jeudi 23 février 2017

9 Super Simple Ways to Organize Your Breast Milk Stash

It starts out innocently enough. A few small bags of proudly pumped milk fit effortlessly into your freezer and refrigerator. But once you get the hang of things, it can get messy. Frozen foods face freezer elimination because you're desperate for space for your ever-growing breast milk supply. Pumping mamas can create a serious stash of milk, but their new-baby brain doesn't always have the capacity to come up with a logical organization strategy for such large quantities of breast milk. Me, I just piled mine up in the freezer, and it was a nightmare every time someone (me) went in for another scoop of Ben & Jerry's.

Luckily, these Instagram moms have used some super simple yet really great ideas for organizing all that liquid gold.

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