jeudi 31 mars 2016

Tired of Boring Mornings? We Have 7 Ways to Change Up Your Routine

Mornings at our house are literally the same every day of the week. I get that kids need routine, but us adults get a bit bored with everything always being on repeat. Child sleeps in, adults are frazzled, breakfast is rushed, and clothes are oddly assembled. Once everyone gets out the door, it sometimes feels like half the day has already happened - without anything really being accomplished. Here's how to mix things up while staying productive.

  1. Jump into bed: Instead of constantly having to drag your little one out of bed, set the alarm a little earlier, and invite them in for a little snuggle time before starting the day. It's a lovely way to ease into the morning, and it might end in a bit of a tickle fest or pillow fight.
  2. Make a morning playlist: One of the things we love to do at our house is turn up the music first thing in the morning, which gets everyone out of bed. I like making playlists filled with two-minute songs so it helps everyone move along and stay on time. Have your little one brush their teeth and wash their face for one song then spend another getting dressed.
  3. Organize your child's drawers: Every morning at our house, there are usually some tears involved when it comes to the outfit my daughter put together. I'm OK with creative freedom, but pairing a pink tutu over jeans, ballet slippers, and a tank top (in the middle of Winter) is a no go. End the epic battles and edit your child's drawers with only school-approved items that she can mix and match on her own.
  4. Host a bathrobe breakfast: It might seem funny, but after (finally) getting yourself dressed, put a robe over your clothes, which protects you from child messes and spills. It's actually a great habit to get into with the entire family. Implement by declaring it a robes-only breakfast and then stick with it.
  5. Make breakfast convenient: Skip grabbing cereal, milk, and a bowl. Make it deliciously different and rise and shine with a fluffy egg-and-sausage-stuffed Jimmy Dean Delights Turkey Sausage English Muffin that everyone will love. It's so easy to make and eat (even on the go!), and you can pair it with fresh fruit and juice. Make the meal more exciting by playing One Truth and a Lie or telling a made-up story together.
  6. Create a scavenger hunt: Instead of being the one that's always putting it on your kids to find this or that, create a morning scavenger hunt that they can work on themselves. Write it out for budding readers or draw pictures for little ones. They'll have fun while hunting for backpacks, library books, lunches, or other needed items.
  7. Have a sing-off: Everyone has a song they love belting out - even your kids. Crank the tunes and see who can karaoke the best on your way to school. You'll all be laughing and smiling before heading off in your different directions.

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Good mornings lead to great days with Jimmy Dean! Shine on!


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