samedi 4 février 2017
Mom's Note to Stranger at McDonald's Who Got Involved When Her Toddler Wouldn't "Go Potty"
A stranger in a McDonald's bathroom overheard a typical fight between a mom and her toddler: the Kansas parent was trying to reason with her 3-year-old to pee before they left to get back in the car.
The stranger listened in as Tiffany Miller tried to explain to her daughter that it was a long drive home and she had to use the potty before they left. She also heard the child explain that she was afraid the toilet was going to flush while she was sitting on it. Despite her mother promising to block the sensor and prevent it from flushing, the little girl wouldn't comply, and promised to make it through the drive home without having an accident.
In a heartfelt thank you to this stranger posted on her Facebook, Tiffany explained what happened when the woman decided to step in. "You told her you would give her a bracelet if she would go potty for Mommy. She perked up and agreed," Tiffany wrote. "I turned to quickly put her on the potty (before she changed her mind). You told her the bracelet would be waiting outside the stall for her. I turned to say thank you, but you were already gone."
When the child finished using the bathroom she found a bracelet and a candy bar waiting outside her stall. "Her eyes lit up as she put the bracelet on after using the bathroom," Tiffany wrote. "We made it home to Wichita safely and she is currently sleeping soundly next to me . . . still wearing the bracelet."
Although the woman was gone before Tiffany could catch her name, she's grateful for this stranger's act of kindness: "I wish I could have thanked you in person, but maybe you will see this. If not, hopefully it inspires someone else to be kind like you were."
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