vendredi 17 juin 2016

This Sentimental Video Will Talk You Off the Ledge When You Fight With Your Kids

"Deep inside we all know . . . when we hold out to win against our children, someone always loses."

That's the message behind a sentimental video about one mom's struggle to know just how to handle the latest in a series of fights with her adolescent son. The 80-second clip - which has been viewed more than 30 million times - is from the perspective of a parent who, after another argument with her kid, walked into his room to find it a complete mess. What should she do?

Most would advise her to leave it as is, force her kid to clean it as soon as he gets home from school, and punish him until it sinks in.

This mom, however, did the opposite.

"It became clear that I had to do the last thing I really wanted to: forgive him," she states in the video. "I entered his room and looked at the mess. I sighed and did the only thing I could do. I served my child."

Watch the video, and tell us: would you do what this mom did?

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