jeudi 16 juin 2016

The 8-Minute Full-Body Workout You Can Do Anywhere

The following post was originally featured on Fit Bottomed Girls and written by Jenn, who is part of POPSUGAR Select Fitness.

Obviously the theme this week is eight. Eight years … eight lessons … and today … an 8-minute workout that'll kick your ass as much or as little as you want it to. It's full-body and requires no equipment besides a watch or a timer, a place for you to get sweaty and a good attitude. But you already have the good attitude down, right? Now let's do this!

This 8-minute workout is broken down into 16 different 30-second intervals - including moves to warm you up and cool you down some. For each interval, you can take it as hard or as easy as you want. If you want to make it a true HIIT session, then really push yourself to do as many reps as you can of each move per interval. If you're wanting to take it easier (say, you're doing this over your lunch break and don't have access to a shower), then take your intensity down a notch. It's up to you! No matter how fast you do it, you'll be working your entire body - and getting strength and cardio work in at the same time. Plus, we think it's totally fun. And, only 8 minutes, so totally doable!

1. March in place. Think about what you want to get out of this workout today.

2. Jog in place. Think about why you're doing this workout today.

3. Jumping jacks. Be sure to reach all the way up and touch your hands overhead.

4. Squats. If you need a refresher on proper squat form, read this. And if squats are too easy, try jump squats.

5. Mountain climbers. Really try to get your feet up and near your hands.

6. Plank on your hands. Oh, the fun is just getting started in plank.

7. Side plank to the right. If you need to drop down to a knee, that's totally cool.

8. Side plank to the left. Again, feel free to modify down to that knee.

9. Reverse plank. Keep those hips lifted! Almost done with the planks, we swear.

10. Plank on your forearms. If you need a break, come into down dog, and then get right back in it as soon as you can.

11. Dance party. After all of those planks, you deserve a 30-second impromptu dance party, don't ya think?

12. Forward lunges. Don't let that knee go past your front toe for proper alignment.

13. Jumping lunges. If these are too intense, try backward lunges.

14. Burpees. You're in the home stretch! After this, we start cooling down. So give this one your all!

15. Left to right side touches. Bring that heart rate down. Think about what you got out of your workout today.

16. Big inhales and exhales as you reach your arms over ahead and back down again. Think about your why again. And then feel really freakin' proud of yourself.

What was your favorite move of all of those? I have a weird fondness for mountain climbers, but I always love a good impromptu dance party. -Jenn

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