.

This Top-Rated Bralette Is on Sale For Amazon Prime Day - It's So Comfy!

Finding a bra that's both sexy and comfortable is nearly impossible. Luckily, Amazon Prime Day is hear to give us exactly what we want with an extra bonus: a big discount. It's no wonder that this Mae Women's Lace Trim Triangle Bralette ($16, 30 percent off at checkout) is one of the top-rated options on the site. It's currently on sale just for today, so don't waste any time adding it your cart.

We love that this bralette comes in five different colors including black, pink, gray, blue, and burgundy. It also has adjustable straps so you can get a perfect fit. The silky material feels so soft and nice; you can wear this bra all day long, no problem. Buy it fast!

10 Summer Tops You'll Want to Buy From the Amazon Prime Day Sale ASAP

The easiest way to spruce up your Summer wardrobe is by investing in a stylish top. You can mix and match them with everything from jeans to skirts this season, and it will make all your old pieces feel like new. Need more convincing? The Amazon Prime Day sale is back and includes so many stylish pieces, we want them all. From pretty floral tops to cutout tank tops, you won't want to miss out. The sale ends July 17 and items are already selling out left and right. Keep scrolling to shop our favorite picks of the season.

The Definitive Guide of What Shoes to Wear With Every Type of Shorts

With Summer already in full swing, you've probably found your go-to pair of shorts, but you may be looking for some fresh ways to style them. While finding cute and summery tops to wear with them is key, getting the perfect footwear is equally important. Since wearing shorts puts your feet on full display, the right shoes can make or break your outfit.

Whether you prefer to rock long fitted Bermuda shorts or would rather show off your legs in itty-bitty short shorts, there's a shoe out there that perfectly complements every silhouette. Read on to see what shoes to wear with every kind of shorts, or jump ahead to your favorite style.

Priyanka Chopra's Summer Dress Looks Simple at First Until She Starts Walking

It looks things are still going strong for Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra. The couple kicked off Priyanka's 36th birthday festivities early by celebrating in London. The adorable couple met up with Nick's brother Joe and his fiancée Sophie Turner for dinner. For the double date, the actress wore a breezy Summer dress that looked simple at first.

Priyanka's striped midi dress featured buttons going down the front, and when she walked, we realized it also had a couple of daring splits. The actress isn't afraid of showing off some leg as she was just spotted wearing a hot pink dress while on set of her upcoming film Isn't It Romantic. She finished her look off with a pair of white mules and a Fendi mesh bag. Read on to get a closer look, and buy similar versions of her dress ahead.

The 50 Sexiest Swimsuits of 2018 Are Here and Hotter Than Ever

Finding the perfect swimsuit that you'll love wearing all Summer long is easier said than done. If you're on the hunt for an ultrasexy choice this season, we have you covered. You don't have to spend your days endlessly searching online for your match, because we did the hard work for you. We scoured the internet for the hottest finds out there right now and found 50 sultry picks that will make you feel more confident than ever. Whether you desire a flattering monokini, a hot pink bikini, or a sporty one-piece, we found it all. Keep scrolling to shop our favorites.

The Queen Hasn't Worn Pants in Nearly 50 Years - Here's Why She Did

The British royal family is a fashionable bunch, and the most fashionable one of all? Well, Elizabeth II of course. The British Monarch is no stranger to a fashion show, and just like Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle, she puts a lot of thought into her outfits, meaning there are almost always reasons for why she does (or doesn't) wear certain things. But there's one thing the queen absolutely never chooses for royal engagements: pants.

The one and only time the queen wore trousers on official duty was during her tour of Canada in 1970 with Prince Philip, nearly 50 years ago. She wore a matte silk pantsuit by designer Ian Thomas in an effort to modernize her look. Clearly, she didn't favor slacks, as she hasn't worn many pairs since. You might have spotted her wearing the staple during leisure time or riding her beloved horses, but she won't wear them on duty. And you certainly wouldn't find her wearing jeans like Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle.

The queen likes to keep her style simple and practical, but she doesn't lack a flair for fashion, particularly when it comes to colors. You'll often see her in a brightly colored coat with a matching hat, stylish handbag, and her go-to loafers. She chooses this tried-and-tested ensemble so often for one simple reason: so the public can easily recognize her.

The 1 Smart Styling Move Every Fashion Girl Makes For a Flight

Your vacation plans are set, but you've been putting off packing. How the heck are you going to fit all the outfits you want to bring into your suitcase? Don't you fret - the style bloggers have a quick tip we're picking up on. Since these girls are constantly traveling, they need to find a way to create fashionable looks with the bare essentials and still tote along their chunky booties that take up room.

The answer comes by way of layering. First, set aside the most voluminous pieces you want to bring, then find a way to work them into your travel outfit. Read on to see how it's done, then shop for the basics you might be missing. Wait - were you still worried about what to wear on the plane? Consider that problem solved.

Jennifer Aniston Owns Flip-Flops, but Her Sexiest Shoes Are Definitely Not in That Family

Jennifer Aniston owns flip-flops and thong sandals, and she keeps her white sneakers on rotation all year long. But on date nights and for fancy events, Jen has proved her prowess at rocking sky-high heels. Sometimes, her stilettos are even strapless and we question how she's standing up straight. But the actress has clearly had some experience when it comes to adjusting to new heights. Her Burberry wraparound wedges even have sex appeal.

There's something about a Jen spotting in pumps that makes us want to get real leggy with our look and head out for the evening. On that note, read on to see all the moments she wowed us with her footwear - making a minidress, a thigh-high slit, or a simple date night jumpsuit all the more alluring - and shop similar silhouettes for yourself.

Ashley Graham Styled Her Tiny Bikini With a Cover-Up That Put Everything on Display

Ashley Graham can rock a sexy bikini like nobody's business. The model showed off her famous curves in a tiny white string bikini while on vacation in Mykonos, Greece. Ashley enjoyed the crystal blue waters in her white-hot swimsuit and aviator shades.

When Ashley was done for the day, she paired her swimsuit with a long crochet dress that added another layer of sex appeal to her beach-ready look. It looks like the curve model packed an array of supersheer cover-ups as she was also recently spotted wearing a see-through white crop top during her vacay. Keep reading to get a closer look and shop similar versions of her entire outfit.

50 Summer Must Haves You Can't Live Without in 2018 - All Under $50

Every time warm weather rolls around, we have the instant urge to completely empty our bank accounts. This Summer, in effort to make your life easier and save your wallet, we went on a mission to uncover this season's hottest pieces for less than $50. Whether you're on the hunt for a sexy backless dress, a straw bag for your next beach day, or a pair of comfy sandals, we have you covered. Ahead, you'll find 50 perfectly stylish and affordable finds that are bound to become staples in your closet. From vacation to the office, be your best-dressed self and shop our favorites.

Meghan Markle's Trench Dress Deserves to Be Photographed, Framed, and Displayed in a Museum

After a fun weekend with Kate Middleton at Wimbledon and a stylish off-duty look, Meghan Markle stepped out with Prince Harry to visit the Nelson Mandela Centenary Exhibition in London. For the occasion, the Duchess of Sussex wore a stunning blush trench dress by Canadian label Nonie, which she accessorized with a Mulberry Clifton bag ($803), neutral heels, and stud earrings.

Since her wedding to Prince Harry, Meghan has turned to pink-hued outfits more than once. For her very first royal engagement as the Duchess of Sussex, she wore a pretty peachy-pink Goat dress; when she attended her first Trooping the Colour, she broke the protocol in a surprising pink off-the-shoulder dress by Carolina Herrera; and when she joined Prince Harry for the Queen Elizabeth's Young Leader Awards at Buckingham Palace, Meghan gave us a lesson in power dressing in a blush Prada suit dress. Could the duchess have found her power color? Read on to get a closer look at her stylish ensemble and shop her exact piece, as well as similar designs.

The 7 Best Push-Up Bras Every Woman Should Own

Whether you have a bust on the smaller side and are looking to create the illusion of more cleavage or you have a large bust that needs extra support or coverage, owning a push-up bra is a total must. Finding the right one that's ideal for your body type and clothes is the hard part. We went on a mission to uncover the comfiest and most popular push-up choices, so all you have to do is shop. From cult-favorite brands like Spanx to Calvin Klein, you won't be disappointed. Ahead, you'll find our seven top picks that belong in your collection this year - take a look.

Kylie Jenner Has a Thing For Affordable Dresses, and It's Easy to See Why

While the Kardashian/Jenner clan are always spotted in designer duds, that hasn't stopped them from rocking more affordable pieces - especially Kylie Jenner. The starlet has proved time and time again that she is all for dresses that don't put a dent in her wallet.

Kylie and her famous sisters are all huge fans of the affordable brand Fashion Nova. Fun fact: Cardi B, who has a collection with the label, famously rapped about the brand, singing, "I could buy designer, but this Fashion Nova fit all that a**," which Kylie went on to use as one of her Instagram captions. From a sexy off-the-shoulder minidress to a cozy t-shirt dress, take a look back at Ky's most affordable dresses and shop the exact same pieces ahead.

This $49 Wrap Dress Has 100+ Great Reviews on Nordstrom (Plus, It Comes in 7 Colors)

The most flattering piece you could ever invest in is a wrap dress. The style is adjustable and forgiving - here at POPSUGAR we're totally obsessed with the design. If you want to try the silhouette without breaking the bank, we have an ideal option for you. This Colie Ruffle Wrap Dress ($49) gets crazy-good reviews on Nordstrom's site.

More than 100 customers have reviewed the dress, and most people have given it a perfect five stars. It comes in seven different colors and is made with lightweight chiffon. It's the perfect transitional piece for Summer to Fall.

"This is the perfect Summer dress for me," one buyer wrote. "It's not too short and the wrap nature of it ensures that it's a good fit. I bought the pink one and think it's adorable. I plan to wear it with flat sandals for Summer dinners and nights out, but I think you could easily dress it up with heels and some jewelry."

Don't put it off; buy this lovely dress today. Then prepare for the compliments to flow in.

Now's the Time to Buy a Fitbit - It's $60 Off For Amazon Prime Day

When it comes to fitness trackers, Fitbit is always a reliable choice. It's no secret, though, that these gadgets don't come cheap. Fortunately, we have good news for you. The Amazon Prime Day sale is back and better than ever. It starts on July 16 and lasts for 36 hours, so you won't want to sleep on these deals. We found so many great fitness finds on discount, but there's one insane item that really stands out. This superpopular Fitbit Alta HR ($90, originally $150) is a seriously good price.

Rarely do you find these for less than $100, and we couldn't be more excited. The Alta HR is great for those who want something sleek, comfortable, and easy. It tracks your exercise and heart rate, and it features a calorie counter, auto sleep tracking, alarms, and reminders to move. You can sync it up to your phone on the app or even on a computer for more in-depth reports on your daily routine. Plus, it comes in three different sizes to fit every wrist.

Do yourself a favor and treat yourself to this amazing sale. Hurry before it's too late.

Universal Orlando's New Nighttime Show Includes Magic For Harry Potter Fans

Wands at the ready, Harry Potter fans! Universal Orlando has an exciting new nighttime lagoon show, and it looks absolutely magical. The resort's Cinematic Celebration, which officially premiered on July 16, uses lasers, pyrotechnics, water screens, and over 120 dancing fountains to create an unbelievable experience for guests.

Watch your favorite movies come to life as you follow the mischievous Minions of Despicable Me, feel the thrill of The Fast & Furious movies, watch dinosaurs from Jurassic Park, and (drum roll, please) let yourself be spellbound by moments from the Harry Potter films.

While this celebration only shows on select days, the pictures ahead might convince you to plan for it in advance. This show looks absolutely captivating!

PSA: The Roomba Vacuum You've Always Wanted Is $120 Off For Amazon Prime Day

If there's one less thing we have to worry about around the house, we'll take it. The days of robot cleaners have finally arrived, and we couldn't be more game. These helpful gadgets don't come cheap, though, but not to worry because we have good news. The iRobot Roomba Robot Vacuum With WiFi Connectivity ($230, originally $350) is finally on sale for Amazon Prime Day, and it's a freakin' good deal!

The automatic iRobot Roomba wanders and cleans your home throughout the day, making manual cleanup so much easier and less frequent. This model comes with WiFi connectivity, and it connects to your Alexa, Google Assistant, and iPhone. The three-stage cleaning system works on both carpeted and hard surfaces, collecting everything from small to large debris and even pet hair. It features intelligence sensors that quickly move around your furniture, and it docks itself after 90 minutes for recharging. Need more convincing? It's $120 off right now! Hurry and shop before it's too late.

17 Times Burned Donald Trump (and His Administration)

In these trying times, a hero sometimes emerges in the most unexpected of places. Case in point: in 2018, the official Twitter account for seems to have leaned hard into the political sphere, and the results are rather dazzling. The account is really only using what it has at its disposal . . . which is, quite literally, the dictionary. This leads to all kinds of fodder when applied to tweets published by President Donald Trump and the other members of his administration; is nitpicking spelling, misuse of words and phrases, and even more apt definitions for today's seemingly buzzy terms, like "fake news." It even had a rather pointed word of the year in 2017. But we'll stop blabbering - when it comes to words, we'll just let the tweets speak for themselves.

28 Instagrams to Follow That Will Fill Your Feed With Halloween Year Round

Only celebrating Halloween for a few weeks each year feels like a huge waste, doesn't it? It's not like horror movies stop scaring you after October is over or pumpkin-flavored snacks stop tasting delicious when Fall ends! If you're the sort of person who'd rather celebrate Halloween beyond the traditional spooky season, the best place to start is on your social media feed.

Luckily, there is a whole community of people on Instagram who celebrate Halloween every day - not just on Oct. 31 - and you can start following them right now to get the inspiration flowing. From spooky beauty to creepy home decor accounts, read on for more than two dozen Instagrammers who will feed you Halloween content 365 days a year.

Related: Obsessed With Halloween? This Bath Tray Will Bring the Spooky Vibes Year-Round

And Now, a Tired Gay Joke About Trump and Putin - Except We're Not Laughing

The New York Times opinion section shared a "funny" thought on July 17: what if US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin weren't just colluding to compromise the American democracy? What if they were also gay?! It's a tired joke that we've seen before, even with Trump and Putin as the subjects. Stephen Colbert insinuated something similar during a monologue back in May 2017. In 2016, a photoshopped image of Trump and Putin, shirtless and riding a horse together, made its way around the internet. This time, the tweet in question comes complete with a hard-to-watch cartoon and talks of the fantastical "forbidden romance" that might as well be playing out in a "teenager's bedroom."

Based on the words and the nature of the cartoon itself, it's clear the whole affair is meant to be satire. As luck would have it, the best kick-off to a counterargument comes in the form of a meme, which was sent to the NYT by Twitter user PrettyBadLeft. "Satire requires a clarity of purpose and target lest it be mistaken for and contribute to that which it intends to criticize," the woke meme states. Using this idea, the target is clear: the New York Times was attempting to humiliate Trump and Putin. But the purpose is a little murkier. The joke is that we could gaze upon Trump's decision to cozy up to a United States enemy with horror. We could interpret his actions as a direct threat to the notions our country was built upon. But these men aren't reprehensible comic book villains who have somehow escaped into this reality. They're just gay together.

As one might predict, the internet didn't take too kindly to the piece. That's because it's not a critique or satire of what we witnessed during Trump's time at this summit in Helsinki, Finland. As a matter of fact, you might say it's contributing to rhetoric the Trump administration (and its followers) are trying to spread: that gay people are evil. To drive the point home, we've compiled some tweets that help clarify the situation in a few more reinforcing ways. Ironically, some of them are actually funny!

Read Up on Every Disneyland Ride Height Requirement Before Your Family Trip

Disneyland can truly be a magical place for the whole family. With delicious food, thrilling rides, and your favorite Disney characters roaming around, it's a fun-filled trip that brings everyone together. But before you head to Disney with your little ones, you may want to make sure you're aware of all the height requirements for each ride so you can avoid any disappointment if a child isn't able to get on. We've created a list of the height requirements for some of the best Disneyland rides, so take a look and start prepping that epic vacation!

15 All-Inclusive Resorts That Literally No One in Your Family Will Complain About

All-inclusive resorts are irrefutably the best way to go when it comes to stress-free family vacations. Not only will you be free from the annoyance of budgeting for food and activities, but you'll also be provided with so many food and activity options that even the pickiest and most fidgety of kids will find something to love. We've rounded up the best all-inclusive, family-friendly resorts out there, both domestic and international and suitable for a wide range of budgets. From dude ranches to tropical oases to African safaris, here are 15 options that will provide your family with a vacation you'll never forget.

Now's the Time to Buy a Fitbit - It's $60 Off For Amazon Prime Day

When it comes to fitness trackers, Fitbit is always a reliable choice. It's no secret, though, that these gadgets don't come cheap. Fortunately, we have good news for you. The Amazon Prime Day sale is back and better than ever. It starts on July 16 and lasts for 36 hours, so you won't want to sleep on these deals. We found so many great fitness finds on discount, but there's one insane item that really stands out. This superpopular Fitbit Alta HR ($90, originally $150) is a seriously good price.

Rarely do you find these for less than $100, and we couldn't be more excited. The Alta HR is great for those who want something sleek, comfortable, and easy. It tracks your exercise and heart rate, and it features a calorie counter, auto sleep tracking, alarms, and reminders to move. You can sync it up to your phone on the app or even on a computer for more in-depth reports on your daily routine. Plus, it comes in three different sizes to fit every wrist.

Do yourself a favor and treat yourself to this amazing sale. Hurry before it's too late.

Universal Orlando's New Nighttime Show Includes Magic For Harry Potter Fans

Wands at the ready, Harry Potter fans! Universal Orlando has an exciting new nighttime lagoon show, and it looks absolutely magical. The resort's Cinematic Celebration, which officially premiered on July 16, uses lasers, pyrotechnics, water screens, and over 120 dancing fountains to create an unbelievable experience for guests.

Watch your favorite movies come to life as you follow the mischievous Minions of Despicable Me, feel the thrill of The Fast & Furious movies, watch dinosaurs from Jurassic Park, and (drum roll, please) let yourself be spellbound by moments from the Harry Potter films.

While this celebration only shows on select days, the pictures ahead might convince you to plan for it in advance. This show looks absolutely captivating!

PSA: The Roomba Vacuum You've Always Wanted Is $120 Off For Amazon Prime Day

If there's one less thing we have to worry about around the house, we'll take it. The days of robot cleaners have finally arrived, and we couldn't be more game. These helpful gadgets don't come cheap, though, but not to worry because we have good news. The iRobot Roomba Robot Vacuum With WiFi Connectivity ($230, originally $350) is finally on sale for Amazon Prime Day, and it's a freakin' good deal!

The automatic iRobot Roomba wanders and cleans your home throughout the day, making manual cleanup so much easier and less frequent. This model comes with WiFi connectivity, and it connects to your Alexa, Google Assistant, and iPhone. The three-stage cleaning system works on both carpeted and hard surfaces, collecting everything from small to large debris and even pet hair. It features intelligence sensors that quickly move around your furniture, and it docks itself after 90 minutes for recharging. Need more convincing? It's $120 off right now! Hurry and shop before it's too late.

17 Times Burned Donald Trump (and His Administration)

In these trying times, a hero sometimes emerges in the most unexpected of places. Case in point: in 2018, the official Twitter account for seems to have leaned hard into the political sphere, and the results are rather dazzling. The account is really only using what it has at its disposal . . . which is, quite literally, the dictionary. This leads to all kinds of fodder when applied to tweets published by President Donald Trump and the other members of his administration; is nitpicking spelling, misuse of words and phrases, and even more apt definitions for today's seemingly buzzy terms, like "fake news." It even had a rather pointed word of the year in 2017. But we'll stop blabbering - when it comes to words, we'll just let the tweets speak for themselves.

28 Instagrams to Follow That Will Fill Your Feed With Halloween Year Round

Only celebrating Halloween for a few weeks each year feels like a huge waste, doesn't it? It's not like horror movies stop scaring you after October is over or pumpkin-flavored snacks stop tasting delicious when Fall ends! If you're the sort of person who'd rather celebrate Halloween beyond the traditional spooky season, the best place to start is on your social media feed.

Luckily, there is a whole community of people on Instagram who celebrate Halloween every day - not just on Oct. 31 - and you can start following them right now to get the inspiration flowing. From spooky beauty to creepy home decor accounts, read on for more than two dozen Instagrammers who will feed you Halloween content 365 days a year.

Related: Obsessed With Halloween? This Bath Tray Will Bring the Spooky Vibes Year-Round

And Now, a Tired Gay Joke About Trump and Putin - Except We're Not Laughing

The New York Times opinion section shared a "funny" thought on July 17: what if US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin weren't just colluding to compromise the American democracy? What if they were also gay?! It's a tired joke that we've seen before, even with Trump and Putin as the subjects. Stephen Colbert insinuated something similar during a monologue back in May 2017. In 2016, a photoshopped image of Trump and Putin, shirtless and riding a horse together, made its way around the internet. This time, the tweet in question comes complete with a hard-to-watch cartoon and talks of the fantastical "forbidden romance" that might as well be playing out in a "teenager's bedroom."

Based on the words and the nature of the cartoon itself, it's clear the whole affair is meant to be satire. As luck would have it, the best kick-off to a counterargument comes in the form of a meme, which was sent to the NYT by Twitter user PrettyBadLeft. "Satire requires a clarity of purpose and target lest it be mistaken for and contribute to that which it intends to criticize," the woke meme states. Using this idea, the target is clear: the New York Times was attempting to humiliate Trump and Putin. But the purpose is a little murkier. The joke is that we could gaze upon Trump's decision to cozy up to a United States enemy with horror. We could interpret his actions as a direct threat to the notions our country was built upon. But these men aren't reprehensible comic book villains who have somehow escaped into this reality. They're just gay together.

As one might predict, the internet didn't take too kindly to the piece. That's because it's not a critique or satire of what we witnessed during Trump's time at this summit in Helsinki, Finland. As a matter of fact, you might say it's contributing to rhetoric the Trump administration (and its followers) are trying to spread: that gay people are evil. To drive the point home, we've compiled some tweets that help clarify the situation in a few more reinforcing ways. Ironically, some of them are actually funny!

Read Up on Every Disneyland Ride Height Requirement Before Your Family Trip

Disneyland can truly be a magical place for the whole family. With delicious food, thrilling rides, and your favorite Disney characters roaming around, it's a fun-filled trip that brings everyone together. But before you head to Disney with your little ones, you may want to make sure you're aware of all the height requirements for each ride so you can avoid any disappointment if a child isn't able to get on. We've created a list of the height requirements for some of the best Disneyland rides, so take a look and start prepping that epic vacation!

15 All-Inclusive Resorts That Literally No One in Your Family Will Complain About

All-inclusive resorts are irrefutably the best way to go when it comes to stress-free family vacations. Not only will you be free from the annoyance of budgeting for food and activities, but you'll also be provided with so many food and activity options that even the pickiest and most fidgety of kids will find something to love. We've rounded up the best all-inclusive, family-friendly resorts out there, both domestic and international and suitable for a wide range of budgets. From dude ranches to tropical oases to African safaris, here are 15 options that will provide your family with a vacation you'll never forget.

Is Ariana Grande Influencing Pete Davidson's Hair Transformation?

Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson have enjoyed a fast and furious relationship since they began dating in May. In addition to sharing several tattoos, the high-profile couple also seem to be converging their styles with trendy streetwear and even matching mouth masks. Recently, the 24-year-old comedian dyed his hair platinum blond in a decision that may have been inspired by his pop star fiancée, if you're into that sort of romantic thing.

Though the 25-year-old singer is currently wearing her signature brown shade, Grande has also experimented with platinum hair in the past, as well as gray hair. On her latest Elle cover for the magazine's August issue, Grande was again photographed with long blond hair.

Given how rapidly and passionately the relationship has progressed, it's not entirely out of the question that Grande has also influenced Davidson's latest hair transformation, of all things. The things you do for love, right?

This Lightweight Captain Blankenship Moisturizer Doesn't Aggravate Acne-Prone Skin

Oh, Captain Blankenship. If I'm ever stuck on a desert island, I'd hope the skin-saving sailor would save me. That would be fitting, too, as the brand makes one of my all-time favorite products that I would indeed tote to a Castaway-esque living sitch: the Sailor Deep Blue Face Moisturizer ($20). And if you happen to be reading this on July 17, you can scoop up a bottle of this bad boy for $16 during Target's sneaky one-day mega sale. (Prime Day, you've got some competition.) I think I was first drawn to this moisturizer because it smells like a box of Froot Loops. (So if you've got a sensitive nose, you might want to stay away.) Since I'm prone to breakouts, I know there's a special kind of fear that comes with popping open a new moisturizer. There's always the chance the lotion will turn your skin's dry patches into blotchy pimples, but something is different about this lightweight cream. It sits well under makeup and doesn't slide around or make you look greasy - partly because of its soothing botanical ingredients, such as jojoba, pomegranate, calendula, carrot seed, aloe vera, and wild rose.

This counteracts nicely with my prescription-strength acne pads, which rub away my pimples but also dry out my skin. If you're someone who doesn't want to feel like you're wearing 500 pounds of product on a sweltering Summer day, you'll appreciate how easily this absorbs into your face. On top of everything else, it's packaged in a glass bottle. Klutz tendencies aside, that's great news for anyone who's bummed about the amount of plastic in our oceans.

If my NYC apartment's dingy bathtub weren't already home to an incredibly large water bug named Miso, I would use the Target sale as an opportunity to stock up on enough of this moisturizer that I could bathe in it. But since Miso's claimed her throne, I'll just stick to smearing it on my face.

The Best Beauty Products to Shop From Target's One-Day Sale

The Target One-Day Sale is finally here, and we're thrilled to see the discounts. The big-box retailer is offering 25 percent off beauty, cosmetics, and personal care items today only, online. The discounts are applied at checkout, and there are tons of great products on sale, from Harry Josh hair dryers to Sonia Kashuk makeup brush sets.

We've rounded up some of the best beauty finds that you can finally get on sale so you can get in on the deals.

4 Apps to Try If You Can't Get a Quick Derm Appointment

If you live in a rural area, you're probably used to having to wait weeks to see a dermatologist. It may seem normal to you, but the delay is actually because of an alarming shortage of dermatologists in this country. Recent studies have estimated that there are about 3.3 derms per every 100,000 people.

While self-diagnosing serious conditions such as melanoma or skin cancer isn't advisable, you probably don't want to wait three weeks to talk to a doctor about a breakout you're having right now. Luckily, there are a few hardworking apps that can empower you to smartly treat your skin.


After clearing up a young patient's acne in 2013, Dr. David Lortscher was disappointed to hear that the woman thought dermatologists were just for "rich people." In response, this family business - Dr. Lortscher's first employees were his mother and brother - was born. To use it, download the Curology app, snap a photo of your problem area, and answer a skin survey. You'll be paired with a professional who will help diagnose your problem and send a "Superbottle" full of product to target it. The brand says it has an 88 percent success rate, but if the app doesn't work in 90 days, you can get a full refund.


Mt. Sinai's Dr. Ellen Marmur created MMSkincare to provide personalized skincare routines for on-the-go patients. Much like Curology, you'll upload a selfie and take a 10-minute survey about your concerns, and then the app will shoot over a list of the Marmur Metamorphosis products it thinks would help. The dermatologist's line includes serums and masks that target problem areas such as acne, rosacea, inflammation, dryness, and wrinkles.

First Derm

More than 30,000 patients have turned to First Derm, a TalkSpace-esque app that pairs you with a dermatologist. Instead of waiting up to a month to see a doctor IRL, you can snap a photo of your condition and wait for a derm to get back to you within 24 hours. This information will cost you - consultations start at around $30 - but it's much more affordable than $120, which First Derm claims is the national average price per office visit.


Even if you have a dermatologist that you love, you can't always squeeze in an appointment at the very last minute. Spruce is a care messenger app that allows you to chat with doctors and physician's assistants during off-duty moments such as nights and weekends. This option works great for asking questions about minor skin concerns. After chatting on Spruce, you may need to schedule an in-person follow-up appointment to treat your actual concern. That said, this is a great resource that will give you peace of mind if you just need to know what's going on with your skin ASAP.