vendredi 24 juin 2016
A Workout Game That Only Gets Better as People Die on Game of Thrones
Who will win the throne of the Seven Kingdoms? What other unexpected alliances will be made? These are just a few of the questions fans of Game of Thrones want answered in the season six finale. To take the stress out of another beloved character death, Reebok instructor and celeb fitness expert Emily Schromm helped to create a fun game you can play while watching. You might as well burn serious calories while someone else faces a beheading.
- Every time Tyrion drinks: complete five walking towel inchworms.
- Every time someone mentions the White Walkers: complete five push-ups.
- Every time HBOGo goes into buffering mode: complete three plank towel crawls, forward and back until show resumes.
- Every time someone gets speared: complete five burpees.
- Every time someone says "Your Grace": complete 10 jazz hands pop-ups.
- Every time someone enters a brothel: complete five lunges.
- Every time a dragon kills someone: complete five isolated towel-slide lunges, on each leg.
- Every time a main character dies: complete three triceps dips.
- Every time a White Walker gets killed: complete three fancy plank-ups, on each side.
- Every time you see The Wall: complete a one-minute wall sit.
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