jeudi 1 septembre 2016
7 Reasons You Gain Weight Overnight and What You Can Do About It
You hit the gym superhard yesterday. You stuck to your diet like a saint. Then, you wake up and step on the scale, just knowing you are going to see that magic number you were hoping for . . . only to be disappointed when you've actually gained a few pounds.
As a nutritionist, I always tell my clients not to weigh themselves more than once a week because it is so easy to let a number get in your head and ruin your whole day. It's literally impossible (well, almost impossible) to gain three pounds of fat overnight. You would have to eat 10,500 extra calories in one day - that's almost 20 Big Macs!
Still think you really gained three pounds overnight? Here are seven reasons to explain why you did and why that weight won't stick around permanently.
What to Know Before Stepping on a Scale
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