mardi 7 juin 2016
Rachel Zoe Is Ready to Give Your Stroller a Glamorous Makeover
Plenty of fashion designers have lent their names to strollers before, but very few have the experience of actually trying to raise kids while remaining stylish behind their designs. Rachel Zoe did just that. The celebrity stylist, fashion designer, and former reality TV star may have just designed the most beautiful - and practical - car seat and stroller collection to hit the market. Using her understanding of the complexities of raising kids - Skyler Morrison, 5, and Kaius Jagger, 2 - but hoping to remain chic at the same time, Zoe teamed up with Maxi-Cosi and Quinny for the new collection.
"I live by and believe that every part of your life can and should be glamorous and stylish," Zoe explained at the launch event for the collection last week. "I don't think it means you have to spend more money necessarily. . . . That is just a mission that I wanted to accomplish."
It's a mission she accomplished with her signature clean style - think beautiful cognac leather, oversize gold detailing, tassels, and black and white fabric on the Quinny Mood stroller ($899), two Maxi-Cosi car seats ($399 each), and an oversize diaper bag ($229).
"There were more bells and whistles that [I wanted] on them, but for safety and certain comfort issues - practical reasons like we need our children to be able to sit in them and be able to poop on them - it couldn't have some of the things I dreamed," she shared.
As for what she looks for in a stroller, Zoe said it has evolved over the years. "I picked very often the prettiest, but not the most practical," she revealed. "I can't tell you how many of them my husband broke because he couldn't get them to open properly and he couldn't close them properly to get them in the trunk, so he left them on the side of the road. You have no idea. So then I went practical and then you realize how much easier your life is when they are practical."
The conversation quickly turned to one of Zoe's greatest accomplishments - also inspired by her boys - the nursery she opened in her office last year. "It's definitely the best thing I've ever done in my company," she told us. It's so popular, in fact, that it's about to undergo its first makeover before two more babies arrive this year. Upon its opening, Zoe said that the working parents in the company said the nursery helps them work better, but now the benefit appears to be extending to everyone. "Selfishly, we get to have babies around all the time," Zoe explained. "It's funny, because even the people in our office who don't have kids or don't necessarily want kids take a break to play with the babies."
We asked Zoe to answer our mommy lightning round. The one parenting skill she wishes she'd had? We think you'll be surprised!
- What's your go-to quick family dinner that everyone will eat? "Fresh Corn Grill in LA"
- When you have a parenting question, who do you have on speed dial? "Jenni Kayne"
- What's the one parenting skill you wish you had? "The ability to play sports."
- What food do you hide from the kids? "Sugar, candy. Sugar. Sugar. It's like crack!"
- Flats or heels? "Heels!" (she said with a laugh)
- Helicopter mom or free-range? "I'm a hybrid. If I could put a helmet on them morning, noon, and night, I would. If I wouldn't get arrested for it, I'd put them in a helmet all day."
- What's the kids' book you'd happily never read again? "Go the F*ck to Sleep. That's like a really harsh book. I think you're supposed to read that as a teenager. Not as a toddler."
- What's your biggest working mother guilt? "Working. Like now. I'm in New York and they're not here and it's horrible."
- What's the one thing about motherhood you wish someone told you? "How much it does change your life. Just in the best way. But it does change your life and anyone who tells you it doesn't is lying."
The Rachel Zoe x Quinny and Rachel Zoe x Maxi-Cosi collection will be available exclusively at Nordstrom, beginning June 15.
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