Healthy lifestyle
A healthy lifestyle is one which helps to keep and improve people's health and well-being.Many governments and non-governmental organizations have made big efforts in healthy lifestyle and health promotion.
Mental Health
Mental health can be considered a very important factor of physical health for the effects it produces on bodily functions. This type of health concerns emotional and cognitive well-being or an absence of mental disorder.
Public health
Public health can be defined in a variety of ways. It can be presented as "the study of the physical, psychosocial and socio-cultural determinants of population health and actions to improve the health of the population.
Reproductive Health
For the UN, reproductive health is a right, like other human rights. This recent concept evokes the good transmission of the genetic heritage from one generation to the next.
Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
vendredi 5 avril 2019
The 35 Products Everyone Is Buying From Amazon Right Now - Do You Have Them?

Amazon is one of our favorite destinations for everything from home organizing products to cute Summer sandals, but the online retailer has so much more to offer. As shopping experts, we spend our days searching the site and noting exactly what's selling. Ahead we curated a list of the 35 hottest products flying off the shelves right now, so all you have to do is shop. From sofas to kitchen gadgets, no doubt it will be hard to leave without a couple bestselling picks in your shopping cart. Take a look.
These 10 Shades of White Paint Are Anything but Ordinary

Think all white paints are created equal? Think again! Just as there are way more than just 50 shades of gray, there are a slew of timeless white hues to choose from to brighten up your home. White might feel risky - you definitely don't want your rooms to feel bare or sterile - but there are actually several subtle shades that can add as much warmth or coolness as you like, depending on your preference. From paper white to pearly white, check out the gallery for the most popular shades of white paint that can totally transform your space.
The Best and Easiest Way to Store Ginger

Ginger has become a staple on our grocery list. It's good for health benefits, like in tea or soup, and it's delicious in meals, like in a stir-fry or salad. But after using ginger for some time, I discovered that it became difficult to keep the ginger root, which is usually sold in very large pieces, fresh for long periods of time. We never used the entire thing in one meal, and after a lot of trial and error, I found the best (and easiest) way to store ginger both before and after it is sliced: put it in the fridge.
First, I buy ginger root that's firm, smooth, and unwrinkled. Then I put it in an air-tight plastic bag, squeezing all of the extra air out of it, and place it into the crisper basket in our refrigerator. I've found that this works far better than simply placing the whole root inside the refrigerator without covering it at all or even leaving it on the kitchen counter. Covering within a plastic bag will allow it to stay fresh for weeks at a time and not dry out - until you peel it that is.
Once you peel the ginger root, its shelf-life drastically reduces. But blotting any wetness from the cut or peeled root with a paper towel and then placing it back into the same air-tight bag will preserve its freshness for longer. You may get one or two extra weeks out of the root after it's already been cut.
This Is the Best Way to Store Garlic For Maximum Freshness

Garlic is one of my favorite ingredients to cook with. It brings all flavors in a dish to life and can be used in so many different kinds of meals. But I have had some difficulty in storing the stinky white bulbs. Sometimes when I would leave them out in a basket, let's say with some bananas, weird green thorns would bulge out of the garlic sooner than I'd like. Or worse, they'd get soft. So, what's the best way to store garlic for maximum freshness? In the refrigerator or in an dark, cool area.
When storing garlic, make sure that no sunlight is beaming in on them and that it's not too warm. It's also smart to leave them somewhere where they get good circulation, otherwise they'll spoil sooner. But the one way I like to store my garlic to last the longest is by simply placing them in the refrigerator. I often leave them in the little mesh bag they come in or place them in a small plastic bag. The coolness of the refrigerator helps the garlic stay fresher longer - up to weeks at a time.
This way to store is helpful because then I can buy my garlic in bulk, making it easy for me to grab when I feel the need to whip up some fresh salsa or spaghetti sauce. Wasting any type of food drives me crazy, especially garlic because I use it so often. So, by placing them in the refrigerator, it helps them stay fresher longer, giving me plenty of time to use them in my favorite recipes.
The Most Unexpectedly Beautiful Place to Put Wallpaper? Your Ceiling

You may still be coming around to the idea of statement wallpaper or temporary wallpaper, but we've got an even crazier idea for you: wallpaper on the ceiling. Think about it: decorating opportunities are often only limited to four walls, and adding some color and texture to your ceiling will allow you to make a major impact on your entire space. Sure, you could paint your ceiling, but unless you have serious artistic skills, the only way to get a cool pattern is with some gorgeous paper. Check out the gallery for rooms that will inspire you to think outside the box.
My Boyfriend and I Almost Broke Up Over Household Chores - Here's How We Finally Made It Work

When my boyfriend and I first moved in together, I made it clear that I was not some magical cleaning fairy that would wash the dishes and vacuum the carpet whenever dirt would appear. We were now sharing the same space, and I expected both of us to pull our weight and our chores to be split evenly and fairly. But not long after we settled into our place, I found myself constantly following him around, picking up the dirty clothing he carelessly dropped on the floor. That quickly turned into me resenting my partner, shrugging off his affectionate advances, and grumbling under my breath constantly.
My boyfriend isn't insensitive to other people's needs, but now that I'm a bit calmer after the dust (pun intended) has settled, I can admit that there were definitely things I did wrong, too. I left water on the bathroom floor when I got out of the shower, which drove him nuts and to which I'd respond, "You care about that, but you can't pick your dirty clothes up?" Eventually we both realized we had habits that needed to change if this was going to work.
The reason some people seem helpless when it comes to housework isn't because they consciously believe their partner will do it. Subconsciously, once habits have been ingrained, many people often just don't "see" what needs to be done. There's even some evidence that messiness is in our DNA! I was raised in a home where clutter was an absolute no-no. However, I had a bathroom to myself when I was younger and almost never had to answer for my splashy showers since the water had often dried up before my mom ever saw it (the mold was a different story).
But back to our new apartment. If there was one thing that got us through this difficult period, it was compromise. We calmly and reasonably discussed how we both worked the same eight hours each day, therefore, we should divide the housework more evenly. We attempted splitting the chores up 50/50. My boyfriend readily agreed to the responsibility of running the recycling to the sorting center twice weekly, vacuuming the carpets, sweeping off the front and back porches, and - yes - picking clothes up off the floor.
I handled the daily counter wipe downs, mopping two to three times per week, and cleaning the bathrooms weekly. We also agreed upon hanging a white board on the kitchen refrigerator with a list of housework we wanted done, as well as by when, and I must admit, having the sign right there in front of us every time we reached into the fridge for a soda helped a lot.
Another big piece of advice I have for new couples moving in together is to consider downsizing your home and belongings. Having less space to clean makes it that much easier to tackle, and having less stuff to pack, unpack, and dust off is a huge win during this new and often stressful time period.
We bonded and opened up a lot to each other during this time period as well. He let me know that my penchant for perfection made him feel incompetent, and my constant "my way or the highway" mentality made him feel like no attempts to please me were ever good enough. It was equally important that I work on changing myself as well. I had to let go of the comfort I had established while living in my own element for so long. During this trial-and-error period, I learned what mattered to him in a clean home, as he did with me. I also had to learn to show appreciation for what he did do, instead of constantly focusing on what had yet to be done. He did the same.
You learn to pick your battles, because, let's face it, learning to live with another person isn't easy. Ever. However, living together as a couple is a lot different than living with a roommate. There's a vested interest on both ends to make it work, which is a positive. But a potential negative is that there's also a comfort with a partner that will probably be a bit different than what you had with your roommate in college. It's easier to jump to anger and say things you don't mean with someone you're more comfortable with. Understanding this was the first step to fixing our daily interactions at home.
Those who find themselves in a similar situation may want to try the following:
- Focus on positive praise, not negative criticisms.
- Communicate openly about what's needed from your partner.
- Address feelings of resentment immediately - bottling up feelings leads to contempt, which murders love.
- Learn to let the little things go - as in, prioritize.
Is my relationship with my boyfriend now perfect? Of course not. No relationship is. But have my boyfriend and I mastered the art of compromise? I think so. Every relationship involves both give and take, and spending less than five minutes weekly wiping up the bathroom floor is a bit of labor I don't find at all burdensome if it means not finding his shirts all over the bedroom floor. Communication and appreciation kept our relationship alive during this transitional time, and our bond is now stronger than ever.
These 101 Disney Princess Tattoos Are the Fairest of Them All

Disney princess love is a forever kind of love, and there's no better way to show this sentiment than with a beautiful, princess-inspired tattoo that will last a lifetime. From timeless quotes to colorful depictions of Ariel, Snow White, Pocahontas, Mulan, and every princess in between, this magical ink will inspire your next tattoo and open you up to a whole new world of magical markings.
- Additional reporting by Hilary White
Read 'Em and Weep! 101 Tattoos Inspired by Famous Books

The things we read in the books we love often stay with us for a long time, but for some, they stay forever - literally. Tattoos based on books are a beautiful way of keeping our favorite literary memories, characters, and quotes alive even after we've turned the last page. We've rounded up some artistic interpretations of famous works - from the Harry Potter and Hunger Games series to Pride and Prejudice and The Little Prince. Read 'em and weep!
- Additional reporting by Lauren Harano
20 Sexy Movies That Should Definitely Be on Your Date Night Watch List

Hollywood has really been crushing it lately when it comes to making movies featuring sexy, confident assassins and hot romances. And if you're a bit stuck for what to watch on your next date night at home, these flicks are absolutely perfect. From Red Sparrow to A Star Is Born, we've compiled a list of some of our favorite recent steamy movies. These movies will make your body shiver with anticipation with their lurid plots and beautiful casts, so keep reading to see them all now.
I Want to Pay For Half of My Engagement Ring - Why Is That a Big Deal?

A few months ago, after being in a relationship for years and talking about getting married, my boyfriend suggested we stop by my favorite jewelry store to take a look at engagement rings. It goes without saying that I was excited; not only was this was a big step in our relationship, I already knew what kind of ring I wanted (it's only natural when you work in fashion). But when I finally saw what that marquise-shaped diamond looked like on my finger, I realized it wasn't what I'd pictured at all. Instead, we ended up falling in love an emerald cut surrounded by smaller stones and set in classic gold. It was regal, different, and eye-catching - and it was also $17,000.
I always knew engagement rings weren't cheap, but that particular price seemed outrageous to me. Even if my boyfriend had that kind of money (and I'm pretty confident he does not), I wouldn't let him spend it on a tiny piece of jewelry - something that's so trivial in the grand scheme of things, aka spending our lives together. And that's when it hit me: why was he the only one spending money here? Wouldn't it be better if we just split the cost? Maybe then we could afford something really nice (although maybe not $17,000-nice).
In 2018 - a year where women continue to fight for equality - I'm not sure why buying an engagement ring should be any different.
For the entirely of our relationship, this is how it's always been. If he buys lunch, I'll pay for dinner. If he's spending $250 on me for Christmas, I'll spend $250 on him. If he's taking care of half of the rent, I've got the other half. Sure, sometimes it depends on pay schedules or unforeseen expenses, such as flat tires or bachelorette getaways, but for the most part, we aim to keep things even. And in 2018 - a year where women continue to fight for equality - I'm not sure why buying an engagement ring should be any different.
Unfortunately, my boyfriend isn't totally sold on this idea. He wants to buy the ring on his own, and right now, a good argument is that he's making more money than I am. But as we continue to talk about getting engaged, I'll continue to offer. Maybe it's not half - maybe, instead, I'll put a specific amount aside for him to use, this way he can still "surprise" me (yes, I've thought about this at length). I just feel like paying for a portion - even a small one - is the right and more practical thing to do. After all, we'll be beginning the rest of our lives together as equals, why not start here?
How to Be the Ultimate Maid of Honor

Before we get into the nitty-gritty, let's look at the big picture. The maid of honor's primary purpose falls under three major categories: support the bride, manage the bridesmaids, and be available. Good organizational and communication skills are a plus, but a positive attitude is a must!
Supporting the bride means keeping her as stress free as possible and helping with the wedding planning in whatever capacity she needs it. (If she has a planner, you'll have less to take on, but the following duties include all that you might have to help with.) This also means emotional support. You need to be a good listener when she's having a meltdown about the planning process or cold feet about the marriage. You need to be honest and offer positive feedback when she asks for your opinions, but you also need to support whatever decisions she makes that you don't agree with.
Managing the bridesmaids includes making sure there is constant communication about where they need to be and when and what's expected of them. Most importantly, it's about being the go-between person for them and the bride, so that if they have issues about the cost of the bridesmaids' dresses, for example, you can help solve the issue without stressing out the bride.
Being available means making sure you can attend all the prewedding festivities - such as any bridal showers or bachelorette parties you may need to plan and host - as well as being available for guests to ask you questions and to take on last-minute DIY projects. Now let's look at the specific maid of honor responsibilities. And download the printable checklist here!
If You Turn Your Laptop Off to "Let It Rest," You Could Be Doing Some Serious Damage

Laptops are pretty amazing things. Not only can they help us get our work done, they can also keep us connected to family and friends and help make our lives a bit more convenient in just about every area. And that's not to mention they're perfect for binge-watching Netflix. If you're a laptop user, however, you may have thought of this question from time to time: how often should I completely power it down?
"The best thing you can do is never shut it off, ever," K. Alan Robbins, CEO of Moose Worldwide Digital, a digital interactive software development company, told POPSUGAR. Robbins, who has been in the computer industry since 1979, added that many of the discrete components in these types of devices run extremely hot and are designed to run at that temperature (i.e. don't be freaked out if it sounds like a fan is running). "Shutting it off, leaving it in a cold car overnight, or letting it bake in the sun on your dashboard will drastically shorten its life." And why does this happen? "The expansion/contraction leads to very small cracks in the plastic that eventually break connections," Robbins said. When a laptop is subjected to severe thermal shock - like being turned off every night - it will wear out quickly.
So, there you have it! Next time you're tempted to shut your computer down every time it's not in use, you may want to think again.
7 Habits I Formed That Drastically Improved My Sex Life

Sex hasn't always been a positive experience for me. It was a taboo topic from a young age, and it was definitely a forbidden experience unless I was married. I eventually broke free from those ideas, but the act was still shrouded in self-inflicted guilt and shame. And after being sexually assaulted in my early 20s, I was certain that I must be broken, that sex just didn't work for me like it did for everyone else. But, thankfully, after starting therapy, reading many self-help books, and, well, practicing a lot more, I've finally found the seven habits that have vastly improved my sex life. Keep reading to see how I turned things around for the better.
We Have 3 Words For You: Wedding Bouncy Castles!

To be quite frank, I've given a grand total of zero thought to my future wedding. I don't have a dedicated Pinterest board for planning my dream nuptials, I couldn't tell a princess from an emerald diamond cut if it slapped me in the face, and don't even get me started about deciding on a color scheme. Though I may not spend my time daydreaming about weddings like many of my friends do, there is one thing that absolutely must be a part of my big day, if it ever happens: a wedding bouncy castle. Yes, these exist now, and we're practically jumping for joy.
We first learned of this budding trend after stumbling upon A Wedding Wonderland, an England-based company that has gotten quite a bit of social media attention for its rentable wedding-themed bounce house. After doing a quick Google search, we soon realized that plenty of other wedding planning companies across the UK, including 1 Entertainment and Mr Bouncy Castle, are getting in on the action by offering their own all-white inflatable houses for newlyweds to rent on their wedding day, and this is definitely a trend we can get behind.
Why the End of the Honeymoon Phase Is Actually the Best

Ah, the honeymoon phase. The name suggests it's the best part of a relationship, some sort of escape from reality to a happier, more magical place. People fight to hold onto it because they're afraid it will all be downhill from there, but that's not true at all! The best part of a good relationship is when it leaves the honeymoon phase and starts to really live, when you and your partner get to tackle the real world again but get to do it together this time. When you take your relationship beyond the bubble of the honeymoon phase, that's when it has the room to really flourish.
There's room for friendship again.
During the honeymoon phase, it's easy to prioritize your relationship over your friendships. A good, maturing relationship, though, doesn't make anyone choose between the two. As you branch out from the honeymoon phase, you can reconnect with your friends, and they can get to know your partner more. Getting out of the honeymoon phase means adding more love into your life.
And at the start of a relationship, sometimes it's important to spend a little extra time on romance, to see if this new person is really a good fit. Romance should never be left behind, but coming out of the honeymoon phase means deepening your friendship with your partner, and part of that is involving one another with each of your friend groups.
Being part of a team is really nice.
To some, the idea of being "teammates" in a relationship might not sound sexy, but the reality is that being teammates with your partner is incredibly reassuring. Even the most independent person is stronger with good support behind them. Being part of a team doesn't mean you sacrifice your independence, it means you gain a partner. Coming out of the honeymoon phase of a relationship involves building strength and trust in one another.
When Leslie Knope and Ben Wyatt get married on Parks and Recreation, they say in their vows, "I love you and I like you." Sometimes we're so focused on finding romance that we forget about actually spending the rest of our lives with another person. If that's the case, you need to be sure you not only love them but also like them and can count on them.
You can finally let go of insecurities.
While the honeymoon phase may be full of butterflies and feel new and exciting, it can also come with a lot of insecurity. There's the worry that if you let your guard down, the person may not like what they see in the real you. It's important to fight through those insecurities and reveal yourself in the relationship so the two of you can begin to really get to know each other. Which is such an exciting part!
Depth in relationships, the kind you need for a lasting partnership, comes from knowing one another's good habits and bad habits. It's not about fixing one another - instead, you have someone to grow with, someone who probably reminds you to be kind to yourself, because the real you is pretty incredible.
Love doesn't just tolerate, it adores.
Getting to know someone on an emotional level means getting to know their flaws. We all have our flaws, but to love someone is to love all of them. And there's so much comfort that comes with not "keeping face" 24/7. If you can't be yourself with your partner, then it's not a real relationship.
Don't underestimate the importance of acceptance. Feeling accepted for who you are by your partner allows affection to get deeper. Being safe with one another is one of the most vital relationship needs we all have.
The honeymoon phase may seem like the best part of a relationship, but the best part is everything that comes after it. Intertwining your life with someone who is your friend, who empowers you, who sweeps you off your feet, and who knows that you're only human - just like them - is the most romantic thing you can do.
22 Spots at Disneyland That Are Some of the Most Instagrammable Places on Earth

It's the happiest and most magical place on Earth - and also one of the most photogenic! We're talking, of course, about Disneyland, the original Disney theme park in Anaheim, CA. Although the streets of the park are always full of people, there are some amazing spots, both out in the open and a little tucked away, where you can take that perfect shot to share your Disney dreams with your Instagram followers. From Disney landmarks to new additions, here are some of the best and most Instagram-friendly spots at Disneyland - plus a few tips and tricks for getting the perfect shot once you're there!
Traveling Solo? Here Are 11 Fun Things to Do to Enjoy Your Own Company

Traveling alone is one of the most freeing, rewarding, and enriching experiences a person can have. Not only will you get to know yourself much better by pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, but embarking on a solo trip also allows you to be entirely selfish. You craft your own personal itinerary, change it up whenever you feel like it, and experience things (food definitely included) that you want to experience. Want to wake up at the crack of dawn for a sunrise safari? You can do it without worrying about bothering someone else. Want to sleep in late and relax in the pool all day? Do it! It's entirely up to you. Solo travel is definitely worth it, so keep reading for 11 fun things to do by yourself when you're jet-setting.
Gmail Storage Almost Full? This Is the Easy Way to Get More Space

I wish I were one of those people who keep their email inbox at zero and stay on top of discarding old Google documents that are floating around in their Google Drive, but alas, I am not. Instead, I'm pretty sure my unread messages in my inbox number in the thousands (I know, but I promise I read them all!), and I have years' worth of Google spreadsheets that I can't seem to part with from projects that I did nearly half a decade ago. Thankfully, though, I don't have to do a mass deleting of Google files or Marie Kondo my email anytime soon (even though I know I should), because Google allows you the option to buy more storage - and very easily, may I add.
If you are like me and need to up the storage in your Gmail account, all you have to do is either go into your Google storage settings or visit Google One. Select "Upgrade Storage," and different storage options will appear on the screen, ranging from $2 per month for 100GB of storage all the way up to 30TB at $300 per month. Once selected, you'll have to confirm and set up billing. I chose the 100GB selection, and it seems to be working well for me so far (although I'm nearly 41 percent full already, so I may need to expand again!).
Another way to manage your storage is to go to your Gmail inbox, and before clicking on a specific email, the main section of the screen should tell you the percentage of storage you've already used up. Click "Manage" right next to that. Keep in mind that the storage you purchase will be available all across your Google account, not just Gmail (meaning this storage also counts for anything you store in Google Drive and Google Photos).
And if you don't want to spend any money for new storage, you will have to delete emails and old files to free up space. While this does save you a few dollars, it can be very annoying to have to repeatedly do, especially if you have tons of emails and don't know where to start. I recommend sorting your emails from oldest to newest and deleting in bulk, which means you'll get rid of emails you probably haven't read in years and definitely don't need anymore.
So, how do I like my Gmail storage upgrade? It's the best monthly $2 subscription I've ever made.
These '90s-Inspired Boombox Speakers Are the Cutest Things Ever and I Need Them All

Get excited, because we found exactly what your Summer vacation needs: these adorable retro speakers from Sunnylife. These colorful mini boombox speakers hook up to your phone to play whatever playlist you want. All you have to do is start thinking about where you should visit this Summer, and make sure you save a little bit of room in your luggage for one of these speakers. They may be small, but they're an absolute necessity. Now, if you'll excuse us, we'll be off buying one of each so we can rotate them to suit every party and trip we have planned.
25 Perfect Places to Snap an Instagram Photo in London

London truly has a lot to offer to both travelers and locals alike. You can explore everything from haunted pubs to bright colorful locales and everything in between. The UK city also has a practically endless amount of places to snap the perfect Instagram shot to show off to all your friends.
We pulled together some of our favorite locations in London that will create a beautiful photo. There's a little bit of architecture, a little bit of history, a whole lot of color, and even some quirky spots you might not have thought of. Don't stop here, though. There's new things to find around every corner in London!
When Does the iPhone 11 Come Out? You Probably Don't Have to Wait Too Much Longer

Apple releases have become somewhat iconic pop-culture moments, from dramatic product presentations to the long lines around city blocks when a new gadget is finally available. Most recently, it was the launch of Apple News Plus, the Apple credit card, Apple TV Plus, and Apple Arcade. And shortly before that, Apple announced the launch of the new versions of the iPad Air and iPad Mini. But the hot ticket item is always the new iPhone.
While three new iPhones recently launched in September and October of 2018 (the iPhone XS, the iPhone XS Max, and the iPhone XR), people are ready for the iPhone 11. But when is it coming out?
Apple has been super tight-lipped about it so far, but rumors among tech blogs are banking on a September 2019 launch, since September seems to be a popular month for iPhone launches. According to Expert Reviews, "Its last three flagship iPhones were announced on September 21 (iPhone Xs), September 12 (iPhone X), and September 22 (iPhone 8) in 2018, 2017, and 2016 respectively." They're also predicting the iPhone 11 will be foldable (what?!).
The team at Tech Radar also predict the iPhone 11 will be all about the camera, writing about rumored leaked photos: "All of the attention so far has been to the back. The images show three cameras in a central block on the back, a back which looks to be made of glass." We can't wait!
The Best Horoscope Apps of 2019

Sure, checking your weekly horoscope has always been a pretty popular activity, but if you're really into star signs and everything zodiac, you know how deep into astrology you need to dive to get the good stuff. From feeling seen when Mercury's in retrograde (the struggle is real) to figuring out which sign is the most compatible for you to date to learning about your sign's sleep patterns (there's a reason you're a night owl), zodiac signs have tons of answers to some of your biggest questions.
One amazing way you can always stay connected to your sign and get information about things in real time is astrology apps. There are so many out there that it might be intimidating to try and find the really great ones that actually offer something valuable. But, don't worry - we've done all that work for you. Keep reading to learn more about 11 awesome horoscope apps that you'll definitely want to download immediately.
Here's How to Unblock a Number on Your iPhone

When it comes to strange incoming calls on my cell phone, I almost always hit "Block Caller." Incessant scam callers, middle-of-the-night calls from unknown numbers (creepy!), and telemarketers all end up in the same place - on my "Blocked Callers" list. But what happens when you accidentally block someone you didn't mean to (this has actually happened to me before)? Or you're on good terms with someone again that you used to have blocked (no judgment!)?
Thankfully, it's pretty easy to unblock a blocked number on your iPhone. All you have to do is go to your Settings, read down, and select Phone. From here, tap Call Blocking & Identification, and you'll be brought to a screen that lists out all of the numbers you have blocked from calling or texting you. Swipe each one left individually so the "Unblock" option appears in red. Tap that logo, and voila! That number is now free to call or text you as they wish.
And if you change your mind and want to block them again, all you have to do is visit that number (either in Recent Contacts or in your Contacts), tap their name, and scroll down and select Block this Caller. Back on the blocked list they will go!
Mexican Dynasties Is Entertaining, but the Star-Studded Allende Family Takes the Crown

"La sangre llama," said Fernando Allende about his family. The 66-year-old Mexican legend, with over 30 movie credits and TV shows to his name, and more than a dozen best-selling records, is one of the stars of Bravo's new reality show Mexican Dynasties. On the show, we get a glimpse of the lives of three family dynasties - the Allendes being one of them - and take part in their journeys, where they challenge stereotypes, raise a few eyebrows, and proudly showcase their over-the-top lifestyles. As with all Bravo reality shows, viewers see it all: the good, the bad, and the ugly. There's sibling rivalry, there's jealousy, there's even a little rebellion. But above all of that, something that's very palpable in the series is hat, no matter what happens, family is family, and at the end of the day, they always have each other's back. POPSUGAR spoke with the family to go even further behind the scenes.
The Allende family all works in the entertainment business, although they've each taken their own path. Fernando is one of the few actors of his generation to cross over from Mexico to Hollywood. Before his Hollywood career, he was considered a Telenovela heartthrob, and one of the most recognized voices of his time.
Fernando married Mari Mediavilla, a businesswoman from Puerto Rico, in the late 1980s. They had two kids, Elan and Adan. The family has since expanded, with their older son, Elan, marrying Miss World Puerto Rico 2009 Jennifer Colón (now Jenny Allende), and having two kids of their own: María Valentina and Fernando José.
Mari also plays double duty as Fernando's manager. And while you might think that working with your significant other is a recipe for disaster, it makes life so much easier for these two. "Fernando had quite a few negative experiences with previous managers misusing his funds, and that's the reason why we both decided that I would step in," said Mari. "What I'm trying to do with my position is to take care of my family and keep it all in-house, which has worked out pretty well for us after 33 years of being together and almost 32 years of marriage," said Mari. So, how do they make it work? "You never go to bed upset at each other," said Mari. "No matter what happens, you just make up right before going to bed because you never know what could happen tomorrow."
One thing that's certain to happen in the mornings, though, is Adan, their youngest son, crawling into bed with them "for cuddles." But, did we mention he's 28 years old? He lives with his parents, which, in all fairness, is totally normal in a Latino household, since you leave your parents' house when you're about to get married. Besides being very attached to his parents, Adan's passion is music, and he wants to be a rock star. "Harry Styles is one of my biggest influences. I want to be a rock star. So that's the goal," he said. He hopes to collaborate with his brother Elan and sister-in-law, Jenny, who are also pursuing a musical career as a duo called Shambayah. But they're more of Latin pop ensemble with hints of tropical and urban sounds.
"My two kids are both very musical," Fernando said of his sons. "Both of them were born in the industry. We made it a point when they were kids to bring them on location to recording studios, to movie studios, whenever we could. This is not new to them." Elan and Adan were in a band called Allende over ten years ago, but Elan met Jenny and fell in love, and their trajectory came to a hault. Elan's family made him choose between the band or what they thought was a "young love" that was going to pass, and Elan chose love. The relationship with his family took a hit, and Elan distanced himself, moved to Miami, and worked in real estate to support his own growing family.
Ten years and two kids later, Elan and Jenny's relationship with the Allendes is definitely on the mend. "I think that Jenny is the best thing that ever happened to Elan," Mari said proudly, "And I think that the five of us and the children will stick together through thick and thin, we will help each other, and we will be there for each other always and unconditionally." Elan and Jenny even moved back to Mexico and signed with a record label without Fernando's help. "Elan decided to do it on his own," said Fernando. "He had the pride to do it on his own and to not use any connection that Mari and I could have. That is very respectful, very honorable."
Adan, on the other hand, is taking full advantage of his father's connections. "We're all individuals, we don't need to think the same way," said Fernando. "We all have the opportunity, the chance to agree or disagree, we all have the freedom to speak openly of whatever we want to speak, so it's a different philosophy and I respect them both."
As for Jenny, she has settled well in Mexico with the Allendes. She's been able to take her husband's past experiences with his family and learn from them in order to give her children the best life possible. "If we're going to push for a music career and have to travel and go all in, we realized it would be the best-case scenario to homeschool the kids so we could spend more time with them," said Jenny. Elan agrees, and added he's thankful that his family taught him the discipline he needed to succeed in life.
They have their ups and downs, drama, silly moments, and laughter - not unlike most families. They're hilarious to watch, extremely entertaining, and their dynamics will definitely resonate with you one way or another. "Love reigns over all," said Adan. "What keeps our family together is compassion, mutual respect, and affection." Fernando agreed and said, "We're here to support each other, to abide by the truth, to be a guide, and be present whenever needed while respecting everyone's individual decisions."
You can follow the Allendes on Mexican Dynasties every Tuesday at 10 p.m. ET on Bravo.
I Haven’t Moved My Forehead in 14 Years, and It’s the Best Anti-Wrinkle Trick Ever

Please join me on a brief journey back in time. The year is 2005, and I'm a fledgling beauty assistant at Lucky Magazine (RIP) just trying to figure out how to book car service and program my boss's Palm Pilot (a lot has changed in the last decade and a half).
Botox has only been FDA-approved for aesthetic treatments since 2002, and it's all anybody can talk about - the miracle injection that stops your forehead muscles from making repetitive movements, thereby smoothing (and maybe even preventing!) lines. Everybody wants it. I start booking my boss to see a top NYC dermatologist every three months, and within a few weeks she looked 10 years younger. This sh*t works.
If I can just stop moving my forehead on my own, I'll never get wrinkles and never need to get botulinum toxin injections in the first place.
As I'm learning about the technology, I have an epiphany: If I can just stop moving my forehead on my own, I'll never get wrinkles and never need to get botulinum toxin injections in the first place. Hyperbolic? Yes. But stay with me. It's a simple strategy, really, but easier said than done. In fact, as a kid, I had a repertoire of silly scrunched faces I made on command - "piggy face" being my most-requested. But with some self-awareness and sticktoitiveness, I decide I'll change the way I use my facial muscles.
I start by focusing on my eyebrows and make a conscious effort not to raise them up and down when I talk. Next, I tackle specific faces I make in certain situations (think grimacing while running and squinting looking at the computer, neither of which is forehead-friendly). I hold my forehead in place with the palm of my hand while typing out an assignment with the other. After a few months, it's second nature. And I don't know whether it's because forehead movement isn't actually necessary to be expressive or because foreheads all around me are becoming less and less mobile thanks to dermatologists, but nobody says anything about my new wax figure-like state.
Fast forward 14 years, and a lot has changed . . . except my forehead. I have a couple thin lines on either side because I could never figure out a way to put on eyeliner or mascara without moving my eyebrows, but I'm overall happy with how my strategy panned out. I've managed to avoid the dreaded "eleven" lines (the ones that form between your brows from squinting), and even though I've tried "baby tox," it's not a regular part of my beauty routine. The best part? Dermatologists actually agree with my strategy.
"Repetitive facial expressions [mean] muscles are contracting over and over," says NYC dermatologist Ellen Marmur (my personal go-to). "This can definitely create unwanted wrinkles over time. Each muscle movement creates a groove in the skin . . . It's like the skin has memory, and the creases get deeper and deeper."
And it gets even better: Dr. Marmur says if you can stop certain habits like frowning or squinting, you can prevent (or at least slow down) the formation of forehead lines. (And she agrees that eye makeup-application wrinkles are real!)
Now, if you don't think you can put my technique into practice without a little help, Dr. Marmur suggests preventative use of Botox (or Xeomin, Dysport or Jeauveau, which all have the same FDA indication). "I'm convinced by my patients and my own use over time that when the muscles can't contract you're not creating new wrinkles," she says. And there you have it: the best validation for the anti-wrinkle trick I implemented 14 years ago - bet my boss wishes she thought of it herself.
Becky G x ColourPop Part 2 Is Happening, and the Brand Is Celebrating With a Sale

ColourPop is launching new makeup with Becky G and having a sale, and whoa . . . where'd my money go?
The Latin singer is collaborating with the makeup giant again release two new creamy lipsticks: LBD and Fe Fi Fo. The two new shades are creamy, warm reds (LBD is a deep marsala, while Fe Fi Fo is a fiery vermillion) that have a satin finish.
To honor the new launch, Colourpop is offering a discount on the singer's first collection with the brand, Salvaje - which translates to "Savage" in English - which was released back in December. All 12 pieces can now be purchased at a 12 percent discount. Check out all of Becky G's limited-edition products with ColourPop before they're gone.
These Mascaras Are Perfect For Reaching Every Single Tiny Lash - Even on the Bottom

Makeup obsessees - we see you and your collection of 28 half-empty tubes of mascara. You've got a few that lengthen, some that give you falsie-level length, and a handful that you can layer on until your hand gets tired. Surprisingly, you might still be missing something in your mascara wardrobe: a tube for your bottom lashes that will separate, define, and lengthen.
While you might be able to take your chunkiest mascara brush and coat your baby lashes, you risk poking yourself in the eye, getting black goop on your nose, or smearing it under your already-tired eyes (let's be real, we could all use more sleep). Fortunately, these mascaras have thin brushes that can get easily reach your lower lashes and even the inside corner of your eyes to accentuate every lash you have.
Check out our picks ahead and get ready to transform your mascara stash.
It’s Finally Here: See Every Shade Inside the Game of Thrones x Urban Decay Palettes

"Hodor" is the first word we think of as we try to sum up our excitement and adoration for the new Game of Thrones x Urban Decay collection. (It's closely followed by "OMG," and some internal squealing.) The brand announced its collaboration with the HBO series for an expansive 13-piece collection that includes a cheek stain, lipsticks, eye pencils, makeup brushes, and not one, but two palettes.
As you open the doors of the Game of Thrones eye shadow palette - which has its very own pop-up mini Iron Throne affixed at the top of its outer packaging - you'll find a mix of 20 metallics, mattes, and glitters. Mother of Dragons, on the other hand, is a highlighter trio that includes an iridescent pink (Drogon), a shimmering gold (Viserion), and a metallic bronze (Rhaegal).
They are the kind of palettes that are fit for royalty, and all of the shades inside both are highly opaque and buildable. See swatches of each one ahead.
25 Game of Thrones Nail Art Ideas So Good, They’ll Unite the 7 Kingdoms

Game of Thrones nail art is one way to send off the epic series and honor the characters that we've grown to love for eight years. (Is anyone still as upset about Hodor's departure as we are?)
For years, the HBO original has taken us through a whirlwind of emotions with its hour-long, action-filled episodes. We were floored by the chaos of the Red Wedding, the outcome of the Battle of the Bastards, and when we found out the fate of our favorite scaly friend. With the eighth and final season premiering in just a few days, legions are showing their dedication to the show - many through beauty.
Makeup brand Urban Decay recently debuted an expansive line of eye shadows, lipsticks, and highlighters with shades named after key moments from the show. The cast of the show walked the red carpet of its premiere with magical braided up-dos and iridescent sweeps of highlighter. Another way you can get in on the fun? Put some magic at your fingertips with Game of Thrones nail art.
If you're looking for inspiration on where to begin, you've come to the right place - we've sifted through Instagram to find the most impressive designs, as some fans have already taken to their accounts to flaunt their fandom (on top of their badass painting skills). We're seeing nails adorned with carefully drawn sigils, intricate portraits of our favorite characters, and the searing stares of Daenerys' dragons. Most of the designs are lacquered on in color schemes that are dead giveaways for what House they've pledged their allegiance to - Stark, Targaryen, or Lannister.
On Game of Thrones night - that's what we've dubbed Sundays at 9 p.m. ET - make sure you're prepared with a blanket, some popcorn, a box of tissues (we're sure it will come in handy), and a bottle of nail polish. After seeing the 25 incredible works of art ahead, and watching whatever happens in Westeros that evening, we can't imagine you not being inspired.
Bring On Spring With These 15 Fresh, Floral Fragrances From Nordstrom

When it comes to beauty, we change our preferences with the seasons; it's out with the old and in with the new. That logic most definitely applies to our fragrances; we want something lighter and fresher to complement Spring. We've found everything on our fragrance wish list at Nordstrom, of course. From classics like rose and lemon to more complex scent combinations, we've got you covered. These 15 perfumes are so intoxicating, you won't know which one to try first.
Halsey Has Now Dyed Her Hair Black, and We Can Barely Keep Up

Halsey has been switching up her hair on a seemingly endless basis lately, and somehow the star looks good in every single hue. While she recently was wearing red and pink wigs while in Tokyo, the singer just revealed yet another new color: jet black.
Halsey posted an image of her latest shade on Instagram with the caption "paint it black" and styled her hair in space buns with a maroon scrunchie. While the singer loves experimenting with wigs, her hairline and baby hairs seem to suggest that she has really dyed her natural hair this time. It's possible she wants to emulate the style of some of her favorite emo bands, a musical genre she often tweets about.
Check out every (hair) color of the rainbow Halsey has tried, ahead.
The Gross, Guilty Pleasure Madelaine Petsch Shares With Millions Of People

Madelaine Petsch knows damn well how to make being bad look good. Just take her character Cheryl Blossom on the CW's Riverdale, who can only be described in five words: wicked in the best way (with a red lip that could make even the Ghoulies swoon. Fine, 16 words). But she wants to make one thing clear, and it's that she is not who she plays on TV.
"A lot of fans ask me if Vanessa [Morgan, who plays Toni] and I are dating in real life, which is funny to me because she's my best friend in the whole entire world," the actress and Bioré brand ambassador told POPSUGAR. "It is strange having people ship you and your best friend, and that is exactly why I started my YouTube channel forever ago - to separate Madelaine from Cheryl."
On her channel, and in real life, Petsch is actually the opposite of bad - save for a few guilty pleasures. She maintains her skincare routine, practices some self-care every day, and listens to her mother. Still, you're going to want to read her juicy (and we do mean juicy) beauty secrets, ahead.
Kourtney Kardashian Is Fully Aware Her Makeup Routine Is Nothing Like Her Sisters'

Beauty is a business the KarJenners are familiar with. You've got Kylie's famous lip kits, KKW Beauty, Khloé's recent collaboration with Becca Cosmetics, and even Kendall's partnership with Proactiv. Kourtney Kardashian will be the first to admit she does her makeup "so differently" from her sisters, but she's still down for some good glam. In celebration of her lifestyle website's launch on Tuesday, Kardashian walked Vogue through her simple, stripped-down beauty routine, and it's truly mesmerizing.
As she does her own makeup, Kardashian finds a balance between her love of all-natural products and her sisters' beauty lines. She concocts her own face mask situation and DIYs lip scrub, but still reaches for a Kylie Cosmetics Lip Liner in Dolce ($12) and adds a little bronze to her face with KKW Beauty Cream Contour ($18). And what would Kardashian's makeup be without her longtime favorite foundation? Watch her full routine above to see exactly how she achieves her signature glowy look and shop all her products for yourself.
Too Faced Just Launched a 10-Year-Anniversary Naturals Collection, and It's Beyond Dreamy

It looks like Too Faced's beloved Naturals Collection is getting special treatment for its 10-year anniversary, and it's cause for us to celebrate, too. The brand debuted a dreamy palette and bronzer in honor of the milestone, and let's just say you're going to want to make room in your cart. Featuring romantic, whimsical packaging, the eye shadow and bronzer are a dynamic duo for adding a subtly sexy touch to your look.
The Natural Lust Palette ($59) has 30 blendable shades from warm olive tones to shimmery reds, and the Natural Lust Satin Bronzer ($34) is a lightweight powder perfect for contouring and highlighting. Take a closer look at the new Naturals Collection available online at Sephora and Nordstrom, and shop it for yourself.
Sweet Mother of Dragons, Emilia Clarke's Braided Updo Is Pure Khaleesi-Approved Perfection

The Game of Thrones cast traveled all the way from Westeros to New York City for the HBO show's final red carpet season premiere on Wednesday, and it's safe to say they put their best faces forward for the occasion. Take Emilia Clarke, for example. The 32-year-old actress turned heads in a tulle Valentino gown with a sneaky hidden message on it, but her hair and makeup are what really caught our eye as she headed into Radio City Music Hall to watch season eight's first episode.
Celebrity hairstylist Jenny Cho styled Clarke's dark hair into a braided updo inspired by her Game of Thrones character, Daenerys Targaryen. Cho slicked back her middle-parted hair and gave her a braid that trailed down the back of her head before making a loop at the nape of her neck. We're bending the knee at her hair skills!
Clarke's makeup was just as stunning, featuring fiery red-orange eye shadow and bold deep maroon lipstick, all done by Chanel makeup artist Kate Lee. Read on to take an up-close look at Clarke's Khaleesi-approved braid and makeup, and then, if you're still in the mood for more beauty magic, get the full breakdown on Maisie Williams's beauty look at the premiere.
Yara Shahidi Just Wore Spring’s Biggest Makeup Trend Somewhere Totally Unexpected

Electric swipes of color have become a go-to look for celebrities this Spring - take Janelle Monáe's bright blue cat eye and Lupita Nyong'o's burst of pink across her eyes as just two examples. Instead of her lids, Yara Shahidi opted to comb a bright hue somewhere unexpected.
Shahidi posted a video of her with glowing skin and eyebrows tinted an electric purple. She added hints of the same hue in her hair. "Bringing new energy in to the new year 🔮 (listening to @teoriah per usual 🤷🏽)," she captioned the video. Ahead, see Shahidi's bright brows.
Let Halsey Inspire Your Next Festival Beauty Look With Her Latest Hairstyle

Keeping up with Halsey's beauty looks - particularly her hair - is like running the laps of a 1,600-meter race: by the time you recover from the first one, there's another one around the corner.
In the time she's been in Tokyo, her hair has been two fluorescent hues: bright, watermelon pink with long, piece-y bangs and strawberry red with blunt ones. In her most recent Instagram post, she wore her red hair in space buns with pearly hair accessories tucked into them, serving us festival inspo as she matched her pins with iridescent accents underneath her right eye.
Ahead, see Halsey's most recent hairstyles. We can only hope she keeps them coming.
Bath and Body Works Rolled Out More Spring Scents, and Here’s What They Smell Like

Bath and Body Works has rolled out new products for your ultimate staycation.
The bodycare brand recently released five new scent collections inspired by luxurious, tropical destinations. The Bahamas line smells like an explosion of passionfruit and pineapple, Waikiki blends together the citrus notes and coconut, Bali smells of sweet coconut and florals, Tahiti is a mix of earthy and floral notes, and Havana smells sweet like vanilla and island greenery. Each scent can be purchased in Bath and Body Works' various different bodycare formats - which include body wash, fragrance mist, and body scrub - and an ambiance-setting three-wick candle.
In addition to its new tropical fragrances, the brand will be launching Island Editions of its Aromatherapy Stress Relief, Energy, and Sleep lines. See products from each collection, ahead.
Maisie Williams's New Ultraviolet Hair Color Changes in the Light, and We Feel Dizzy

Maisie Williams's colorful hair strikes again. This time, she couldn't be more on-trend wearing purple to the Game of Thrones season eight premiere in New York City on Wednesday.
For a hot second, we thought she might have gotten rid of her colorful hair after posting a video of herself wearing a blunt bob wig for a photo shoot, but it appears that hiding underneath all along was her vibrant hair, and after seeing this color, we can see why. To refresh her previously pastel pink shade, Williams opted for an ultraviolet color that when seen in different lights, changes to a blue-toned shade, making it a beautiful illusion.
Hairstylist Ryan Richman posted all angles of Williams's new ultraviolet hue on Instagram, detailing the styling products - a mix of IGK Next Level Volume Spray ($28) was used to give volume and shine, and IGK Rich Kid Coconut Hair Gel ($29) ensured every strand stayed perfectly in place. Richman also added extensions to give added volume to the look and finished off with Miu Miu bows, which one Instagram commenter described as "Game of Bows," and we're fully on board with that.
But of course, Williams had to dedicate her look to the final season somehow, and she did just that by wearing the new Game of Thrones Urban Decay collection. Makeup artist Kindra Mann used Game of Thrones Mother of Dragons Highlight Palette in shades Rhaegal and Drogon, then she swept the Game of Thrones Eyeshadow Palette in shade Take the Black over the liner to add a subtle pop. Richman said, "Maisie has always been my most playful and outgoing client. She never plays it safe and always wants to try something different. She originally came to me with the idea of doing a Brigitte Bardot updo." We can't wait to see what look she tries next.
Get a closer look at her vibrant purple hair ahead; it might be one of our favorites yet
One of Hailey Baldwin’s Favorite Body Scrubs Smells Like a Straight-Up Cinnamon Bun

Whether you're looking to get glowing skin like Hailey Baldwin's or just love the warm, sugary scent of a cinnamon bun, the model has the body scrub for you.
Baldwin posted an Instagram story of two products by California-based body care brand Epicuren - the Epicuren Coconut Hydrating Milk ($21) and Epicuren Cinnamon Vanilla Sugar Polish ($38). "Okay . . . this isn't an ad, but these are really two of my all-time favorite body products. Smells sooooooo so good @epicuren," she wrote on the picture, along with a smaller caption above the jar of scrub that said, "This smells like a cinnamon bun."
See the sweet-scented products ahead.
Lena Dunham's Is Reclaiming the Word "Sick" With Her Newest Tattoo

Lena Dunham just debuted an empowering new tattoo.
The actress, author, and director's newest ink is the word "Sick," written in script across the nape of her neck, and illustrated to look like it is made of rope. She captioned the photo, "Sometimes the thing you're most scared of being called is the best thing you can call yourself. Thank you @havenstudiobk for labeling me . . . and to my sisters in this dizzying but starry slog - I am lasso'd to you!"
While Dunham has not directly named the reason behind the tattoo, many people have taken to the comments to speculate whether it is intended to honor her battle with endometriosis, as the actress has been very open about her lengthy battle with the condition on social media.
See Dunham's newest tattoo, ahead.
Skin Care Is Reaching New Heights With This Sunday Riley x United Airlines Collection

Whether you're jet-setting across the globe or just a few hours away, airplane cabins have an impact on your skin - flights zap the moisture straight from our faces, leaving us with duller complexions, tightness, and even irritation, dermatologist Kavita Mariwalla, MD told POPSUGAR. However, if your next trip was booked through United, you'll be equipped with the tools to combat flying's moisture-zapping effects, as the airline has teamed up with Sunday Riley for a line of in-flight skin care.
You can access the line in multiple ways: If you're flying United Polaris Business Class, expect a dopp kit that includes exclusive-to-United products like a hydrating lip balm, a lightweight and soothing face cream, a moisturizing hand cream, and a toner-drenched facial cleansing cloth. (United Premium Plus and Premium Transcon customers receive a variation of this amenity kit). The Lounges and United Clubs with showers will also be stocked with Sunday Riley products including hand cream, body wash, and even shampoo and conditioner.
"Sunday and her team really took the time to understand how travel and the aircraft environment affects our customers, and formulated an in-flight remedy that complements their journey with United from beginning to end," United's vice president of marketing Mark Krolick said in a press release. "By elevating the skincare products offered on our planes and in our lounges, we can continue to lift the experience customers have when traveling with United."
See the in-flight goodies, ahead.