vendredi 17 février 2017

Get Washboard Abs With This 5-Minute, No-Equipment Workout

So many #abgoals, so little time, right? If you're too busy to get to the gym but you're really trying to work your core, then this is the workout for you. In five minutes without any equipment, Barry's Bootcamp trainer Erica Stenz is going to shred your abs and get your midsection stronger than ever with some of her favorite moves. And trust us - we do these moves with her in class, and it hurts to laugh for the rest of the week!

Erica wants to remind you that getting those washboard abs is two-fold - one part exercise, one part diet. "When it comes to abs, these exercises will definitely help strengthen your core, but getting shredded starts in the kitchen," she told POPSUGAR. "So make sure you combine your workouts with a clean diet . . . eat clean - train mean!"

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