mardi 28 février 2017

Help Build the Booty of Your Dreams in 5 Minutes With This Simple Workout

Got booty goals? Let's get to work! Caroline Jordan - wellness coach, Equinox trainer, author, and booty expert - knows all about how to build a strong and powerful butt, and why it matters for more than just aesthetics.

"A more powerful butt will allow you to run faster, cycle stronger, and power walk up the fifth flight of stairs without losing your breath," said Caroline. It will also give you healthier knees, a pain-free lower back and hips, and even more energy. "At the end of the day, you should feel less tired and have more energy when you have a powerful butt."

To work that rump, Caroline shared five "booty-burning bodyweight exercises you can do right at home for a stronger, happier butt," and you don't even need equipment to get started, just a little space to move.

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