mardi 14 février 2017

Previously Abused Dog and Boy With Autism Have a Beyond Touching Unbreakable Bond

Lucas is a young boy with autism who has a difficult time socializing with people and Max is a previously abused rescue dog who feared human touch - that is, before he met Lucas.

"This picture is two years old but is still my favorite," Luke's mom wrote in a post on the Love What Matters Facebook page. "Lucas is slightly on the spectrum and has a hard time interacting with people. Max is an abused rescue dog who we saved from a life of mistreatment, which caused him to fear human touch, except for Lucas. They are best friends."

Although every child on the autism spectrum is different, many have difficulties with socialization, making a dog a perfect companion for so many reasons. However, because of Max's past, the pair's sweet unbreakable bond means so much more to them both. "Max is Luke's protector," Lucas's mom wrote. "They have taught each other so much. About trust, about love, about companionship. It's amazing to watch them together."

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