vendredi 10 février 2017
A T. Rex Attempting to Shovel Snow During a Storm Is as Funny as it Sounds
As powerful winter storms barreled through the Northeast, one brave woman decided to get out there and shovel some snow while boldly wearing a T. rex costume. In one side-splitting video shared on YouTube by Leslie Haasch, she takes approximately one minute just to put her damn shoes on and open her home's sliding glass door.
She then gets absolutely slammed by the wind - her costume's T. rex head flailing about - before ultimately heading back inside, defeated. Mind you, the entire time she's sighing deeply and muttering phrases of frustration under her breath. It's a real emotional roller coaster. See it in its full glory, above.
2 People Just Dressed Up in T-Rex Costumes For the Most Ridiculously Awesome Engagement Shoot
This Person Figure Skating in a Dinosaur Suit Will Leave You in Tears
2 People Just Dressed Up in T-Rex Costumes For the Most Ridiculously Awesome Engagement Shoot
This Person Figure Skating in a Dinosaur Suit Will Leave You in Tears
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