lundi 26 septembre 2016
Here's How to Watch the Presidential Debates Online and For Free
With only 42 days till the election, it's time to start narrowing down who you'll vote for. One key way to determine this is to watch the presidential debates, the first one taking place on Sept. 26 at Hofstra University in New York, beginning at 6pm PDT/9pm EDT. Don't worry if you don't have cable - there are plenty of ways to watch online and for free.
Facebook has partnered with ABC News to bring a livestream of the debates to the app and website. You can head to this link when it's time to watch and react on Facebook.
If you're someone who enjoys seeing real time reactions from journalists, celebrities and the like, then you might want to watch the debates live on Twitter. The social media company partnered with Bloomberg Media to make this happen. Just head to at 8:30pm EDT to watch the debates, as well as see real time tweets on the side.
Lastly, YouTube has partnered with Bloomberg Politics, the Washington Post, and NBC News to bring you three different livestreams. You can watch the NBC News one here, the Washington Post one here, and the Bloomberg Politics one here. You can also watch a livestream from PBS News Hour and participate in their chat.
Before watching the debates, brush up on all the latest news and don't forget to register to vote!
How You Can Participate in National Voter Registration Day No Matter What Your Politics
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